Col. Bruce Hampton

American musician (Col. Bruce Hampton and The Aquarium Rescue Unit).
Died on Tuesday May 2nd 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Col. Bruce Hampton:

@you4gold2: RT @HWAmericans: Friends and Family, please consider a donation to the fund set up to help Col. Bruce Hampton's family. This is... https:/… - 8 years ago

@TRPSorg: A Celebration of Col. Bruce Hampton 70 silkscreen rock poster by Jeff Wood. 📷: Lava Foil Variant - 8 years ago

@ScrambleCampbel: Col. Bruce Hampton Memorial Fund - 8 years ago

@pi40dd: RT @HWAmericans: Friends and Family, please consider a donation to the fund set up to help Col. Bruce Hampton's family. This is... https:/… - 8 years ago


@TheWildOne: RT @HWAmericans: Friends and Family, please consider a donation to the fund set up to help Col. Bruce Hampton's family. This is... https:/… - 8 years ago

@immaris: RT @RelixMag: .@OteilBurbridge pens a personal and touching remembrance of his late mentor Col. Bruce Hampton :: - 8 years ago

@insearchof9: RT @JamBase: Bassist @OteilBurbridge shares thoughts on the passing of one of his mentors, Col. Bruce Hampton - 8 years ago

@WidespreadPanic: RT @JamBase: Bassist @OteilBurbridge shares thoughts on the passing of one of his mentors, Col. Bruce Hampton - 8 years ago

@RelixMag: .@OteilBurbridge pens a personal and touching remembrance of his late mentor Col. Bruce Hampton ::… - 8 years ago

@FiresOfMondello: RT @TheFoxTheatre: If you would like to make a donation to the Col. Bruce Hampton Memorial Fund, your support is appreciated. More info htt… - 8 years ago

@ThisWeekNate: RT @HWAmericans: Friends and Family, please consider a donation to the fund set up to help Col. Bruce Hampton's family. This is... https:/… - 8 years ago

@Tweetygal42: Atlanta Theater To Host Col. Bruce Hampton Film Double Feature - 8 years ago

@TheFoxTheatre: If you would like to make a donation to the Col. Bruce Hampton Memorial Fund, your support is appreciated. More inf… - 8 years ago

@HWAmericans: Friends and Family, please consider a donation to the fund set up to help Col. Bruce Hampton's family. This is... - 8 years ago

@piadoraart: Col. Bruce Hampton Memorial Fund - 8 years ago

@VibeSquaD: Beautiful words about Col. Bruce Hampton by @OteilBurbridge Both have been huge inspirations to me. - 8 years ago

@mcclainjohnson: - 8 years ago

@thevistaroomatl: The Madrid Express rolls on this evening keeping the spirit of Col. Bruce Hampton alive at @thevistaroomatl As... - 8 years ago

@thevistaroomatl: The Madrid Express rolls on this evening keeping the spirit of Col. Bruce Hampton alive at… - 8 years ago

@EPSTX: Please help Col Bruce Hampton's Family. - 8 years ago

@tapernate: Col. Bruce Hampton Memorial Fund - 8 years ago

@deadeduknowit: Oteil Burbridge Pens Touching Tribute To His Musical Mentor, The Late Col. Bruce Hampton - 8 years ago

@dingopresents: Oteil Burbridge Pens Touching Tribute To His Musical Mentor, The Late Col. Bruce Hampton - 8 years ago

@traceymcox: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@JeremiahJams: Col. Bruce Hampton and the Aquarium Rescue Unit!!!♫♪♪:-) - 8 years ago

@MusicReachNews: Oteil Burbridge posted this about Col. Bruce Hampton! It is very insightful and profound! - 8 years ago

@LeBlancLCSW: RT @YEMblog: About that "Push" > "Call Me The Breeze" > "Push" > "Cocaine" > "Push" encore... - 8 years ago

@spiv: Oteil Burbridge Pens Touching Tribute To His Musical Mentor, The Late Col. Bruce Hampton - 8 years ago

@GratefulSFGiant: RT @JamBase: Monday: An Atlanta theater will host screening of Col. Bruce Hampton documentary + @Mike_Gordon's 'Outside Out' - 8 years ago

@trueviralnews: Atlanta Theater To Host Col. Bruce Hampton Film Double Feature #news - 8 years ago

@giltedgemusic: RT @allmanbrothers: Warren Haynes, Oteil Burbrdige and the Daze Between Band honor Butch Trucks and Col. Bruce Hampton - 8 years ago

@dustinlester51: RT @PanicStream: After collapsing on stage surrounded by his friends, family, fans and the people he loved, Col. Bruce Hampton has passed a… - 8 years ago

@Bob_Stinson1234: Sound Check: Remembering Kent State, hip-hop at Blossom, Col. Bruce Hampton - 8 years ago

@lizturcotte_: RT @bulletmusicnet: [News] RIP #ColBruceHampton. - 8 years ago

@macamba: No legend departed today, but today we learned that Col. Bruce Hampton died on stage at the Fox in Atlanta during... - 8 years ago

@htpublicity: Col. Bruce Hampton to be honored by Tinsley Ellis at Oakland Cemetery | Atlanta Music Scene with Melissa Ruggieri - 8 years ago

@MinglewoodHall: Jimmy Herring (Widespread Panic/Col.Bruce Hampton and The Aquarium Rescue Unit) kicks off their tour here July... - 8 years ago

@ronclintonsmith: I just published “My Tribute To Col. Bruce Hampton - 8 years ago

@planetsixstring: Atlanta Theater To Host Col. Bruce Hampton Film Double Feature [ - 8 years ago

@CLERMONTABROAD: - 8 years ago

@CLERMONTABROAD: - 8 years ago

@jansonprague: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 8 years ago

@kelly44jackson: RT @DerekAndSusan: From the family of Col. Bruce Hampton: - 8 years ago

@fulltiltboogie2: RT @allmanbrothers: Warren Haynes, Oteil Burbrdige and the Daze Between Band honor Butch Trucks and Col. Bruce Hampton - 8 years ago

@EB_Jaybird: PODCAST: EB ep.925 Col Bruce Hampton Tribute, Cornell 77, Baker's Dozen N13 now avail - 8 years ago

@thorazineshuffl: RT @JamBase: Monday: An Atlanta theater will host screening of Col. Bruce Hampton documentary + @Mike_Gordon's 'Outside Out' - 8 years ago

@MoodyBluesApp: - 8 years ago

@MillarMatthews: Col. Bruce Hampton dies after heart attack on stage - 8 years ago

@mcofdayear2002: Stranger Than Fiction: The Cosmic Curtain Call Of Col. Bruce Hampton - 8 years ago

@Phisher21: RT @JamBase: Flashback: Listen to a Col. Bruce Hampton & ARU set from 10 years ago today feat. Derek & Duane Trucks sit-ins - 8 years ago

@piadoraart: The Jamband Velvet Underground: Col. Bruce Hampton and the Aquarium Rescue Unit - 8 years ago

@KirbyMcCain: Musician collapses, dies during birthday concert finale | - 8 years ago

@alexsleepwalks: I understand my interests don't always intersect with my TL's, but I still can't believe no one's talking about this - 8 years ago

@julescozine: Col. Bruce Hampton will be honored by Tinsley Ellis at Tunes from the Tombs - 8 years ago

@Tarver_Shelton: Col. Bruce Hampton to be honored by Tinsley Ellis at Oakland Cemetery | Atlanta Music Scene with Melissa Ruggieri - 8 years ago

@tapernate: The Jamband Velvet Underground: Col. Bruce Hampton and the Aquarium Rescue Unit - 8 years ago

@momsdialogue: RT @MRuggieriAJC: #ColBruceHampton will be remembered by @TinsleyEllis and other musicians @OaklandCemetery Tunes from the Tombs fest.http… - 8 years ago

@TamiGoldsmith: RT @JamBase: Flashback: Listen to a Col. Bruce Hampton & ARU set from 10 years ago today feat. Derek & Duane Trucks sit-ins - 8 years ago

@BraveNewJams: RT @JamBase: Flashback: Listen to a Col. Bruce Hampton & ARU set from 10 years ago today feat. Derek & Duane Trucks sit-ins - 8 years ago

@09IDK09_Music: Col. Bruce Hampton & The Madrid Express- "Right Now/Goodnight Irene" Spectra Sonic Sound Sessions - 8 years ago

@tapernate: Col. Bruce Hampton dies hours after 70th birthday concert in Atlanta | Atlanta Music Scene with Melissa Ruggieri - 8 years ago

@tapernate: Col. Bruce Hampton to be honored by Tinsley Ellis at Oakland Cemetery | Atlanta Music Scene with Melissa Ruggieri - 8 years ago

@skidtr: RT @JamBase: Flashback: Listen to a Col. Bruce Hampton & ARU set from 10 years ago today feat. Derek & Duane Trucks sit-ins - 8 years ago

@thorazineshuffl: RT @JamBase: Flashback: Listen to a Col. Bruce Hampton & ARU set from 10 years ago today feat. Derek & Duane Trucks sit-ins - 8 years ago

@LowellWannabe: RT @JamBase: Flashback: Listen to a Col. Bruce Hampton & ARU set from 10 years ago today feat. Derek & Duane Trucks sit-ins - 8 years ago

@JamBase: Flashback: Listen to a Col. Bruce Hampton & ARU set from 10 years ago today feat. Derek & Duane Trucks sit-ins - 8 years ago

@JEMPradio: Col Bruce Hampton and Aquarium Rescue Unit - Dead Presidents - 8 years ago

@juliebookman: Col. Bruce Hampton will be honored by Tinsley Ellis at Tunes from the Tombs - 8 years ago

@JeremiahJams: Col. Bruce Hampton and the Aquarium Rescue Unit!!!♫♪♪:-) - 8 years ago

@AmyinAtlanta212: RT @MRuggieriAJC: #ColBruceHampton will be remembered by @TinsleyEllis and other musicians @OaklandCemetery Tunes from the Tombs fest.http… - 8 years ago

@MRuggieriAJC: #ColBruceHampton will be remembered by @TinsleyEllis and other musicians @OaklandCemetery Tunes from the Tombs fes… - 8 years ago

@t7VqvNNw5Lu3YPP: RT @09superglide: I have to say Col. Bruce Hampton sure knows how to make an exit. R.I.P. to an Atlanta legend. — feeling sad - 8 years ago

@shaun_wilkinson: Col. Bruce Hampton: "The music of today is horrifying" - 8 years ago

@jamjoints: Hampton 70 A Celebration of Col. Bruce Hampton 2017-05-01 The Fox Theatre Atlanta, GA *Soundfield SPS200* - 8 years ago

@EtreeTorrents: BT: Hampton 70 A Celebration of Col. Bruce Hampton 2017-05-01 The Fox Theatre Atlanta, GA *Soundfield SPS200* - 8 years ago

@KathrineW_Krown: RT @MRuggieriAJC: #ColBruceHampton will be remembered by @TinsleyEllis and other musicians @OaklandCemetery Tunes from the Tombs fest.http… - 8 years ago

@jamjoints: Hampton 70 A Celebration of Col. Bruce Hampton 2017-05-01 The Fox Theatre Atlanta, GA *Soundfield SPS200* - 8 years ago

@EtreeTorrents: BT: Hampton 70 A Celebration of Col. Bruce Hampton 2017-05-01 The Fox Theatre Atlanta, GA *Soundfield SPS200* - 8 years ago

@CraigR3521: RT @gearfab: Col. Bruce Hampton: A Southern Music Legend’s Perfect Exit - 8 years ago

@Smuphy: RT @gearfab: Col. Bruce Hampton: A Southern Music Legend’s Perfect Exit - 8 years ago

@jfreakins: RT @MRuggieriAJC: #ColBruceHampton will be remembered by @TinsleyEllis and other musicians @OaklandCemetery Tunes from the Tombs fest.http… - 8 years ago

@CraigR3521: Col. Bruce Hampton Dead at 70: - 8 years ago

@AtlantaGeorgi: Col. Bruce Hampton will be honored by Tinsley Ellis at Tunes from the Tombs - Atlanta Journal Constitution… - 8 years ago

@NoodlyTeapot: RT @gearfab: Col. Bruce Hampton: A Southern Music Legend’s Perfect Exit - 8 years ago

@GregW4384: RT @MRuggieri: #ColBruceHampton will be remembered by @TinsleyEllis and other musicians @OaklandCemetery Tunes from the Tombs fest.https:/… - 8 years ago

@tidmarshm: RT @gearfab: Col. Bruce Hampton: A Southern Music Legend’s Perfect Exit - 8 years ago

@aburtch: RT @gearfab: Col. Bruce Hampton: A Southern Music Legend’s Perfect Exit - 8 years ago

@MusicREDEF: Floating Eastwardly: Col. Bruce Hampton (@chuckreece - @BitterSouth) - 8 years ago

@atlantamusic: New post: Tinsley Ellis and special guests honor Col. Bruce Hampton at Oakland Cemetery’s Tunes from the Tombs - 8 years ago

@ronclintonsmith: I just published “My Tribute To Col. Bruce Hampton - 8 years ago

@simon_alekseev: RT @MikeHamad: How badass was Col. Bruce Hampton? He performed at his own wake. #RIP - 8 years ago

@OaklandCemetery: Tinsley Ellis & special guests lead tribute to Col. Bruce Hampton at Tunes from the Tombs - 8 years ago

@giden: RT @AJIden: When @revJeffMosier & his late mentor & friend Col Bruce Hampton sit & talk, you listen. We did, & are lucky for it. - 8 years ago

@AJIden: When @revJeffMosier & his late mentor & friend Col Bruce Hampton sit & talk, you listen. We did, & are lucky for it… - 8 years ago

@SouthernSoundTV: Excited to share a great conversation with @revJeffMosier and his late friend and mentor, Col. Bruce Hampton. - 8 years ago

@JarrettBellini: Great interview by @revJeffMosier with the late great Col. Bruce Hampton: - 8 years ago

@GaMusicPartners: Col. Bruce Hampton fans can donate to Georgia Music Foundation in his memory - 8 years ago

@HOPE4THE_FUTURE: Musician collapses during birthday concert finale, dies - 8 years ago

@ddrummer881: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@JulieKRoach: RT @GaMusicPartners: Col. Bruce Hampton, jam band patriarch, died surrounded by music - 8 years ago

@hvdk: The late, great Colonel Bruce Hampton (Ret.) tells the story of his first meeting with FZ. Col Bruce d… - 8 years ago

@JeremiahJams: Col. Bruce Hampton and the Aquarium Rescue Unit!!!♫♪♪:-) - 8 years ago

@qvV3GFYvX1CP5Bj: RT @angryblogofphog: "The key to music is to be awkward at all times" Col Bruce Hampton (ret) - 8 years ago

@MillarMatthews: Col. Bruc - 8 years ago

@bschro3000: RT @remhq: Floating Eastwardly: Col. Bruce Hampton; Peter Buck & Chuck Reece reflect: - 8 years ago

@T6lTND4vAJaR8K9: RT @steelsandwich: #RIP Col Bruce Hampton, jam pro, dies after gig @CNN - 8 years ago

@snsmth: Recommended read on @Medium: “My Tribute To Col. Bruce Hampton - 8 years ago

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