Clive Sinclair

British author.
Died on Saturday March 17th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Clive Sinclair:

@KeithTotp: @shutupadie Clive Sinclair. Lad! - 7 years ago

@JimTSelkirk: @YesTories @AllieHBNews @ProfScottThinks @scottishlabour @JournoStephen oh dear @DailyMailUK biased reporting again… - 7 years ago

@JethartJinj: RT @theresaresigned: Defecate On A Rabbit And Say Clive Sinclair Did It, It's Wednesday 7:00PM And Theresa May Has Still Not Resigned - 7 years ago

@egriimre: Tetszett egy videó (@YouTube): - 7 years ago


@1885Podcast: RT @megadel12: @1885Podcast @MillwallFC @TheYouthEdition @CBL_Magazine @CalvinBook @lovesportradio @TheMillwallFans @Bermondsey1885 @MrDena… - 7 years ago

@megadel12: @1885Podcast @MillwallFC @TheYouthEdition @CBL_Magazine @CalvinBook @lovesportradio @TheMillwallFans… - 7 years ago

@PaulCarhart: RT @nomatestype: @PaulCarhart @LenMcCluskey @skwawkbox @DailyMirror @unitetheunion They should be made in Britain by British workers; from… - 7 years ago

@nomatestype: @PaulCarhart @LenMcCluskey @skwawkbox @DailyMirror @unitetheunion They should be made in Britain by British worker… - 7 years ago

@Kingspirazion: Britain's brave attempt in 1985 at producing an electric car by inventor of the first calculator Sir Clive Sinclair - 7 years ago

@thezxkingpin: RT @RCL_FAN_CLUB: @NickRoperRIP @thezxkingpin @FogartyLee @WorldOfSpectrum This is typical #zxvega David Levy he even buys fake Clive Sincl… - 7 years ago

@RCL_FAN_CLUB: @NickRoperRIP @thezxkingpin @FogartyLee @WorldOfSpectrum This is typical #zxvega David Levy he even buys fake Clive… - 7 years ago

@ThrottleSteerer: @Chris_Perkins1 @theseoldcars Sir Clive Sinclair & his entourage? - 7 years ago

@mjdunton: @autisticbimbo A friend of mine says on dark and stormy nights, when the wind whips hard and the rain crashes aroun… - 7 years ago

@JamesBSumner: RT @DrRhys: "Tell yer what Clive, me old mucker, let's network up those QLs you've got in the warehouse and I'll plant a quiz in Sinclair U… - 7 years ago

@weirdhongkong: Parody of Sinclair Research. From 1980s Spitting Image. Yeah Clive Sinclair zx81 spectrum etc. - 7 years ago

@shauntranslates: @i_am_mill_i_am Was that a question? I'd forgotten ANW and PN. Pat Barker, Clive Sinclair, Adam Mars-Jones and Buch… - 7 years ago

@DrRhys: "Tell yer what Clive, me old mucker, let's network up those QLs you've got in the warehouse and I'll plant a quiz i… - 7 years ago

@SydneyChasin: RT @news_RSE: Our current #EnterpriseFellow @SydneyChasin + founder of The Healthy Crop @thelilpops was on LBC Business Hour with Clive Bul… - 7 years ago

@news_RSE: Our current #EnterpriseFellow @SydneyChasin + founder of The Healthy Crop @thelilpops was on LBC Business Hour with… - 7 years ago

@lesoleil70: @zx_wife Former wives of Sir Clive Sinclair ? - 7 years ago

@MerseyMal: @_F_B_G_ That's definitely Sir Clive Sinclair. - 7 years ago

@MatthewAsprey: The cover image for the late Clive Sinclair's forthcoming book of stories Shylock Must Die. Can't wait. Is the pain… - 7 years ago

@bookmarkfal: Check out Transistor Circuits Manual No.2 by Clive Sinclair (booklet) - 7 years ago

@Kenkyusha_PR: 【訃報】イギリスの小説家クライヴ・シンクレア(Clive Sinclair)氏が、2018年3月5日、逝去。70歳。 Clive Sinclair, 1948-2018 - TheTLS - 7 years ago

@cw4t7abs: RT @cw4t7abs: - 7 years ago

@cw4t7abs: - 7 years ago

@DigitalWasp: @historylvrsclub And there’s the inventor, Clive Sinclair, astride his invention! - 7 years ago

@Jenny_Alto: Wow, I never knew Clive Sinclair was this versatile, there's a #Sinclair title I don't have! - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Clive Sinclair is no longer with us - #CliveSinclair #Clive #Sinclair #rip - 7 years ago

@rijoto1: @loqmehacereir Buena esa. No lo sabía. Ahí corroboré en Wiki. Tenía la de 48 K. Alegrías que me dio Sir Clive Sinclair. Usted es un capo - 7 years ago

@zx_wife: @hot_piping @Bhaal_Spawn @JudgeDrokk That's the essence of Clive Sinclair's inventions: innovative design and pleas… - 7 years ago

@panzermyer: Sir Clive Marles Sinclair - 7 years ago

@boldport: RT @jappleby123: @boldport Aged 9, this was my first electronic kit: Sir Clive Sinclair’s Micromatic radio. This was cutting edge British t… - 7 years ago

@jappleby123: @boldport Aged 9, this was my first electronic kit: Sir Clive Sinclair’s Micromatic radio. This was cutting edge Br… - 7 years ago

@Andywebster: @betabetic @mgtmccartney Amazing how much of the tech shown then has come to fruition. Even Clive Sinclair electri… - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Clive Sinclair (70) British writer - 7 years ago

@agereaver: @ClubFilth @CMDR_RayMobula @bunnyladame @67MistakeNot @_unrealization @CMDR_F99 @iLearningUK @bb8bear @TRKnight… - 7 years ago

@mwoodpen: RT @TheTLS: NB: Semicolons, Charmed lives, RIP Clive Sinclair - 7 years ago

@DavidMarkHerman: @TheTLS So glad to see this tribute to Clive Sinclair. - 7 years ago

@DavidMarkHerman: RT @TheTLS: NB: Semicolons, Charmed lives, RIP Clive Sinclair - 7 years ago

@kgjmoment: RT @TheTLS: NB: Semicolons, Charmed lives, RIP Clive Sinclair - 7 years ago

@TheTLS: NB: Semicolons, Charmed lives, RIP Clive Sinclair - 7 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Clive Sinclair (author) - 7 years ago

@angelgavin: RT @MikeChapel: Un inventor que nos dio a muchos la oportunidad de aprender a usar un "ordenador" y a programar. #YotbtuveunSpectrum https:… - 7 years ago

@caterneil: @zx_wife @PortsCityMuseum I'm assuming it's a reproduction case based on the one given to Clive Sinclair to commemo… - 7 years ago

@pumadoggy: I know it's not seen as socially-acceptable to denigrate the dead but I find the utter-squiff-fest over the late St… - 7 years ago

@Dorumiko: @SeiferA Yes. There is another one for Sir Clive Sinclair. - 7 years ago

@RossMc11: @greg_jenner Clive Sinclair was the British go-to reference for a while. Globally it would have been Hawking, before him maybe Carl Sagan? - 7 years ago

@vhassanlambert: Dearest old friend #CliveSinclair you will be missed 1948–2018 – TheTLS - 7 years ago

@juansoren: RT @alfaxis: Y de pasadita relacioné sin escalas a AC/DC con Stephen Hawkings, Clive Sinclair y Stephen King - 7 years ago

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