Cocoa Fujiwara

Japanese manga author.
Died on Tuesday March 31st 2015

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Cocoa Fujiwara:

@BooksMinority: Do you like Inu x Boku SS, Vol. 1 (2013)? #InuXBokuSSVol #Book

@eosphoruss: @TheFireAndSteel

@thewipal: Imagine @yenpress translating I DOLL U just because it involved cocoa fujiwara, I would cry out of happiness *COUGH* DO IT *COUGH*

@thewipal: Cocoa fujiwara is so special, I must play this damn game, I'll sell a arm for it.


@thewipal: But, just a Lil' FYI I doll u's character designs are done by the deceased cocoa fujiwara and just- *cries*

@IzzyTheBerry: RT @ShionsTear: But then it'll be complete and I can have it in my heart forever. I'll never forget you Cocoa Fujiwara.

@ShionsTear: But then it'll be complete and I can have it in my heart forever. I'll never forget you Cocoa Fujiwara.

@Bel_Arispocrita: Por desgracia ese último RT me ha recordado que Cocoa Fujiwara ya no está entre nosotros...

@LenneValkyrie: Cocoa Fujiwara :( :( :(

@rubinherz: RT @NeueBucher: Secret Service, Band 10: Maison de Ayakashi Cocoa Fujiwara - Carlsen.

@Nano_desu_: Voilà. J'ai terminé le manga Inu X Boku SS. J'ai versé mes larmes. Merci pour ce manga, Cocoa Fujiwara. RIP

@Comiclopedia: New in the Comiclopedia: Cocoa Fujiwara - Japan (added)

@victorsslug: Gostei de um vídeo @YouTube de @du_tomoko Tipos de Deres! + Cocoa Fujiwara

@hawwaranasyafty: Resultados da Pesquisa de imagens do Google para

@Dai08120053: @cocoa_love2000 フォロワー成績表 [5段階評価] 名前:FUJIWARA 優しさ:5 面白さ:4 可愛さ:4 格好良さ:3 仲の良さ:4 絡みやすさ4 最後に一言:卓球頑張ってー

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