Cicely Berry

British theatre director and voice coach.
Died on Wednesday October 17th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Cicely Berry:

@sylvieluivc: RT @HousemanVoice: Deeply saddened by the death of Cicely Berry. Her work changed Theatre in a profound way. So many actors, voice teachers… - 6 years ago

@tat_duarte: ¿Cómo así que yo no sabía de Cicely Berry? 😱 - 6 years ago

@london_raphael: Cicely Berry obituary - 6 years ago

@gallimaufrey777: RT @HeraldNewspaper: Legendary RSC voice coach Cicely Berry dies - 6 years ago


@RichSandomir: @SirPatStew Sir Patrick, I'm writing an obituary of Cicely Berry and was hoping you might be able to speak to me to… - 6 years ago

@LaurahFdez: RT @ResadMadrid: Lamentamos muchísimo el fallecimiento de la maestra Cicely Berry, que en 2009 nos visitó y nos ha enseñado tanto sobre la… - 6 years ago

@MissEglise: So incredibly sad to hear of the passing of the great Cicely Berry. She molded so much of my voice and stage work,… - 6 years ago

@TheStage: Remembering RSC voice coach Cicely Berry – ‘an inspiration’ (your views, October 25) - 6 years ago

@liverpoollogs: Remembering RSC voice coach Cicely Berry – ‘an inspiration’ (your views, October 25) - 6 years ago

@LeonorLemee: RT @CSSDLondon: Central staff have paid tribute to eminent alumna, Honorary PhD, former teacher and Vice President of Central, Cicely Berry - 6 years ago

@TheatreWireUK: Remembering RSC voice coach Cicely Berry – ‘an inspiration’ (your views, October 25) via TheStage - 6 years ago

@StewartPearce: RIP Cicely Berry - my Voice Mentor and she who gave me my first job and first major client in the public sector! Pa… - 6 years ago

@StewartPearce: RIP Cicely Berry - my Voice Mentor and she who gave me my first job and first major client in the public sector! Pa… - 6 years ago

@IRejoicingJesus: @mattryanreal Sleep doesn't always come easily Cicely Berry. - 6 years ago

@talece_brown: RT @tomtodoroff: “Last week, the world of the theatre lost an epic force and I lost a dear friend.” Pictured here: Cicely Berry far right,… - 6 years ago

@northrunnnercan: RT @tomtodoroff: “Last week, the world of the theatre lost an epic force and I lost a dear friend.” Pictured here: Cicely Berry far right,… - 6 years ago

@tomtodoroff: “Last week, the world of the theatre lost an epic force and I lost a dear friend.” Pictured here: Cicely Berry far… - 6 years ago

@ruthresearch: RT @Arts_Routledge: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of legendary voice coach Cicely Berry. If you’re not familiar with her se… - 6 years ago

@HuMPA_Plymouth: RT @Arts_Routledge: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of legendary voice coach Cicely Berry. If you’re not familiar with her se… - 6 years ago

@PlymUniPEP: RT @Arts_Routledge: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of legendary voice coach Cicely Berry. If you’re not familiar with her se… - 6 years ago

@Arts_Routledge: We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of legendary voice coach Cicely Berry. If you’re not familiar with he… - 6 years ago

@claireylou26: RT @CSSDLondon: Central staff have paid tribute to eminent alumna, Honorary PhD, former teacher and Vice President of Central, Cicely Berry - 6 years ago

@joanmcgee5: RT @ICATacting: We are hugely sorry that the wonderful Cicely Berry died last week. Cis was an enormous support to ICAT and taught our stud… - 6 years ago

@bethsy: Lovely obit in @heraldscotland for Cicely Berry. She took a young directors workshop for me in Edinburgh once and was awesome. - 6 years ago

@shakesforester: Cicely Berry obituary - 6 years ago

@metaglossia: Obituary - Cicely Berry, voice coach and theatre director - - 6 years ago

@DeathandCulture: RT @obituarywriter: Cicely Berry obituary: Humorous yet ‘bloody demanding’ voice coach who had actors and politicians rolling on the floor… - 6 years ago

@DialOforObits: RT @obituarywriter: Cicely Berry obituary: Humorous yet ‘bloody demanding’ voice coach who had actors and politicians rolling on the floor… - 6 years ago

@llhmc: RT @obituarywriter: Cicely Berry obituary: Humorous yet ‘bloody demanding’ voice coach who had actors and politicians rolling on the floor… - 6 years ago

@lintonlemonade: RT @GilesTerera: With the passing of mentor Cicely Berry I’m reminded that in the 20th Century the way theatre was actually created in this… - 6 years ago

@husiniesta: RT @KeliQilah: "Speaking is part of a whole: an expression of inner life." This quote by her opened my mind to the potential of the human… - 6 years ago

@crazeemunky: RT @KeliQilah: "Speaking is part of a whole: an expression of inner life." This quote by her opened my mind to the potential of the human… - 6 years ago

@amevs5: @Lou_Jameson Never had the pleasure of working with her but She was my go to Book for voice at Drama School all tho… - 6 years ago

@baronda: RT @obituarywriter: Cicely Berry obituary: Humorous yet ‘bloody demanding’ voice coach who had actors and politicians rolling on the floor… - 6 years ago

@hanahalilintar: RT @KeliQilah: "Speaking is part of a whole: an expression of inner life." This quote by her opened my mind to the potential of the human… - 6 years ago

@ryanelaccohee: RT @ICATacting: We are hugely sorry that the wonderful Cicely Berry died last week. Cis was an enormous support to ICAT and taught our stud… - 6 years ago

@obituarywriter: Cicely Berry obituary: Humorous yet ‘bloody demanding’ voice coach who had actors and politicians rolling on the fl… - 6 years ago

@HeraldNewspaper: Legendary RSC voice coach Cicely Berry dies - 6 years ago

@greenspace01: RT @TheRSC: It is with the greatest sadness that we share that the legendary Cicely Berry, part of the foundations of the RSC & its voice e… - 6 years ago

@ClareKissane: RT @TheRSC: It is with the greatest sadness that we share that the legendary Cicely Berry, part of the foundations of the RSC & its voice e… - 6 years ago

@obituarywriter: RT @jenibeer1: Cicely Berry, Obit, Tomorrow's Times: "She had four grandchildren, whom she taught to swear (she had stopped smoking in the… - 6 years ago

@ICATacting: We are hugely sorry that the wonderful Cicely Berry died last week. Cis was an enormous support to ICAT and taught… - 6 years ago

@SupportBritish: RT @theactorshow: Stage/Theatre News: Cicely Berry obituary: Leading voice coach who joined the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1969 Cicely Be… - 6 years ago

@theactorshow: Stage/Theatre News: Cicely Berry obituary: Leading voice coach who joined the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1969 Cic… - 6 years ago

@Cris_Francioli: Hace unos días nos levantábamos con la triste noticia de su muerte. Cicely Berry fue directora vocal de la Royal Sh… - 6 years ago

@Larue173: RT @NationalTheatre: We’re very sad to hear that Cicely Berry, theatre director and voice coach, has died. Her work at the NT included di… - 6 years ago

@MarvinKaron: A giant has been lost... - 6 years ago

@PaulChahidi: RT @GilesTerera: With the passing of mentor Cicely Berry I’m reminded that in the 20th Century the way theatre was actually created in this… - 6 years ago

@AnnieCaird: RT @guardianstage: Cicely Berry obituary. Leading voice coach who joined the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1969. - 6 years ago

@JohnBaldLangLit: - 6 years ago

@JohnBaldLangLit: Cicely Berry's Your Voice and How To Use It Successfully should be included in all teacher training courses. We use… - 6 years ago

@JohnBaldLangLit: Cicely Berry obituary - 6 years ago

@dhelensmith: RT @TheRSC: It is with the greatest sadness that we share that the legendary Cicely Berry, part of the foundations of the RSC & its voice e… - 6 years ago

@LGauge: Huge thanks to Cicely Berry whose vocal techniques and training totally changed the way I think about, warm up and… - 6 years ago

@garyhargreaves: RT @TheRSC: It is with the greatest sadness that we share that the legendary Cicely Berry, part of the foundations of the RSC & its voice e… - 6 years ago

@KatherineHeath: RT @RADA_London: Everyone at RADA was very sad to hear of the loss of Cis Berry. Her work had an extraordinary impact on the theatre indust… - 6 years ago

@MadameArkadina: RT @guardianstage: Cicely Berry obituary. Leading voice coach who joined the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1969. - 6 years ago

@Books400: Sad news for the Theatre world. Vale, Cecile. Cicely Berry obituary - 6 years ago

@polywallydoodle: RT @GilesTerera: With the passing of mentor Cicely Berry I’m reminded that in the 20th Century the way theatre was actually created in this… - 6 years ago

@adamfelixobrien: RT @GilesTerera: With the passing of mentor Cicely Berry I’m reminded that in the 20th Century the way theatre was actually created in this… - 6 years ago

@hannykha: RT @GilesTerera: With the passing of mentor Cicely Berry I’m reminded that in the 20th Century the way theatre was actually created in this… - 6 years ago

@bellashotton: RT @GilesTerera: With the passing of mentor Cicely Berry I’m reminded that in the 20th Century the way theatre was actually created in this… - 6 years ago

@LyricLearning: RT @tyson_annie: RIP Cicely Berry. Beyond extraordinary woman. - 6 years ago

@dueling_arts: Taking time today to remember renowned voice coach, Cecily Berry. Thank you for all of your work. The theatre world… - 6 years ago

@monmorley: RT @RockfordSansom: Voice and Speech Review is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of legendary voice coach Cicely Berry. We invite you… - 6 years ago

@createymatey: RIP Cicely Berry ♥ Left us with such a legacy. - 6 years ago

@Cynthialaureen: RT @TheRSC: It is with the greatest sadness that we share that the legendary Cicely Berry, part of the foundations of the RSC & its voice e… - 6 years ago

@CulturedAF_: RT @GilesTerera: With the passing of mentor Cicely Berry I’m reminded that in the 20th Century the way theatre was actually created in this… - 6 years ago

@DiChristine: RT @GilesTerera: With the passing of mentor Cicely Berry I’m reminded that in the 20th Century the way theatre was actually created in this… - 6 years ago

@violacariad: RT @GilesTerera: With the passing of mentor Cicely Berry I’m reminded that in the 20th Century the way theatre was actually created in this… - 6 years ago

@mrdavidjays: RT @GilesTerera: With the passing of mentor Cicely Berry I’m reminded that in the 20th Century the way theatre was actually created in this… - 6 years ago

@MissDumezweni: RT @GilesTerera: With the passing of mentor Cicely Berry I’m reminded that in the 20th Century the way theatre was actually created in this… - 6 years ago

@domcoyote: Cicely Berry really was a genius. So lucky to have had the chance to learn from her. She will be greatly missed - 6 years ago

@SS_Drama: RIP Cicely Berry. Voice and the Actor author 🎭 - 6 years ago

@GraeaeJennyS: RT @graeae: We were sad to hear of the passing of Cicely Berry earlier this week, who we’ve been honoured to work with over the years. @Gra… - 6 years ago

@MrKarlCollins: RT @GilesTerera: With the passing of mentor Cicely Berry I’m reminded that in the 20th Century the way theatre was actually created in this… - 6 years ago

@AmandaHuxtable: RT @GilesTerera: With the passing of mentor Cicely Berry I’m reminded that in the 20th Century the way theatre was actually created in this… - 6 years ago

@publicradionerd: RT @GilesTerera: With the passing of mentor Cicely Berry I’m reminded that in the 20th Century the way theatre was actually created in this… - 6 years ago

@Doderonomy: RT @graeae: We were sad to hear of the passing of Cicely Berry earlier this week, who we’ve been honoured to work with over the years. @Gra… - 6 years ago

@Bad_Ass_Blindy: RT @graeae: We were sad to hear of the passing of Cicely Berry earlier this week, who we’ve been honoured to work with over the years. @Gra… - 6 years ago

@dramaturguk: RT @graeae: We were sad to hear of the passing of Cicely Berry earlier this week, who we’ve been honoured to work with over the years. @Gra… - 6 years ago

@BardCity: RT @OwenHorsley: What an honour to have worked with Cicely Berry during my time @TheRSC. Her passion for Shakespeare and language in genera… - 6 years ago

@danaksegal: RT @bernardrossmc: Sad 2 hear very wonderful & deeply talented Cicely Berry voice coach has died. Learned so much from her. More here on he… - 6 years ago

@bernardrossmc: Sad 2 hear very wonderful & deeply talented Cicely Berry voice coach has died. Learned so much from her. More here… - 6 years ago

@stelios_trakas: RT @the_voicezone: So sad to lose Cicely Berry! Probably the best voice coach and practitioner in the world - 6 years ago

@ann_marcial: RT @TheStage: This week renowned voice coach Cicely Berry died at the age of 92. Under Berry, @TheRSC became the first company to ever have… - 6 years ago

@melangellcadle: RT @TheStage: This week renowned voice coach Cicely Berry died at the age of 92. Under Berry, @TheRSC became the first company to ever have… - 6 years ago

@MADmerseyside: RT @TheStage: This week renowned voice coach Cicely Berry died at the age of 92. Under Berry, @TheRSC became the first company to ever have… - 6 years ago

@TheStage: This week renowned voice coach Cicely Berry died at the age of 92. Under Berry, @TheRSC became the first company to… - 6 years ago

@ctmarlow1: RT @voicesupport: Cicely Berry will be sorely missed. A truly wonderful coach with such integrity. Absolutely adored working with her back… - 6 years ago

@November_Club: RT @TheRSC: It is with the greatest sadness that we share that the legendary Cicely Berry, part of the foundations of the RSC & its voice e… - 6 years ago

@louisadf: RT @guardianstage: Cicely Berry obituary. Leading voice coach who joined the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1969. - 6 years ago

@INV_RCSSD: RT @RockfordSansom: Voice and Speech Review is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of legendary voice coach Cicely Berry. We invite you… - 6 years ago

@firstmanboden: RT @CSSDLondon: We're deeply saddened to hear of the passing of alumna and Vice President, Cicely Berry. A renowned Voice Coach, she was an… - 6 years ago

@daronoram: RT @RockfordSansom: Voice and Speech Review is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of legendary voice coach Cicely Berry. We invite you… - 6 years ago

@MichaelWoodsSnd: RT @GilesTerera: With the passing of mentor Cicely Berry I’m reminded that in the 20th Century the way theatre was actually created in this… - 6 years ago

@gerardpatrick: Cicely #Berry obituary - 6 years ago

@VoiceSLPChris: Cicely Berry’s book, Voice and the Actor, has a prominent spot on my bookshelf. I have revisited it so many times,… - 6 years ago

@nolanchris1: RT @guardianstage: Cicely Berry obituary - 6 years ago

@craigcolfelt: Cicely Berry, leading voice coach who joined the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1969 - 6 years ago

@VASTAsVoice: RT @RockfordSansom: Voice and Speech Review is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of legendary voice coach Cicely Berry. We invite you… - 6 years ago

@RockfordSansom: Voice and Speech Review is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of legendary voice coach Cicely Berry. We invite… - 6 years ago

@LivVoiceCoach: Cicely Berry obituary - 6 years ago

@JENNIFERHOLMAN3: RT @David_Suchet: I join hundreds of actors who will be grieving the death of Dear Cicely Berry. She was not only the most brilliant voice… - 6 years ago

@voicesupport: Cicely Berry will be sorely missed. A truly wonderful coach with such integrity. Absolutely adored working with her… - 6 years ago

@Yorkspeechdrama: RT @CSSDLondon: Central staff have paid tribute to eminent alumna, Honorary PhD, former teacher and Vice President of Central, Cicely Berry - 6 years ago

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