RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @ChasingMoonBk: Colin Cantwell, who worked on 2001: A Space Odyssey and Star Wars has died. In 1969 he was the “brain” of CBS News’s “HA…
- 3 years ago
RT @ChasingMoonBk: Colin Cantwell, who worked on 2001: A Space Odyssey and Star Wars has died. In 1969 he was the “brain” of CBS News’s “HA…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @StarWarsRenmei: 90歳でお亡くなりになったコンセプトアーティスト、コリン・キャントウェル氏が手掛けてきた模型の数々
- 3 years ago
RT @StarWarsRenmei: 90歳でお亡くなりになったコンセプトアーティスト、コリン・キャントウェル氏が手掛けてきた模型の数々
- 3 years ago
RT @rebelpelicano: Farewell, Mr. Colin Cantwell, one of the "founding fathers" of Star Wars. He didn't just design the first X-Wing, TIE Fi…
- 3 years ago
RT @ChristosXanthak: in loving memory of
Colin Cantwell, an animator, conceptual artist and computer expert who played significant producti…
- 3 years ago
RT @ChristosXanthak: in loving memory of
Colin Cantwell, an animator, conceptual artist and computer expert who played significant producti…
- 3 years ago
RT @NPR: Colin Cantwell, the behind-the-scenes designer who dreamt up several of the famous spacecraft that rocketed through the Star Wars…
- 3 years ago
RT @paul_franklin_: Short but good obit about Colin Cantwell, designer of the X-Wing for Star Wars, and much more. The story about the Deat…
- 3 years ago
RT @KulganofCrydee: Concept artist Colin Cantwell who designed iconic Star Wars aircraft - including the X-wing - dead at 90: Longtime Holl…
- 3 years ago
RT @mem_somerville: Colin Cantwell, ‘Star Wars’ Spacecraft Designer, Dies at 90 | Wow. He got TB. He did early #scicomm at NASA! "developin…
- 3 years ago
RT @pasqjame: Wanted to give my respects on the #StarWars grapevine for Colin Cantwell. 😔 Without him, we would have some of the most iconi…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @mem_somerville: Colin Cantwell, ‘Star Wars’ Spacecraft Designer, Dies at 90 | Wow. He got TB. He did early #scicomm at NASA! "developin…
- 3 years ago
RT @mem_somerville: Colin Cantwell, ‘Star Wars’ Spacecraft Designer, Dies at 90 | Wow. He got TB. He did early #scicomm at NASA! "developin…
- 3 years ago
RT @mem_somerville: Colin Cantwell, ‘Star Wars’ Spacecraft Designer, Dies at 90 | Wow. He got TB. He did early #scicomm at NASA! "developin…
- 3 years ago
RT @pascalblanche: #INSPIRATION: Remembering Colin Cantwell. The original designer of the Death Star and other iconic space fighters. RIP m…
- 3 years ago
RT @pascalblanche: #INSPIRATION: Remembering Colin Cantwell. The original designer of the Death Star and other iconic space fighters. RIP m…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @pascalblanche: #INSPIRATION: Remembering Colin Cantwell. The original designer of the Death Star and other iconic space fighters. RIP m…
- 3 years ago
RT @pascalblanche: #INSPIRATION: Remembering Colin Cantwell. The original designer of the Death Star and other iconic space fighters. RIP m…
- 3 years ago
RT @pascalblanche: #INSPIRATION: Remembering Colin Cantwell. The original designer of the Death Star and other iconic space fighters. RIP m…
- 3 years ago
RT @pascalblanche: #INSPIRATION: Remembering Colin Cantwell. The original designer of the Death Star and other iconic space fighters. RIP m…
- 3 years ago
RT @pascalblanche: #INSPIRATION: Remembering Colin Cantwell. The original designer of the Death Star and other iconic space fighters. RIP m…
- 3 years ago
RT @pascalblanche: #INSPIRATION: Remembering Colin Cantwell. The original designer of the Death Star and other iconic space fighters. RIP m…
- 3 years ago
RT @pascalblanche: #INSPIRATION: Remembering Colin Cantwell. The original designer of the Death Star and other iconic space fighters. RIP m…
- 3 years ago
RT @pascalblanche: #INSPIRATION: Remembering Colin Cantwell. The original designer of the Death Star and other iconic space fighters. RIP m…
- 3 years ago
RT @pascalblanche: #INSPIRATION: Remembering Colin Cantwell. The original designer of the Death Star and other iconic space fighters. RIP m…
- 3 years ago
RT @StanleyKubrick: On Saturday we lost 2001: A Space Odyssey space scene concept designer, Colin Cantwell.
Cantwell was the creator of…
- 3 years ago
RT @Werthead: RIP Colin Cantwell, the designer of the X-wing starfighter, Star Destroyer and Death Star (among many others)
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @seradata: Colin Cantwell: Inspirational designer of Star Wars fictional spacecraft has passed away at the age of 90
- 3 years ago
RT @sw_holocron: Colin Cantwell has passed away. Cantwell designed the X-Wing and many other Star Wars ships during his illustrious career.…
- 3 years ago
- 3 years ago
RT @denverpost: Colin Cantwell, the Colorado resident who designed the spacecraft in the “Star Wars” films, has died. He was 90.
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @efero_patricia: I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:
Star Wars spacecraft designer Colin Cantwell dies aged 90 - https…
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @f_francavilla: Unsung legend of movies, concept artist COLIN CANTWELL, has passed away. The Man started at NASA & went on to work on sc…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RIP Colin Cantwell.
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @f_francavilla: Unsung legend of movies, concept artist COLIN CANTWELL, has passed away. The Man started at NASA & went on to work on sc…
- 3 years ago
RT @rischisseur: Colin Cantwell (1932-2022)
Der Konstrukteur des X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Y-Wing, Sandcrawler, Landspeeder, der Tantive IV und…
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @paul_franklin_: Short but good obit about Colin Cantwell, designer of the X-Wing for Star Wars, and much more. The story about the Deat…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @GuyBirkin: Rip Colin Cantwell, who:
Studied at Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural school
Worked with NASA
Invented the first color moni…
- 3 years ago
RT @GuyBirkin: Rip Colin Cantwell, who:
Studied at Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural school
Worked with NASA
Invented the first color moni…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @ScoutTheTrooper: Today we lost an absolute legend in the design world.
Colin Cantwell was instrumental in crafting the look and feel…
- 3 years ago
RT @HumanoidHistory: STAR WARS concept art by Colin Cantwell (1932-2022)
- 3 years ago
RT @GuyBirkin: Rip Colin Cantwell, who:
Studied at Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural school
Worked with NASA
Invented the first color moni…
- 3 years ago
RT @GuyBirkin: Rip Colin Cantwell, who:
Studied at Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural school
Worked with NASA
Invented the first color moni…
- 3 years ago
RT @komrikmania: RIP Colin Cantwell, desainer Star Wars yang menciptakan seabrek spacecraft dari filmnya, mulai X-Wing sampai Death Star.…
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @GuyBirkin: Rip Colin Cantwell, who:
Studied at Frank Lloyd Wright's architectural school
Worked with NASA
Invented the first color moni…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @Sorastros: RIP Colin Cantwell, and thank you for the amazing designs that are now burned into the memories and imaginations of so many!…
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @paul_franklin_: Short but good obit about Colin Cantwell, designer of the X-Wing for Star Wars, and much more. The story about the Deat…
- 3 years ago
RT @f_francavilla: Unsung legend of movies, concept artist COLIN CANTWELL, has passed away. The Man started at NASA & went on to work on sc…
- 3 years ago
RT @bibliotecaJedi: Hoy nos levantamos con la triste noticia del fallecimiento de Colin Cantwell, artista conceptual conocido por su trabaj…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN_es: Muere Colin Cantwell, el artista conceptual que diseñó el X-Wing de Star Wars, la Estrella de la Muerte y más:
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @tropestormers: #RIP Colin Cantwell - Legendary Star Wars Spacecraft designer and the reason we lost so many hours to #RogueSquadron & #…
- 3 years ago
RT @starwarsweblog: 『スター・ウォーズ エピソード4/新たなる希望』の宇宙船やビークルのコンセプトアートと、それを元にしたモデルを制作したコリン・キャントウェルが90歳で逝去されました。Xウィングやタイ・ファイター、スター・デストロイヤーなど数々のデザインの…
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @kameraascisi: Star Wars uçaklarını ve İmparatorluğun en ölümcül silahı ve ayrıca İmparatorluğun merkezi üssü olan Death Star'ı yaratan…
- 3 years ago
RT @elmundocultura: Ha muerto Colin Cantwell, el creador de la Estrella de la Muerte y las naves más legendarias de Star Wars
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheTreyinator: RIP Colin Cantwell. You might know him for creating the Death Star, the X-Wing, and many more designs in Star Wars. I ha…
- 3 years ago
RT @wireditalia: L'artista ha contribuito anche ad altri capolavori della fantascienza come 2001: Odissea nello spazio e WarGames.
- 3 years ago
RT @wireditalia: L'artista ha contribuito anche ad altri capolavori della fantascienza come 2001: Odissea nello spazio e WarGames.
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @TomSpinaDesigns: Our hearts go out to family and friends of original #StarWars concept artist and modelmaker Colin Cantwell (1932–2022)…
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @rischisseur: Colin Cantwell (1932-2022)
Der Konstrukteur des X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Y-Wing, Sandcrawler, Landspeeder, der Tantive IV und…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @komrikmania: RIP Colin Cantwell, desainer Star Wars yang menciptakan seabrek spacecraft dari filmnya, mulai X-Wing sampai Death Star.…
- 3 years ago
RT @komrikmania: RIP Colin Cantwell, desainer Star Wars yang menciptakan seabrek spacecraft dari filmnya, mulai X-Wing sampai Death Star.…
- 3 years ago
RT @starwarsweblog: 『スター・ウォーズ エピソード4/新たなる希望』の宇宙船やビークルのコンセプトアートと、それを元にしたモデルを制作したコリン・キャントウェルが90歳で逝去されました。Xウィングやタイ・ファイター、スター・デストロイヤーなど数々のデザインの…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @komrikmania: RIP Colin Cantwell, desainer Star Wars yang menciptakan seabrek spacecraft dari filmnya, mulai X-Wing sampai Death Star.…
- 3 years ago
RT @TomSpinaDesigns: Our hearts go out to family and friends of original #StarWars concept artist and modelmaker Colin Cantwell (1932–2022)…
- 3 years ago
RT @komrikmania: RIP Colin Cantwell, desainer Star Wars yang menciptakan seabrek spacecraft dari filmnya, mulai X-Wing sampai Death Star.…
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @f_francavilla: Unsung legend of movies, concept artist COLIN CANTWELL, has passed away. The Man started at NASA & went on to work on sc…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @HumanoidHistory: STAR WARS concept art by Colin Cantwell (1932-2022)
- 3 years ago
RT @CBR: Colin Cantwell, the concept artist behind iconic Star Wars spacecraft like TIE fighters and the Death Star, dies at the age of 90.…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @starwarsweblog: 『スター・ウォーズ エピソード4/新たなる希望』の宇宙船やビークルのコンセプトアートと、それを元にしたモデルを制作したコリン・キャントウェルが90歳で逝去されました。Xウィングやタイ・ファイター、スター・デストロイヤーなど数々のデザインの…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @HumanoidHistory: STAR WARS concept art by Colin Cantwell (1932-2022)
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @starwarsweblog: 『スター・ウォーズ エピソード4/新たなる希望』の宇宙船やビークルのコンセプトアートと、それを元にしたモデルを制作したコリン・キャントウェルが90歳で逝去されました。Xウィングやタイ・ファイター、スター・デストロイヤーなど数々のデザインの…
- 3 years ago
RT @starwarsweblog: 『スター・ウォーズ エピソード4/新たなる希望』の宇宙船やビークルのコンセプトアートと、それを元にしたモデルを制作したコリン・キャントウェルが90歳で逝去されました。Xウィングやタイ・ファイター、スター・デストロイヤーなど数々のデザインの…
- 3 years ago
RT @DailyMailCeleb: Hollywood concept artist, Colin Cantwell, who designed iconic Death Star spacecraft for the 'Star Wars' has died age 90…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @KTLA: Cantwell designed the prototypes for the X-wing Starfighter, TIE fighter and Death Star. He also worked on films including “2001:…
- 3 years ago
RT @MailOnline: Hollywood concept artist, Colin Cantwell, who designed iconic Death Star spacecraft for the 'Star Wars' has died age 90 ht…
- 3 years ago
RT @KTLA: Cantwell designed the prototypes for the X-wing Starfighter, TIE fighter and Death Star. He also worked on films including “2001:…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @RollingStone: Colin Cantwell, the concept artist and designer credited with creating many of Star Wars’ iconic spacecrafts — including…
- 3 years ago
RT @sw_holocron: Colin Cantwell has passed away. Cantwell designed the X-Wing and many other Star Wars ships during his illustrious career.…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @BurnettRM: I can't not comment on the passing of one of cinema's great designers. How many dreams of mine did this man fuel...? RIP: ht…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSWU: We are saddened to report the passing of Colin Cantwell at the age of 90.
Cantwell was one of the first people George Lucas h…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @HumanoidHistory: STAR WARS concept art by Colin Cantwell (1932-2022)
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @MailOnline: Hollywood concept artist, Colin Cantwell, who designed iconic Death Star spacecraft for the 'Star Wars' has died age 90 ht…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @HumanoidHistory: STAR WARS concept art by Colin Cantwell (1932-2022)
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @sw_holocron: Colin Cantwell has passed away. Cantwell designed the X-Wing and many other Star Wars ships during his illustrious career.…
- 3 years ago
Colin Cantwell, the man who designed Star Wars craft including the Death Star, TIE fighter, the Star Destroyer and X-wing died aged 90.
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @kyabetsumade: Colin Cantwellさんが亡くなられました。
- 3 years ago
RT @501stLegion: The 501st Legion was saddened today to hear of the passing of Star Wars Concept Artist and Honorary Member Colin Cantwell.…
- 3 years ago
RT @MailOnline: Hollywood concept artist, Colin Cantwell, who designed iconic Death Star spacecraft for the 'Star Wars' has died age 90 ht…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @MailOnline: Hollywood concept artist, Colin Cantwell, who designed iconic Death Star spacecraft for the 'Star Wars' has died age 90 ht…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @MailOnline: Hollywood concept artist, Colin Cantwell, who designed iconic Death Star spacecraft for the 'Star Wars' has died age 90 ht…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @kyabetsumade: Colin Cantwellさんが亡くなられました。
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @HumanoidHistory: STAR WARS concept art by Colin Cantwell (1932-2022)
- 3 years ago
RT @ScoutTheTrooper: Today we lost an absolute legend in the design world.
Colin Cantwell was instrumental in crafting the look and feel…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @501stLegion: The 501st Legion was saddened today to hear of the passing of Star Wars Concept Artist and Honorary Member Colin Cantwell.…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @sw_holocron: Colin Cantwell has passed away. Cantwell designed the X-Wing and many other Star Wars ships during his illustrious career.…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @RufusTSuperfly: RIP Colin Cantwell
He worked on 2001: A Space Odyssey, Close Encounters, Wargames & designed the X-wing, TIE fighter, S…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @IGN: Colin Cantwell was the concept artist who's most famously known for his iconic designs of various Star Wars ships including the X-…
- 3 years ago
RT @HumanoidHistory: STAR WARS concept art by Colin Cantwell (1932-2022)
- 3 years ago
RT @arodriguezf3d: Ha fallecido a los 90 años Colin Cantwell, diseñador de naves tan icónicas como el X-Wing, el TIE Fighter o la Estrella…
- 3 years ago
RT @RufusTSuperfly: RIP Colin Cantwell
He worked on 2001: A Space Odyssey, Close Encounters, Wargames & designed the X-wing, TIE fighter, S…
- 3 years ago
RT @CBR: Colin Cantwell, the concept artist behind iconic Star Wars spacecraft like TIE fighters and the Death Star, dies at the age of 90.…
- 3 years ago
RT @HumanoidHistory: STAR WARS concept art by Colin Cantwell (1932-2022)
- 3 years ago
RT @HumanoidHistory: STAR WARS concept art by Colin Cantwell (1932-2022)
- 3 years ago
RT @FanthaTracks: Colin Cantwell is now at one with the force. Godspeed.
The designer of the xwing & tie fighter and many other Star War…
- 3 years ago
RT @ScoutTheTrooper: Today we lost an absolute legend in the design world.
Colin Cantwell was instrumental in crafting the look and feel…
- 3 years ago
RT @kershed: Very sad to hear of the passing of Colin Cantwell, the first #StarWars designer. He based the X-Wing on a dart from a pub game…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
RT @orko_8: Yıldız Savaşları filmlerindeki X-Wing, Y-Wing, TIE Fighter, Yıldız Destroyeri başta olmak üzere pek çok efsanevi tasarımın mima…
- 3 years ago
RT @sw_holocron: Colin Cantwell has passed away. Cantwell designed the X-Wing and many other Star Wars ships during his illustrious career.…
- 3 years ago
RT @orko_8: Yıldız Savaşları filmlerindeki X-Wing, Y-Wing, TIE Fighter, Yıldız Destroyeri başta olmak üzere pek çok efsanevi tasarımın mima…
- 3 years ago
RT @CBR: Colin Cantwell, the concept artist behind iconic Star Wars spacecraft like TIE fighters and the Death Star, dies at the age of 90.…
- 3 years ago
RT @CBR: Colin Cantwell, the concept artist behind iconic Star Wars spacecraft like TIE fighters and the Death Star, dies at the age of 90.…
- 3 years ago
RT @ScoutTheTrooper: Today we lost an absolute legend in the design world.
Colin Cantwell was instrumental in crafting the look and feel…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
RT @CBR: Colin Cantwell, the concept artist behind iconic Star Wars spacecraft like TIE fighters and the Death Star, dies at the age of 90.…
- 3 years ago
RT @GIRODPATRICE: Je viens d’apprendre le décès de Colin Cantwell le premier designer engagé sur Star Wars et qui avait auparavant travaill…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheTreyinator: RIP Colin Cantwell. You might know him for creating the Death Star, the X-Wing, and many more designs in Star Wars. I ha…
- 3 years ago
RT @TomSpinaDesigns: Our hearts go out to family and friends of original #StarWars concept artist and modelmaker Colin Cantwell (1932–2022)…
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @ScoutTheTrooper: Today we lost an absolute legend in the design world.
Colin Cantwell was instrumental in crafting the look and feel…
- 3 years ago
RT @ScoutTheTrooper: Today we lost an absolute legend in the design world.
Colin Cantwell was instrumental in crafting the look and feel…
- 3 years ago
RT @GavRov: Another legend has left us: Colin Cantwell
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @TheTreyinator: RIP Colin Cantwell. You might know him for creating the Death Star, the X-Wing, and many more designs in Star Wars. I ha…
- 3 years ago
RT @Clayton_Sandell: Colin Cantwell, visionary designer and builder of iconic #StarWars ships including the X-wing, TIE fighter and Death S…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: I was playing Lego Skywalker Saga with my son when we stumbled across the T-16 Skyhopper.
Even though Colin Cantwell…
- 3 years ago
RT @Clayton_Sandell: Colin Cantwell, visionary designer and builder of iconic #StarWars ships including the X-wing, TIE fighter and Death S…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
RT @Clayton_Sandell: Colin Cantwell, visionary designer and builder of iconic #StarWars ships including the X-wing, TIE fighter and Death S…
- 3 years ago
RT @GavRov: Another legend has left us: Colin Cantwell
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheTreyinator: RIP Colin Cantwell. You might know him for creating the Death Star, the X-Wing, and many more designs in Star Wars. I ha…
- 3 years ago
RT @Clayton_Sandell: Colin Cantwell, visionary designer and builder of iconic #StarWars ships including the X-wing, TIE fighter and Death S…
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
RT @Lafosadelrancor: Si queréis ver todo el impresionante e imprescindible trabajo de Colin Cantwell durante su dilatada carrera, podéis pa…
- 3 years ago
RT @Lafosadelrancor: Nuestro admirado Colin Cantwell se ha hecho uno con la Fuerza. Siempre nos quedará su increíble trabajo en 'Buck Roger…
- 3 years ago
RT @blast_points: Thank you Colin Cantwell. ❤️
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @GalacticProds: Rest easy sweet friend.
Photo circa 2018.
“Create something that people can not unthink.”
-Colin Cantwell
- 3 years ago
RT @agraphafx: As we learned in other threads, these images are part of a computer pre-vis system designed for BUCK ROGERS tv series, in 19…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
RT @Clayton_Sandell: Colin Cantwell, visionary designer and builder of iconic #StarWars ships including the X-wing, TIE fighter and Death S…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: I was playing Lego Skywalker Saga with my son when we stumbled across the T-16 Skyhopper.
Even though Colin Cantwell…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
RT @agraphafx: If only there were a video with Colin Cantwell talking about the creation of computer graphics for the movie WARGAMES.
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: I was playing Lego Skywalker Saga with my son when we stumbled across the T-16 Skyhopper.
Even though Colin Cantwell…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
Rest easy sweet friend.
Photo circa 2018.
“Create something that people can not unthink.”
-Colin Cantwell
- 3 years ago
RT @agraphafx: You can see a more developed version of the sketch for an imperial fighter that eventually became the TIE fighter for Star W…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
RT @agraphafx: “Spielberg originally toyed with the idea of using computer generated images to create the aliens and their ships, even goin…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
RT @GIRODPATRICE: Je viens d’apprendre le décès de Colin Cantwell le premier designer engagé sur Star Wars et qui avait auparavant travaill…
- 3 years ago
RT @FanthaTracks: Colin Cantwell is now at one with the force. Godspeed.
The designer of the xwing & tie fighter and many other Star War…
- 3 years ago
RT @FanthaTracks: Colin Cantwell is now at one with the force. Godspeed.
The designer of the xwing & tie fighter and many other Star War…
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: I was playing Lego Skywalker Saga with my son when we stumbled across the T-16 Skyhopper.
Even though Colin Cantwell…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: I was playing Lego Skywalker Saga with my son when we stumbled across the T-16 Skyhopper.
Even though Colin Cantwell…
- 3 years ago
RT @GIRODPATRICE: Je viens d’apprendre le décès de Colin Cantwell le premier designer engagé sur Star Wars et qui avait auparavant travaill…
- 3 years ago
RT @FanthaTracks: Colin Cantwell is now at one with the force. Godspeed.
The designer of the xwing & tie fighter and many other Star War…
- 3 years ago
RT @Clayton_Sandell: Colin Cantwell, visionary designer and builder of iconic #StarWars ships including the X-wing, TIE fighter and Death S…
- 3 years ago
RT @MexicanGarrison: Hoy es un día triste para el mundo y para nuestra querida saga con la partida de Colin Cantwell.
Visionario diseñador…
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @FanthaTracks: Colin Cantwell is now at one with the force. Godspeed.
The designer of the xwing & tie fighter and many other Star War…
- 3 years ago
RT @FanthaTracks: Colin Cantwell is now at one with the force. Godspeed.
The designer of the xwing & tie fighter and many other Star War…
- 3 years ago
RT @FanthaTracks: Colin Cantwell is now at one with the force. Godspeed.
The designer of the xwing & tie fighter and many other Star War…
- 3 years ago
RT @GIRODPATRICE: Je viens d’apprendre le décès de Colin Cantwell le premier designer engagé sur Star Wars et qui avait auparavant travaill…
- 3 years ago
RT @FanthaTracks: Colin Cantwell is now at one with the force. Godspeed.
The designer of the xwing & tie fighter and many other Star War…
- 3 years ago
RT @GIRODPATRICE: Je viens d’apprendre le décès de Colin Cantwell le premier designer engagé sur Star Wars et qui avait auparavant travaill…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheTreyinator: RIP Colin Cantwell. You might know him for creating the Death Star, the X-Wing, and many more designs in Star Wars. I ha…
- 3 years ago
RT @TodayinTor: RIP Colin Cantwell, original designer of the Millennium Falcon, Star Destroyer, X-Wing, Tie Fighter and Death Star.
Lucas t…
- 3 years ago
RT @Clayton_Sandell: Colin Cantwell, visionary designer and builder of iconic #StarWars ships including the X-wing, TIE fighter and Death S…
- 3 years ago
RT @TalkingBay94: RIP to the great Colin Cantwell: the orginal designer of starships, a Star Wars legend, and a good man.
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
RT @FanthaTracks: Colin Cantwell is now at one with the force. Godspeed.
The designer of the xwing & tie fighter and many other Star War…
- 3 years ago
RT @FanthaTracks: Colin Cantwell is now at one with the force. Godspeed.
The designer of the xwing & tie fighter and many other Star War…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheTreyinator: RIP Colin Cantwell. You might know him for creating the Death Star, the X-Wing, and many more designs in Star Wars. I ha…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheTreyinator: RIP Colin Cantwell. You might know him for creating the Death Star, the X-Wing, and many more designs in Star Wars. I ha…
- 3 years ago
RT @torlegion: Collin Cantwell es uno con la Fuerza.
Colin fue un Artista conceptual quien diseño las más iconicas naves de #StarWars en…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheTreyinator: RIP Colin Cantwell. You might know him for creating the Death Star, the X-Wing, and many more designs in Star Wars. I ha…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheTreyinator: RIP Colin Cantwell. You might know him for creating the Death Star, the X-Wing, and many more designs in Star Wars. I ha…
- 3 years ago
RT @TodayinTor: RIP Colin Cantwell, original designer of the Millennium Falcon, Star Destroyer, X-Wing, Tie Fighter and Death Star.
Lucas t…
- 3 years ago
@FanthaTracks @scotcregan @colin_cantwell
- 3 years ago
RT @MexicanGarrison: Hoy es un día triste para el mundo y para nuestra querida saga con la partida de Colin Cantwell.
Visionario diseñador…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
RT @FanthaTracks: Colin Cantwell is now at one with the force. Godspeed.
The designer of the xwing & tie fighter and many other Star War…
- 3 years ago
RT @TheSpaceshipper: Rest in peace Colin Cantwell, one my designer heroes. He worked on 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Buck Rogers.…
- 3 years ago
RT @FanthaTracks: Colin Cantwell is now at one with the force. Godspeed.
The designer of the xwing & tie fighter and many other Star War…
- 3 years ago