Christopher Lawford

American actor
Died on Wednesday September 5th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Christopher Lawford:

@whowrotewhat: RT @whowrotewhat: Death of Christopher Lawford at age 63, JFK's nephew, September 4 +George bush JR. Boy they love killing them Kennedys do… - 6 years ago

@OverpassLtd: Christopher Lawford, Kennedy family member who wrote an habit memoir, dies at sixty three - 6 years ago

@004nino: RIP 18 874) #American #Christopher #Kennedy #Lawford , #Actor #and #Author #Who #Battled #Addiction ,… - 6 years ago

@004nino: RT @KerryKennedyRFK: We mourn the loss of my cousin Christopher Lawford, Rest in Peace. Pictured here with our family at the 2004 Democra… - 6 years ago


@whowrotewhat: Death of Christopher Lawford at age 63, JFK's nephew, September 4 +George bush JR. Boy they love killing them Kenne… - 6 years ago

@CoughlinBrett: Peter Lawford’s son the actor Christopher Lawford died of a heart attack a couple of weeks ago. He was 62. He helpe… - 7 years ago

@earthdaughter11: Christopher Lawford, actor, author and nephew of John F. Kennedy, dies at 63 @CNN - 7 years ago

@BestBuddiesQTR: RT @BestBuddiesNews: Anthony Shriver Shares How His Aunt, JFK’s Sister Rosemary, Inspired Him to Help the Disabled - 7 years ago

@sue_sallen2376: "To the world, he was an author, actor & activist, but to the recovery community he was a pioneer -- living proof t… - 7 years ago

@LukumonOlatunji: Christopher Lawford, actor, author and nephew of John F. Kennedy, dies at 63 @CNN - 7 years ago

@SoapOperaFans: RT @SoapOperaNewss: Sad news: #ChristopherLawford passed away this week! #GH #AMC #GeneralHospital #AllMyChildren - our condolences to his… - 7 years ago

@theMteamcares: RT @BestBuddiesNews: Anthony Shriver Shares How His Aunt, JFK’s Sister Rosemary, Inspired Him to Help the Disabled - 7 years ago

@centeredhealth1: Christopher Kennedy Lawford, actor who wrote about substance abuse and recovery, dies at 63: * Christopher Kennedy… - 7 years ago

@GPBGeorge: RT @GPBGeorge: JFK's nephew, Actor Christopher Lawford has passed away at the age of 63 from a heart attack. #RIPChristopherLawford My hear… - 7 years ago

@CouncilmanViera: RT @BestBuddiesNews: Anthony Shriver Shares How His Aunt, JFK’s Sister Rosemary, Inspired Him to Help the Disabled - 7 years ago

@migaventajado: RT @BestBuddiesNews: Anthony Shriver Shares How His Aunt, JFK’s Sister Rosemary, Inspired Him to Help the Disabled - 7 years ago

@Jackie112_08: RT @BestBuddiesNews: Anthony Shriver Shares How His Aunt, JFK’s Sister Rosemary, Inspired Him to Help the Disabled - 7 years ago

@bestbuddies: RT @BestBuddiesNews: Anthony Shriver Shares How His Aunt, JFK’s Sister Rosemary, Inspired Him to Help the Disabled - 7 years ago

@CaryPfeffer: Still processing the loss of Christopher Kennedy Lawford. Chris and I worked together as he prepped for the release… - 7 years ago

@EHS_WesBuddies: RT @BestBuddiesNews: Anthony Shriver Shares How His Aunt, JFK’s Sister Rosemary, Inspired Him to Help the Disabled - 7 years ago

@ArthurLake1: RT @DailyJFKPics: RIP Christopher Kennedy Lawford who passed away yesterday aged 63. The son of Patricia Kennedy Lawford and Peter Lawford,… - 7 years ago

@Swagmanfelder: RT @BestBuddiesNews: Anthony Shriver Shares How His Aunt, JFK’s Sister Rosemary, Inspired Him to Help the Disabled - 7 years ago

@AndrewSQuirk: RT @BestBuddiesNews: Anthony Shriver Shares How His Aunt, JFK’s Sister Rosemary, Inspired Him to Help the Disabled - 7 years ago

@LumiereDetox: RT @NAATPoffice: NAATP was proud of Christopher’s strong voice of recovery and efforts to make public and reduce stigma. - 7 years ago

@CarolMDorn: My heart goes out to the Lawford and the Kennedy families. I only met Chris once or twice at parties in NYC and Nan… - 7 years ago

@leonardbuschel: Christopher Kennedy Lawford R.I.P.. - 7 years ago

@bobbygoode: Christopher Lawford, Kennedy family member who wrote an addiction memoir, dies at 63 - 7 years ago

@D_B_Paralegal: RT @adamlforeman: Natural causes or another suicide? Age 63 = 6+3=9 (9 Gods of the Underworld). There are no coincidences. #QAnon #TheGreat… - 7 years ago

@BestBuddiesNews: Anthony Shriver Shares How His Aunt, JFK’s Sister Rosemary, Inspired Him to Help the Disabled… - 7 years ago

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