Cindy Li

American web designer.
Died on Tuesday October 30th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Cindy Li:

@MicheleRuberti: E alla fine anche i Cindy and the rock history li abbiamo incorniciati #cci2018 @Walk_2_Talk #cloudConferenceItalia - 6 years ago

@cindy_crawley: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Of course Ellison was elected after proven allegations of sexual abuse/misconduct surface. That's the way the world… - 6 years ago

@Tauz_Biel: @Cindy_Noites Nunca li tanta merda na mh vida - 6 years ago

@eymerichansen: ho trovato tre tp a dir poco meravigliosi di Cindy K, chi li vuole? - 6 years ago


@limitlesstechFL: Great to celebrate our SVP’s Birthday !!! Cindy.....Thanks for all you do to help our Clients ... #Organize.… - 6 years ago

@PiotarBoa: Tron è un film di fantascienza del 1982 prodotto dalla Disney, diretto da Steven Lisberger. Considerato un film c… - 6 years ago

@chuckwjones3: Proud of the sales leadership team I have at SunTust. Brent Hill, Doug Mitchell, Henry Bittman and Cindy Hall with… - 6 years ago

@Cindy_Schindler: - 6 years ago

@catherinevocals: RT @1sthcc: WINNER! We have a winner from today's Quiz! Cindy Ference! Congrats Cindy! Remember- every time you like our page, the post fr… - 6 years ago

@Cindy___N: RT @LouisBaltimore: Là, Je lui aurais mis la même reprise de volée que Jet Li dans Le Baiser Mortel Du Dragon. - 6 years ago

@cryptonauten: RT @enjin: "We wanted to do something that doesn’t exist in the industry and that related to our passion—competitive fantasy PVP." - @9live… - 6 years ago

@1sthcc: WINNER! We have a winner from today's Quiz! Cindy Ference! Congrats Cindy! Remember- every time you like our page,… - 6 years ago

@davjhum: RT @enjin: "We wanted to do something that doesn’t exist in the industry and that related to our passion—competitive fantasy PVP." - @9live… - 6 years ago

@ShaShaHa13: RT @enjin: "We wanted to do something that doesn’t exist in the industry and that related to our passion—competitive fantasy PVP." - @9live… - 6 years ago

@DanFigData: - 6 years ago

@tedandbuckCEO: Welcome to the Women of Golf Show! Cindy's off this week, so I have the honor of interviewing two of the Symetra T… - 6 years ago

@cindy_kelley: Holding a leadership position and being an effective communicator go hand in hand. It’s impossible for you to lead… - 6 years ago

@russ_guenther: RT @enjin: "We wanted to do something that doesn’t exist in the industry and that related to our passion—competitive fantasy PVP." - @9live… - 6 years ago

@bleeding_binary: RT @enjin: "We wanted to do something that doesn’t exist in the industry and that related to our passion—competitive fantasy PVP." - @9live… - 6 years ago

@cherobeam141: RT @enjin: "We wanted to do something that doesn’t exist in the industry and that related to our passion—competitive fantasy PVP." - @9live… - 6 years ago

@JBCrypto89: RT @enjin: "We wanted to do something that doesn’t exist in the industry and that related to our passion—competitive fantasy PVP." - @9live… - 6 years ago

@victordorofeev1: RT @enjin: "We wanted to do something that doesn’t exist in the industry and that related to our passion—competitive fantasy PVP." - @9live… - 6 years ago

@femo4ever: RT @enjin: "We wanted to do something that doesn’t exist in the industry and that related to our passion—competitive fantasy PVP." - @9live… - 6 years ago

@Timdanenberg1: RT @enjin: "We wanted to do something that doesn’t exist in the industry and that related to our passion—competitive fantasy PVP." - @9live… - 6 years ago

@riicky18uk: RT @enjin: "We wanted to do something that doesn’t exist in the industry and that related to our passion—competitive fantasy PVP." - @9live… - 6 years ago

@machineststrong: RT @enjin: "We wanted to do something that doesn’t exist in the industry and that related to our passion—competitive fantasy PVP." - @9live… - 6 years ago

@DrMHJanjua: RT @enjin: "We wanted to do something that doesn’t exist in the industry and that related to our passion—competitive fantasy PVP." - @9live… - 6 years ago

@enjin: "We wanted to do something that doesn’t exist in the industry and that related to our passion—competitive fantasy P… - 6 years ago

@Cindy_Vascs: RT @CarlosBolsonaro: Tem gente que chegou ontem subestimando a capacidade de Bolsonaro. Acharam que seriam os tais e o fariam de marionete.… - 6 years ago

@LI_Catfish: RT @luluHru: #LulusCaboose Follow 4 FB RT Reply to ride 🇺🇸@DplrblesUnite @KenGrimes9 🇺🇸@The_Zooniverse_ @briantopping66 🇺🇸@luluHru @Sc… - 6 years ago

@LI_Catfish: @luluHru @RideTheRedWave @DplrblesUnite @KenGrimes9 @The_Zooniverse_ @briantopping66 @ScrewedHumans @cindy_nurse… - 6 years ago

@Li_EmiLhy: Cindy Ingghied 😂😂😂 - 6 years ago

@pleasecindy: Cindy✨: Parece que eu estou fazendo a prova do jaqueta com a Viviane kkkk Ruivinha 💜: e a Joviniana de português Ci… - 6 years ago

@haiIsun: @favscindy amiga eu só percebi que era a cindy pq li a tua legenda. não se é pq ou desatenta ou... - 6 years ago

@cindy_li: RT @Fam_Unidas_AC: 🔎 Ayúdanos a encontrarla 🔍 Lluvia Paulina Aguirre González | 30 años | Desaparecida | 30.10.18 | Cdmx | Alcaldía Azcapot… - 6 years ago

@zoswietie1: - 6 years ago

@ImranOnline_net: I’ve been reeling from the loss of Cindy Li. The kindest person I’ve met through the web. Cindy had a way of becomi… - 6 years ago

@HakanAtaman7: Haa bu arada "sen biliyon mu John MacCain kim?" diyenler çıkabilir. Cumhuriyetçi ABD'li bir politikacı. Bu ödülde d… - 6 years ago

@CiNDy_fabulousv: RT @F_teatime78: - 6 years ago

@archulita_cindy: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Oh to be standing across the street watching this happen to Cory Booker - 6 years ago

@rall_cindy: RT @_jillianfleming: Liberty Girls Basketball needs your support! Help us raise m`oney! #getteamworks. Support us and retweet. - 6 years ago

@rall_cindy: RT @MaryGraceMason5: Liberty Girls Basketball needs your support! Help us raise money! #getteamworks. Support us and retweet. - 6 years ago

@simplebits: I’ve been reeling from the loss of Cindy Li. The kindest person I’ve met through the web. Cindy had a way of becomi… - 6 years ago

@kentcsmith: Serving the greater Placer County Market since 1990! #joinbvm #bigvalleymortgage #bvmroseville #thisisbvm… - 6 years ago

@shsiddiqui2008: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago


@cindy_sismologa: RT @ORT_Chile: En ORT Chile buscamos periodista o profesional de la comunicación para el desarrollo y creación de contenidos, tanto para l… - 6 years ago

@megyooschneider: At the #h2owomen conference with 150 women leaders in water, and it's so exciting to see Cindy Wallis-Lage on the p… - 6 years ago

@samuel4charity: RT @SMEUganda1: From Netherlands to Uganda! I am very excited to receive our volunteer Cindy. Cindy is passionate about empowering vulner… - 6 years ago

@SMEUganda1: From Netherlands to Uganda! I am very excited to receive our volunteer Cindy. Cindy is passionate about empowerin… - 6 years ago

@joos_cindy: The Power of Brainspace - 6 years ago

@Real_AzKyle: @trek4truthinus @mystormee @donjone38970700 @JoeBoss1020 @MKronader @TwistedOne96 @nwzchic @LoriinUtah @ncar999… - 6 years ago

@cindy_kelley: Whether you are leading an entire company, a department, or a small team, if you want to be a successful leader in… - 6 years ago

@ReinWill: Year-end and Xmas parties are nearing my dear Dutchies. Consider Cindy as your MC, she will amaze you! - 6 years ago

@misssamcross: My favourite photo of the day. Thank to all at Nuffield Health for their support for the Plymouth Santa Fun Run 🎅🏻… - 6 years ago

@KranzAssoc: RT @Chris2Bui: I am honored to be a co-chair (and in the great company of Julie Castro Abrams, Cindy Worthington, @mjpotter9, and @mujician… - 6 years ago

@CoriumSkincare: @Cindy_Cthebe @Li_WorldWide Thank you for the referral - 6 years ago

@Cindy_Cthebe: @Li_WorldWide Hi try products from @CoriumSkincare, they are affordable and do wonders - 6 years ago

@cindy_goodVibe: RT @bliblidotcom: Nah ini dia pertanyannya! Jawab dengan reply di postingan ini dengan #FunWithBlibli kami tunggu sampai hari Jumat, 3 Nove… - 6 years ago

@jeanpenny: amazing event, congrats to Tech Stars, the volunteer organizing team, and the two hosts Cindy and Yvain - 6 years ago

@InnervateTecSol: RT @MontyLake: Starting Day 1 of Microsoft Future Decoded joined by Danielle Brown and Otis Taylor. Cindy Rose announcing the new report “M… - 6 years ago

@ZuzuDotAI: RT @MontyLake: Starting Day 1 of Microsoft Future Decoded joined by Danielle Brown and Otis Taylor. Cindy Rose anno… - 6 years ago

@MontyLake: Starting Day 1 of Microsoft Future Decoded joined by Danielle Brown and Otis Taylor. Cindy Rose announcing the new… - 6 years ago

@melaniett: This is SOOOO true! @Cyndi Castro; Joy Joslin; Shavon Alexander Hankins; Irene Rojas, MBA, PMP; Veronica Cabral;… - 6 years ago

@theNYCalliance: RT @HellstrandP: Great job Cindy McLoughlin, CohnReznick LLP in championing the New York Restaurant Technology Summit. Also, thank you Liz… - 6 years ago

@R365Morgan: RT @HellstrandP: Great job Cindy McLoughlin, CohnReznick LLP in championing the New York Restaurant Technology Summit. Also, thank you Liz… - 6 years ago

@HellstrandP: Great job Cindy McLoughlin, CohnReznick LLP in championing the New York Restaurant Technology Summit. Also, thank y… - 6 years ago

@nperson: RT @atelierdisko: Wir sprechen über #Accessibility und inklusive Gestaltung im Web: "We're all just temporarily abled." – Cindy Li - 6 years ago

@atelierdisko: Wir sprechen über #Accessibility und inklusive Gestaltung im Web: "We're all just temporarily abled." – Cindy Li - 6 years ago

@Cindy_Schindler: - 6 years ago

@Miek2000Marieke: - 6 years ago

@Li_EmiLhy: pengen mie ayam... pas dgn cuaca nih genkzz 😂😂😂 Cindy Ingghied Prasetia - 6 years ago

@PabloTml: I have Cindy as chun li in my contacts bc she likes to act like a street fighter w me - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Cindy Li - #CindyLi #Cindy #Li #rip - 6 years ago

@amour_cindy: RT @KUWAITISAlNT: Cardi really said “Ms Chun Li the street fighter” - 6 years ago

@fig_cindy: Li a minha publicação que fiz hoje para meus pais, quando olhei pra eles, eles estavam chorando. É muito fácil pra… - 6 years ago

@abby41231: #seeyourselfhere - in Indy, in Tech, & at the table. Hear it from 2 amazing women in our community Cindy Morse &… - 6 years ago

@Cindy_ceee: RT @KUWAITISAlNT: Cardi really said “Ms Chun Li the street fighter” - 6 years ago

@justlife_gr: H Cindy Crawford ποζάρει με στολή αεροσυνοδού δίπλα στον... πιλότο George Clooney (video) #thisisjustlifegr… - 6 years ago

@akis_tsakiris: H Cindy Crawford ποζάρει με στολή αεροσυνοδού δίπλα στον... πιλότο George Clooney (video) #thisisjustlifegr… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Cindy Li (43) - 6 years ago

@cindy_kelley: I’m super excited to be previewing my TEDX talk in Los Angeles tomorrow! In today’s overly polarized environment… - 6 years ago

@TheGoodPlan: Morning fuel!! #leadership #performance #empowerment Cindy Goldstein - 6 years ago

@tibbs_cindy: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Congress has failed the American people There's no other way to call this - 6 years ago

@cindy_kelley: - 6 years ago

@cindy_zhou: The latest Sales Effectiveness Daily! - 6 years ago

@Mark_Quinnelly: Good Morning #Hayward! Today is the day to GROW your #Retail management career with #OurBurlington Sandy Kerrigan… - 6 years ago

@MurphsMagic: I am running to raise funds for the cancer support system, "Each Moment We're Alive." The organization is headed by… - 6 years ago

@jaydn1981: The latest Jaydn Jargon! - 6 years ago

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