Clare Hollingworth

British journalist.
Died on Tuesday January 10th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Clare Hollingworth:

@cayenneleung1: RT @fcchk: We're live streaming the celebration of Clare Hollingworth's life over on our Facebook page right now - 8 years ago

@udrearesearch: RT @TelegraphNews: Clare Hollingworth dies aged 105: Telegraph correspondent who broke the news of World War II passes away in Hong… https:… - 8 years ago

@joekainz: RT @fcchk: We're live streaming the celebration of Clare Hollingworth's life over on our Facebook page right now - 8 years ago

@CharlieMTweets: Great piece by @lindseyhilsum on Clare Hollingworth - I hope someone is hard at work on a biography! - 8 years ago


@JamesCrisp6: RT @NewStatesman: How Clare Hollingworth defied the stereotypes about women and war - 8 years ago

@benrossington: RT @WongDouglas: Remembering @fcchk 's icon and journalistic inspiration Clare Hollingworth - 8 years ago

@fcchk: We're live streaming the celebration of Clare Hollingworth's life over on our Facebook page right now… - 8 years ago

@joekainz: RT @WongDouglas: Remembering @fcchk 's icon and journalistic inspiration Clare Hollingworth - 8 years ago

@fcchk: RT @WongDouglas: Remembering @fcchk 's icon and journalistic inspiration Clare Hollingworth - 8 years ago

@fcchk: RT @jvd_law: Celebrating Clare Hollingworth's life with family, friends and colleagues at the @fcchk - 8 years ago

@cnconcerts: At FCC, celebrating the life of Clare Hollingworth. The British Counsel-General is now giving a speech about a long time of 105 years. - 8 years ago

@jvd_law: Celebrating Clare Hollingworth's life with family, friends and colleagues at the @fcchk - 8 years ago

@WongDouglas: Remembering @fcchk 's icon and journalistic inspiration Clare Hollingworth - 8 years ago

@fcchk: We're live streaming a celebration of Clare Hollingworth's life right now on our Facebook page:… - 8 years ago

@jenkspl64: RT @NewStatesman: How Clare Hollingworth defied the stereotypes about women and war - 8 years ago

@Pedra999: RT @NewStatesman: How Clare Hollingworth defied the stereotypes about women and war - 8 years ago

@ThelmaEtim1: RT @NewStatesman: How Clare Hollingworth defied the stereotypes about women and war - 8 years ago

@SeanMcP: RT @NewStatesman: How Clare Hollingworth defied the stereotypes about women and war - 8 years ago

@Breathwick: RT @NewStatesman: How Clare Hollingworth defied the stereotypes about women and war - 8 years ago

@gregwrightYP: RT @NewStatesman: How Clare Hollingworth defied the stereotypes about women and war - 8 years ago

@NewStatesman: How Clare Hollingworth defied the stereotypes about women and war - 8 years ago

@nikonovavxw1981: RT @AmbassadorPower: Today the world lost Clare Hollingworth, who broke news of WWII. A remarkable journalist & protector of the truth: htt… - 8 years ago

@OliviaNG22: RT @pictoline: Sus padres la querían en casa ella quiso narrar la guerra Clare Hollingworth murió esta semana y reportó el inicio de la 2a… - 8 years ago

@titisalinas21: RT @pictoline: Sus padres la querían en casa ella quiso narrar la guerra Clare Hollingworth murió esta semana y reportó el inicio de la 2a… - 8 years ago

@bfly93: RT @pictoline: Sus padres la querían en casa ella quiso narrar la guerra Clare Hollingworth murió esta semana y reportó el inicio de la 2a… - 8 years ago

@NoardWind: RT @pictoline: Sus padres la querían en casa ella quiso narrar la guerra Clare Hollingworth murió esta semana y reportó el inicio de la 2a… - 8 years ago

@acidez19: RT @pictoline: Sus padres la querían en casa ella quiso narrar la guerra Clare Hollingworth murió esta semana y reportó el inicio de la 2a… - 8 years ago

@spinfreezone: RT @eastendlady: Hear Clare Hollingworth: Telegraph correspondent who broke news of WWII passes away in Hong Kong - 8 years ago

@SierraToisse1: RT @BBCArchive: Clare Hollingworth, the journalist who broke the news about the start of WWII, has died aged 105. - 8 years ago

@ultima_coluna: Clare Hollingworth, a ex-correspondente de guerra britânica que noticiou primeiro o início da Segunda Guerra... - 8 years ago

@tweetingtonia: Theresa May discusses shared society on TV +++ And what a pity Clare Hollingworth was not made a Dame - 8 years ago

@cdhatley: RT @LindyCowan: Clare Hollingworth, Reporter Who Broke News of World War II, Dies at 105 - 8 years ago

@MoonandMoon: RT @pictoline: Sus padres la querían en casa ella quiso narrar la guerra Clare Hollingworth murió esta semana y reportó el inicio de la 2a… - 8 years ago

@fiddlestix007: RT @AndyCarrollUSA: One of the greatest war correspondents ever, Clare Hollingworth, just passed away, age 105. RIP - 8 years ago

@eskridge_lance: RT @AndyCarrollUSA: One of the greatest war correspondents ever, Clare Hollingworth, just passed away, age 105. RIP - 8 years ago

@GigiB84: RT @AndyCarrollUSA: One of the greatest war correspondents ever, Clare Hollingworth, just passed away, age 105. RIP - 8 years ago

@familytreegirl: RT @WRIR: Why Clare Hollingworth, the reporter who broke news of WWII, is a hero for our times: - 8 years ago

@WRIR: Why Clare Hollingworth, the reporter who broke news of WWII, is a hero for our times: - 8 years ago

@keyla2d: RT @pictoline: Sus padres la querían en casa ella quiso narrar la guerra Clare Hollingworth murió esta semana y reportó el inicio de la 2a… - 8 years ago

@TourGuideTed: RT @WWIImuseum: British #journalist Clare Hollingworth, the first person to report on the start of #WWII, has died. - 8 years ago

@DLGenealogist: RT @TelegraphNews: Clare Hollingworth dies aged 105: Telegraph correspondent who broke the news of World War II passes away in Hong… https:… - 8 years ago

@DanielCastroSC: Murió Clare Hollingworth, la periodista que dio la primicia sobre el inicio de la II Guerra Mundial. Tenía 105 años. - 8 years ago

@sahni_manmeet: RT @emily_cohn: The woman who broke news of World War II, “probably the greatest scoop of modern times,” died at 105 - 8 years ago

@EDVatelier: RT @TelegraphNews: Clare Hollingworth dies aged 105: Telegraph correspondent who broke the news of World War II passes away in Hong… https:… - 8 years ago

@curranart: RT @TelegraphNews: Clare Hollingworth dies aged 105: Telegraph correspondent who broke the news of World War II passes away in Hong… https:… - 8 years ago

@AshakSheriff: RT @KateSamuelson: The legendary war correspondent Claire Hollingworth has died at 105. She broke the news that World War Two had began htt… - 8 years ago

@Milanez72: RT @WW2Nation: Sad to hear of the passing of #WW2 war reporter Clare Hollingworth. A remarkable career. - 8 years ago

@t_tonii: RT @chinarhyming: Clare Hollingworth (1911-2017) examines a rifle in 1970s Cultural Revolution Beijing... - 8 years ago

@PhilDorward: @dansilver_ You're no Clare Hollingworth then. - 8 years ago

@Raoso: Muere Clare Hollingworth, corresponsal que dio la primicia de la invación nazi en la II Guerra Mundial - 8 years ago

@JoshZollicoffer: RT @ZeroBlog30: #ZeroBlogThirty Badass of the Week: Clare Hollingworth. Clare was a legendary reporter who broke the news of WW2 - 8 years ago

@CMalkowska: RT @Historykon: Zmarła Clare Hollingworth – która jako pierwsza przekazała informację o napaści III Rzeszy na Polskę - 8 years ago

@drsamkhan: RT @Womenkind: Why Clare Hollingworth, the Reporter Who Broke News of World War II, Is a Hero for Our Times - - 8 years ago

@Sandra_Moralesc: RT @pictoline: Sus padres la querían en casa ella quiso narrar la guerra Clare Hollingworth murió esta semana y reportó el inicio de la 2a… - 8 years ago

@marialuisaa99: RT @pictoline: Sus padres la querían en casa ella quiso narrar la guerra Clare Hollingworth murió esta semana y reportó el inicio de la 2a… - 8 years ago

@sylvernic: RT @CBCAlerts: UK reporter who broke story that World War II had begun dead at 105. Clare Hollingworth was 1st to spot, report Nazi tanks o… - 8 years ago

@HomefrontHugs: RT @WWIImuseum: British #journalist Clare Hollingworth, the first person to report on the start of #WWII, has died. - 8 years ago

@edxodus: RT @pictoline: Sus padres la querían en casa ella quiso narrar la guerra Clare Hollingworth murió esta semana y reportó el inicio de la 2a… - 8 years ago

@Henysbel: RT @pictoline: Sus padres la querían en casa ella quiso narrar la guerra Clare Hollingworth murió esta semana y reportó el inicio de la 2a… - 8 years ago

@ChinaStudiesUW: RT @chinarhyming: Clare Hollingworth (1911-2017) examines a rifle in 1970s Cultural Revolution Beijing... - 8 years ago

@SRSeventy1: RT @WWIImuseum: British #journalist Clare Hollingworth, the first person to report on the start of #WWII, has died. - 8 years ago

@Saruppa: Clare Hollingworth's brilliant career: a professional appreciation - 8 years ago

@gonzaapoli: RT @pictoline: Sus padres la querían en casa ella quiso narrar la guerra Clare Hollingworth murió esta semana y reportó el inicio de la 2a… - 8 years ago

@bikerbd: RT @WWIImuseum: British #journalist Clare Hollingworth, the first person to report on the start of #WWII, has died. - 8 years ago

@Womenkind: Why Clare Hollingworth, the Reporter Who Broke News of World War II, Is a Hero for Our Times - - 8 years ago

@WWIImuseum: British #journalist Clare Hollingworth, the first person to report on the start of #WWII, has died. - 8 years ago

@MeganjoltRobert: RT @SkyNews: Journalist Clare Hollingworth, who broke the news that the Second World War had started, has died at the age of 105 - 8 years ago

@itisgranger: RT @EstadaoAcervo: A repórter Clare Hollingworth, que noticiou o início da Segunda Guerra Mundial em primeira mão, morreu aos 105 anos http… - 8 years ago

@BS7227: RT @ZeroBlog30: #ZeroBlogThirty Badass of the Week: Clare Hollingworth. Clare was a legendary reporter who broke the news of WW2 - 8 years ago

@UncleChaps: RT @ZeroBlog30: #ZeroBlogThirty Badass of the Week: Clare Hollingworth. Clare was a legendary reporter who broke the news of WW2 - 8 years ago

@burtosa: RT @chinarhyming: Clare Hollingworth (1911-2017) examines a rifle in 1970s Cultural Revolution Beijing... - 8 years ago

@RobertGalm: RT @ZeroBlog30: #ZeroBlogThirty Badass of the Week: Clare Hollingworth. Clare was a legendary reporter who broke the news of WW2 - 8 years ago

@ConIsles: RT @ZeroBlog30: #ZeroBlogThirty Badass of the Week: Clare Hollingworth. Clare was a legendary reporter who broke the news of WW2 - 8 years ago

@robyg44: RT @ZeroBlog30: #ZeroBlogThirty Badass of the Week: Clare Hollingworth. Clare was a legendary reporter who broke the news of WW2 - 8 years ago

@HMaegerle: RT @wojciech70: Zmarła Clare Hollingworth – która jako pierwsza przekazała informację o napaści III Rzeszy na Polskę - 8 years ago

@CaptainCons: RT @ZeroBlog30: #ZeroBlogThirty Badass of the Week: Clare Hollingworth. Clare was a legendary reporter who broke the news of WW2 - 8 years ago

@wojciech70: Zmarła Clare Hollingworth – która jako pierwsza przekazała informację o napaści III Rzeszy na Polskę - 8 years ago

@ZeroBlog30: #ZeroBlogThirty Badass of the Week: Clare Hollingworth. Clare was a legendary reporter who broke the news of WW2 - 8 years ago

@SrHonguito: RT @pictoline: Sus padres la querían en casa ella quiso narrar la guerra Clare Hollingworth murió esta semana y reportó el inicio de la 2a… - 8 years ago

@NgoziGodwell: RT @TomMcIlroy: Pioneering war reporter Clare Hollingworth 'an inspiration' to all women in journalism - 8 years ago

@Historykon: Zmarła Clare Hollingworth – która jako pierwsza przekazała informację o napaści III Rzeszy na Polskę - 8 years ago

@cathro1: On the Legendary Clare Hollingworth - 8 years ago

@StorytellingWan: RT @lithub: A profile of the legendary Clare Hollingworth, one of the 20th century's great reporters. - 8 years ago

@karine_sergerie: RT @karine_sergerie: Décès de la journaliste qui annonça la Seconde Guerre mondiale - 8 years ago

@amiraftabnazir: RT @BBCBreaking: Clare Hollingworth, journalist who broke news that World War Two had started, dies aged 105 - 8 years ago

@Janeydonald: RT @GuardianArchive: A lovely tribute to #ClareHollingworth and her time @Guardian via @TheJohnRylands - 8 years ago

@franbaker_mcr: RT @GuardianArchive: A lovely tribute to #ClareHollingworth and her time @Guardian via @TheJohnRylands - 8 years ago

@analloret7: RT @pictoline: Sus padres la querían en casa ella quiso narrar la guerra Clare Hollingworth murió esta semana y reportó el inicio de la 2a… - 8 years ago

@LiliSpatz: RT @chinarhyming: Clare Hollingworth (1911-2017) examines a rifle in 1970s Cultural Revolution Beijing... - 8 years ago

@CraigClunas: RT @chinarhyming: Clare Hollingworth (1911-2017) examines a rifle in 1970s Cultural Revolution Beijing... - 8 years ago

@sjfotos: RT @chinarhyming: Clare Hollingworth (1911-2017) examines a rifle in 1970s Cultural Revolution Beijing... - 8 years ago

@chinarhyming: Clare Hollingworth (1911-2017) examines a rifle in 1970s Cultural Revolution Beijing... - 8 years ago

@NatalijaPavic: Why Clare Hollingworth, the reporter who broke news of WWII, is a hero for our times: - 8 years ago

@GittinsEstelle: Tribute to Clare Hollingworth by archivists working on the Guardian Archive at John Rylands - 8 years ago

@shakebiblio: A Tribute to Clare Hollingworth - 8 years ago

@AaronAckerley: RT @GuardianArchive: A lovely tribute to #ClareHollingworth and her time @Guardian via @TheJohnRylands - 8 years ago

@mtchknght8: RT @CelebrateClare: Remembering Clare Hollingworth - 8 years ago

@CelebrateClare: Remembering Clare Hollingworth - 8 years ago

@Deedna: RT @lithub: A profile of the legendary Clare Hollingworth, one of the 20th century's great reporters. - 8 years ago

@angelique1z: RT @lithub: A profile of the legendary Clare Hollingworth, one of the 20th century's great reporters. - 8 years ago

@GuardianArchive: A lovely tribute to #ClareHollingworth and her time @Guardian via @TheJohnRylands - 8 years ago

@MariaMendiola6: RT @logela: La periodista Clare Hollingworth desayunaba cerveza y murió con 105 años Antonio Docampo vivió hasta los 107 años bebiendo sól… - 8 years ago

@logela: La periodista Clare Hollingworth desayunaba cerveza y murió con 105 años Antonio Docampo vivió hasta los 107 años… - 8 years ago

@UoMLibrary: A Tribute to Clare Hollingworth - 8 years ago

@Moonmates: RT @zendalibros: La primicia del comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en el blog de @Marta_Querol - 8 years ago

@HeadStGabriels: RT @StGabsChallenge: Following yesterday's assembly links have been shared with Y11 to learn about the remarkable Clare Hollingworth https:… - 8 years ago

@HeadStGabriels: RT @StGabsChallenge: How Clare Hollingworth broke the news of World War II – and saved thousands from the Nazis - 8 years ago

@livechannelfeed: ICYMI: She is the journalist credited with breaking the news of World War II in “the scoop of the century.” - 8 years ago

@csmonitor: ICYMI: She is the journalist credited with breaking the news of World War II in “the scoop of the century.” - 8 years ago

@partychronicles: RT @lithub: A profile of the legendary Clare Hollingworth, one of the 20th century's great reporters. - 8 years ago

@dearkatti: RT @lithub: A profile of the legendary Clare Hollingworth, one of the 20th century's great reporters. - 8 years ago

@Namevindi: RT @AFP: British war correspondent Clare Hollingworth, who broke the news that World War II had started, died on January 10, 2017 at the ag… - 8 years ago

@Bookoblast: RT @yalepress: We Remember Clare Hollingworth, the pioneering war correspondent, who passed away last week… - 8 years ago

@FreeWordCentre: RT @lithub: In memory of the legacy and life of Clare Hollingworth, a truly intrepid reporter. - 8 years ago

@makeles: RT @_transparentes: Fallece Clare Hollingworth, la periodista que dio la primicia del comienzo de la II Guerra Mundial. - 8 years ago

@mcsbsodmg: RT @lithub: A profile of the legendary Clare Hollingworth, one of the 20th century's great reporters. - 8 years ago

@heguisen: RT @chinarhyming: China Rhyming » Clare Hollingworth Examining a Rifle in Cultural Revolution Peking - 8 years ago

@chopkickpunch: RT @chinarhyming: China Rhyming » Clare Hollingworth Examining a Rifle in Cultural Revolution Peking - 8 years ago

@chinarhyming: China Rhyming » Clare Hollingworth Examining a Rifle in Cultural Revolution Peking - 8 years ago

@akennedysmith: RT @history_girls: Today Celia Rees honours the legendary Clare Hollingworth 1911-2017 - 8 years ago

@history_girls: Today Celia Rees honours the legendary Clare Hollingworth 1911-2017 - 8 years ago

@Manonpaulic: Clare Hollingworth dies aged 105: Telegraph correspondent who broke the news of World War II passes away - 8 years ago

@shesback: What a woman! Inspiring to read of the life of #clarehollingworth - 8 years ago

@Marta_Querol: ¿Quién dio la primicia de la IIGM? Clare Hollingworth. Y así pudo ser. Nueva entrada en Zenda - 8 years ago

@alone_unruly: RT @majimeno: Obituario en @LaVanguardia: Clare Hollingworth. Corresponsal de guerra. - 8 years ago

@cambiodedamas: RT @Historia2punto0: Hace una semana falleció Clare Hollingworth, quien dio la primicia del inicio de la II Guerra Mundial. Fuente: https:… - 8 years ago

@roigenator: RT @majimeno: Obituario en @LaVanguardia: Clare Hollingworth. Corresponsal de guerra. - 8 years ago

@titimur: RT @majimeno: Obituario en @LaVanguardia: Clare Hollingworth. Corresponsal de guerra. - 8 years ago

@gervasanchez: RT @majimeno: Obituario en @LaVanguardia: Clare Hollingworth. Corresponsal de guerra. - 8 years ago

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