Clayton Yeutter

American politician
Died on Sunday March 5th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Clayton Yeutter:

@RhonaA_PhD: A man of principles & purpose, honor & civility, a diplomat & servant leader extraordinaire RIP #ClaytonYeutter - 8 years ago

@GammaBetaRho: RT @OWHopinion: ICYMI: Clayton Yeutter was a #Nebraska statesman, patriot and farmer. He made the Midlands proud. - 8 years ago

@rottendeadpool: - 8 years ago

@AmandaTemoshek: RT @OWHopinion: ICYMI: Clayton Yeutter was a #Nebraska statesman, patriot and farmer. He made the Midlands proud. - 8 years ago


@u_nebraska: RT @OWHopinion: ICYMI: Clayton Yeutter was a #Nebraska statesman, patriot and farmer. He made the Midlands proud. - 8 years ago

@GammaBetaRho: RT @OWHopinion: Our nation could use more Clayton Yeutters with grace, integrity and informed diplomacy, a Public Pulse writer says. https:… - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: NYT obit for Clayton Yeutter, who brought a blunt sensibility to international trade negotiations. - 8 years ago

@TradeResources: Clayton #Yeutter-friend, ‘crossed the aisle’,w/understanding & personality to exemplify #trade, agri/food and diplomacy positively-R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@OWHnews: RT @OWHopinion: Our nation could use more Clayton Yeutters with grace, integrity and informed diplomacy, a Public Pulse writer says. https:… - 8 years ago

@JustinsNewsFeed: RT @OWHopinion: Our nation could use more Clayton Yeutters with grace, integrity and informed diplomacy, a Public Pulse writer says. https:… - 8 years ago

@OWHopinion: Our nation could use more Clayton Yeutters with grace, integrity and informed diplomacy, a Public Pulse writer says. - 8 years ago

@JohnKuehnDVM: RT @OWHopinion: ICYMI: Clayton Yeutter was a #Nebraska statesman, patriot and farmer. He made the Midlands proud. - 8 years ago

@GovRicketts: RT @OWHopinion: ICYMI: Clayton Yeutter was a #Nebraska statesman, patriot and farmer. He made the Midlands proud. - 8 years ago

@DonJBacon: RT @OWHopinion: ICYMI: Clayton Yeutter was a #Nebraska statesman, patriot and farmer. He made the Midlands proud. - 8 years ago

@bjbyrnes: Saddened to hear the news of Mr Yeutters passing. A fascinating man whom I had the privilege to once meet with. - 8 years ago

@OWHopinion: ICYMI: Clayton Yeutter was a #Nebraska statesman, patriot and farmer. He made the Midlands proud. - 8 years ago

@Casey23601993: RT @FarmFutures: #7agstories: Avian influenza, Clayton Yeutter dies, market-moving report & what's up with Sonny Perdue nomination? https:/… - 8 years ago

@TimClareNU: RT @UNLarchives: In honor of former Sec. of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter's recent passing, here's a few photos from his visit with us in Sep… - 8 years ago

@ForexKe: RT @FarmFutures: #7agstories: Avian influenza, Clayton Yeutter dies, market-moving report & what's up with Sonny Perdue nomination? https:/… - 8 years ago

@BruceClaggett: RT @NYTObits: Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw negotiations in 1988 for the North American Free Trade Agreement, has died - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw negotiations in 1988 for the North American Free Trade Agreement, has died… - 8 years ago

@BShaum45: RT @FarmFutures: #7agstories: Avian influenza, Clayton Yeutter dies, market-moving report & what's up with Sonny Perdue nomination? https:/… - 8 years ago

@d062489: RT @FarmFutures: #7agstories: Avian influenza, Clayton Yeutter dies, market-moving report & what's up with Sonny Perdue nomination? https:/… - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: As Nafta is being revisited, Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw its negotiations under President Reagan, has die… - 8 years ago

@nfolson: RT @ericmiller191: RIP Clayton Yuetter, a key player in creating Canada-US Free Trade Agreement - the crucial forerunner of #NAFTA. https:/… - 8 years ago

@nicolas_lamp: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@MaryscottG: RT @ericmiller191: RIP Clayton Yuetter, a key player in creating Canada-US Free Trade Agreement - the crucial forerunner of #NAFTA. https:/… - 8 years ago

@AkiramPrzGom: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86 - - 8 years ago

@RodBamberry: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86 - - 8 years ago

@vlassover: RT @nytimesworld: Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw negotiations for the basis for the North American Free Trade Agreement, died. https… - 8 years ago

@NYTNational: As Nafta is being revisited, Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw its negotiations under President Reagan, has died - 8 years ago

@thus_spake: Mr. Yeutter, a Nebraska farmer who became United States trade representative and secretary of agriculture, overs... - 8 years ago

@4Prina: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@OWHopinion: ICYMI: Editorial: Clayton Yuetter was a #Nebraska statesman, a patriot and farmer. - 8 years ago

@jakerhamlin76: RT @BNorthey: Omaha World-Herald Editorial: Clayton Yeutter was a statesman, patriot, farmer. - 8 years ago

@adub1967: RT @NYTNational: As Nafta is being revisited, Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw its negotiations under President Reagan, has died https… - 8 years ago

@NYTNational: As Nafta is being revisited, Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw its negotiations under President Reagan, has die… - 8 years ago

@GeitnerSimmons: Speaking of the WTO and international rule-setting - 8 years ago

@DonaldRMackay: RT @ericmiller191: RIP Clayton Yuetter, a key player in creating Canada-US Free Trade Agreement - the crucial forerunner of #NAFTA. https:/… - 8 years ago

@ericmiller191: RIP Clayton Yuetter, a key player in creating Canada-US Free Trade Agreement - the crucial forerunner of #NAFTA. - 8 years ago

@dawnriley8: RT @BNorthey: Omaha World-Herald Editorial: Clayton Yeutter was a statesman, patriot, farmer. - 8 years ago

@NYTNational: Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw negotiations for the basis for the North American Free Trade Agreement, died.… - 8 years ago

@CIMAGES: RT @nytimesbusiness: As Nafta is being revisited, Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw its negotiations under President Reagan, has died h… - 8 years ago

@InvestingLatest: nytimesbusiness: As Nafta is being revisited, Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw its negotiations under Preside… - 8 years ago

@omboriretail: RT @nytimesbusiness: As Nafta is being revisited, Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw its negotiations under President Reagan, has died h… - 8 years ago

@nytimesbusiness: As Nafta is being revisited, Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw its negotiations under President Reagan, has died - 8 years ago

@JohnReedz: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86... - 8 years ago

@msolution: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@tanjatyv3034: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@JohnReedz: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86... - 8 years ago

@msolution: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@JohnReedz: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86... - 8 years ago

@JohnReedz: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@JohnReedz: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86... - 8 years ago

@IBNMoney_com: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@ToBeSafeNSound: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@Baltapena: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@VelieAttorneys: RT @nytimesworld: Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw negotiations for the basis for the North American Free Trade Agreement, died. https… - 8 years ago

@sandyc1772: RT @nytimesworld: Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw negotiations for the basis for the North American Free Trade Agreement, died. https… - 8 years ago

@stevieintheUS: RT @nytimesworld: Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw negotiations for the basis for the North American Free Trade Agreement, died. https… - 8 years ago

@m42calhoun: RT @nytimesworld: Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw negotiations for the basis for the North American Free Trade Agreement, died. https… - 8 years ago

@nytimesworld: Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw negotiations for the basis for the North American Free Trade Agreement, died.… - 8 years ago

@OfficialRFDTV: Agriculture Community Remembers Clayton Yeutter - 8 years ago

@USA_Biz: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@USA_Biz: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@mymlinkage: New: Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: As Nafta is being revisited, Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw its negotiations under President Reagan, has die… - 8 years ago

@NYTNational: Clayton Yeutter, blunt negotiator of intricate trade deals, dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@truuasfuck: RT @nytpolitics: As Nafta is being revisited, Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw its negotiations under President Reagan, has died https… - 8 years ago

@abcvision: RT @nytpolitics: As Nafta is being revisited, Clayton Yeutter, a lawyer who oversaw its negotiations under President Reagan, has died https… - 8 years ago

@US_Business: US_Business. Clayton Yeutter, Blunt Negotiator of Intricate Trade Deals, Dies at - NYTimes - 8 years ago

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