Cleve Loney

American politician
Died on Monday August 24th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Cleve Loney:

@AngelOBrien0: Caesar Cardova, Ronald Rosser, Joe Ruby, Dan Yochum, Neil Sachse, Alma Stallworth, Riley Gale, Carl Garrett, John H… - 5 years ago

@digyoursoul: RT @brycebennett: Cleve and I started our legislative careers together in 2011. He was decent man who cared about his community. My thought… - 5 years ago

@KRTV: “We always enjoyed Cleve. RIP Cowboy.” - 5 years ago

@GFTrib_PDrake: RT @margiemac31: @brycebennett I appreciated Cleve Loney very much as my seat mate in Judiciary Committee - I discovered a man with a Big H… - 5 years ago


@margiemac31: @brycebennett I appreciated Cleve Loney very much as my seat mate in Judiciary Committee - I discovered a man with a Big Heart! - 5 years ago

@1Krohmer13: RT @KRTV: Noon Newscast - video + links: - AMBER Alert issued in Montana for abducted baby - Shepherd school closes just days after opening… - 5 years ago

@KRTV: Noon Newscast - video + links: - AMBER Alert issued in Montana for abducted baby - Shepherd school closes just days… - 5 years ago

@Timbertracker: Cleve Loney was a fellow legislator who gave and earned respect. He was a friend. R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Cleve Loney dies - #CleveLoney #Cleve #Loney #rip - 5 years ago

@AugustadSays: RT @mattvolz: Unless there is another Cleve Loney, he was a former GOP legislator from Great Falls who a couple of years ago advocated to r… - 5 years ago

@AugustadSays: RT @brycebennett: Cleve and I started our legislative careers together in 2011. He was decent man who cared about his community. My thought… - 5 years ago

@RioAShively: RT @brycebennett: Cleve and I started our legislative careers together in 2011. He was decent man who cared about his community. My thought… - 5 years ago

@MTmarilyn2: RT @brycebennett: Cleve and I started our legislative careers together in 2011. He was decent man who cared about his community. My thought… - 5 years ago

@brycebennett: Cleve and I started our legislative careers together in 2011. He was decent man who cared about his community. My t… - 5 years ago

@JVStrauss: RT @GFTrib_PDrake: Former Great Falls-area lawmaker Cleve Loney has died in a river accident. Story posted at - 5 years ago

@af7qp: RT @KTVHNews: The victim has been identified as Cleve Jeffery Loney of Great Falls: - 5 years ago

@GFTrib_PDrake: RT @GFTribune: “He was a man of faith, he was a Christian and there were certain things he loved, horses, the cowboy life, the cowboy creed… - 5 years ago

@JodiMedlar: RT @GFTribune: “He was a man of faith, he was a Christian and there were certain things he loved, horses, the cowboy life, the cowboy creed… - 5 years ago

@KTVHNews: The victim has been identified as Cleve Jeffery Loney of Great Falls: - 5 years ago

@KXLH: The victim has been identified as Cleve Jeffery Loney of Great Falls: - 5 years ago

@GFTribune: “He was a man of faith, he was a Christian and there were certain things he loved, horses, the cowboy life, the cow… - 5 years ago

@hollykmichels: RT @mattvolz: Unless there is another Cleve Loney, he was a former GOP legislator from Great Falls who a couple of years ago advocated to r… - 5 years ago

@mattvolz: Unless there is another Cleve Loney, he was a former GOP legislator from Great Falls who a couple of years ago advo… - 5 years ago

@GFTrib_PDrake: Former Great Falls-area lawmaker Cleve Loney has died in a river accident. Story posted at - 5 years ago

@mholzapfelTV: RT @KRTV: The victim has been identified as Cleve Jeffery Loney of Great Falls: - 5 years ago

@KRTV: The victim has been identified as Cleve Jeffery Loney of Great Falls: - 5 years ago

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