Christopher C. Kraft Jr.

American aerospace engineer.
Died on Monday July 22nd 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Christopher C. Kraft Jr.:

@elizwebb1: @WillieGeist Christopher C. "Chris" Kraft, Jr. (b. 1924- d. 2019) created the concept, and developed the organizati… - 6 years ago

@KSCartist: @TODAYshow, @WillieGeist thank you the Life Well Lived tribute to Christopher C. Kraft Jr. One small error, he was… - 6 years ago

@PlanetDesGeeks: RT @SASIArizona: We're so sorry to learn of the passing today of Christopher C. Kraft Jr. - NASA’s first flight director and a legendary sc… - 6 years ago

@geoffnotkin: RT @SASIArizona: We're so sorry to learn of the passing today of Christopher C. Kraft Jr. - NASA’s first flight director and a legendary sc… - 6 years ago


@nss: RT @SASIArizona: We're so sorry to learn of the passing today of Christopher C. Kraft Jr. - NASA’s first flight director and a legendary sc… - 6 years ago

@HowardMortman: #RIP Christopher C. Kraft Jr. cc: @NASA @NASA_Johnson via @RepBrianBabin - 6 years ago

@scissorsfiend: So cool to see ISS Mission Control during the #URMA2019 NASA trip. And with a surprise visit from astronaut Mike Ho… - 6 years ago

@metz_jei_test: Christopher Kraft at Flight Console: Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., who died July 22, 2019, created the concept of NASA… - 6 years ago

@KPRC2: RT @KPRC2RoseAnn: A man who had such a unique and impact on American history will be remembered for his selfless ambition, vision and disci… - 6 years ago

@KPRC2RoseAnn: A man who had such a unique and impact on American history will be remembered for his selfless ambition, vision and… - 6 years ago

@BeerCub64: RT @vt_stories: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. ‘44 1944-2019 Thank you for your extraordinary service. May your life, l… - 6 years ago

@bwaterhokie: RT @vt_stories: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. ‘44 1944-2019 Thank you for your extraordinary service. May your life, l… - 6 years ago

@federallamm: “Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., who died July 22, 2019, created the concept of NASA's Mission Control and developed its… - 6 years ago

@Discover_Con: RT @SASIArizona: We're so sorry to learn of the passing today of Christopher C. Kraft Jr. - NASA’s first flight director and a legendary sc… - 6 years ago

@liamrobo: RIP Christopher C. Kraft Jr. 1924-2019 - 6 years ago

@keyshawnjohnson: RT @DSCDPAdmin: American aerospace engineer, Christopher C. Kraft Jr., dead at 95. 2 solos and the UA @StanhopesCDP - 6 years ago

@emilienholtz: RT @Bottlaeric: Hello les mardistes du spacetweeter ! Aujourd'hui une petite pensée pour démarrer, pour Christopher C. Kraft Jr, véritable… - 6 years ago

@brianjusa: RT @vt_stories: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. ‘44 1944-2019 Thank you for your extraordinary service. May your life, l… - 6 years ago

@dfutoryan: Via The New York Times's Robert D. McFadden, "Christopher C. Kraft Jr., the legendary founder of NASA's mission con… - 6 years ago

@DTofVT: RT @vt_stories: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. ‘44 1944-2019 Thank you for your extraordinary service. May your life, l… - 6 years ago

@merylmims: RT @vt_stories: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. ‘44 1944-2019 Thank you for your extraordinary service. May your life, l… - 6 years ago

@_BotOfTheDay: NASA's picture of the day : Christopher Kraft at Flight Console | Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., who died July 22, 2019… - 6 years ago

@rodrigoegido: Christopher Kraft at Flight Console via @NASA - 6 years ago

@zi1ch_duplex: Christopher Kraft at Flight Console: Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., who died July 22, 2019, created the concept of NASA… - 6 years ago

@realJohnCurley: #NASA Image of Day: Christopher Kraft at Flight Console #space - 6 years ago

@darnex44_c: RT @VP: Flight director Christopher Columbus Kraft Jr, a human spaceflight pioneer, embodied Mission Control. As we commemorate the 50th an… - 6 years ago

@MoffettHangar1: Requiēscat In Pāce Christopher C. Kraft Jr. - 6 years ago

@MasterFeed: Christopher Kraft at Flight Console from @NASA: Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., who died July 22, 2019, created the conc… - 6 years ago

@joejoetsao: Christopher Kraft at Flight Console Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., who died July 22, 2019, created the concept of NASA'… - 6 years ago

@ceo_info: gas giant, atmosphere of mars, christopher c. kraft jr. mission control center, nasa astronaut corps, marshall spac… - 6 years ago

@grenobloise451: RT @Bottlaeric: Hello les mardistes du spacetweeter ! Aujourd'hui une petite pensée pour démarrer, pour Christopher C. Kraft Jr, véritable… - 6 years ago

@ReadEatWriteRun: Christopher C. Kraft Jr., the legendary founder of NASA’s mission control, who directed America’s first piloted orb… - 6 years ago

@NJdoc: RT @AllanMargolin: RT @CleanAirMoms Christopher C. Kraft Jr. — NASA’s 1st flight director & a legendary scientist who helped build the nati… - 6 years ago

@cogito_ergo_dev: RT @Bottlaeric: Hello les mardistes du spacetweeter ! Aujourd'hui une petite pensée pour démarrer, pour Christopher C. Kraft Jr, véritable… - 6 years ago

@grantoine12: RT @Bottlaeric: Hello les mardistes du spacetweeter ! Aujourd'hui une petite pensée pour démarrer, pour Christopher C. Kraft Jr, véritable… - 6 years ago

@N6RLS: RT @vt_stories: In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, we look back on our story with Christopher Kraft ‘44. - 6 years ago

@Coralie_Lhbtt: RT @Bottlaeric: Hello les mardistes du spacetweeter ! Aujourd'hui une petite pensée pour démarrer, pour Christopher C. Kraft Jr, véritable… - 6 years ago

@banglanews_eng: Christopher Kraft, NASA’s face and voice of mission control, dies at 95 Christopher C Kraft Jr, the legendary found… - 6 years ago

@niklasfrankhall: RT @CopSub: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. — NASA’s first flight director and a legendary scientist who helped build the nation’s space program —… - 6 years ago

@CopSub: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. — NASA’s first flight director and a legendary scientist who helped build the nation’s spa… - 6 years ago

@robine_B: RT @Bottlaeric: Hello les mardistes du spacetweeter ! Aujourd'hui une petite pensée pour démarrer, pour Christopher C. Kraft Jr, véritable… - 6 years ago

@BrenAbolivier: RT @Bottlaeric: Hello les mardistes du spacetweeter ! Aujourd'hui une petite pensée pour démarrer, pour Christopher C. Kraft Jr, véritable… - 6 years ago

@HWadrr: RT @Bottlaeric: Hello les mardistes du spacetweeter ! Aujourd'hui une petite pensée pour démarrer, pour Christopher C. Kraft Jr, véritable… - 6 years ago

@chgabouleaud: RT @Bottlaeric: Hello les mardistes du spacetweeter ! Aujourd'hui une petite pensée pour démarrer, pour Christopher C. Kraft Jr, véritable… - 6 years ago

@Bottlaeric: Hello les mardistes du spacetweeter ! Aujourd'hui une petite pensée pour démarrer, pour Christopher C. Kraft Jr, vé… - 6 years ago

@TomTheProducer1: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. — #NASA’s first flight director and a legendary scientist who helped build the nation’s sp… - 6 years ago

@ande871: Today is a sad day for the spaceflight community. Christopher C. Kraft jr. died age 95. He established Mission Cont… - 6 years ago

@afge1236: RT @CleanAirMoms: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. — NASA’s first flight director and a legendary scientist who helped build the nation’s space pro… - 6 years ago

@StanhopesCDP: RT @DSCDPAdmin: American aerospace engineer, Christopher C. Kraft Jr., dead at 95. 2 solos and the UA @StanhopesCDP - 6 years ago

@EthicalVegan: Christopher C. Kraft Jr., the legendary founder of NASA’s mission control, who directed America’s first piloted orb… - 6 years ago

@LuizCarlosSpace: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. — NASA’s first flight director and a legendary scientist who helped build the nation’s spa… - 6 years ago

@estefano_lopes: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. - primeiro diretor de vôo da NASA e lendário cientista que ajudou a construir o programa e… - 6 years ago

@RobMorningstar: Christopher C. Kraft Jr./Died July 22, 2019 Image result for chris kraft... - 6 years ago

@xortweet: RT @JediSnoopy: I visited the Christopher C. Kraft, Jr. Mission Control Center twice today. When I visited this morning, the flag was at fu… - 6 years ago

@AllanMargolin: RT @CleanAirMoms Christopher C. Kraft Jr. — NASA’s 1st flight director & a legendary scientist who helped build the… - 6 years ago

@JediSnoopy: I visited the Christopher C. Kraft, Jr. Mission Control Center twice today. When I visited this morning, the flag w… - 6 years ago

@DSCDPAdmin: American aerospace engineer, Christopher C. Kraft Jr., dead at 95. 2 solos and the UA @StanhopesCDP - 6 years ago

@SnorgNJ: Christopher Columbus Kraft, NASA’s legendary flight director, has died Designed Mission Co… - 6 years ago

@thudfactor: RT @rtphokie: Chris Kraft died today. NASA’s first flight director, the architect of mission control, & a fine Hokie. He helped create go/n… - 6 years ago

@thegreatplanes: Yesterday, one of these gentleman was still with us on this great Earth, but today, after the passing of NASA legen… - 6 years ago

@PvOberstein: - 6 years ago

@MeteoritesAZ: RT @SASIArizona: We're so sorry to learn of the passing today of Christopher C. Kraft Jr. - NASA’s first flight director and a legendary sc… - 6 years ago

@Alleswelling: It is a sad day in Houston today. 50 years after he led the Mission Control Center in Houston on a journey to the… - 6 years ago

@WxDan: RT @rtphokie: Chris Kraft died today. NASA’s first flight director, the architect of mission control, & a fine Hokie. He helped create go/n… - 6 years ago

@cjina2: .@NASA's official biography of Christopher C. Kraft, Jr. who was NASA's first flight director. Chris Kraft died to… - 6 years ago

@JosetteTorres: RT @vt_stories: In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, we look back on our story with Christopher Kraft ‘44. - 6 years ago

@UrquhartMP: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. - 6 years ago

@jaimecor_94: RT @rtphokie: Chris Kraft died today. NASA’s first flight director, the architect of mission control, & a fine Hokie. He helped create go/n… - 6 years ago

@rtphokie: Chris Kraft died today. NASA’s first flight director, the architect of mission control, & a fine Hokie. He helped c… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. - 6 years ago

@DioramaSky: RIP, Chris Kraft. A detail of the restored Mission Operation Control Room (MOCR) #2 at the Christopher C. Kraft,… - 6 years ago

@calypsorising: RT @CleanAirMoms: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. — NASA’s first flight director and a legendary scientist who helped build the nation’s space pro… - 6 years ago

@JoymcdMcdonald: RT @CleanAirMoms: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. — NASA’s first flight director and a legendary scientist who helped build the nation’s space pro… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Christopher C. Kraft Jr. - #Christopher #rip - 6 years ago

@lopezgovlaw: #Apollo50th RT @CleanAirMoms: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. — NASA’s first flight director and a legendary scientist who… - 6 years ago

@eagletak: RT @CleanAirMoms: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. — NASA’s first flight director and a legendary scientist who helped build the nation’s space pro… - 6 years ago

@CleanAirMoms: Christopher C. Kraft Jr. — NASA’s first flight director and a legendary scientist who helped build the nation’s spa… - 6 years ago

@spacemen1969: Disparition de Christopher C. ''Chris'' Kraft, Jr (1924-2019), le premier Flight Director de al NASA à l'âge de 95… - 6 years ago

@SASIArizona: We're so sorry to learn of the passing today of Christopher C. Kraft Jr. - NASA’s first flight director and a legen… - 6 years ago

@tanx2ad: @DirectorMarkG @NASA_Johnson I was just in the Christopher C. Kraft Jr. Mission Control Center @ JSC for the Apollo… - 6 years ago

@dorkreporter: I never thought I’d live in Houston, but I sure am glad that I do, especially on days like today. #apollo50 #nasa… - 6 years ago

@DioramaSky: A portrait of the crew of Apollo 11 hanging in a stairwell at the Christopher C. Kraft, Jr. Mission Control Center,… - 6 years ago

@truman_alan: RT @vt_stories: In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, we look back on our story with Christopher Kraft ‘44. - 6 years ago

@CEHokieMcPeters: RT @vt_stories: In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, we look back on our story with Christopher Kraft ‘44. - 6 years ago

@VTSandsman: RT @vt_stories: In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, we look back on our story with Christopher Kraft ‘44. - 6 years ago

@sallycmorton: RT @vt_stories: In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, we look back on our story with Christopher Kraft ‘44. - 6 years ago

@RobbyKorth: RT @vt_stories: In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, we look back on our story with Christopher Kraft ‘44. - 6 years ago

@rferrell0707: RT @vt_stories: In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, we look back on our story with Christopher Kraft ‘44. - 6 years ago

@cowhokie: RT @vt_stories: In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, we look back on our story with Christopher Kraft ‘44. - 6 years ago

@vt_stories: In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, we look back on our story with Christopher Kraft ‘44.… - 6 years ago

@quantumbonde: Nice picture hanging in the Christopher C. Kraft Jr. Mission Control Center @NASA_Johnson. #Apollo50th is one week… - 6 years ago

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