Chuck Holmes

Canadian ice hockey player (Detroit Red Wings).
Died on Monday March 25th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Chuck Holmes:

@kieran_holmes: RT @John_KissMyBot: Political Hack Chucky Schumer Says Trump Is The Least Informed President In History Hmm, I Disagree With Chucky RT IF… - 6 years ago

@BrettRedwing: @Heatherly4Pres We make quite the team now, I have to say! Dynamic Duo. Ying and Yang. Batman (me) and Robin (you).… - 6 years ago

@O_Shaw: They had Chuck Rhoades running around looking like Larry Holmes. Can citizens not own guns at all in NYC or just no… - 6 years ago

@DianeWojnar: @ExportedFromMI No. That was Rupert Holmes. You’re not familiar with Chuck? Children of Sanchez, Feels So Good, Hill Where The Lord Hides. - 6 years ago


@tomabella: @SketchesbyBoze @chuck_late @HannahGraceLong Y'all need some Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective. Definitely playa… - 6 years ago

@deongordon: @chuckatwbhm Ha. Chuck, House of Holmes. First of his name. Manager of Generals. The Morning Edition. - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Chuck Holmes (84) Canadian ice hockey player - 6 years ago

@chuck_cljjlk: RT @MaeClair1: Meet Julie Holmes and her Debut Novel - 6 years ago

@DG_Chuck: @SolidAsKonkrete Look like he stepped on his shoe if you look real close..but still..holmes was shook anyway - 6 years ago

@kieran_holmes: RT @brexitblog_info: What should we do with May’s (non) Withdrawal Agreement? Simple. Chuck it in the bin. - 6 years ago

@lectricjacket: @icyauston Billy McNeil Detroit Red Wings and Edmonton Flyers. Also Chuck Holmes. Modern age it would be Glenn Anderson. - 6 years ago

@HolmesAndBotson: Ray Liotta and Chuck Norris to helm new Sherlock film MR. HOLMES - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Chuck Holmes, you will be missed - #ChuckHolmes #Chuck #Holmes #rip - 6 years ago

@joeyrowan11: @ShanNisly Take my permit test then Chuck E. Cheese 😼 but thanks holmes - 6 years ago

@Luke_Freedman: A family friend who played for the Red Wings just passed away. Literally the sweetest person you'd ever met, but wa… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Chuck Holmes - 6 years ago

@mrjamiemarchant: @ScholesySociety @rantsnbants The Tyson/Lewis/Holyfield/Holmes/Bowe etc era was fantastic for boxing. Chuck a Forem… - 6 years ago

@Unicornships: I've been binge watching my childhood Australian and Canadian shows like Chuck Finn & Adventures of Shirley Holmes and I love them! - 6 years ago

@_wenita: RT @F_Edits: Chuck Game of Thrones Friends Sherlock Holmes The End Of The F***ing World/White Collar - 6 years ago

@7themagicnumber: RT @F_Edits: Chuck Game of Thrones Friends Sherlock Holmes The End Of The F***ing World/White Collar - 6 years ago

@F_Edits: Chuck Game of Thrones Friends Sherlock Holmes The End Of The F***ing World/White Collar - 6 years ago

@mousears55: @MichaelBuble Bob Hope, Jerry Vale, Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, Clint Holmes, (he called me Magic Bob)and a jillion… - 6 years ago

@DarthGhag: Amy Schumer - Chuck Schumer - Kevin Hart - Elizabeth Holmes In increasing order of most annoying sounds, that can be heard on tv. - 6 years ago

@chuck_a: RT @greg_thornbury: In the wake of the Theranos/E. Holmes docs, I thought a/b how many Christian colleges & univ. are on the brink of finan… - 6 years ago

@Chuck_Warn: The rise and fall of Elizabeth Holmes, who started Theranos when she was 19 and became the world's youngest female… - 6 years ago

@brownandholmes: The best collaborative robots improve productivity, are easily programmed & can be operated safely around people wi… - 6 years ago

@AlmightyMansa: GO FOLLOW MY BRUDDDA RN HOLMES @omerta_chuck - 6 years ago

@andkenbr: @pablo_holmes @carlosericci @bollemdb Exato. Note que Bolsonaro não aparece junto de Chuck Grassley ou gente do Sen… - 6 years ago

@niallxdylan: @BlairftCamz Sherlock Holmes y John Watson Jace Herondale y Alec Lightwood Scott y Stiles Chuck y Blair Damon y Alaric :( - 6 years ago

@SallieKrawcheck: RT @ByJimNoles: Breaking news from #Birmingham #Alabama -- in interview with @WBHM's Chuck Holmes @chuckatwbhm, @ellevest founder @SallieKr… - 6 years ago

@CAROLSPUSSYPIT: Elizabeth Holmes looks exactly Iike Chuck E. Cheese - 6 years ago

@ByJimNoles: Breaking news from #Birmingham #Alabama -- in interview with @WBHM's Chuck Holmes @chuckatwbhm, @ellevest founder… - 6 years ago

@GiftedImagesLLC: Drop one of Clue’s 💣 for the good brother Chuck Holmes for the rockin’ the PBS 💧Hoodie.... You could’ve been anywh… - 6 years ago

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