Clarrie Millar

Australian politician
Died on Thursday November 30th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Clarrie Millar:

@Shirazsays: RT @leighsales: Outstanding ABC Foreign Correspondent @LisaMillar lost her beloved Dad Clarrie last week. This story is about how he helpe… - 7 years ago

@NewellChook52: RT @YaThinkN: Oh @LisaMillar this is lovely. I'm so sorry for your loss though wonderful you have so much to celebrate in your fathers life… - 7 years ago

@MarlinaWhop: RT @leighsales: Outstanding ABC Foreign Correspondent @LisaMillar lost her beloved Dad Clarrie last week. This story is about how he helpe… - 7 years ago

@Natasha1Johnson: RT @leighsales: Outstanding ABC Foreign Correspondent @LisaMillar lost her beloved Dad Clarrie last week. This story is about how he helpe… - 7 years ago


@Dylan_Caporn: RT @NicPerpitch: More than a parliamentarian: How my Dad made me the journalist I am today - 7 years ago

@NicPerpitch: More than a parliamentarian: How my Dad made me the journalist I am today - 7 years ago

@bensonhcook: RT @ray_peck: More than a parliamentarian: Beautiful tribute by @LisaMillar to her Dad. How my Dad made me the journalist I am today https:… - 7 years ago

@ray_peck: More than a parliamentarian: Beautiful tribute by @LisaMillar to her Dad. How my Dad made me the journalist I am to… - 7 years ago

@Rhys_Needham: RT @leighsales: Outstanding ABC Foreign Correspondent @LisaMillar lost her beloved Dad Clarrie last week. This story is about how he helpe… - 7 years ago

@SimonJonSmart: RT @abcnews: Since his death, Clarrie Millar has been praised for his service to the country as an MP. But Lisa Millar wants to share with… - 7 years ago

@LatimorePaul: RT @abcnews: Since his death, Clarrie Millar has been praised for his service to the country as an MP. But Lisa Millar wants to share with… - 7 years ago

@GerryGannon: More than a parliamentarian: How my Dad made me the journalist I am today - 7 years ago

@GeraldineDoogue: More than a parliamentarian: How my Dad made me the journalist I am today - 7 years ago

@lesposen: .@sophiescott2 great local fear of flying story... More than a parliamentarian: How my Dad made me the journalist… - 7 years ago

@richardaedy: RT @NeilMcMahon: In which @LisaMillar's lovely farewell to her dad Clarrie will make you shed a tear. - 7 years ago

@Juanita_Phillip: RT @NeilMcMahon: In which @LisaMillar's lovely farewell to her dad Clarrie will make you shed a tear. - 7 years ago

@sunnynsj: "Don't let somebody else determine what kind of person you're going to be," he would say- beautiful tribute! - 7 years ago

@SXYBNE: RT @abcnews: Since his death, Clarrie Millar has been praised for his service to the country as an MP. But Lisa Millar wants to share with… - 7 years ago

@JaneKeehnie: RT @zdaniel: Beautiful tribute from @LisaMillar for her Dad: More than a parliamentarian: How my Dad made me the journalist I am today http… - 7 years ago

@jane_wilson: RT @YaThinkN: Oh @LisaMillar this is lovely. I'm so sorry for your loss though wonderful you have so much to celebrate in your fathers life… - 7 years ago

@vingreensill: RT @louisarebgetz: This is so beautiful. So sorry for your loss @LisaMillar - 7 years ago

@sophiescott2: RT @leighsales: Outstanding ABC Foreign Correspondent @LisaMillar lost her beloved Dad Clarrie last week. This story is about how he helpe… - 7 years ago

@carolduncan: RT @leighsales: Outstanding ABC Foreign Correspondent @LisaMillar lost her beloved Dad Clarrie last week. This story is about how he helpe… - 7 years ago

@SamxDavies: RT @abcnews: Since his death, Clarrie Millar has been praised for his service to the country as an MP. But Lisa Millar wants to share with… - 7 years ago

@jeniport: RT @marcuskelson: what a beautiful story about her dad from the ABC's @LisaMillar - 7 years ago

@cfunnell1: RT @NeilMcMahon: In which @LisaMillar's lovely farewell to her dad Clarrie will make you shed a tear. - 7 years ago

@benjnielsen: RT @leighsales: Outstanding ABC Foreign Correspondent @LisaMillar lost her beloved Dad Clarrie last week. This story is about how he helpe… - 7 years ago

@catherineafield: RT @marcuskelson: what a beautiful story about her dad from the ABC's @LisaMillar - 7 years ago

@AnnScanlon47: RT @YaThinkN: Oh @LisaMillar this is lovely. I'm so sorry for your loss though wonderful you have so much to celebrate in your fathers life… - 7 years ago

@StebbingSteve: RT @abcnews: Since his death, Clarrie Millar has been praised for his service to the country as an MP. But Lisa Millar wants to share with… - 7 years ago

@c_s_wallace: RT @marcuskelson: what a beautiful story about her dad from the ABC's @LisaMillar - 7 years ago

@HydecomLorraine: RT @YaThinkN: Oh @LisaMillar this is lovely. I'm so sorry for your loss though wonderful you have so much to celebrate in your fathers life… - 7 years ago

@YaThinkN: Oh @LisaMillar this is lovely. I'm so sorry for your loss though wonderful you have so much to celebrate in your fa… - 7 years ago

@Captainturtle: RT @marcuskelson: what a beautiful story about her dad from the ABC's @LisaMillar - 7 years ago

@DarrenMcErlain: A beautiful story by @LisaMillar. My Grandfather would have been 100 this year. He used to mention the "hurdy-gurdy… - 7 years ago

@GrahamPerrettMP: RT @leighsales: Outstanding ABC Foreign Correspondent @LisaMillar lost her beloved Dad Clarrie last week. This story is about how he helpe… - 7 years ago

@AlanJMitchell_: RT @HydecomLorraine: More than a parliamentarian: How my Dad made me the journalist I am today - 7 years ago

@HydecomLorraine: RT @marcuskelson: what a beautiful story about her dad from the ABC's @LisaMillar - 7 years ago

@HydecomLorraine: More than a parliamentarian: How my Dad made me the journalist I am today - 7 years ago

@marcuskelson: what a beautiful story about her dad from the ABC's @LisaMillar - 7 years ago

@marygarden: RT @NeilMcMahon: In which @LisaMillar's lovely farewell to her dad Clarrie will make you shed a tear. - 7 years ago

@krazykitkatm: RT @leighsales: Outstanding ABC Foreign Correspondent @LisaMillar lost her beloved Dad Clarrie last week. This story is about how he helpe… - 7 years ago

@jhoppe47: RT @michellegrattan: More than a parliamentarian: How my Dad made me the journalist I am today - 7 years ago

@zdaniel: Beautiful tribute from @LisaMillar for her Dad: More than a parliamentarian: How my Dad made me the journalist I am… - 7 years ago

@SwampyGrundle: Top story: More than a parliamentarian: How my Dad made me the journalist I am … - 7 years ago

@jmlennox15: More than a parliamentarian: How my Dad made me the journalist I am today - 7 years ago

@JamesNichols73: RT @leighsales: Outstanding ABC Foreign Correspondent @LisaMillar lost her beloved Dad Clarrie last week. This story is about how he helpe… - 7 years ago

@robbollingmoore: RT @leighsales: Outstanding ABC Foreign Correspondent @LisaMillar lost her beloved Dad Clarrie last week. This story is about how he helpe… - 7 years ago

@MatthewMGlynn: RT @michellegrattan: More than a parliamentarian: How my Dad made me the journalist I am today - 7 years ago

@oceanswims: Lovely story. Like others, I had no idea Lisa was Clartie’s daughter... ABC bureau chief's moving tribute to her da… - 7 years ago

@Ronobri101: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@TraceyCoulton: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@JackPiggott: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@suzipeep: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@MVincentOZ: RT @DialOforObits: Former Queensland politician and dairy farmer Clarrie Millar, loved and respected by his community and both sides of pol… - 7 years ago

@YoungRJeremy: RT @DialOforObits: Former Queensland politician and dairy farmer Clarrie Millar, loved and respected by his community and both sides of pol… - 7 years ago

@YoungRJeremy: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@nicolejeffery: RT @DialOforObits: Former Queensland politician and dairy farmer Clarrie Millar, loved and respected by his community and both sides of pol… - 7 years ago

@LoriBKohn: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@badjerry_1: RT @DialOforObits: Former Queensland politician and dairy farmer Clarrie Millar, loved and respected by his community and both sides of pol… - 7 years ago

@Qldaah: RT @DialOforObits: Former Queensland politician and dairy farmer Clarrie Millar, loved and respected by his community and both sides of pol… - 7 years ago

@beggs_aubrey: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@VertCordon: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@johnstonec: RT @DialOforObits: Former Queensland politician and dairy farmer Clarrie Millar, loved and respected by his community and both sides of pol… - 7 years ago

@AM_Gill: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@Choate157: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@obelloz: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@drng: RT @DialOforObits: Former Queensland politician and dairy farmer Clarrie Millar, loved and respected by his community and both sides of pol… - 7 years ago

@cathdelaney63: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@Beachman1701: RT @DialOforObits: Former Queensland politician and dairy farmer Clarrie Millar, loved and respected by his community and both sides of pol… - 7 years ago

@DialOforObits: Former Queensland politician and dairy farmer Clarrie Millar, loved and respected by his community and both sides o… - 7 years ago

@gregjamesbarton: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@alpinejan: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@StevejCbr: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@JackHigh4: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@alcookster: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@Peter_F_Ryan: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@MAJIDRAHGOZAR: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@g4gracie2: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@Bf99Floyd: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@Marvell_Law: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@michellegrattan: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@mec1948: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@Beachman1701: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@abissicus: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@MichaeCarey: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@robwmitchell1: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@albericie: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@IanBTownsend: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@hiroyasugita: RT @barriecassidy: RIP former NP member for Wide Bay and deputy speaker Clarrie Millar (father to the ABC’s Lisa Millar) One of nature’s tr… - 7 years ago

@kilkivanray: @LlewOBrienMP Sad to hear the passing of P.C Millar. Clarrie's command of the English language was outstanding. Gre… - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Clarrie Millar (92) Australian politician - 7 years ago

@bene1711: RT @LlewOBrienMP: I was saddened to hear former Federal Member for Wide Bay Clarrie Millar has passed away. He was a strong advocate for th… - 7 years ago

@LlewOBrienMP: I was saddened to hear former Federal Member for Wide Bay Clarrie Millar has passed away. He was a strong advocate… - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Clarrie Millar dies - #ClarrieMillar #Clarrie #Millar #rip - 7 years ago

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