Clive James

Australian author (Cultural Amnesia) and critic.
Died on Wednesday November 27th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Clive James:

@gerrymax: The Late Clive James' Dead Father, Massive Black Holes and the Psychology of God - 5 years ago

@dannmartens: Clive James on Europe and Brexit: - 5 years ago

@BenAdamsonDXB: @icod "That evening we ate in an almost empty hall, called Hall. But the Hall of Trinity Hall was not the same as t… - 5 years ago

@Shaima66: RT @chowleen: “Your death, near now, is of an easy sort. So slow a fading out brings no real pain. Breath growing short Is just uncomfortab… - 5 years ago


@morgenlich: RT @janehill64: @Nicole_Cliffe @sannewman In similar vein, Clive James: - 5 years ago

@rosejudson: RT @janehill64: @Nicole_Cliffe @sannewman In similar vein, Clive James: - 5 years ago

@Nicole_Cliffe: RT @janehill64: @Nicole_Cliffe @sannewman In similar vein, Clive James: - 5 years ago

@janehill64: @Nicole_Cliffe @sannewman In similar vein, Clive James: - 5 years ago

@IanTuton: As someone now in his early 60s remember Miller and James on the television with no thought of dumbing down !. If y… - 5 years ago

@Felipewh: RT @cv09: So Brightly at the Last: Clive James & the Passion for Poetry. Out now! 'Works as a commentary on CJ's work, as biography & as a… - 5 years ago

@MichaelGDeveney: RT @Jaapjelle1: Started reading Clive James’ Latest readings. This sounds very familiar. - 5 years ago

@IanTuton: Clive James and Jonathan Miller had confidence in the wits of their viewers | John Mullan - 5 years ago

@deconstructr: RT @Jaapjelle1: Started reading Clive James’ Latest readings. This sounds very familiar. - 5 years ago

@rosammat: RT @Jaapjelle1: Started reading Clive James’ Latest readings. This sounds very familiar. - 5 years ago

@7Dnews: His special gift was to blur the boundaries between highbrow and low, to illuminate without patronising, entertain… - 5 years ago

@holdengraber: RT @Jaapjelle1: Started reading Clive James’ Latest readings. This sounds very familiar. - 5 years ago

@CPS_Serum: “Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common… - 5 years ago

@AshleyM89559355: @MarinaHyde @MattChorley My great great great grandad was a slave from Trinidad. I have no point to make regarding… - 5 years ago

@obituarywriters: Clive James, an Australian journalist, joker and intellectual who had a long career as a writer and broadcaster in… - 5 years ago

@blogofdeath: Clive James, an Australian journalist, joker and intellectual who had a long career as a writer and broadcaster in… - 5 years ago

@AllenAC009: RT @alanfossler: Here’s a thought: you do you today. Also: “Those who lack humor are without judgment and should be trusted with nothing… - 5 years ago

@MirabilisDave: "Religions are advertising agencies for a product that doesn't exist." -- Clive James - 5 years ago

@connielnash: RT @bbcarts: "I recommend imminent death for any writer. It concentrates the mind wonderfully." Clive James, who kept writing throughout th… - 5 years ago

@SusannHowe4: Clive James, writer, broadcaster and TV critic, dies aged 80 - 5 years ago

@jeremypssm: RT @cultfree54: Let's not forget Clive James Befitting a writer who had to earn his income from paying customers,he knew that if someone bo… - 5 years ago

@sixoh60: @Shaimaakhalil Clive James never saw Sydney like this - 5 years ago

@bigjazza1: RT @LucyMcCaul: Dear @BBCOne I'm sure you have New Year's Eve sorted already, but could you or @BBCFOUR show a selection from Clive James'… - 5 years ago

@alanfossler: Here’s a thought: you do you today. Also: “Those who lack humor are without judgment and should be trusted with nothing.” — Clive James - 5 years ago

@LordWoolamaloo: @vmspod Thanks, Gil, slowly getting better. BTW, totally forgot this - meant to point you to last interview Clive J… - 5 years ago

@fieldhockeyclub: RT @JonTrevithick: Clive James with @EricIdle. Footlights, 1965. - 5 years ago

@MrTickle3: @RobFilthUK @JohnELewis @troybison @OutriderTed @RobDev75 @Norwich4JC Is this really the person one should admire?… - 5 years ago

@hector_drummond: RT @Tom_Shanks: I did the lighting for Clive James at his Tower Bridge place in the 90s. Except for one room. Rotating library shelves were… - 5 years ago

@j_amesmarriott: @wb_gooderham @john_self @Dorianlynskey Just watched this! Brilliant stuff but Amis is an arrogant piece of work! W… - 5 years ago

@Channel1337: @DaftLimmy Met Clive James once too. ❤ much love Limmy. - 5 years ago

@DBrucelockhart: RT @TelegraphBooks: Clive James's true gift to us, says @JakeKerridge, was his magnificent poetry - 5 years ago

@dannmartens: Most exquisite, honouring Clive James. 🙏 - 5 years ago

@Just_Clive: RT @StrongerStabler: In 2015, James Cleverly, alongside Boris Johnson, pushed through the closure of 10 London fire stations. An elderly C… - 5 years ago

@wb_gooderham: @j_amesmarriott @john_self @Dorianlynskey It's great. (But then most of Clive James's library chats are great.) - 5 years ago

@wb_gooderham: @john_self @Dorianlynskey @j_amesmarriott Amis & Clive James discussing WaC (et al) - 5 years ago

@yuckf001: Patrick: RT @helenlewis: RIP Clive James, author of many incredible poems ("Japanese Maple" is a particular favouri… - 5 years ago

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