Chuck Kinder

American novelist
Died on Sunday May 5th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Chuck Kinder:

@theissuecollect: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@notizieonlineIT: RT @LaStampa: L’ultimo viaggio del fuorilegge Chuck Kinder - 6 years ago

@Profilo3Marco: RT @LaStampa: L’ultimo viaggio del fuorilegge Chuck Kinder - 6 years ago

@Oldetrip: RT @LaStampa: L’ultimo viaggio del fuorilegge Chuck Kinder - 6 years ago


@LaStampa: L’ultimo viaggio del fuorilegge Chuck Kinder - 6 years ago

@bekkenhuis: WONDER BOYS: Still on vacation, I'm giving this movie a... - 6 years ago

@pcooney55: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@jkmillsCan: RT @nytimesbooks: “I remember peering into his office and seeing this monolithic pile of white paper," Michael Chabon said. The result was… - 6 years ago

@SP_Author: Washington Post: Chuck Kinder, writer and teacher who inspired Michael Chabon’s ‘Wonder Boys,’ dies at 76. - 6 years ago

@salpane: RT @daycathy: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@WVUPRESS: RT @NYTObits: One character in his "Honeymooners" was patterned after his pal Raymond Carver. The other was based on himself. - 6 years ago

@eDougBanks: Sad day of loss for the University of Pittsburgh and its community of writers and readers. cc @PittTweet "Chuck Kin… - 6 years ago

@Oldetrip: RT @NManuppelli: Ricordando Chuck Kinder a Fahrenheit - 6 years ago

@MobyLives: RT @MobyLives: So very sorry to get this news. Hail and farewell to my old friend and colleague Chuck Kinder ... - 6 years ago

@mattprigge: So Chuck Kinder, who inspired the hero of Wonder Boys, has died - 6 years ago

@MaresTwits: “In my mind, it was like ‘Ulysses’ meets ‘On the Road’ meets ‘Dune’ meets ‘Remembrance of Things Past’ meets ‘One H… - 6 years ago

@StevenSinger3: R.I.P. Chuck Kinder, one of my must memorable teachers from the writing program at the University of Pittsburgh. Li… - 6 years ago

@ViejasLectoras: RT @MobyLives: So very sorry to get this news. Hail and farewell to my old friend and colleague Chuck Kinder ... - 6 years ago

@mkorman: Didn’t know Wonder Boys was inspired by someone else, as Michael Chabon had trouble finishing his own book about bu… - 6 years ago

@NManuppelli: Ricordando Chuck Kinder a Fahrenheit - 6 years ago

@theissuecollect: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@mjanairo: Chuck Kinder, writer and teacher who inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@BayAreaFan19: RT @MChabonFan: Chuck Kinder, whom Michael Chabon called "my much-loved teacher, mentor and friend," died on May 3. The following day Chabo… - 6 years ago

@BayAreaFan19: RT @MobyLives: So very sorry to get this news. Hail and farewell to my old friend and colleague Chuck Kinder ... - 6 years ago

@melvillehouse: RT @MobyLives: So very sorry to get this news. Hail and farewell to my old friend and colleague Chuck Kinder ... - 6 years ago

@MobyLives: So very sorry to get this news. Hail and farewell to my old friend and colleague Chuck Kinder ... - 6 years ago

@MChabonFan: @kemper_dana I am sorry for your family's loss. If there is a suitable profile or obituary for Chuck Kinder online,… - 6 years ago

@Borelmedwriter: RT @surgeonwriter: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired 'Wonder Boys,' Dies at 76 books literature - 6 years ago

@alexiscain93: RT @nytimesbooks: His "Honeymooners" was a roman à clef. "Which is a word I had to look up," he admitted. - 6 years ago

@MobiLibrarian: RT @905wesa: Chuck Kinder was a widely known author whose novels got favorably reviewed in national publications. But closer to home, Kinde… - 6 years ago

@BookstrOfficial: His legacy will live on through his books - 6 years ago

@6GPress: RT @905wesa: Chuck Kinder was a widely known author whose novels got favorably reviewed in national publications. But closer to home, Kinde… - 6 years ago

@6GPress: RT @MChabonFan: Chuck Kinder, whom Michael Chabon called "my much-loved teacher, mentor and friend," died on May 3. The following day Chabo… - 6 years ago

@6GPress: RT @derekaskey: I interacted with Chuck Kinder only briefly when I was at Pitt, but damn if I didn't love, love, love his books. - 6 years ago

@6GPress: RT @CathyMellett: The passing of a great mentor and friend. Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@brief12H: RT @nytimesbooks: His "Honeymooners" was a roman à clef. "Which is a word I had to look up," he admitted. - 6 years ago

@katep08: RT @nytimesbooks: His "Honeymooners" was a roman à clef. "Which is a word I had to look up," he admitted. - 6 years ago

@nytimesbooks: His "Honeymooners" was a roman à clef. "Which is a word I had to look up," he admitted. - 6 years ago

@905wesa: Chuck Kinder was a widely known author whose novels got favorably reviewed in national publications. But closer to… - 6 years ago

@surgeonwriter: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired 'Wonder Boys,' Dies at 76 books literature - 6 years ago

@briancassidy: RIP Chuck Kinder, novelist who inspired Wonder Boys: - 6 years ago

@Nekrologium: Chuck Kinder, US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller, am 03.05.2019 im Alter von 76 Jahren. - 6 years ago

@4Goals2Reality: Chuck Kinder, writer and teacher who inspired Michael Chabon’s ‘Wonder Boys,’ dies at 76 - Washington Post Chuck… - 6 years ago

@A__News_: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 His struggles to complete a book caught the eye of on… - 6 years ago

@spiderfrogged: - 6 years ago

@Westling_David: RT @PublishersWkly: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 | @nytimes - 6 years ago

@anishortfilms: New post (Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76) has been published on Animation Short Film… - 6 years ago

@Booktrovert: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys’ Character Dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@SpacewomanR: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@poetsknow: RT @PublishersWkly: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 | @nytimes - 6 years ago

@amyrazeghi1: RT @PublishersWkly: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 | @nytimes - 6 years ago

@PublishersWkly: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 | @nytimes - 6 years ago

@WrittenByMel: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@6GPress: RT @NManuppelli: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@6GPress: RT @harrisondsmith: "The border between fact and fiction is a porous one I cross over and back easily. I have always told my students that… - 6 years ago

@6GPress: RT @MarkKohut: @RonCharles RIP Chuck Kinder: a Pittsburgh--and beyond--legend. The editor in Wonder Boys was modeled on a Morrow editor. On… - 6 years ago

@objectivepress: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@MButtreaks: RT @skennison: Chuck Kinder, WV author-teacher who inspired 'Wonder Boys,' dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@janggolan: RT @skennison: Chuck Kinder, WV author-teacher who inspired 'Wonder Boys,' dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@skennison: Chuck Kinder, WV author-teacher who inspired 'Wonder Boys,' dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@TopReadings: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@AnotherSetWings: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@_jessehall_: RT @salpane: Chuck Kinder, Novelist Who Inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ Dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@Ivan_Trubetskoy: RT @WESAconfluence: Among countless tributes on social media, author and Pittsburgh native Michael Chabon called Kinder “my much-loved teac… - 6 years ago

@genre2mag: RT @PittsburghPG: Obituary: Chuck Kinder / Gregarious writer, Pitt professor was basis of character in 'Wonder Boys' - 6 years ago

@kdmaskrey: WONDER BOYS by Michael Chabon is a terrific read. Chuck Kinder, novelist who inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ dies at 76 -… - 6 years ago

@DWDulabon: RT @PittsburghPG: Obituary: Chuck Kinder / Gregarious writer, Pitt professor was basis of character in 'Wonder Boys' - 6 years ago

@WESAconfluence: Among countless tributes on social media, author and Pittsburgh native Michael Chabon called Kinder “my much-loved… - 6 years ago

@Snapzu_News: Chuck Kinder, novelist who inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@JohnGrochalski: RT @PrettoRossella: Parlare di Chuck Kinder vuol dire parlare del più grande fuorilegge della storia della letteratura americana. Chuck Kin… - 6 years ago

@flugempire: RT @southwvboy: @flugempire 99 day countdowns are awesome, thanks to Lt Col Retired Chuck Kinder we Mountaineers can start a day early. Wen… - 6 years ago

@southwvboy: @flugempire 99 day countdowns are awesome, thanks to Lt Col Retired Chuck Kinder we Mountaineers can start a day ea… - 6 years ago

@6GPress: RT @PrettoRossella: Parlare di Chuck Kinder vuol dire parlare del più grande fuorilegge della storia della letteratura americana. Chuck Kin… - 6 years ago

@Snapzu_Politics: Chuck Kinder, novelist who inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@Snapzu_Entertai: Chuck Kinder, novelist who inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@Jess_M_Brallier: Obituary: Chuck Kinder / Gregarious writer, Pitt professor was basis of character in 'Wonder Boys' - 6 years ago

@ellelljaytoo: #ChuckKinder, Famed Author And #Writing Teacher, Dies At 76 | 90.5 WESA #Writers #Inspiration 📚🖊📖 #Pitt ⁦… - 6 years ago

@905wesa: Kinder’s best-known student was future Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Chabon, who based the English professo… - 6 years ago

@PrettoRossella: Parlare di Chuck Kinder vuol dire parlare del più grande fuorilegge della storia della letteratura americana. Chuck… - 6 years ago

@brbjdo: RT @spiderfrogged: amazed by the lack of interest in Chuck Kinder's death from the writing community. bunch of circle jerk know-nothings. s… - 6 years ago

@spiderfrogged: amazed by the lack of interest in Chuck Kinder's death from the writing community. bunch of circle jerk know-nothin… - 6 years ago

@xavicuevas: RT @ManOfLaBook: Chuck Kinder, novelist who inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@REGIONRAT: RT @6GPress: Don Paul sez, "Yesterday I recorded the review of Hot Jewels with a short testimony about our dear Chuck and Diane. Please giv… - 6 years ago

@Hal4: - 6 years ago

@6GPress: RT @905wesa: Chuck Kinder was a widely known author whose novels got favorably reviewed in national publications. But closer to home, Kinde… - 6 years ago

@EOTaxProf: RT @905wesa: Chuck Kinder was a widely known author whose novels got favorably reviewed in national publications. But closer to home, Kinde… - 6 years ago

@BooksByAuckly: Chuck Kinder, Famed Author And Writing Teacher, Dies At 76 - 90.5 WESA - 6 years ago

@eBooksByDavid: Chuck Kinder, Famed Author And Writing Teacher, Dies At 76 - 90.5 WESA - 6 years ago

@salpane: RT @905wesa: Chuck Kinder was a widely known author whose novels got favorably reviewed in national publications. But closer to home, Kinde… - 6 years ago

@905wesa: Chuck Kinder was a widely known author whose novels got favorably reviewed in national publications. But closer to… - 6 years ago

@brandon_getz: RT @6GPress: Don Paul sez, "Yesterday I recorded the review of Hot Jewels with a short testimony about our dear Chuck and Diane. Please giv… - 6 years ago

@6GPress: RT @CathyMellett: The passing of a mentor, great writer, and great friend: Chuck Kinder dies at 76. - 6 years ago

@mjanairo: Book review: “Honeymooners: A Cautionary Tale” by Chuck Kinder - 6 years ago

@6GPress: Don Paul sez, "Yesterday I recorded the review of Hot Jewels with a short testimony about our dear Chuck and Diane.… - 6 years ago

@twitbituaries: Chuck Kinder, novelist who inspired 'Wonder Boys,' dies at 76 - - 6 years ago

@egoltz: @BrianRossignol1 @DaveTRW @Crazy4OReilly90 @lno09281978 @pattychampion1 @AngieSpencer28 @Stepp_Ron57… - 6 years ago

@Fryeness: - 6 years ago

@StoryLitMag: Chuck Kinder, novelist who inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ dies at 76 - 6 years ago

@ManOfLaBook: Chuck Kinder, novelist who inspired ‘Wonder Boys,’ dies at 76 - 6 years ago

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