Cristina Adela Foisor

Romanian Chess International Master.
Died on Sunday January 22nd 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Cristina Adela Foisor:

@WOMChess: RT @SusanPolgar: RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor, a Romanian Chess Legend! @WOMChess @Fide_chess Condolences to her family! - 8 years ago

@ChessClubLive: @IrinaBulmaga In Memoriam- Cristina Adela Foișor - 8 years ago

@checkmatetvshow: Sad news...#Chess champion Cristina Adela Foișor dies at the age of 49...RIP Cristina See more - 8 years ago

@ChessIndiaNet: #Chess Top story: The blog of Irina Bulmaga ;): In Memoriam- Cristina Adela Foi… - 8 years ago


@MarkTWIC: RT @IrinaBulmaga: "In Memoriam- Cristina Adela Foisor" - 8 years ago

@IrinaBulmaga: "In Memoriam- Cristina Adela Foisor" - 8 years ago

@albertoallen: #Romanian #Champion, Chess Champion Cristina Adela foisor dies at the age of 49. - 8 years ago

@DailyNewsEgypt: #Chess champion Cristina Adela Foișor dies at the age of 49 - 8 years ago

@EgyptTodayMag: Chess champion Cristina Adela Foișor dies at the age of 49 - 8 years ago

@chesswife: RT @ChessFansclub: Chess champion Cristina Adela Foișor dies at the age of 49 - Daily News Egypt - 8 years ago

@ChessFansclub: Chess champion Cristina Adela Foișor dies at the age of 49 - Daily News Egypt - 8 years ago

@egtribune: Chess champion Cristina Adela Foișor dies at the age of 49 - 8 years ago

@egtribune: Chess champion Cristina Adela Foișor dies at the age of 49 - 8 years ago

@chess_dp: In Memoriam ? IM Cristina Adela Foisor #adela - 8 years ago

@ChessTricks: In Memoriam – IM Cristina Adela Foisor - 8 years ago

@ChessClubLive: In Memoriam – IM Cristina Adela Foisor January 23, 2017 at 09:53PM - 8 years ago

@chessnews: In Memoriam – IM Cristina Adela Foisor - 8 years ago

@Sizilianisch: #Chess_bits #Chess_News #foisor In Memoriam – IM Cristina Adela Foisor: The long-time Romanian top… - 8 years ago

@Chess_World: In Memoriam – IM Cristina Adela Foisor - 8 years ago

@chessnotes: @chessdom reports: In Memoriam – IM Cristina Adela Foisor | - 8 years ago

@TimesofNews: Chess champion Cristina Adela Foișor dies at the age of 49 - 8 years ago

@checkmatetvshow: In Memoriam – IM Cristina Adela Foisor - 8 years ago

@FastChess: In Memoriam – IM Cristina Adela Foisor January 23, 2017 at 09:53PM - 8 years ago

@TerreauxGilles: RT @allthingschess: New article: Obituary – IM Cristina Adela Foisor read more at here - 8 years ago

@allthingschess: New article: Obituary – IM Cristina Adela Foisor read more at here - 8 years ago

@MarkTWIC: RT @ECUonline: In Memoriam Cristina Adela Foisor - 8 years ago

@DusanChess: RT @ECUonline: In Memoriam Cristina Adela Foisor - 8 years ago

@ChessClubLive: RT @SusanPolgar Obituary – IM Cristina Adela Foisor - 8 years ago

@Chesscombi10000: Obituary – IM Cristina Adela Foisor - 8 years ago

@SusanPolgar: Obituary - IM Cristina Adela Foisor - - 8 years ago

@GMzhuchen: Retweeted Susan Polgar (@SusanPolgar): RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor, a Romanian Chess Legend! @WOMChess... - 8 years ago

@GMzhuchen: RT @SusanPolgar: RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor, a Romanian Chess Legend! @WOMChess @Fide_chess Condolences to her family! - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Cristina Adela Foișor, Romanian chess International Master, Died at 49 - 8 years ago

@WhileTurning: RT @SusanPolgar: RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor, a Romanian Chess Legend! @WOMChess @Fide_chess Condolences to her family! - 8 years ago

@247timisoara: Doliu în șahul timișorean, marea campioană Cristina Adela Foișor s-a stins - 8 years ago

@AlejandroFrank_: RT @SusanPolgar: RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor, a Romanian Chess Legend! @WOMChess @Fide_chess Condolences to her family! - 8 years ago

@davidllada: RT @SusanPolgar: RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor, a Romanian Chess Legend! @WOMChess @Fide_chess Condolences to her family! - 8 years ago

@Moschess: RT @ECUonline: Sincere condolences to the family of the WGM Cristina Adela Foisor (07.06 1967 - 22.01.2017) and the Romanian Chess Federat… - 8 years ago

@andrei_alin: Marea maestră internaţională Cristina Adela Foişor s-a stins din viaţă la numai 49 de ani - 8 years ago

@wwwIREMINIScom: Romanian chess player Cristina Adela Foișor lived for 18127 days. Exactly as long as painters Roger Edward Kuntz and Zamy Steynovitz. RIP - 8 years ago

@NekropoleENG: Cristina Adela Foișor Chess player, Coach, - 8 years ago

@NekropoleInfoPL: Cristina-Adela Foișor trener, szachista, - 8 years ago

@joggrunner: Cristina Adela Foișor componentă de bază a echipei naționale de șah a murit duminică,după mai multe zile de comă, l… - 8 years ago

@teotsorb: RT @ECUonline: In Memoriam Cristina Adela Foisor - 8 years ago

@ECUonline: In Memoriam Cristina Adela Foisor - 8 years ago

@SFDeizisau: RT @SusanPolgar: RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor, a Romanian Chess Legend! @WOMChess @Fide_chess Condolences to her family! - 8 years ago

@StrategeryCG: RT @ECUonline: Sincere condolences to the family of the WGM Cristina Adela Foisor (07.06 1967 - 22.01.2017) and the Romanian Chess Federat… - 8 years ago

@kundan_kam: RT @SusanPolgar: RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor, a Romanian Chess Legend! @WOMChess @Fide_chess Condolences to her family! - 8 years ago

@MarticaFierro: RT @SusanPolgar: RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor, a Romanian Chess Legend! @WOMChess @Fide_chess Condolences to her family! - 8 years ago

@pcfilho: RIP Cristina Adela Foisor (As Pretas jogam e dão xeque-mate em 5 lances.) - 8 years ago

@M0X1: RT @SusanPolgar: RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor, a Romanian Chess Legend! @WOMChess @Fide_chess Condolences to her family! - 8 years ago

@AquarelaCosmica: RT @ECUonline: Sincere condolences to the family of the WGM Cristina Adela Foisor (07.06 1967 - 22.01.2017) and the Romanian Chess Federat… - 8 years ago

@joggrunner: RT @joggrunner: Cristina Adela Foișor componentă de bază a echipei naționale de șah a murit duminică,după mai multe zile de comă, la Spital… - 8 years ago

@Fide_chess: RT @ECUonline: Sincere condolences to the family of the WGM Cristina Adela Foisor (07.06 1967 - 22.01.2017) and the Romanian Chess Federat… - 8 years ago

@Fide_chess: RT @SusanPolgar: RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor, a Romanian Chess Legend! @WOMChess @Fide_chess Condolences to her family! - 8 years ago

@Nekrologium: Cristina-Adela Foișor, rumänische Schachspielerin, am 22.01.2017 mit 49 Jahren - - 8 years ago

@mariuscalin: RT @ThinkingSquares: #Chess We are sad to hear that Cristina Adela Foisor has passed away. Our most sincere condolences to the family. #T… - 8 years ago

@mariuscalin: RT @alinalami: Sad to no longer have one of the best Romanian chess players among us. RIP Cristina Adela Foisor. Condoleances @Foisor_Sabina - 8 years ago

@Chesscombi10000: RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor - 8 years ago

@ChessClubLive: RT @SusanPolgar RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor - 8 years ago

@SusanPolgar: RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor - - 8 years ago

@laghachess: RT @SusanPolgar: RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor, a Romanian Chess Legend! @WOMChess @Fide_chess Condolences to her family! - 8 years ago

@hectormamani: RT @SusanPolgar: RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor, a Romanian Chess Legend! @WOMChess @Fide_chess Condolences to her family! - 8 years ago

@SusanPolgar: RIP IM Cristina Adela Foișor, a Romanian Chess Legend! @WOMChess @Fide_chess Condolences to her family! - 8 years ago

@SalimHafezi: RT @alinalami: Sad to no longer have one of the best Romanian chess players among us. RIP Cristina Adela Foisor. Condoleances @Foisor_Sabina - 8 years ago

@ChessClubLive: RT @alinalami: Sad to no longer have one of the best Romanian chess players among us. RIP Cristina Adela Foisor. Condoleances @Foisor_Sabina - 8 years ago

@chesspain: RT @IrinaBulmaga: O zi deosibit de rece si trista! :( Cristina Adela Foisor -o femeie si o sahista deosebita, pe care am avut... - 8 years ago

@JokimDawar: RT @SFDeizisau: Die Schachfreunde Deizisau trauern um ihre Freundin und Frauenbundesligaspielerin WGM/IM Cristina-Adela Foisor, die nur 49… - 8 years ago

@bbalgabaev: RT @ECUonline: Sincere condolences to the family of the WGM Cristina Adela Foisor (07.06 1967 - 22.01.2017) and the Romanian Chess Federat… - 8 years ago

@IrinaBulmaga: O zi deosibit de rece si trista! :( Cristina Adela Foisor -o femeie si o sahista deosebita, pe care am avut... - 8 years ago

@abhraneel: RT @ThinkingSquares: #Chess We are sad to hear that Cristina Adela Foisor has passed away. Our most sincere condolences to the family. #T… - 8 years ago

@AlvarAlonso: RT @alinalami: Sad to no longer have one of the best Romanian chess players among us. RIP Cristina Adela Foisor. Condoleances @Foisor_Sabina - 8 years ago

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