Christopher Weeramantry

Sri Lankan judge
Died on Thursday January 5th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Christopher Weeramantry:

@phoebewp: RT @napf: RIP Christopher Weeramantry, member of our Advisory Council & Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for his heroic stance against… - 8 years ago

@vivalanka: Sri Lanka: Christopher Gregory Weeramantry (1926-2017) - 8 years ago

@ilangamuwa1: Sri Lanka: Christopher Gregory Weeramantry (1926-2017) - 8 years ago

@srlankaguardian: Sri Lanka: Christopher Gregory Weeramantry (1926-2017) - 8 years ago


@rickwayman: RT @napf: RIP Christopher Weeramantry, member of our Advisory Council & Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for his heroic stance against… - 8 years ago

@napf: RIP Christopher Weeramantry, member of our Advisory Council & Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for his heroic… - 8 years ago

@JAncelme: RT @MercedesRosello: Tribute by @UNEP in memoriam of Judge Weeramantry, whose jurisprudential legacy has inspired so many of us #RIP http… - 8 years ago

@MercedesRosello: Tribute by @UNEP in memoriam of Judge Weeramantry, whose jurisprudential legacy has inspired so many of us #RIP - 8 years ago

@safaribarbara: UNEP in memoriam for Judge #Weeramantry, powerful advocate for inclusiveness #environment - 8 years ago

@Cecalli_Helper: RT @rickwayman: Great tribute by @DkriegerNAPF to former @CIJ_ICJ Judge Christopher Weeramantry, who passed away today in Sri Lanka https:/… - 8 years ago

@napf: RT @rickwayman: Great tribute by @DkriegerNAPF to former @CIJ_ICJ Judge Christopher Weeramantry, who passed away today in Sri Lanka https:/… - 8 years ago

@tomkeen_mobegi: #ICJ Judge Christopher G. Weeramantry, an extraordinary & inspiring jurist, insightful scholar and educator is no m… - 8 years ago

@joshpallas: Big loss for international law: Vale Christopher Weeramantry - 8 years ago

@PRASANNA00000: Sir.Christopher Gregory Weeramantry. #RIP - 8 years ago

@nyligenavlidna: Vila i frid Christopher Weeramantry. - 8 years ago

@JanosVargha: RT @rlafoundation: We are deeply saddened by the passing of 2007 #AlternativeNobel, Judge Christopher Weeramantry, aged 90. Our thoughts ar… - 8 years ago

@AMalegrooming: RT @rickwayman: Great tribute by @DkriegerNAPF to former @CIJ_ICJ Judge Christopher Weeramantry, who passed away today in Sri Lanka https:/… - 8 years ago

@Thass283: RT @rickwayman: Great tribute by @DkriegerNAPF to former @CIJ_ICJ Judge Christopher Weeramantry, who passed away today in Sri Lanka https:/… - 8 years ago

@mhmhisham: RT @rickwayman: Great tribute by @DkriegerNAPF to former @CIJ_ICJ Judge Christopher Weeramantry, who passed away today in Sri Lanka https:/… - 8 years ago

@stephensamuel: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

@stephensamuel: RT @ANZSIL: Vale Christopher Weeramantry AM (1926-2017) - 8 years ago

@ProfTimStephens: RT @ANZSIL: Vale Christopher Weeramantry AM (1926-2017) - 8 years ago

@ANZSIL: Vale Christopher Weeramantry AM (1926-2017) - 8 years ago

@mwgehring: RT @rickwayman: Great tribute by @DkriegerNAPF to former @CIJ_ICJ Judge Christopher Weeramantry, who passed away today in Sri Lanka https:/… - 8 years ago

@freedomkai: RT @rlafoundation: We are deeply saddened by the passing of 2007 #AlternativeNobel, Judge Christopher Weeramantry, aged 90. Our thoughts ar… - 8 years ago

@romainejean: RT @rlafoundation: We are deeply saddened by the passing of 2007 #AlternativeNobel, Judge Christopher Weeramantry, aged 90. Our thoughts ar… - 8 years ago

@mwgehring: RT @rlafoundation: We are deeply saddened by the passing of 2007 #AlternativeNobel, Judge Christopher Weeramantry, aged 90. Our thoughts ar… - 8 years ago

@rlafoundation: We are deeply saddened by the passing of 2007 #AlternativeNobel, Judge Christopher Weeramantry, aged 90. Our though… - 8 years ago

@saifziawasti: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

@CJTams: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

@ChaplaincyUoL: RT @envlawlinc: Very sad to hear of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry He was our honoured guest at the opening of th… - 8 years ago

@prabudeepan: RT @napf: Christopher Weeramantry, a former International Court of Justice judge on nuclear disarmament and the future of humanity. #Nuclea… - 8 years ago

@amjadmsaleem: RT @rickwayman: Great tribute by @DkriegerNAPF to former @CIJ_ICJ Judge Christopher Weeramantry, who passed away today in Sri Lanka https:/… - 8 years ago

@UL_CSS: RT @envlawlinc: Very sad to hear of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry He was our honoured guest at the opening of th… - 8 years ago

@picketview: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

@amalab: RT @rickwayman: Great tribute by @DkriegerNAPF to former @CIJ_ICJ Judge Christopher Weeramantry, who passed away today in Sri Lanka https:/… - 8 years ago

@MrCatStubble: RT @rickwayman: Great tribute by @DkriegerNAPF to former @CIJ_ICJ Judge Christopher Weeramantry, who passed away today in Sri Lanka https:/… - 8 years ago

@mhmhisham: RT @envlawlinc: Very sad to hear of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry He was our honoured guest at the opening of th… - 8 years ago

@nomomente: RT @envlawlinc: Very sad to hear of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry He was our honoured guest at the opening of th… - 8 years ago

@mwgehring: RT @envlawlinc: Very sad to hear of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry He was our honoured guest at the opening of th… - 8 years ago

@mwgehring: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Christopher Weeramantry, Sri Lankan judge, Died at 90 - 8 years ago

@mazejunki: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

@mazejunki: RT @envlawlinc: Very sad to hear of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry He was our honoured guest at the opening of th… - 8 years ago

@Nekrologium: Christopher Weeramantry, sri-lankischer Richter, am 05.01.2017 mit 90 Jahren - - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Christopher Weeramantry dies - #Christopher #rip - 8 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Christopher Weeramantry, 90, Sri Lankan judge, Vice-President of the International Court of Justice (1997–2000). - 8 years ago

@stelise: RT @rickwayman: Great tribute by @DkriegerNAPF to former @CIJ_ICJ Judge Christopher Weeramantry, who passed away today in Sri Lanka https:/… - 8 years ago

@scbreau: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

@80kvoices: RT @rickwayman: Great tribute by @DkriegerNAPF to former @CIJ_ICJ Judge Christopher Weeramantry, who passed away today in Sri Lanka https:/… - 8 years ago

@KawaiKimiaki: RT @rickwayman: Great tribute by @DkriegerNAPF to former @CIJ_ICJ Judge Christopher Weeramantry, who passed away today in Sri Lanka https:/… - 8 years ago

@DarylGKimball: RT @rickwayman: Great tribute by @DkriegerNAPF to former @CIJ_ICJ Judge Christopher Weeramantry, who passed away today in Sri Lanka https:/… - 8 years ago

@rickwayman: Great tribute by @DkriegerNAPF to former @CIJ_ICJ Judge Christopher Weeramantry, who passed away today in Sri Lanka - 8 years ago

@rukmankan: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

@ProfTimStephens: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

@KasunWeer: Justice Christopher Weeramantry passes away - 8 years ago

@KingCorbinian: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Christopher Weeramantry is a goner: - 8 years ago

@Portellofanatic: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

@NuskyMukthar: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

@Seductv: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

@amalab: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

@LA_Duvic: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

@profmatthewhall: RT @envlawlinc: Very sad to hear of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry He was our honoured guest at the opening of th… - 8 years ago

@envlawlinc: Very sad to hear of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry He was our honoured guest at the opening of the Centre… - 8 years ago

@DrRichCollins: RT @Prof_DFrench: Just heard of the death of @CIJ_ICJ former VP Christopher #Weeramantry - great scholar, judge and philosopher. Will be ve… - 8 years ago

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