
Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that are typically mild, such as some cases of the common cold (among other possible causes, predominantly rhinoviruses), though rarer forms can be lethal, such as SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. Symptoms vary in other species: in chickens, they cause an upper respiratory tract disease, while in cows and pigs they cause diarrhea. There are yet to be vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections.
Died on Tuesday March 3rd 2020

View other recent people: Vladimir Kosykh, Henry P. Monaghan, Britt Allcroft

Tweets related to Coronavirus:

@jccostalesc: RT @GuzmanVE_: #LoÚltimo | Santiago Abascal, da positivo al #Coronavirus tras realizarse una prueba privada. Abascal es diputado y presid… - 5 years ago

@AuraValenzuela2: RT @prensa_libre: #Ahora | Autoridades de Salud informan que no hay casos de coronavirus confirmados en Guatemala. - 5 years ago

@retuties: RT @cant_infinita: Es momento de seguir las indicaciones de las autoridades sanitarias para frenar el #Coronavirus #Covid_19. Mientras tant… - 5 years ago

@catarinavaz1001: RT @mednessssss: Ninguém: Coronavírus: - 5 years ago


@lil22gz: RT @PlayoffNugs: “Traveling can be one of the easiest ways to contract Coronavirus” Harden: - 5 years ago

@LucasCvr_22: RT @pablocarrozza: Lo único que voy a decir sobre el coronavirus: lavarse las manos, usar alcohol en gel, estornudar en el antebrazo, no to… - 5 years ago

@empty_pocket70: RT @codeofvets: GOD BLESS AMERICA Something Good Can Come From Adversity! BUY AMERICAN MADE IN AMERICA Can I Get An Amen?! ‘Buy America… - 5 years ago

@omarsapio04: RT @spitta1969: Alberto Fernández, sobre el coronavirus: "Tenemos que evitar que comience a circular como virus argentino". Se me ocurren t… - 5 years ago

@phaded_dubfix: RT @CTULocal1: We could go on. This isn't "CTU sticking it" to the powers that be, either. These are our members. We have been in close con… - 5 years ago

@xxanandra: no me da ansiedad el coronavirus me da ansiedad la peña q está puto loca - 5 years ago

@patriciaanttila: RT @ashlikesramen: I CANT DIE FROM CORONAVIRUS I HAVENT EVEN LOST MY VIRGINITY YET - 5 years ago

@caccunamatata: RT @sergiohuidobro: Jair Bolsonaro contrajo el Coronavirus. Mucha fuerza, virus. Estamos contigo. - 5 years ago

@pilielorriaga: RT @IaraABrito_: Coronavirus te metiste con los días de cancha, esto ya es personal. - 5 years ago

@whoisgrimaldi: RT @JustinPGoodman: Senate Republican just blocked the following 3 bills to help people impacted by the coronavirus: - 14 days of emerge… - 5 years ago

@Hombre_Alado_: RT @JCastillista: LA LÍNEA: Respecto al sacerdote internado en hospital Rebagliati, no viajo al extranjero hace muchos años. La pregunta, e… - 5 years ago

@DirtyDozenR1: Coronavirus: Arsenal head coach Mikel Arteta tests positive for COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@jwhoopes2: RT @susankey_key: It feels as life is suspended... - 5 years ago

@ulubra_: RT @ObKim_: Premier semestre : grèves. Second semestre : Coronavirus. What a time to be un étudiant français - 5 years ago

@MacedaPaulina: PINCHE CORONAVIRUS - 5 years ago

@babymerida: Ya con esta vaina de coronavirus voy a dejar un hueco en mi cama de todo el tiempo que me la voy a pasar echada por… - 5 years ago

@__phynx: RT @AlyciaTyre: This coronavirus needs to hurry up and disappear out of nowhere so we can go back to living our best lives and have toilet… - 5 years ago

@savvyhampton: RT @EthanBlack22: Am I like the only one who doesn’t care or isn’t worried about the coronavirus? - 5 years ago

@duncaninla: RT @graceblakeley: At this stage, it is highly likely that we are all understating the likely economic impact of Coronavirus. A thread on… - 5 years ago

@billingsgazette: Montana Gov. Steve Bullock on Thursday said he signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency in Montana… - 5 years ago

@LeonelZPAI: RT @tevoyacureosear: [URGENTE] Sociólogos del conicet prueban una posible cura al coronavirus en un paciente infectado, la misma trata de… - 5 years ago

@dampagne: RT @PoojaMedia: Guys should calm down with the panic. The testing positive for Coronavirus is not instant death sentence. It can be manag… - 5 years ago

@pepehuisa: RT @JUANMARIAHDEZ: #lanoche24h ¿ Quién realmente es nuestro aliado? ¿ EE.UU. o China? EE.UU.. nos machaca a aranceles y cortan las líneas a… - 5 years ago

@nauelit: RT @martinpiro: El coronavirus es un virus que te hace hablar todo el día sobre el coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ORDiane: RT @brianschatz: 3 urgent care facilities now offering drive-through coronavirus tests in Hawaii - 5 years ago

@Lloyd_Testerman: RT @DollaTreeRibeye: 'Researchers from the University of Tennessee reportedly have discovered a chemical compound that could lead to a poss… - 5 years ago

@dhanan_44: RT @Football__Tweet: OFFICIAL: Arsenal's match with Brighton on Saturday has been postponed after the news of Mikel Arteta's positive coron… - 5 years ago

@AllenCo02888652: Coronavirus is unable to exist because uncivilized people are able to make themselves sick and cunningly attack! - 5 years ago

@itssjazminee: RT @ABC7: DISNEYLAND CLOSURE: The temporary closure of the #Disneyland Resort will go into effect this Saturday and will last through the e… - 5 years ago

@BritezMicka: RT @Mireyafleitas: Mi mochila de la facultad: -Alcohol en gel para el coronavirus -Off para el dengue -Cargador de celular(xq curso 9 hs y… - 5 years ago

@PatoSolar: RT @OsRideau: Cacha que en el matinal del CHV llamaron al director de la OMS para preguntarle que qué recomendaba por el coronavirus. Él le… - 5 years ago

@WhatsonPhobos: RT @paulsperry_: BREAKING: S. Korea significantly reducing lethality of coronavirus by prescribing a chloroquine diphosphate salt + zinc tr… - 5 years ago

@JoanneCowan18: RT @AnaCabrera: JUST IN: An American Airlines pilot has tested positive for #coronavirus, according to the airline and a second source fami… - 5 years ago

@supersa98247610: RT @evoespueblo: No debemos estigmatizar ni menos criminalizar a las personas que están infectadas con el coronavirus. Son personas a las q… - 5 years ago

@Marfil56360761: RT @barcademar: Coronavirus: Alberto Fernández amplía la emergencia sanitaria y suspende vuelos desde zonas de riesgo #SaberParaPrevenir 🔴… - 5 years ago

@misterios32: RT @undosytess: Voy a ver supervivientes que al fin y al cabo van a ser los únicos que se salven del coronavirus y la humanidad depende de… - 5 years ago

@Ashantay9: RT @trintrin181: This Coronavirus got everybody going crazy y'all better open y'all bibles, believe what you read and TRUST GOD!! No evil… - 5 years ago

@jordy_wnc: RT @LakeShowYo: LeBron cooking up a coronavirus cure so he can resume his championship season - 5 years ago

@AbdillahMuadh: RT @ElySmain: Les seuls qui ce sentent pas concernés par le coronavirus c’est les casaniers, qu’il passe au stade 3 ou pas de toute façon ç… - 5 years ago

@_LuJordao: RT @Defensoriasp: Para diminuir risco de contágio do novo Coronavírus, atendimento presencial na Defensoria fica restrito a casos urgentes… - 5 years ago

@1kSwayy: RT @AbdiTV: International students vs Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@TotoDeAgua: RT @briantylercohen: Holy shit. Katie Porter holds the CDC Director's feet to the fire and gets him to commit to FREE TESTING for coronavir… - 5 years ago

@barrabasxj600s: @rafaleyole @angel_garco hace foto real para ser algo en twitter? o tener amiguetes? me la suda enormemente tu ide… - 5 years ago

@alert_ve: RT @GuerreroCuba: Así celebran los anegados médicos Chinos el cierre del primer hospital provisional en Wuhan para la atención a pacientes… - 5 years ago

@XoxoCiny: RT @SethAbramson: MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: NPR Source Says Trump Blocked Coronavirus Testing in January to Aid His Reelection Chances By Keepin… - 5 years ago

@CubsFanGuy: RT @evanFmoore: How to get tested for coronavirus - Chicago Sun-Times - 5 years ago

@lampisquan: RT @TsrmPstrp_FR: [#fisioterapisti] Proposta di rimodulazione degli interventi fisioterapici: nota congiunta delle Commissioni d’Albo dei F… - 5 years ago

@rafaelorozco40: RT @brunosgarzini: "El coronavirus es una fantasía de los medios", afirmó ayer Jair Bolsonaro Hoy se confirma que su jefe prensa fue diag… - 5 years ago

@BrentBousum1: RT @BleacherReport: Breaking: Donovan Mitchell has tested positive for the coronavirus, per @wojespn - 5 years ago

@LulyMondino: RT @NicolasColman_: Yo esperando al coronavirus con mi caja de quraplus - 5 years ago

@TheBigBrownGirl: RT @jkempcpa: This is unbelievably stupid. He was making light of the Coronavirus & touched all the media outlets’ mics and recorders. Th… - 5 years ago

@SLAHC: RT @washingtonpost: Disney is closing its California theme parks as a coronavirus precaution - 5 years ago

@bmmbelbi: RT @bundlebottom: Club promoters be like: 🚨ATTENTION🚨 CORONAVIRUS IS SPREADING AND THE ONLY CURE....IS TO SHAKE THAT ASS AT PATRIOT NIGHTCL… - 5 years ago

@LemonLover51467: RT @BradyGlass3: Coronavirus isn’t getting into my fraternity house without naming at least 5 actives - 5 years ago

@joyce_fany: RT @fgg23: Corea: No salgan Europa: No viajen Estados Unidos: Aíslense Francia: POR ÚLTIMA VEZ, LA COCAÍNA NO SIRVE CONTRA EL CORONAVIRUS - 5 years ago

@kvd91_: RT @Sup7ven: Coronavirus Entreprise de pompe funèbre - 5 years ago

@jose_espinoza73: RT @Expresoec: Ante la pandemia del coronavirus, Quito, a través de su alcalde Jorge Yunda, anuncia las siguientes medidas de prevención:… - 5 years ago

@Toni03890305: RT @myriam81: Che sia di lezione a tutti quelli che pensano (ragazzi giovani),che il Coronavirus infetti solo gli anziani!! #IoStoACasa #St… - 5 years ago

@Caliaggie2: RT @meagan_wlk17: News: Coronavirus is serious Black people: Man who gives AF News: NBA cancelled Black people: Damn this shit is serious - 5 years ago

@deesujei: RT @lakerhov: 2020 so far: 1. World War 3 almost happened 2. Kobe Bryant's death 3. Corona Virus 5. Tom Hanks has coronavirus 6. The NBA S… - 5 years ago

@jonez_crazy: RT @AfricaFactsZone: Passengers at the Kigali Bus Park in Rwanda must wash their hands before being allowed on the buses to help prevent th… - 5 years ago

@kim_miluu: RT @fgg23: Corea: No salgan Europa: No viajen Estados Unidos: Aíslense Francia: POR ÚLTIMA VEZ, LA COCAÍNA NO SIRVE CONTRA EL CORONAVIRUS - 5 years ago

@Shannon_Simone: RT @CNN: Democratic Rep. Katie Porter pressed the CDC chief during a congressional hearing to agree that the agency will pay for testing fo… - 5 years ago

@michelle_minney: @chrislhayes Which is why this is happening - 5 years ago

@formulaEszn: RT @Hussein13i: Coronavirus trying to leave Sarri’s body after seeing his blick lungs - 5 years ago

@ASTROBLACK__: RT @lavienrosies: cardi b distorcida falando coronavirus esse eh o tweet - 5 years ago

@virgona_agustin: RT @MaruCaballero03: San Martín desde hace nose cuantos días está bajo semejante nube de humo que no se puede ni respirar al salir a la cal… - 5 years ago

@BiciLerma2: RT @DanielaNitza: Ya @MuySuFrida lo tuiteó hoy: ¿dónde está nuestro Secretario de Salud Jorge Alcocer? Quien (mal)está haciendo su trabaj… - 5 years ago

@EmilioRM13_33: RT @SebasDecker: Así está el mapa futbolístico de Sudamérica para este fin de semana por el coronavirus (23:20 GMT): 🇪🇨🇦🇷🇵🇾🇧🇴: Se juega a… - 5 years ago

@TheOpemz: RT @AfricaFactsZone: Nigeria being used as a good example of tackling the spread of Coronavirus. Only two cases have been recorded in Niger… - 5 years ago

@MarianaMonti_: RT @AleeeOrphant: Lo único que me preocupa del Coronavirus es perder el año en la facultad. Antes que eso prefiero que me mate - 5 years ago

@fyrebear: RT @mshap2: Some league protocols outlined during the NBA’s coronavirus suspension: • No team practices • Players must stay in home market… - 5 years ago

@AdrianWein: RT @mesch: Por el Coronavirus Santa Cruz suspende las clases desde hace casi 3 años. - 5 years ago

@ZincdRedux: Coronavirus confirmed act of Godly vengeance, Satans minions on earth are attempting to thwart it - 5 years ago

@Brianperini22: Culpa del coronavirus del ojete no podemos ir a Brasil y el canna se quedó sin paraguas por feo - 5 years ago

@maxo_60: RT @Dulce_Moncada: Suspenden LaLiga, MLS, Liga de Campeones de Concacaf, Liga de Portugal, Holanda, Italia. NBA, pretemporada de GL, ATP, e… - 5 years ago

@kunhardtphoto: RT @NewYorker: A bioethics expert discusses lack of health insurance, sick-time coverage, and other significant factors influencing the res… - 5 years ago

@309Cobra69: RT @CallingBSonU: There was no need to biologically weaponize the coronavirus because political weaponization is easier and just as effecti… - 5 years ago

@K_Sudarsan: RT @FabrizioRomano: Mikel Arreta has been found positive to Coronavirus 🔴 #Arsenal #AFC - 5 years ago

@DCaposito: RT @boredjuni: coronavirus this coronavirus that.... can we talk about me for a second?? - 5 years ago

@omosh_jeff: RT @BarackObama: If you’re wondering whether it’s an overreaction to cancel large gatherings and public events (and I love basketball), her… - 5 years ago

@amatevos: RT @FunesCartagena: ¿Son o se hacen? Frenar las interpelaciones y suspender el trabajo de la comisión especial que investiga los hechos del… - 5 years ago

@Cheryl_Sanders1: RT @ananavarro: I’ve tried not to be political re Coronavirus. But Jesus Christ. Kushner leading response? What emergency management experi… - 5 years ago

@EliudPak007: RT @ZairianKing: Ayyy @CoronaVirus I heard Katie Hopkins called you a bitch, personally I wouldn’t have that👀 - 5 years ago

@BrandonBhola: RT @IGN: Disney has indefinitely postponed the release of The New Mutants, a film that was scheduled to be released on April 3 following se… - 5 years ago

@vpstreamcolovr: RT @InternetHippo: I’ve decided to put my active dating life on hold due to the coronavirus. I am sorry for any inconvenience this causes.… - 5 years ago

@GreenlifeSteffy: RT @Conflits_FR: 🇫🇷 FLASH - Des médecins alertent sur la dangerosité du #COVID19 : des personnes jeunes et sans pathologie peuvent être gr… - 5 years ago

@sofia_robledo98: RT @jfcajfca: si el gobierno no va a hacer nada,si nos organizamos y lavamos las manos cada vez que lean “coronavirus”, dejamos de ir a lug… - 5 years ago

@RecklessKelly77: RT @CTVNews: Princess Cruises suspending global operations for 60 days - 5 years ago

@raynman123: Justin Trudeau self-quarantines amid coronavirus outbreak after wife exhibits flu-like symptoms… - 5 years ago

@TolstoyInfinit1: RT @funder: BREAKING: Moscow Mitch McConnell says he won’t look at House relief bill for coronavirus for another 12 days. This is absolutel… - 5 years ago

@MJGarciaKCMO: RT @NBCNews: "The system is not really geared to what we need right now," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy… - 5 years ago

@Keii2yourheart: RT @dxkvng: Coronavirus can’t beat God so I’m good 🙌🏽 - 5 years ago

@thatbamma: RT @HistoriaNoPaint: O mais engraçado dessa situação do coronavírus é que eu tenho certeza que duas coisas irão acontecer: algum casal irá… - 5 years ago

@TGU_Kondo: Mikel Arteta: Arsenal manager tests positive for coronavirus - 5 years ago

@RAtheG_d: RT @a_reformed: All this coronavirus is doing is exposing how inherently flawed every system in the U.S is. Every. Single. System. - 5 years ago

@alvaroxflash: RT @Utrilla16: Al Mercadona a por papel higiénico #coronavirus #COVID19 - 5 years ago

@Corvid19Update: RT @BNODesk: BREAKING: Houston Independent School District, one of the largest in the U.S., closes all schools until March 30 due to corona… - 5 years ago

@Ressencess: RT @BleacherReport: Breaking: Arsenal announces that manager Mikel Arteta has tested positive for the coronavirus - 5 years ago

@WordyRaelle: RT @seattlesymphony: Starting tonight at 7:30pm PDT we are offering video broadcasts and livestreams to share strength, comfort and unity w… - 5 years ago

@LucasBitelo: RT @LilithLovett: The coronavirus is FUCKED - 5 years ago

@Renato_SVP: RT @BolsonaroSP: AO VIVO agora PR @jairbolsonaro e Min Saúde @lhmandetta ,ambos com máscaras protetoras, na live semanal do Presidente. El… - 5 years ago

@LPinderTV: RT @scdhec: DHEC is investigating two new possible cases of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. This brings the total number of presumptive pos… - 5 years ago

@ashually: RT @BarackObama: If you’re wondering whether it’s an overreaction to cancel large gatherings and public events (and I love basketball), her… - 5 years ago

@xmarianaaaa: RT @dampmaria2: coronavirus - 5 years ago

@StephenMahf: RT @carpebohemian: Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson: we have coronavirus. Chet Hanks: - 5 years ago

@FlorciBvr: RT @keviingalle: Y si hacemos el hilo definitivo de los personajes que nos esta dejando el coronavirus? - 5 years ago

@Carobailey864: RT @Cernovich: It was Democrats and media establishment who first mocked anyone rising concerns about coronavirus. Even today your side’s… - 5 years ago

@SaraRobles135: RT @EnfrmraSaturada: 🏥 Que el sistema sanitario colapse es algo que te afecta. Aunque estés sano. Aunque el coronavirus te dé síntomas leve… - 5 years ago

@WeslenGomes15: @ainhatefanni Ora ora, a esquerda compartilhando fake News - 5 years ago

@margauxmrte: RT @fabbrdinho: Mdrr le CoronaVirus c’était juste l’Apéro c’est sa ? - 5 years ago

@Elisarauj_: coronavírus** - 5 years ago

@joanitaa_21: RT @ajbrehm24: Corona’s for Coronavirus will 100% be a philanthropy event at some fraternity - 5 years ago

@nashcole4: RT @Lacazest: News coming out that Arteta tested positive for the Coronavirus. Get well soon Boss... - 5 years ago

@ofeliapb: RT @alefnz: Él es el Dr. Rafael Frías, venezolano, microbiólogo y genetista especializado en coronavirus y hoy descubrió una vacuna 100% ef… - 5 years ago

@casimedicos: Actúa con responsabilidad por ti, POR TODOS! #YoMeQuedoEnCasa #QuédateEnCasa Teléfonos de información para la ciuda… - 5 years ago

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