Christopher Duffy

British military historian.
Died on Thursday November 17th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Christopher Duffy:

@TheBrems: RT @DemilichLovato: Just learned that historian Christopher Duffy died a few days ago. He was one of the foremost experts on the Prussian/A… - 2 years ago

@LSW_RMAS: Christopher Duffy with serving #WS_RMAS in 2012 - Christopher spent a day each week at Sandhurst after his retireme… - 2 years ago

@clara21084: RT @Balkan_Dave: Tributes have been paid to Dr Christopher Duffy, a Jacobite historian and leading authority on Culloden who helped to chan… - 2 years ago

@clara21084: RT @ScottishField: Culloden scholar Dr Christopher Duffy has died - read more about his life and work at - 2 years ago


@DemilichLovato: Just learned that historian Christopher Duffy died a few days ago. He was one of the foremost experts on the Prussi… - 2 years ago

@CultFilmComp: RT @CultFilmComp: Which of these 4 is your favorite feature directorial debut ? #CultFilmCompPolls 📊 A) Kevin Reynolds B) Troy Duffy C) Ri… - 2 years ago

@oldriccid: RT @ReneUpshaw1: @asanza2420 Terrence A. Duffy, CEO Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of FTX US Derivatives, Christopher… - 2 years ago

@CultFilmComp: Which of these 4 is your favorite feature directorial debut ? #CultFilmCompPolls 📊 A) Kevin Reynolds B) Troy Duffy… - 2 years ago

@AKATITUS1: @Messiah62632153 @MiguelM42495054 Yea, Ritu Rani Pahaw, Christopher Puntureri, Brian Esposito, Kyle Anderson, Max L… - 2 years ago

@Helionbooks: #Newblogpost In Memoriam: Christopher Duffy (1936-2022) Some thoughts from Dr Alexander S. Burns on the memory and… - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 28 450) #British #military #historian , #Culloden #scholar #Dr #Christopher #Duffy 86 has #died… - 2 years ago

@therecycla: RT @ScottishField: Culloden scholar Dr Christopher Duffy has died - read more about his life and work at - 2 years ago

@ff_joanna: RT @FunkyPlaid: We lost Christopher Duffy this morning. He’ll leave behind a real soreness, but his legacy of kindness and integrity is fir… - 2 years ago

@ellen_fogel: RT @NTS_archaeology: Sad to hear of the recent death of Christopher Duffy, military historian. He was very supportive of our #archaeologica… - 2 years ago

@fdl1668: RT @Helionbooks: We are sorry to hear of the death of renowned historian and Helion author Christopher Duffy. He was a true gentleman who w… - 2 years ago

@XiangFrancisWei: RT @Mars_Clio: We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Professor Christopher Duffy. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all impacte… - 2 years ago

@LRUWW2: RT @Mars_Clio: We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Professor Christopher Duffy. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all impacte… - 2 years ago

@Mars_Clio: - 2 years ago

@Mars_Clio: We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Professor Christopher Duffy. Our thoughts and prayers go out to al… - 2 years ago

@Neurasthenio: RT @Helionbooks: We are sorry to hear of the death of renowned historian and Helion author Christopher Duffy. He was a true gentleman who w… - 2 years ago

@Mars_Clio: RT @Helionbooks: We are sorry to hear of the death of renowned historian and Helion author Christopher Duffy. He was a true gentleman who w… - 2 years ago

@pacocopan: @GrognardPodcast Recordad a Christopher Duffy. - 2 years ago

@CosinChristian: RT @DemilichLovato: Just learned that historian Christopher Duffy died a few days ago. He was one of the foremost experts on the Prussian/A… - 2 years ago

@ReneUpshaw1: @asanza2420 Terrence A. Duffy, CEO Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of FTX US Derivatives, Chris… - 2 years ago

@Giorda_a: RT @elprimeredecan: Este es uno de los mejores libros que he leído nunca. Su autor, el historiador Christopher Duffy, ha muerto hoy a los 8… - 2 years ago

@Giorda_a: RT @Helionbooks: We are sorry to hear of the death of renowned historian and Helion author Christopher Duffy. He was a true gentleman who w… - 2 years ago

@KKriegeBlog: - 2 years ago

@KKriegeBlog: - 2 years ago

@JuliusFlywheel: @prior_robin did you hear Christopher Duffy died? got a good send of with a Festschrift. - 2 years ago

@goo_miko: RT @flagsofwar: Sad news to hear about the passing of author Christopher Duffy. His book on The 45 is main goto for the period. - 2 years ago

@AdamDavidWarne2: RT @battlegames: Christopher Duffy, historian extraordinaire and inspiration to so many wargamers and soldiers, RIP. - 2 years ago

@ianmac67_SE: RT @Balkan_Dave: Tributes have been paid to Dr Christopher Duffy, a Jacobite historian and leading authority on Culloden who helped to chan… - 2 years ago

@Balkan_Dave: Tributes have been paid to Dr Christopher Duffy, a Jacobite historian and leading authority on Culloden who helped… - 2 years ago

@pressjournal: Over the years, he worked tirelessly for the preservation of the Culloden battlefield near Inverness against encroa… - 2 years ago

@alastairdick: “Dr Christopher Duffy was undoubtedly the leading Jacobite scholar of his generation”. - 2 years ago

@ozunclefesta: RT @aisb23: RIP Christopher Duffy, one of the greats scholars of military history, especially during the 18th Century. He was 86. In an in… - 2 years ago

@LeggeBourke: RT @LSW_RMAS: It is with great sadness that we too report the death of Christopher Duffy - @rmasandhurst military historian of considerable… - 2 years ago

@PSpring83: RT @Helionbooks: We are sorry to hear of the death of renowned historian and Helion author Christopher Duffy. He was a true gentleman who w… - 2 years ago

@WargameCulture: In the mail! Siege Warfare 1494-1660 By Christopher Duffy - 2 years ago

@lyoninmourning: RT @FunkyPlaid: We lost Christopher Duffy this morning. He’ll leave behind a real soreness, but his legacy of kindness and integrity is fir… - 2 years ago

@DrAaronEdwards: “A great debt”. I often ponder the significance of such words and I know deep down that since 2008 I had the enormo… - 2 years ago

@In2townmagazine: #UKNews: Author Christopher Duffy who worked to preserve Culloden battlefield dies - 2 years ago

@EdeBorrett: RT @Helionbooks: We are sorry to hear of the death of renowned historian and Helion author Christopher Duffy. He was a true gentleman who w… - 2 years ago

@LSW_RMAS: It is with great sadness that we too report the death of Christopher Duffy - @rmasandhurst military historian of co… - 2 years ago

@aisb23: RT @Helionbooks: We are sorry to hear of the death of renowned historian and Helion author Christopher Duffy. He was a true gentleman who w… - 2 years ago

@LadySaltpetre: RT @LeadheadPhd: Genuinely sad and teary for the passing of Christopher Duffy. His two books on the Prussian and Austrian armies of the 18t… - 2 years ago

@GilesMacDonogh: RT @petr_wohlmuth: Včera ve věku 86 let zesnul Dr. Christopher Duffy, legendární historik vojenství, který k této disciplíně přivedl mnohé… - 2 years ago

@KKriegeBlog: RT @petr_wohlmuth: Včera ve věku 86 let zesnul Dr. Christopher Duffy, legendární historik vojenství, který k této disciplíně přivedl mnohé… - 2 years ago

@alicampsie75: Historian Dr Christopher Duffy, a leading authority on Culloden, has died. Tributes here to this true gentleman and… - 2 years ago

@Basiliscoe: RT @NTS_archaeology: Sad to hear of the recent death of Christopher Duffy, military historian. He was very supportive of our #archaeologica… - 2 years ago

@zouave1914: RT @Helionbooks: We are sorry to hear of the death of renowned historian and Helion author Christopher Duffy. He was a true gentleman who w… - 2 years ago

@NTS_archaeology: Sad to hear of the recent death of Christopher Duffy, military historian. He was very supportive of our… - 2 years ago

@RamnRealBernal1: RT @KKriegeBlog: We’ve lost one of the greats. Christopher Duffy passed this morning. - 2 years ago

@JandeGoei: RT @aquestingvole: Sad to hear of the death of Christopher Duffy. A towering talent and a fine writer. His “Fire & Stone” introduced me… - 2 years ago

@AnwarMo11863972: RT @battlegames: Christopher Duffy, historian extraordinaire and inspiration to so many wargamers and soldiers, RIP. - 2 years ago

@DukeRavensworth: RT @KKriegeBlog: We’ve lost one of the greats. Christopher Duffy passed this morning. - 2 years ago

@Henry__Hyde: RT @battlegames: My short tribute to Christopher Duffy. - 2 years ago

@battlegames: My short tribute to Christopher Duffy. - 2 years ago

@AnibalInvic: RT @battlegames: Christopher Duffy, historian extraordinaire and inspiration to so many wargamers and soldiers, RIP. - 2 years ago

@Jjethyyy: RT @KKriegeBlog: We’ve lost one of the greats. Christopher Duffy passed this morning. - 2 years ago

@battlegames: Christopher Duffy, historian extraordinaire and inspiration to so many wargamers and soldiers, RIP. - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Christopher Duffy, you will be missed - #ChristopherDuffy #Christopher #Duffy #rip - 2 years ago

@thehobbymute: RT @Helionbooks: We are sorry to hear of the death of renowned historian and Helion author Christopher Duffy. He was a true gentleman who w… - 2 years ago

@Helionbooks: We are sorry to hear of the death of renowned historian and Helion author Christopher Duffy. He was a true gentlema… - 2 years ago

@battlegames: RT @KKriegeBlog: We’ve lost one of the greats. Christopher Duffy passed this morning. - 2 years ago

@CondedeAranda2: RT @KKriegeBlog: We’ve lost one of the greats. Christopher Duffy passed this morning. - 2 years ago

@ScotsForLeaveEU: RT @ScotExpress: Sad news. Acclaimed Culloden and Jacobite expert Christopher Duffy has died - 2 years ago

@dafegis: RT @KKriegeBlog: We’ve lost one of the greats. Christopher Duffy passed this morning. - 2 years ago

@ScotExpress: Sad news. Acclaimed Culloden and Jacobite expert Christopher Duffy has died - 2 years ago

@JuliusFlywheel: RT @aisb23: RIP Christopher Duffy, one of the greats scholars of military history, especially during the 18th Century. He was 86. In an in… - 2 years ago

@JuliusFlywheel: RT @ScottishField: Culloden scholar Dr Christopher Duffy has died - read more about his life and work at - 2 years ago

@glenparry8183: RT @aquestingvole: Sad to hear of the death of Christopher Duffy. A towering talent and a fine writer. His “Fire & Stone” introduced me… - 2 years ago

@petr_wohlmuth: Včera ve věku 86 let zesnul Dr. Christopher Duffy, legendární historik vojenství, který k této disciplíně přivedl m… - 2 years ago

@Random_Faction: RT @KKriegeBlog: We’ve lost one of the greats. Christopher Duffy passed this morning. - 2 years ago

@ScottishField: Culloden scholar Dr Christopher Duffy has died - read more about his life and work at - 2 years ago

@jmaei_m: RT @LordCirencester: #BonDia Aquellos a quienes nos gusta leer sobre batallas del siglo XVIII perdimos ayer al Dr. Christopher Duffy. Se va… - 2 years ago

@YstradHistory: RT @CaliverBooks: We have some sad news to annouce. Christopher Duffy has just passed away. The Last of the Old Guard RIP Chris X - 2 years ago

@LordCirencester: #BonDia Aquellos a quienes nos gusta leer sobre batallas del siglo XVIII perdimos ayer al Dr. Christopher Duffy. Se… - 2 years ago

@CharlesEsdaile: RT @LandofRob: The great history professor, Christopher Duffy, has passed. Death comes to us all but this is sad moment. one of the great… - 2 years ago

@JimDaws93102644: RT @aquestingvole: Sad to hear of the death of Christopher Duffy. A towering talent and a fine writer. His “Fire & Stone” introduced me… - 2 years ago

@og1858: RT @CaliverBooks: We have some sad news to annouce. Christopher Duffy has just passed away. The Last of the Old Guard RIP Chris X - 2 years ago

@respiceret: RT @KKriegeBlog: We’ve lost one of the greats. Christopher Duffy passed this morning. - 2 years ago

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