Correlli Barnett

English military historian.
Died on Tuesday July 19th 2022

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn, Huey Williams

Tweets related to Correlli Barnett:

@adriangphillips: The recent, sad passing of Correlli Barnett prompted me to reread 'Britain and Her Army', which painfully set out h… - 3 years ago

@ianbonnar3: @ArchbishopStua1 @DickWinchester @DorothyBruce14 There was a very good article on the BBC website years ago written… - 3 years ago

@AlexHa1757: Everyone interested in the UK economy and Brexit should read the first chapter of The Lost Victory. - 3 years ago

@DenisHinds2: RT @guardianobits: Correlli Barnett obituary. Military historian whose books took aim at the myths of Britain’s wartime exploits and its po… - 3 years ago


@KenSchaefer18: "In 1933-37, when Germany enjoyed 48.3 per cent of the world's trade in machine tools, and the United States 35.3 p… - 3 years ago

@JamesMc89631483: Author and historian Correlli Barnett, 1927-2022 - Obituary - 3 years ago

@kiffr: RT @transdiffusion: - 3 years ago

@URESG76: RT @DEHEdgerton: Prompted by @johnpmerrick tweet remembering Correlli Barnett and his critics, and the lack of appreciation in obits of the… - 3 years ago

@gordygeorge88: RT @transdiffusion: - 3 years ago

@transdiffusion: - 3 years ago

@icpetrie: "Barnett spent most of his time in East Carleton, Norfolk, where his recreations included gardening, interior decor… - 3 years ago

@RichardToye: RT @WarrenDockter: - 3 years ago

@johnpmerrick: RT @DEHEdgerton: Prompted by @johnpmerrick tweet remembering Correlli Barnett and his critics, and the lack of appreciation in obits of the… - 3 years ago

@DEHEdgerton: Prompted by @johnpmerrick tweet remembering Correlli Barnett and his critics, and the lack of appreciation in obits… - 3 years ago

@johnpmerrick: *Correlli Barnett, obviously - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @guardianobits: Correlli Barnett obituary. Military historian whose books took aim at the myths of Britain’s wartime exploits and its po… - 3 years ago

@GeorgeB42409195: RT @TheWFA: In this personal account, Peter Simkins remembers historian Correlli Barnett from his days at the @IWM, working on the @BBC Gre… - 3 years ago

@ObitIndex: From Daily Express Obituaries - Author and historian Correlli Barnett, 1927-2022 - Obituary - 3 years ago

@nick_lloy: RT @TheWFA: In this personal account, Peter Simkins remembers historian Correlli Barnett from his days at the @IWM, working on the @BBC Gre… - 3 years ago

@whbrown1862: RT @TheWFA: In this personal account, Peter Simkins remembers historian Correlli Barnett from his days at the @IWM, working on the @BBC Gre… - 3 years ago

@ProfGSheffield: RT @TheWFA: In this personal account, Peter Simkins remembers historian Correlli Barnett from his days at the @IWM, working on the @BBC Gre… - 3 years ago

@neildrewitt: In 'The Lost Victory', Barnett claimed that Britain had not won WW2 but had merely been on the winning side. The po… - 3 years ago

@JonathanBoff: RT @TheWFA: In this personal account, Peter Simkins remembers historian Correlli Barnett from his days at the @IWM, working on the @BBC Gre… - 3 years ago

@Dubliner112: RT @TheWFA: In this personal account, Peter Simkins remembers historian Correlli Barnett from his days at the @IWM, working on the @BBC Gre… - 3 years ago

@GermanoDottori: RT @pelizza_simone: E' scomparso nei giorni scorsi Correlli Barnett, noto storico militare britannico. Aveva 95 anni. Tra i suoi libri, da… - 3 years ago

@Clarembaldo: RT @pelizza_simone: E' scomparso nei giorni scorsi Correlli Barnett, noto storico militare britannico. Aveva 95 anni. Tra i suoi libri, da… - 3 years ago

@AllertonComms: Not much discussed now but boy did he have things to say about modern Britain.... - 3 years ago

@marcoleofrigio: RT @pelizza_simone: E' scomparso nei giorni scorsi Correlli Barnett, noto storico militare britannico. Aveva 95 anni. Tra i suoi libri, da… - 3 years ago

@pelizza_simone: E' scomparso nei giorni scorsi Correlli Barnett, noto storico militare britannico. Aveva 95 anni. Tra i suoi libri,… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Correlli Barnett has passed away - #CorrelliBarnett #Correlli #Barnett #rip - 3 years ago

@GuildofBG: RT @stevesmith1944: A sad loss, his book on the Great War, published by Marks & Spencer in the 70s, helped to fuel my imagination & helped… - 3 years ago

@CoraxBzh: 1) I am sad. Correlli Barnett died a few days ago. He was one of my favorite historians and the man who shaped my v… - 3 years ago

@CoraxBzh: Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected #Britain’s historical and pre… - 3 years ago

@KenSchaefer18: "Covenants without swords are but words" ─ Thomas Hobbes _The Collapse of British Power_ by Correlli Barnett p243 - 3 years ago

@dcshiels: RT @AmIRightSir: The historian Corelli Barnett, who was also a consultant & writer on the BBC’s ‘The Great War’ series, has died age 95: ht… - 3 years ago

@dcshiels: RT @ChuArchives: Correlli (Bill) Barnett, Keeper of the Archives @ChuArchives, 1977-1995, died on 10 July, aged 95. A relentless pursuer of… - 3 years ago

@bigdougdblo7: RT @stevesmith1944: A sad loss, his book on the Great War, published by Marks & Spencer in the 70s, helped to fuel my imagination & helped… - 3 years ago

@willsheehan68: RT @TheWFA: It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of military historian Correlli Barnett, President of @TheWFA 1998 to… - 3 years ago

@ProfGSheffield: RT @TheWFA: It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of military historian Correlli Barnett, President of @TheWFA 1998 to… - 3 years ago

@Redbhoy1888: RT @ColinOReilly4: - 3 years ago

@Panzerfrank: @MaxineDavid @bennosaurus @TelePolitics Now that England has squandered its Industry, my thinking turns towards whe… - 3 years ago

@mehercle: - 3 years ago

@philipvmurphy: RT @ColinOReilly4: - 3 years ago

@Panzerfrank: Britain was still “stuck like a gumboot in a bog” in its imperial past, distracted from a recognition of modern rea… - 3 years ago

@Grant_Morgan81: RT @ColinOReilly4: - 3 years ago

@MrSushi1: RT @robert_lyman: Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s historical and present st… - 3 years ago

@thephilippics: Interesting obit of heterodox military historian Correlli Barnett, arguably the intellectual eminence grise of Brit… - 3 years ago

@robinthemint: RT @Taff_Gillingham: Very sorry to hear of the death of historian Correlli ‘Bill’ Barnett at the age of 95. Bill once referred to the Khaki… - 3 years ago

@tm1fox: Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s historical and pres… - 3 years ago

@DrAlexJoffe: Bill Barnett was a fine, insightful historian and iconoclast, and his support for my research was important and rea… - 3 years ago

@BenMcCroryFBI: Correlli Barnett has died. - 3 years ago

@AlwynTurner: RT @ChuArchives: Correlli (Bill) Barnett, Keeper of the Archives @ChuArchives, 1977-1995, died on 10 July, aged 95. A relentless pursuer of… - 3 years ago

@drchrisnewton: RT @KeechA13: Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s historical and present status… - 3 years ago

@VicJulianTwit: RT @stonec0ld1: - 3 years ago

@KeechA13: Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s historical and pres… - 3 years ago

@stonec0ld1: - 3 years ago

@OldRoberts953: Just seen Correlli Barnett’s obituary - one of the kind that causes you to gasp ‘He was still alive!?!’ - 3 years ago

@james_frosty: Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s historical and pres… - 3 years ago

@Rrory: Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s historical and pres… - 3 years ago

@KnightRustyArm: RT @GilesMacDonogh: Death of Correlli Barnett, military historian with controversial views. - 3 years ago

@sproghlehead: RT @ColinOReilly4: - 3 years ago

@MandeepBajwa: RT @ProfGSheffield: I'm very sorry to hear that Correlli Barnett - 'Bill' - has died aged 95. He was my predecessor but one as President of… - 3 years ago

@GillHistory: RT @ChuArchives: Correlli (Bill) Barnett, Keeper of the Archives @ChuArchives, 1977-1995, died on 10 July, aged 95. A relentless pursuer of… - 3 years ago

@HistorianBlood: RT @Mott_Mason: Brilliant 2008 article by great military historian. Corelli Barnett : - 3 years ago

@StephenClarkeNZ: RT @TheWFA: It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of military historian Correlli Barnett, President of @TheWFA 1998 to… - 3 years ago

@nick_lloy: RT @TheWFA: It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of military historian Correlli Barnett, President of @TheWFA 1998 to… - 3 years ago

@Airminded: RT @primeadam: Correlli Barnett Remembered 1927-2022 | The Western Front Association - 3 years ago

@jamesofputney: While Correlli Barnett's legacy as a historian will, I imagine, always be contested, his work in establishing the C… - 3 years ago

@ExoThinker: RT @JTasioulas: “He deplored the British habit of “assuming moral leadership” and of issuing “international dud cheques” – its practice of… - 3 years ago

@TheWFA: An interview with Correlli Barnett undertaken by the WFA at our 2011 AGM can be seen here > - 3 years ago

@robpatrob: RT @TheWFA: It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of military historian Correlli Barnett, President of @TheWFA 1998 to… - 3 years ago

@TheWFA: It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of military historian Correlli Barnett, President of… - 3 years ago

@primeadam: Correlli Barnett Remembered 1927-2022 | The Western Front Association - 3 years ago

@JTasioulas: “He deplored the British habit of “assuming moral leadership” and of issuing “international dud cheques” – its prac… - 3 years ago

@ChuArchives: Correlli (Bill) Barnett, Keeper of the Archives @ChuArchives, 1977-1995, died on 10 July, aged 95. A relentless pur… - 3 years ago

@dmk1793: RT @colm_m: I've just seen from @ChuArchives that Correlli Barnett has passed. I'd be very curious to read a set… - 3 years ago

@npjgarland: RT @colm_m: I've just seen from @ChuArchives that Correlli Barnett has passed. I'd be very curious to read a set… - 3 years ago

@colm_m: I've just seen from @ChuArchives that Correlli Barnett has passed. I'd be very curious to… - 3 years ago

@Griffiths_John: You can't be too sad about the death of a 95 year old. But it's worthwhile to mark the passing of a historian who o… - 3 years ago

@totallytanked1: A good innings for an always interesting historian. Vale Corelli Barnett - 3 years ago

@TrinitySchAlumn: RT @ChemistryChrisA: A few decades ago when I was at Trinity School, I was fortunate enough to have Correlli Barnett visit the school for a… - 3 years ago

@ChemistryChrisA: A few decades ago when I was at Trinity School, I was fortunate enough to have Correlli Barnett visit the school fo… - 3 years ago

@AlineDobbie: RT @ColinOReilly4: - 3 years ago

@JarrieSam: RT @ColinOReilly4: - 3 years ago

@stevesmith1944: A sad loss, his book on the Great War, published by Marks & Spencer in the 70s, helped to fuel my imagination & hel… - 3 years ago

@TheWFA: RT @ProfGSheffield: I'm very sorry to hear that Correlli Barnett - 'Bill' - has died aged 95. He was my predecessor but one as President of… - 3 years ago

@selcukuygur: RT @robert_lyman: Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s historical and present st… - 3 years ago

@EdwardWild1: RT @telegraphobits: Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s historical and present… - 3 years ago

@HGWDavie: RT @Taff_Gillingham: Very sorry to hear of the death of historian Correlli ‘Bill’ Barnett at the age of 95. Bill once referred to the Khaki… - 3 years ago

@davidcoppin: RT @Taff_Gillingham: Very sorry to hear of the death of historian Correlli ‘Bill’ Barnett at the age of 95. Bill once referred to the Khaki… - 3 years ago

@ColinOReilly4: - 3 years ago

@LandOfHistory: RT @ProfGSheffield: I'm very sorry to hear that Correlli Barnett - 'Bill' - has died aged 95. He was my predecessor but one as President of… - 3 years ago

@LandOfHistory: RT @DoctorCPhillips: Sad news about the death of Correlli Barnett. When I was seeking funding for my PhD he wrote me a very kind letter wis… - 3 years ago

@fryattstreet: RT @telegraphobits: Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s historical and present… - 3 years ago

@Rokewood: A major figure, with whom I disagreed on much. A military historian of great distinction. But more than even that.… - 3 years ago

@Rokewood: RT @ProfGSheffield: I'm very sorry to hear that Correlli Barnett - 'Bill' - has died aged 95. He was my predecessor but one as President of… - 3 years ago

@telegraphobits: Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s historical and pres… - 3 years ago

@MHS_NSW: RT @ProfGSheffield: I'm very sorry to hear that Correlli Barnett - 'Bill' - has died aged 95. He was my predecessor but one as President of… - 3 years ago

@RJohnsonCCW1: RT @ProfGSheffield: I'm very sorry to hear that Correlli Barnett - 'Bill' - has died aged 95. He was my predecessor but one as President of… - 3 years ago

@Numungba: Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s historical and pres… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Correlli Barnett has passed away - #CorrelliBarnett #Correlli #Barnett #rip - 3 years ago

@patmdennis: RT @ProfGSheffield: I'm very sorry to hear that Correlli Barnett - 'Bill' - has died aged 95. He was my predecessor but one as President of… - 3 years ago

@KenSchaefer18: "If you call a thing communism, you can do what you like to it, and get away with it." ─Edward Thompson. Liberal jo… - 3 years ago

@osymandus: RT @ProfGSheffield: I'm very sorry to hear that Correlli Barnett - 'Bill' - has died aged 95. He was my predecessor but one as President of… - 3 years ago

@chrisjprice67: RT @ProfGSheffield: I'm very sorry to hear that Correlli Barnett - 'Bill' - has died aged 95. He was my predecessor but one as President of… - 3 years ago

@AuthorWelland: RT @ProfGSheffield: I'm very sorry to hear that Correlli Barnett - 'Bill' - has died aged 95. He was my predecessor but one as President of… - 3 years ago

@LeadheadPhd: RT @WargamesB: Farewell Correlli Barnett - 3 years ago

@cjdoran1: RT @ProfGSheffield: I'm very sorry to hear that Correlli Barnett - 'Bill' - has died aged 95. He was my predecessor but one as President of… - 3 years ago

@_paullay: RT @robert_lyman: ⁦@MrMaitra⁩ Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s historical a… - 3 years ago

@MrMaitra: RT @robert_lyman: ⁦@MrMaitra⁩ Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s historical a… - 3 years ago

@keithhann: RT @AmIRightSir: The historian Corelli Barnett, who was also a consultant & writer on the BBC’s ‘The Great War’ series, has died age 95: ht… - 3 years ago

@robert_lyman: ⁦@MrMaitra⁩ Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s histor… - 3 years ago

@AdolphusSpriggs: RT @BriW74: Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s historical and present status i… - 3 years ago

@rpjenner: RT @AmIRightSir: The historian Corelli Barnett, who was also a consultant & writer on the BBC’s ‘The Great War’ series, has died age 95: ht… - 3 years ago

@415447z: RT @AmIRightSir: The historian Corelli Barnett, who was also a consultant & writer on the BBC’s ‘The Great War’ series, has died age 95: ht… - 3 years ago

@WargamesB: Farewell Correlli Barnett - 3 years ago

@Moonbootica: RT @AmIRightSir: The historian Corelli Barnett, who was also a consultant & writer on the BBC’s ‘The Great War’ series, has died age 95: ht… - 3 years ago

@DavidMapstone: I assumed Corelli Barnett had been dead for years. “The Collapse of British Power” came out in 1972 but should be r… - 3 years ago

@BriW74: Correlli Barnett, military historian who was unafraid to make enemies as he dissected Britain’s historical and pres… - 3 years ago

@AmIRightSir: The historian Corelli Barnett, who was also a consultant & writer on the BBC’s ‘The Great War’ series, has died age… - 3 years ago

@SusanahLouise: RT @ProfGSheffield: I'm very sorry to hear that Correlli Barnett - 'Bill' - has died aged 95. He was my predecessor but one as President of… - 3 years ago

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