Dame Anne Warburton

British diplomat
Died on Thursday June 4th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Dame Anne Warburton:

@SysoonMemorial: Dame Anne Warburton (1927 - 2015), died at age 87 years: was a British diplomat who was the… http://t.co/5ezA4nzUPR #people #news #funeral

@EUNomanis: RIP Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat. Britain’s first woman ambassador, women’s rights campaigner and Cambridge college president

@KarenTheOne: RT @TimesObits: Dame Anne Warburton was the first woman to take up the post of a British ambassador — opening the way... http://t.co/NYFaQ…

@lizziespeller: RT @TimesObits: Dame Anne Warburton was the first woman to take up the post of a British ambassador — opening the way... http://t.co/NYFaQ…


@guan: RT @jeppeengell: Storbritanniens første kvindelige ambassadør startede i Danmark, hun er død og sikke en nekrolog http://t.co/Hu6ehtWxrW vi…

@AlexWEllis: We have c. 40 female Ambos now.Not enough. "@DavidGHFrost:Farewell UK's 1st female Ambassador.Will be much missed. http://t.co/k7sgny3uCx”

@jeppeengell: Storbritanniens første kvindelige ambassadør startede i Danmark, hun er død og sikke en nekrolog http://t.co/Hu6ehtWxrW via @HMAVivienLife

@AnglicanDK: RT @pauleenbang: RIP - the first woman ambassador to Denmark http://t.co/Xxg0j0RUfq

@pauleenbang: RIP - the first woman ambassador to Denmark http://t.co/Xxg0j0RUfq

@HMAVivienLife: RT @DavidGHFrost: Farewell UK's first, trailblazing, female Ambassador (a predecessor of mine in @UKinDenmark ). Will be much missed. http…

@UKinDenmark: RT @DavidGHFrost: Farewell UK's first, trailblazing, female Ambassador (a predecessor of mine in @UKinDenmark ). Will be much missed. http…

@m_matthiessen: RT @DavidGHFrost: Farewell UK's first, trailblazing, female Ambassador (a predecessor of mine in @UKinDenmark ). Will be much missed. http…

@ConStelz: RT @DavidGHFrost: Farewell UK's first, trailblazing, female Ambassador (a predecessor of mine in @UKinDenmark ). Will be much missed. http…

@DavidGHFrost: Farewell UK's first, trailblazing, female Ambassador (a predecessor of mine in @UKinDenmark ). Will be much missed. http://t.co/92D0U0On5J

@Yyadiloh: RT @GilesMacDonogh: Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary | via @Telegraph http://t.co/c5GJz7Bnhz

@Yyadiloh: Sad to see that Dame Anne Warburton has died. She was Predident of @LucyCavColl while I was there 1990-1994... https://t.co/xi1p0mDluQ

@KBH1: RT @Jan_Todd: Former president of Lucy Cavendish College, the wonderful Dame Anne Warburton, died yesterday. She was Britain's first female…

@BarrEllisonLaw: RT @LucyCavColl: Following her death we remember the significant role Dame Anne Warburton played in the development of Lucy Cavendish. http…

@saikyoushi: 4日Dame Anne Warburtonが死去。87歳。元イギリス駐デンマーク大使(76-83年)。同国初の女性大使を務めた。79年イギリス女王のデンマーク公式訪問に際して(女王から)ロイヤル・ヴィクトリア騎士団司令官騎士に、デンマーク女王からダネブロー騎士団大十字に叙された。

@WomeninMarketin: RT @LucyCavColl: Following her death we remember the significant role Dame Anne Warburton played in the development of Lucy Cavendish. http…

@LucyCavColl: Following her death we remember the significant role Dame Anne Warburton played in the development of Lucy Cavendish. http://t.co/eW4ZO08zfm

@annesebba: Dame Anne Warburton Britain's 1st woman Ambassador http://t.co/yhrhyTdFNH Wrote a book while in post #womencanmultitaskinsteadofcrying

@KulganofCrydee: Obituary: Dame Anne Warburton DCVO CMG http://t.co/KnYDUz4BeX <Britain's first woman ambassador, women's rights campaigner #RIP

@GilesMacDonogh: Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary | via @Telegraph http://t.co/c5GJz7Bnhz

@Strandhouse: Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary | via @Telegraph http://t.co/VIekEIdYd4

@officialbeejay: Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary: Britain's first woman ambassador, women's rights campaigner and Camb... http://t.co/nItK739uAx

@kellybello230: Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary: Britain's first woman ambassador, women's rights campaigner and Camb... http://t.co/ryDf9BvtTY

@sulthinar: Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary: Britain's first woman ambassador, women's rights campaigner and Camb... http://t.co/9DW0DK43c6

@iamidunnu: Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary: Britain's first woman ambassador, women's rights campaigner and Camb... http://t.co/vTZgxfUi8A

@goldenteamnews: Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary: Britain's first woman ambassador, women's rights campaigner and Camb... http://t.co/bcnsDem62A

@NG_DailyNews: #NigerianDailyNews Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary: Britain's first woman ambassador, wo... http://t.co/pqBiNxD4nB #World #News

@captain_luv: Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary: Britain's first woman ambassador, women's rights campaigner and Camb... http://t.co/grgDDzGPqx

@UKinDenmark: RT @HMAVivienLife: Remembering Dame Anne Warburton, 1st woman to take up post as a British Ambassador. Proud to follow in her footsteps htt…

@world_latest: New: Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary http://t.co/XbzQqKI7bp #follow Go to http://t.co/gb3gpd9Nlq and make free #money #world w…

@ftsnnewsdeskm: Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary http://t.co/gxOgCXnZ8A

@world_latest: New: Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary http://t.co/XbzQqKI7bp #follow Go to http://t.co/gb3gpd9Nlq and make free #money #world w…

@world_latest: New: Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary #news http://t.co/XbzQqKI7bp #follow (http://t.co/18xQ3FmuGE)

@world_latest: New: Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary http://t.co/XbzQqKI7bp #follow Go to http://t.co/gb3gpd9Nlq and make free #money #world

@ObituarySpotter: RT @TimesObits: Dame Anne Warburton was the first woman to take up the post of a British ambassador — opening the way... http://t.co/NYFaQ…

@telegraphobits: Dame Anne Warburton, diplomat - obituary: Britain's first woman ambassador, women's rights campaigner and Cambridge… http://t.co/luTPmNHBgK

@HMAVivienLife: Remembering Dame Anne Warburton, 1st woman to take up post as a British Ambassador. Proud to follow in her footsteps http://t.co/bN2RDQZ3b5

@UKinDenmark: RT @HMAVivienLife: So sad to read of the death of Dame Anne Warburton, my only female predecessor and 1st woman British Ambassador https:/…

@diplotwoops: DT HMAVivienLife: Remembering my predecessor, Dame Anne Warburton, first woman http://t.co/RFipVYYMsW

@josephdevanny: RT @HMAVivienLife: So sad to read of the death of Dame Anne Warburton, my only female predecessor and 1st woman British Ambassador https:/…

@jillongovt: RT @HMAVivienLife: So sad to read of the death of Dame Anne Warburton, my only female predecessor and 1st woman British Ambassador https:/…

@HMAVivienLife: So sad to read of the death of Dame Anne Warburton, my only female predecessor and 1st woman British Ambassador https://t.co/E4SjqfQRp7

@DorothyKing: RT @OliverKamm: Out obit for Dame Anne Warburton recounts breathtaking, scandalous fact of ban on married women diplomats till 1973. http:/…

@DorothyKing: RT @OliverKamm: Obit recalls Dame Anne Warburton's report into mass rapes of Bosnian women - another crime that Serb apologists deny. http:…

@OliverKamm: Obit recalls Dame Anne Warburton's report into mass rapes of Bosnian women - another crime that Serb apologists deny. http://t.co/r4rcn7e6kS

@OliverKamm: Out obit for Dame Anne Warburton recounts breathtaking, scandalous fact of ban on married women diplomats till 1973. http://t.co/fm3AmqatQ5

@LucyCavColl: RT @TimesWoman: Dame Anne Warburton the first woman to take up the post of a British ambassador http://t.co/IeCdn6vxE7 @LucyCavColl http://…

@samfish01: RT @TimesWoman: Dame Anne Warburton the first woman to take up the post of a British ambassador http://t.co/IeCdn6vxE7 @LucyCavColl http://…

@TimesWoman: Dame Anne Warburton the first woman to take up the post of a British ambassador http://t.co/IeCdn6vxE7 @LucyCavColl http://t.co/YeRsjBcUMs

@KBH1: Dame Anne Warburton http://t.co/uk1yI944IJ

@KBH1: Dame Anne Warburton, Britain’s first woman ambassador, dies at 87 http://t.co/G4NSRVdklG via @annistonstar

@TimesObits: Dame Anne Warburton was the first woman to take up the post of a British ambassador — opening the way... http://t.co/NYFaQyNFsE

@tuitUK: Dame Anne Warburton http://t.co/7Lo4I5xV1Y #TheTimes

@TimesObits: Dame Anne Warburton http://t.co/OThcQa3Kfs

@LucyCavColl: RT @lizziespeller: The astonishing life of Dame Anne Warburton, shatterer of glass ceilings, role model. A privilege to have known her htt…

@lizziespeller: The astonishing life of Dame Anne Warburton, shatterer of glass ceilings, role model. A privilege to have known her http://t.co/nrPjdJft9O

@tonycory152: RT @BBCSuffolk: Britain's first woman ambassador, Dame Anne Warburton, dies at her Suffolk home http://t.co/tWLw75lZAg http://t.co/iuODk6PN…

@BrknVictoriana: RT @Jan_Todd: Former president of Lucy Cavendish College, the wonderful Dame Anne Warburton, died yesterday. She was Britain's first female…

@BBCSuffolk: Britain's first woman ambassador, Dame Anne Warburton, dies at her Suffolk home http://t.co/tWLw75lZAg http://t.co/iuODk6PNQF

@WomeninMarketin: RT @Jan_Todd: Former president of Lucy Cavendish College, the wonderful Dame Anne Warburton, died yesterday. She was Britain's first female…

@LucyCavColl: RT @Jan_Todd: Former president of Lucy Cavendish College, the wonderful Dame Anne Warburton, died yesterday. She was Britain's first female…

@Jan_Todd: Former president of Lucy Cavendish College, the wonderful Dame Anne Warburton, died yesterday. She was Britain's first female ambassador.

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