Curt Hanson

American politician.
Died on Friday June 16th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Curt Hanson:

@CaffThoughts: ICYMI: Iowa State Representative Curt Hanson Dead at 73 - 8 years ago

@CaffThoughts: ICYMI: Following State Rep. Curt Hanson's death, @IAGovernor sets #HD82 special election for 8/8/17 #ialegis #iagov - 8 years ago

@naomicorrie: RT @IowaSOS: #iagov sets House District 82 special election for August 8 to fill vacancy created by passing of Rep. Curt Hanson of Fairfiel… - 8 years ago

@CaffThoughts: Following State Rep. Curt Hanson's death, @IAGovernor sets #HD82 special election for August 8 #ialegis #iagov - 8 years ago


@scott_corrie: RT @IowaSOS: #iagov sets House District 82 special election for August 8 to fill vacancy created by passing of Rep. Curt Hanson of Fairfiel… - 8 years ago

@TheJeffBurkett: RT @shanevanderhart: .@IAGovernor set the date for the #HD82 special election for August 8 following the recent death of State Rep. Curt Ha… - 8 years ago

@shanevanderhart: .@IAGovernor set the date for the #HD82 special election for August 8 following the recent death of State Rep. Curt… - 8 years ago

@OttumwaCourier: A special election has been called to fill the remainder of Rep. Curt Hanson's term. - 8 years ago

@DebiNagle: RT @IowaSOS: #iagov sets House District 82 special election for August 8 to fill vacancy created by passing of Rep. Curt Hanson of Fairfiel… - 8 years ago

@IowaSOS: #iagov sets House District 82 special election for August 8 to fill vacancy created by passing of Rep. Curt Hanson - 8 years ago

@930amWTAD: @IAGovernor Kim Reynolds sets special election to replace Curt Hanson in 82nd District in SE Iowa for August 8th. Hanson died Fri. - 8 years ago

@Jen17Lun: RT @iahousedemocrat: Iowa lost an exceptional public servant today with the passing of Rep. Curt Hanson. Our thoughts and prayers are with… - 8 years ago

@idaveprice: Here are funeral arrangements for Rep. Curt Hanson of Fairfield, who passed away after fighting cancer. - 8 years ago

@piusdominguez: RT @RomeoBaltimore: Ron Hanson, Curt Blefary, Al Bumbry, Eddie Murray, Cal Ripken Jr, Gregg Olson, and how about that Trey Mancini! #birdl… - 8 years ago

@RomeoBaltimore: Ron Hanson, Curt Blefary, Al Bumbry, Eddie Murray, Cal Ripken Jr, Gregg Olson, and how about that Trey Mancini! #birdland #ROY - 8 years ago

@courierwinona: RT @CourierTracy: Southeast Iowa has lost one of its state representatives - 8 years ago

@QStanerson: RT @JoshuaByrnes: Thoughts and prayers to Rep Curt Hanson and family. He was a great man and fought hard for his constituents. He will be… - 8 years ago

@SLReaves: RT @iahousedemocrat: Iowa lost an exceptional public servant today with the passing of Rep. Curt Hanson. Our thoughts and prayers are with… - 8 years ago

@HolleSharon: RT @mcguireforgov: Rep. Curt Hanson was a wonderful gentleman who always cared about others. - 8 years ago

@joelped33: RT @jonsheldahl: saddened to learn that Rep Curt Hanson passed away yesterday. He was a fine person and public servant and a friend to edu… - 8 years ago

@bdsnakeIowa: RT @jonsheldahl: saddened to learn that Rep Curt Hanson passed away yesterday. He was a fine person and public servant and a friend to edu… - 8 years ago

@oxley264: THE RIVER WILD 1994 BEHIND THE SCENES Director Curt Hanson with Meryl Streep Kevin Bacon David Strathairn - 8 years ago

@UniteBlueIA: RT @mcguireforgov: Rep. Curt Hanson was a wonderful gentleman who always cared about others. - 8 years ago

@ronmparker29: RT @SenatorRobHogg: Paul Gandy of Fairfield paying tribute to State Rep. Curt Hanson at Iowa Democratic Party 2nd Congressional District Wo… - 8 years ago

@plswails: RT @iahousedemocrat: Iowa lost an exceptional public servant today with the passing of Rep. Curt Hanson. Our thoughts and prayers are with… - 8 years ago

@CaffThoughts: ICYMI: Iowa State Representative Curt Hanson Dead at 73 #ialegis #iapolitics - 8 years ago

@markburgerenerg: RT @SenatorRobHogg: Paul Gandy of Fairfield paying tribute to State Rep. Curt Hanson at Iowa Democratic Party 2nd Congressional District Wo… - 8 years ago

@mikecarberry: RT @SenatorRobHogg: Paul Gandy of Fairfield paying tribute to State Rep. Curt Hanson at Iowa Democratic Party 2nd Congressional District Wo… - 8 years ago

@SenatorRobHogg: Paul Gandy of Fairfield paying tribute to State Rep. Curt Hanson at Iowa Democratic Party 2nd Congressional Distric… - 8 years ago

@mikecarberry: My heart is still breaking after hearing the news yesterday and my friend Curt Hanson passed away. He was a... - 8 years ago

@DawnaRickelz: RT @RepPrichard: Devastated at the loss of Rep. Curt Hanson. He was a mentor, a friend, and a dedicated Iowan. Diane and their family are i… - 8 years ago

@daakardior: RT @RepPrichard: Devastated at the loss of Rep. Curt Hanson. He was a mentor, a friend, and a dedicated Iowan. Diane and their family are i… - 8 years ago

@daakardior: RT @NateBoulton: "It was an honor to know Rep. Curt Hanson, whose legacy is one of integrity and dedication in public service." -NB https:/… - 8 years ago

@daakardior: RT @mcguireforgov: Rep. Curt Hanson was a wonderful gentleman who always cared about others. - 8 years ago

@mcguireforgov: Rep. Curt Hanson was a wonderful gentleman who always cared about others. - 8 years ago

@LPIowa: The Libertarian Party of Iowa sends our condolences to the family and friends of Representative Curt Hanson. - 8 years ago

@RIP2017x: RT @iahousedemocrat: Iowa lost an exceptional public servant today with the passing of Rep. Curt Hanson. Our thoughts and prayers are with… - 8 years ago

@KarloMdz: KCCINews: Iowa Rep. Curt Hanson has died - 8 years ago

@KCCINews: Iowa Rep. Curt Hanson has died - 8 years ago

@WHOhd: Fairfield Legislator Curt Hanson Passes Away - 8 years ago

@HallForIowa: RT @iahousedemocrat: Iowa lost an exceptional public servant today with the passing of Rep. Curt Hanson. Our thoughts and prayers are with… - 8 years ago

@TomPow53: RT @JeffDanielson: Thinking of Curt Hanson today. - 8 years ago

@JeffDanielson: Thinking of Curt Hanson today. - 8 years ago

@johnpemble: RT @JoshuaByrnes: Thoughts and prayers to Rep Curt Hanson and family. He was a great man and fought hard for his constituents. He will be… - 8 years ago

@EvolvingParty: Iowa Rep. Curt Hanson has died - KCCI Des Moines: - 8 years ago

@MakaylaAnn2: RT @iahousedemocrat: Iowa lost an exceptional public servant today with the passing of Rep. Curt Hanson. Our thoughts and prayers are with… - 8 years ago

@RandyOnEd: RT @jforbes1021: God bless Rep. Curt Hanson (D) of Fairfield. A retired educator and a conscientious, hardworking legislator - my... https:… - 8 years ago

@CaffThoughts: Iowa State Representative Curt Hanson Dead at 73 #ialegis #iapolitics - 8 years ago

@jb12617: RT @iahousedemocrat: Iowa lost an exceptional public servant today with the passing of Rep. Curt Hanson. Our thoughts and prayers are with… - 8 years ago

@5731965i: RT @iahousedemocrat: Iowa lost an exceptional public servant today with the passing of Rep. Curt Hanson. Our thoughts and prayers are with… - 8 years ago

@ronmparker29: RT @iahousedemocrat: Iowa lost an exceptional public servant today with the passing of Rep. Curt Hanson. Our thoughts and prayers are with… - 8 years ago

@WesBreckenridge: RT @iahousedemocrat: Iowa lost an exceptional public servant today with the passing of Rep. Curt Hanson. Our thoughts and prayers are with… - 8 years ago

@JoshuaByrnes: Thoughts and prayers to Rep Curt Hanson and family. He was a great man and fought hard for his constituents. He will be missed. - 8 years ago

@sathofar: RT @jonsheldahl: saddened to learn that Rep Curt Hanson passed away yesterday. He was a fine person and public servant and a friend to edu… - 8 years ago

@HolleSharon: RT @UniteBlueIA: Heartfelt Condolences to the family of Rep. Curt Hanson. He served his State and Country well and will be missed: #UniteBl… - 8 years ago

@HolleSharon: RT @kurth_monica: So sad to hear of the passing of Rep. Curt Hanson. Sympathy to his family and friends. Curt, thoughtful, caring..wry se… - 8 years ago

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