Claire Wineland

American entrepreneur and activist
Died on Monday September 3rd 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Claire Wineland:

@Saix4raw8: I liked a @YouTube video - 7 years ago

@ameliabunjamin: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@iasanambb: RT @clairewineland: "Death is inevitable, living a life you are proud of is something you can control" - Claire Wineland - 7 years ago

@bionewsservices: The Claire Wineland Message I Hope We Never Forget - 7 years ago


@MTStarship: RT @singhxsanders: I'm so late but i just found about about #ClaireWineland's passing 💔 She was an inspiration to me for years - from The C… - 7 years ago

@mvdeleine75: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@mumbythesea: RT @CandaceMRobb: "We’re all just human beings trying to figure out why we’re alive and why we’re growing and what our part is in this pla… - 7 years ago

@mauvemarlyse: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Audetne: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@mauvemarlyse: RT @CNN: YouTube star Claire Wineland has died just a week after receiving a lung transplant. The 21-year-old, who had cystic fibrosis, was… - 7 years ago

@UdeyJohnson: Claire Wineland Dies at 21 After Receiving Lung Transplant. Value every second! - 7 years ago

@mauvemarlyse: RT @BBCNews: Claire Wineland: Cystic fibrosis activist dies at 21 - 7 years ago

@mauvemarlyse: RT @itvnews: This is the inspirational, heartbreaking story of Claire Wineland. The cystic fibrosis activist touched the hearts of thousand… - 7 years ago

@EternalLifeFan: Claire Wineland Died: - 7 years ago

@Beto_Kusyairy: Thank you Claire Wineland. - 7 years ago

@annaarlet: I'm incredibly saddened by the death of a girl who once inspired me to keep on living. Rest in peace, Claire Wineland. - 7 years ago

@natmic05: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@GallowayTalula7: R.I.P Claire Wineland, you are a bright star forever shining bright! <3 - 7 years ago

@sofun98: I liked a @YouTube video - 7 years ago

@peopleconect: RIP Claire Wineland - 7 years ago

@writewherehurts: Amplifying a strong activist voice lost too soon. - 7 years ago

@goofballisland: RT @clairewineland: "Death is inevitable, living a life you are proud of is something you can control" - Claire Wineland - 7 years ago

@fuckinyiXes: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@victoria_pink6: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@angelcasgod: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Bexana4life: RT @washingtonpost: Claire Wineland, who inspired millions on YouTube chronicling her cystic fibrosis battle, has died after a lung transpl… - 7 years ago

@alessandroleen: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@youngscrappyhun: RT @cnnhealth: Claire Wineland, inspirational speaker and social media star, dies one week after lung transplant - 7 years ago

@Eya_trabelsii: @shanedawson I think its gonna be not what anyone expecting , neither about Jake or any celebrity but a very human… - 7 years ago

@rvlavery13: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@bfriedprice: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@avv_procopio: RT @VanityFairIt: Claire Wineland, malata di #fibrosicistica, si raccontava davanti alla telecamera senza risparmiarsi. È entrata in sala o… - 7 years ago

@lovelymaraxoxo: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@jacksnotjacked: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@linzus: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@FarzonaSam: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@amyrafoy: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Bre_the_fangirl: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@TobyQuinnQuartz: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@nickkk_dugan: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@itsmeelaaa: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@GentIemanJJ: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@johnrmatthews: Late Vlogger Claire Wineland To Be Subject Of Documentary By Oscar-Winning Director - 7 years ago

@Tierneynuala: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Heyitz_Sabrina: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@orianadink: If Shane's next series is on Claire Wineland I cant promise ya'll that I'm not gonna cry😫😫 - 7 years ago

@hwioey: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Donna_aok: What a beautiful soul! I hope you will listen to this & take away something positive from her story. RIP Claire Win… - 7 years ago

@wtvrcathryn: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@HopieHowlter: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@simon_ssaz: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Wheresthecacti: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@lara_howells365: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@kainatali761: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@laut7_mikaella: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@milkovichess: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@teetv19: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@LynneMcTaggart: RT @Goal_Cast: Claire Wineland Dies at 21 and Leaves Beautiful Message | Goalcast: - 7 years ago

@paiva_ed: Claire Wineland Dies at 21 and Leaves Beautiful Message | Goalcast - 7 years ago

@corie_jaryn: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@ScottishFutball: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@kabmkx: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@__xThomas__: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@gcroftie: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@dddommmtea: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@beys_yonce: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@brightspirits_: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@momoxmochi: “When you pity people who are sick, you take away their power. I am sick and will probably always be sick. Yet I am… - 7 years ago

@keirarees490: RT @clairewineland: "Death is inevitable, living a life you are proud of is something you can control" - Claire Wineland - 7 years ago

@paigesechler: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@voidofnathalie: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@melissarrrx: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@AissaVids: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@YupItsChazz: Wow, rest in peace to Claire Wineland. I remember stumbling upon her youtube channel probably a little less than a… - 7 years ago

@nyushaxx: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@DawnTheDove: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@_b_rabbit4: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@kadegcameron: I just found out Claire Wineland passed away and I’m so upset at myself for now finding this out 9 days after it ha… - 7 years ago

@shamelessxghost: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@alchkimist: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Adina78243412: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@RawrRena: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@heey__britty: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@isit2005yet: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@thedarknewt99: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@trapsehunn: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@dnae1998: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@babysvima: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Topanga31147675: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Aj70053249: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@BravoForPaleo: I liked a @YouTube video - 7 years ago

@AmaliaD52780391: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@justasyouare91: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@luxxaree: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@wakemelove: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Nickyjay11: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@livbarcelou: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@ShelbyTMitchell: RT @CNN: Cystic fibrosis didn't define Claire Wineland. She did. - 7 years ago

@cadyatkinson03: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@ryleesakis: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@emilylamoreaux_: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@maryann2573: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Scot_mack2002: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Noorhelvm: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@MadisonSmith05: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@602Irvindeleon: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@ironicabbs: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@httmedicine: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Luisdiber: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@lolitstrina: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@minjoonskids: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@sajambaniata: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@feltham_molly: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@WAlexaander: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Dumbfuckingass: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@ariasmelisssaaa: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@bailschnod: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@piglitdolan: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Katie_bolling: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@mar_l_en_e: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@PointlessIzzyy: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@stevlandnicks: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@squidgejosh: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@XnissssaX: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@emma_lillymarie: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@twdblurry: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@mrsJennBieber: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@dreamfinitez: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@stratfordavenue: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@Light_is_Coming: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@StormTazer: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@AshleySDMNphan: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@SamD37221: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@BobThurman: RT @LionsRoar: Claire Wineland, an activist who lived with cystic fibrosis and was influenced by Buddhist practice, passed away Sunday even… - 7 years ago

@Nouraa_ix: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@burningwitchesx: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@AWnderfulWrld: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@mac_n_cheese: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@jaysgirl6211994: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

@samanthuhhhhhhh: RT @shanedawson: one of the most beautiful and inspiring humans to ever walk this planet. if you don’t know who claire wineland was please… - 7 years ago

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