Clem Curtis

Trinidadian-born British singer (The Foundations)
Died on Monday March 27th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Clem Curtis:

@TheRealDaphanie: ⚡ Build Me Up Buttercup singer Clem Curtis dies, aged 76 - 8 years ago

@leevincent66: RT @EddyChrisDave: sad to. about the passing of#clem curtis we had many laughs over the years R.I. P. CLEM eddy amoo - 8 years ago

@EddyChrisDave: sad to. about the passing of#clem curtis we had many laughs over the years R.I. P. CLEM eddy amoo - 8 years ago

@DJEddieCPhilly: RT @MP_DJs: One of our favorites... "Build Me Up Buttercup" packs the dance floor every time. RIP Clem Curtis. #NJDJ #WeddingDJ - 8 years ago


@YahboiNoah: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@SBSstylistics: Tribute to Clem Curtis of the Foundations the godfather of old school UK, sadly missed RIP brother - 8 years ago

@josanneleonard: The Foundations singer Clem Curtis has died, age 76 - 8 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Clem CURTIS (1940-2017), Trinidadian British singer, who was the original lead vocalist of sixties soul grou… - 8 years ago

@PhillipCDUK: Singer Clem Curtis, 76, passes away - 8 years ago

@Robin819093: ⚡ Build Me Up Buttercup singer Clem Curtis dies, aged 76 - 8 years ago

@HODOSHOWOVP: I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: The Foundations' front man Clem Curtis dies - - 8 years ago

@beth98181: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@RecentDeaths: March 27th, Clem Curtis, 76, Trinidadian-born British singer (The Foundations, "Baby Now That I've Found You" ), lung cancer. - 8 years ago

@SPLAudioService: Clem Curtis, lead singer of the Foundations – obituary - 8 years ago

@ooyuzmusic: The Foundations' front man Clem Curtis dies.. Related Articles: - 8 years ago

@ChaseCarbon: RT @MiltonKeynes_MK: As the sad news comes in that singer and local Olney man, Clem Curtis has died, take a look at one of his classics: ht… - 8 years ago

@HendrixTalking: RT @VisualRadio1: Baby, Now That I've Found You - The Foundations' lead singer March 27... - 8 years ago

@VisualRadio1: Baby, Now That I've Found You - The Foundations' lead singer March 27... - 8 years ago

@DiamondDaibhidJ: #RIP to Foundations singer Clem Curtis; #Foundations - 8 years ago

@ooyuzmusic: The Foundations' front man Clem Curtis dies.. Related Articles: - 8 years ago

@JaguarsTips: Download & listen to "baby now that I've found you" by Clem Curtis my friend who passed this week as my charity bet for Cancer Research lost - 8 years ago

@toddsschneider: @StevePenk @radiodead247 'Colin Young singing lead vocals. Young had replaced Clem Curtis during 1968' [Wikipedia] - 8 years ago

@Markric06149971: RT @John1st2: The Foundations - Baby, Now That I've Found You R.I.P Clem Curtis 😪 - 8 years ago

@kingmark1st: RT @kingmark1st: The Foundations - Baby, Now That I've Found You R.I.P Clem Curtis 😪 - 8 years ago

@mrichalan: RT @kingmark1st: The Foundations - Baby, Now That I've Found You R.I.P Clem Curtis 😪 - 8 years ago

@mrichalan: RT @John1st2: The Foundations - Baby, Now That I've Found You R.I.P Clem Curtis 😪 - 8 years ago

@mrichalan: RT @mrichalan: The Foundations - Baby, Now That I've Found You R.I.P Clem Curtis 😪 - 8 years ago

@John1st2: RT @kingmark1st: The Foundations - Baby, Now That I've Found You R.I.P Clem Curtis 😪 - 8 years ago

@John1st2: RT @John1st2: The Foundations - Baby, Now That I've Found You R.I.P Clem Curtis 😪 - 8 years ago

@John1st2: The Foundations - Baby, Now That I've Found You R.I.P Clem Curtis 😪 - 8 years ago

@mrichalan: The Foundations - Baby, Now That I've Found You R.I.P Clem Curtis 😪 - 8 years ago

@kingmark1st: The Foundations - Baby, Now That I've Found You R.I.P Clem Curtis 😪 - 8 years ago

@musicstjames: Another excellent evening with the Monteurs - plus a tribute to Clem Curtis and other delights in a full and... - 8 years ago

@adrianago_: ⚡ Build Me Up Buttercup singer Clem Curtis dies, aged 76. 😢 - 8 years ago

@DesmondGrant: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@DesmondGrant: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@PhyllisPotter19: Don't break my heart... ⚡ Build Me Up Buttercup singer Clem Curtis dies, aged 76 - 8 years ago

@sanvim1: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@jcarmela278: Foundations Singer Clem Curtis Dies at 76 - 8 years ago

@jwfosterkc: Remembering Clem Curtis... - 8 years ago

@oldusarmyvet: RT @JamesRosenFNC: Clem ("Build Me Up, Buttercup") Curtis RIP - 8 years ago

@MelanieCripps79: RT @TheSpinettes: Very sad to hear about the passing of Clem Curtis from the wonderful Foundations. We had the pleasure of meeting... https… - 8 years ago

@soultime81: RT @chast60: - 8 years ago

@chast60: - 8 years ago

@halley_kristen: May he rest in peace⚡ Build Me Up Buttercup singer Clem Curtis dies, aged 76 - 8 years ago

@Sonya1115: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@MelbLiveNews: Clem Curtis, original singer with the Foundations - 8 years ago

@UsmanAnwar78: Clem Curtis, original singer with the Foundations - 8 years ago

@worldnews_net: Clem Curtis, original singer with the Foundations - 8 years ago

@bizlunchbox: Clem Curtis, original singer with the Foundations - 8 years ago

@leeejohn: iphone clem curtis birthday party 05 - 8 years ago

@PaulGrayDJ: RT @TT0121: @PaulGrayDJ @mkfm Heart-breaking but Inspirational Interview with Clem Curtis. We all know people like this. So right to be h… - 8 years ago

@TT0121: @PaulGrayDJ @mkfm Heart-breaking but Inspirational Interview with Clem Curtis. We all know people like this. So r… - 8 years ago

@msstone61: Shame .... another legend Gone ... Great Music ...Lovely Happy Person ..RIP Clem Curtis ❤️ - 8 years ago

@Maryann52905133: ⚡ Build Me Up Buttercup singer Clem Curtis dies, aged 76 - 8 years ago

@Maryann52905133: ⚡ Build Me Up Buttercup singer Clem Curtis dies, aged 76 - 8 years ago

@webegram: Watch Clem Curtis on Top of the Pops - 8 years ago

@inostalgiauk: RT @BBCArchive: Clem Curtis singing Baby, Now That I've Found You with The Foundations on TOTP in 1967. He has died, aged 76 - 8 years ago

@MusicMktgNews: Foundations Singer Clem Curtis Dies at 76 #musicbusiness #music #musicnews - 8 years ago

@bbc_diff: Foundations singer Clem Curtis dies aged 76 - BBC News - 8 years ago

@basham32: - 8 years ago

@BrissieLiveNews: Clem Curtis, original singer with the Foundations - 8 years ago

@webegram: Clem Curtis tried to keep illness ‘under wraps’ - 8 years ago

@torres_jasper: "Build Me Up, Buttercup" singer Clem Curtis dies at 76 :'(. #RIPClemCurtis - 8 years ago

@torres_jasper: RT @GhanaliveTwitt: #Clem #Curtis #dies aged 76 Read More>> - 8 years ago

@torres_jasper: RT @realdavebarbour: Remembering a legend. R.I.P Clem Curtis of the Foundations @realdannimorgan - 8 years ago

@torres_jasper: RT @realdannimorgan: Such tragic news R.I.P Clem Curtis lead singer of The Foundations ( Why do you build me up Buttercup) I will miss you… - 8 years ago

@torres_jasper: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@torres_jasper: RT @BBCFOUR: RIP Clem Curtis. - 8 years ago

@torres_jasper: RT @JamesRosenFNC: Clem ("Build Me Up, Buttercup") Curtis RIP - 8 years ago

@gem_drill: ⚡ Build Me Up Buttercup singer Clem Curtis dies, aged 76 - 8 years ago

@Punmaster: R.I.P. Clem Curtis of The Foundations 1940-2017 The unique voice who led The Foundations on Baby, Now That I Found You, has died at 76. - 8 years ago

@andrewsuh499: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@ttsmits: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@Bluecatman: RT @Jazz_Chill: R.I.P. Clem Curtis, lead singer of The Foundations - 8 years ago

@Aunty__Em: ►►► R.I.P. ◄◄◄ - 8 years ago

@biochemmathstu1: News Update Clem Curtis tried to keep illness 'under wraps' - Two days before this death, Clem Curtis said he e... - 8 years ago

@TerryinNewJersi: RT @siriusxmvolume: We are saddened to share the news that Clem Curtis of The Foundations has passed away at the age of 76. #RIP Clem htt… - 8 years ago

@erocket00: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@Johnny_Timewarp: R. I. P. Clem Curtis (1940-2017), lead vocalist of The Foundations ("Baby Now That I've Found You", "Build Me Up Buttercup")... - 8 years ago

@callister17: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@loucheliferadio: RT @Jazz_Chill: R.I.P. Clem Curtis, lead singer of The Foundations - 8 years ago

@its_kenady: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@Jazz_Chill: R.I.P. Clem Curtis, lead singer of The Foundations - 8 years ago

@KateJSykes: RT @hellomag: Clem Curtis - singer of Build Me Up Buttercup - has passed away aged 76 - 8 years ago

@Millertime40oz: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@usickyou: BBC News - Foundations singer Clem Curtis dies aged 76 - 8 years ago

@AfuaDhakirah: RT @GhanaliveTwitt: #Clem #Curtis #dies aged 76 Read More>> - 8 years ago

@AkuaAkuba: RT @GhanaliveTwitt: #Clem #Curtis #dies aged 76 Read More>> - 8 years ago

@womaninkent: RT @hellomag: Clem Curtis - singer of Build Me Up Buttercup - has passed away aged 76 - 8 years ago

@Mixon_It_Up5: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@spiderlou2099: RT @billboard: Foundations singer Clem Curtis has died at 76 - 8 years ago

@Celeb_News_UK: Clem Curtis tried to keep illness 'under wraps' - 8 years ago

@kylosmilo: RT @billboard: Foundations singer Clem Curtis has died at 76 - 8 years ago

@MadelynGintner: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@curtdjrob: #Foundations Singer Clem Curtis Dies at 76 - 8 years ago

@NickIacovo: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@bleas10: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@dlyglobalnews: Clem Curtis: Singing with The Foundations was 'paradise' - 8 years ago

@Madeleine_1115: RT @rosariomyla: Thank you for the music Clem Curtis #TheFoundations - 8 years ago

@saxmanad: #RIP Clem Curtis - 8 years ago

@rachel_wilkoski: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

@JJLinTan: RT @BBCArchive: Clem Curtis singing Baby, Now That I've Found You with The Foundations on TOTP in 1967. He has died, aged 76 - 8 years ago

@Jas_O_Mine13: RT @realdannimorgan: Such tragic news R.I.P Clem Curtis lead singer of The Foundations ( Why do you build me up Buttercup) I will miss you… - 8 years ago

@vinilo_negro: Muere a los 76 años, Clem Curtis, vocalista principal, de The Foundations - 8 years ago

@AlisonTarrant: RT @JustinDealey: RIP Clem Curtis. God bless you big man. I was honoured to spend time with Clem and his wife on Saturday. So so sad x http… - 8 years ago

@daveroblent: Build Me Up Buttercup singer Clem Curtis dies, aged 76 - 8 years ago

@JAG6042: BBC News - The Foundations' front man Clem Curtis dies - 8 years ago

@merryjane73: RT @billboard: Foundations singer Clem Curtis has died at 76 - 8 years ago

@BatmanBatura: RT @UWMadison: #Badgers games wouldn't be the same without Buttercup. The Camp Randall Choir sings for you, Clem Curtis. RIP. - 8 years ago

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