Cristina Nicolau

Romanian triple jumper.
Died on Thursday December 7th 2017

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Cristina Nicolau:

@Fatimadiame: RT @Joan_pelayo: Me acordaba de esta competición: Copa de Europa de clubs 31 Mayo 97 (Valencia): Inna Lasovskaya, 15.09 (-0,5), Sarka Kaspa… - 7 years ago

@billjavelin: RT @JOKIN4318: Ha fallecido a los 40 años la saltadora rumana Cristina ★Nicolau★ ● 14,94m indoor =➑ª mundial de la Hª ● ➊ Plata WCh indoor… - 7 years ago

@Joan_pelayo: Me acordaba de esta competición: Copa de Europa de clubs 31 Mayo 97 (Valencia): Inna Lasovskaya, 15.09 (-0,5), Sark… - 7 years ago

@JOKIN4318: Ha fallecido a los 40 años la saltadora rumana Cristina ★Nicolau★ ● 14,94m indoor =➑ª mundial de la Hª ● ➊ Plata WC… - 7 years ago


@najbrzi: RT @DobriBulgaria: On behalf of Balkan Athletics I am very sorry to hear that Cristina Nicolau, the 2000 European indoor triple jump silver… - 7 years ago

@DupratFlo: RT @Statman_Jon: Cristina Nicolau, the 2000 European indoor triple jump silver medallist and Romanian indoor record-holder (14.94m), has di… - 7 years ago

@EuroAthletics: RT @DobriBulgaria: On behalf of Balkan Athletics I am very sorry to hear that Cristina Nicolau, the 2000 European indoor triple jump silver… - 7 years ago

@iTripleJumpcouk: RT @Statman_Jon: Cristina Nicolau, the 2000 European indoor triple jump silver medallist and Romanian indoor record-holder (14.94m), has di… - 7 years ago

@actuathle: RT @Statman_Jon: Cristina Nicolau, the 2000 European indoor triple jump silver medallist and Romanian indoor record-holder (14.94m), has di… - 7 years ago

@gcral: RT @Statman_Jon: Cristina Nicolau, the 2000 European indoor triple jump silver medallist and Romanian indoor record-holder (14.94m), has di… - 7 years ago

@PfaffSC: RT @Statman_Jon: Cristina Nicolau, the 2000 European indoor triple jump silver medallist and Romanian indoor record-holder (14.94m), has di… - 7 years ago

@DobriBulgaria: On behalf of Balkan Athletics I am very sorry to hear that Cristina Nicolau, the 2000 European indoor triple jump s… - 7 years ago

@ordonez2424: RT @Statman_Jon: Cristina Nicolau, the 2000 European indoor triple jump silver medallist and Romanian indoor record-holder (14.94m), has di… - 7 years ago

@raulchapado: RT @Statman_Jon: Cristina Nicolau, the 2000 European indoor triple jump silver medallist and Romanian indoor record-holder (14.94m), has di… - 7 years ago

@polevaultpower: RT @Statman_Jon: Cristina Nicolau, the 2000 European indoor triple jump silver medallist and Romanian indoor record-holder (14.94m), has di… - 7 years ago

@Statman_Jon: Cristina Nicolau, the 2000 European indoor triple jump silver medallist and Romanian indoor record-holder (14.94m),… - 7 years ago

@GerardoCebrian: RT @gabyandersengz: Fallece, a los 40 años, Cristina Nicolau. Demasiado joven. - 7 years ago

@gabyandersengz: Fallece, a los 40 años, Cristina Nicolau. Demasiado joven. - 7 years ago

@HarriPiironen: Heli Koivulan EM-hopeafinaalissa viidenneksi sijoittunut Cristina Nicolau #RIP - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Cristina Nicolau is no longer with us - #CristinaNicolau #Cristina #Nicolau #rip - 7 years ago


@RomaniaRegional: Doliu în sportul românesc!Cristina Nicolau a murit! - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Cristina Nicolau (40) athletics competitor - 7 years ago

@ErtanHatipoglu: Cristina Nicolau, Romanya'nın en-başarılı atletlerinden biri, 40 yaşında aniden yaşamını yitirdi! Uzunda 6.64, yüks… - 7 years ago

@gabituvtr: A murit una dintre cele mai valoroase atlete din România de după Revoluţie. Medaliată cu argint la Europeanul din 2… - 7 years ago

@cipprian: RT @Agerpres_Sport: #Atletism: Fosta vicecampioană europeană la triplusalt Cristina #Nicolau a decedat la vârsta de 40 de ani – AGERPRES ht… - 7 years ago

@Agerpres_Sport: #Atletism: Fosta vicecampioană europeană la triplusalt Cristina #Nicolau a decedat la vârsta de 40 de ani – AGERPRES - 7 years ago

@hud_nicolau: RT @JornalOGlobo: Bolsonaro empregou ex-mulher e parentes dela no Legislativo. Deputado e filhos abrigaram em gabinetes Ana Cristina, seu p… - 7 years ago

@mateu_nicolau: RT @antoniobanos_: Hey compañeros @cristina_pardo y @DebatAlRojoVivo, que igual os interesa hacer un especial sobre ésto. En fin, por si no… - 7 years ago

@locatefamily: Cristina Sampietro from Spain is trying to locate Azoz Cata Nicolau and left a message at - 7 years ago

@ulyssusgirona: RT @Birrapedia: Nuevo libro Les 60 Millors Cerveses Artesanes De Catalunya de Cristina Nicolau Villellas y Roberto Pérez González - 7 years ago

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