Christopher Ayres

American voice actor (Dragon Ball
Died on Wednesday October 20th 2021

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Christopher Ayres:

@junosTw: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@junosTw: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Deep_Chris_Jay: RT @TheBlackOtakus: News segment of #BlackOtakusoftheCulture is LIVE! In this we talk about the #GTATrilogy, #HauntedChocolatier, FIFA remo… - 3 years ago

@TheBlackOtakus: News segment of #BlackOtakusoftheCulture is LIVE! In this we talk about the #GTATrilogy, #HauntedChocolatier, FIFA… - 3 years ago


@fizzienokizzie: RT @FireMario63: I Just wanna say Rest In Peace to Christopher Ayres who is the voice frieza in dragon ball Z kai & dragon ball super. his… - 3 years ago

@Marker4005Playz: RT @FireMario63: I Just wanna say Rest In Peace to Christopher Ayres who is the voice frieza in dragon ball Z kai & dragon ball super. his… - 3 years ago

@TheRandomGuyOn4: RT @FireMario63: I Just wanna say Rest In Peace to Christopher Ayres who is the voice frieza in dragon ball Z kai & dragon ball super. his… - 3 years ago

@CThreeleaf: @FireMario63 Guys, I don't like FM any more than you do, but don't do this under a post tributed to Christopher Ayres. - 3 years ago

@AstralLite: RT @FireMario63: I Just wanna say Rest In Peace to Christopher Ayres who is the voice frieza in dragon ball Z kai & dragon ball super. his… - 3 years ago

@s7_bad: @The_marine2 wait who is Christopher Ayres? i dont know him sadly - 3 years ago

@YMG_HeroeZ: RT @FireMario63: I Just wanna say Rest In Peace to Christopher Ayres who is the voice frieza in dragon ball Z kai & dragon ball super. his… - 3 years ago

@PumpkinNite: RT @FireMario63: I Just wanna say Rest In Peace to Christopher Ayres who is the voice frieza in dragon ball Z kai & dragon ball super. his… - 3 years ago

@OmarSurvivor214: RT @FireMario63: I Just wanna say Rest In Peace to Christopher Ayres who is the voice frieza in dragon ball Z kai & dragon ball super. his… - 3 years ago

@SWPMelissa: RT @FireMario63: I Just wanna say Rest In Peace to Christopher Ayres who is the voice frieza in dragon ball Z kai & dragon ball super. his… - 3 years ago

@MrdarktailsV: RT @FireMario63: I Just wanna say Rest In Peace to Christopher Ayres who is the voice frieza in dragon ball Z kai & dragon ball super. his… - 3 years ago

@0takucentral4: RT @FireMario63: I Just wanna say Rest In Peace to Christopher Ayres who is the voice frieza in dragon ball Z kai & dragon ball super. his… - 3 years ago

@Ericrod1996: RT @FireMario63: I Just wanna say Rest In Peace to Christopher Ayres who is the voice frieza in dragon ball Z kai & dragon ball super. his… - 3 years ago

@Starbrighter20: RT @FireMario63: I Just wanna say Rest In Peace to Christopher Ayres who is the voice frieza in dragon ball Z kai & dragon ball super. his… - 3 years ago

@Osiris_Slacker: I just learned Christopher Ayres passed away very recently...Rest in peace one of my favorite Frieza VAs - 3 years ago

@WeAreGogetaDBS: RT @FireMario63: I Just wanna say Rest In Peace to Christopher Ayres who is the voice frieza in dragon ball Z kai & dragon ball super. his… - 3 years ago

@Gaming02Anime: RT @FireMario63: I Just wanna say Rest In Peace to Christopher Ayres who is the voice frieza in dragon ball Z kai & dragon ball super. his… - 3 years ago

@FireMario63: I Just wanna say Rest In Peace to Christopher Ayres who is the voice frieza in dragon ball Z kai & dragon ball supe… - 3 years ago

@davidportnov: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@thenaughtysquid: One of the absolute greatest moments in Anime, so glad I saw this at the Cinema when it came out. R.I.P Christopher… - 3 years ago

@OfHisRedFlames: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@CrownlessKingII: RT @ultraegoshane: a personal favorite scene of mine from Dragon Ball Super: Broly. I love love Christopher Ayres’ voice acting here. He ma… - 3 years ago

@adzziggler: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@DonTmTrang1: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@TheU1TimateMeme: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ReaganRiggles: @real_drip_goku3 It wouldn't be the same with Christopher Ayres not voicing Frieza. Rest in peace with King Kai you big legend - 3 years ago

@drewhunter15: @tabbiewolf The whole situation of what they did to Christopher Ayres and Krystal LaPorte really soured me on them.… - 3 years ago

@voicealoice: They should really do a Frieza Dokkan card depicting the death of Christopher Ayres somehow. Like a little respect… - 3 years ago

@YATORI__: RT @B__C0RP: Deux jours compliqués pour le monde du doublage, Bernard Tiphaine voix française de Chuck Norris ou encore d’Alfred dans Batma… - 3 years ago

@0FOXcp0: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@christo45066885: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@alden90: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@electrocbounce: Anime Series (Besides Dragon Ball) Featuring Christopher Ayres, - 3 years ago

@wizzardg0druler: @YaroG7 R.I.P. to Christopher Ayres - 3 years ago

@Oscar05541458: Rest in peace, Christopher Ayres. - 3 years ago

@Mfakza2: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@chxsedope: Rest in peace🙏🏾 Christopher Ayres 🙏🏾. Voice of freiza 🙌🏾 - 3 years ago

@rllngthnder2452: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@zero_hakubi: RT @darko_foxfire: A week ago on October 18, 2021, the voice of Frieza, Christopher Ayres had passed away! I drew this to honor and respect… - 3 years ago

@darko_foxfire: A week ago on October 18, 2021, the voice of Frieza, Christopher Ayres had passed away! I drew this to honor and re… - 3 years ago

@bomber_1712: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@XxCnote: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@0Xero2: RT @domislivenews: Christopher Ayres, Voice Actor Best Known as Frieza From ‘Dragon Ball Z Kei,’ Dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@GamingCE: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@YeahKennethBell: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@xetenxx: Rip Voice actor of Frieza Christopher Ayres.🙏🕊️🕊️ - 3 years ago

@ryan17murray: RT @BeholdMunro: Christopher Ayres, my all time favourite Frieza voice actor, has just passed away. I recently donated to his GoFundMe for… - 3 years ago

@KingFalkern: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@NotCoolJazz: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@juanp3159: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@DVDMoss: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@JadenBourgeois: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@japulmah: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@leng_huey: It has been sad news that Ruthie Tompson and Christopher Ayres died this month. #ruthietompson #christopherayres S… - 3 years ago

@smiller7771990: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@wickedhimself: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@LuCraftKai: Hey guys it's LuCraft Kai, and today I just found out that Christopher Ayres the voice actor of the one and only Fr… - 3 years ago

@AlexKrzywicki3: @VAJerryJewell Did you know Christopher Ayres passed away this year? - 3 years ago

@AlexKrzywicki3: @VoiceofBevins I don't know if you know Christopher Ayres, passed away this year. - 3 years ago

@VeryAngry64: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@AlexKrzywicki3: @Funimation I hope you guys actually gave good respect to Christopher Ayres' death, he was one of your best friends too. - 3 years ago

@heheman11037: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@peannlui: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@queenira2: RT @SurrealReso: NEW #PodcastONA: Disney+ takes its first shot for the anime streaming game, Mob Psycho 100 S3 announced, and remembering t… - 3 years ago

@HeartofSword75: RT @SurrealReso: NEW #PodcastONA: Disney+ takes its first shot for the anime streaming game, Mob Psycho 100 S3 announced, and remembering t… - 3 years ago

@big_wars: @mezthegoz Goku Black and Zamasu the Best Villian of DB history Both Super and GT have both ups and downs Vegeta… - 3 years ago

@despisefps: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@xCasmm: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@_KenZV: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@LuisCal77112284: RT @MechBeDrawing: RIP Christopher Ayres Golden Frieza!!!!👆 - 3 years ago

@ColdBoy101: Hey @SSGPrinceVegeta! Remember "Uncle Al"?! I think he needs to do an episode of "DragonTardz" paying tribute to… - 3 years ago

@Botbot95792796: RT @MechBeDrawing: RIP Christopher Ayres Golden Frieza!!!!👆 - 3 years ago

@NotSoEntertaim: RT @kgbepis: Rest in peace Christopher Ayres. You left behind a hell of a legacy and will be missed dearly. Long Live Lord Frieza! https:/… - 3 years ago

@PowaPikachu: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@LouiseODonoghu2: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@lionWill: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@nakama9823: RT @K4ME25: Today on 18th on October, Christopher Ayres the English voice actor of a Frieza has passed away... You will always be remembe… - 3 years ago

@MechBeDrawing: RT @MechBeDrawing: RIP Christopher Ayres Golden Frieza!!!!👆 - 3 years ago

@SzepesiIcsi: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@AngelRuedas8: RT @MechBeDrawing: RIP Christopher Ayres Golden Frieza!!!!👆 - 3 years ago

@tanjirop1: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Dr_StoneSA: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Sketchervescent: RT @MechBeDrawing: RIP Christopher Ayres Golden Frieza!!!!👆 - 3 years ago

@AngelicArtistG: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@R0DT1D: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@JustSaiyan76: RT @MechBeDrawing: RIP Christopher Ayres Golden Frieza!!!!👆 - 3 years ago

@R0DT1D: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Mrsmart75: RT @MechBeDrawing: RIP Christopher Ayres Golden Frieza!!!!👆 - 3 years ago

@95SodapopIsPog: RT @MechBeDrawing: RIP Christopher Ayres Golden Frieza!!!!👆 - 3 years ago

@akazaripper: RT @MechBeDrawing: RIP Christopher Ayres Golden Frieza!!!!👆 - 3 years ago

@Jakeyboiix3: RT @MechBeDrawing: RIP Christopher Ayres Golden Frieza!!!!👆 - 3 years ago

@NotKagyu: RT @MechBeDrawing: RIP Christopher Ayres Golden Frieza!!!!👆 - 3 years ago

@MechBeDrawing: RIP Christopher Ayres Golden Frieza!!!!👆 - 3 years ago

@FpsKamm: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@MAK2HybridMedia: RT @SurrealReso: NEW #PodcastONA: Disney+ takes its first shot for the anime streaming game, Mob Psycho 100 S3 announced, and remembering t… - 3 years ago

@HunterZymire: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@RobBarracuda: RT @SurrealReso: NEW #PodcastONA: Disney+ takes its first shot for the anime streaming game, Mob Psycho 100 S3 announced, and remembering t… - 3 years ago

@woodbuskirk: RT @AnimeIowa: It is with great sadness that we mourn the loss of our dear friend and former guest of honor, Christopher Ayres. - 3 years ago

@Surge1337juice: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@Murillos14: RT @SurrealReso: NEW #PodcastONA: Disney+ takes its first shot for the anime streaming game, Mob Psycho 100 S3 announced, and remembering t… - 3 years ago

@SlaveOfSuzumiya: RT @SurrealReso: NEW #PodcastONA: Disney+ takes its first shot for the anime streaming game, Mob Psycho 100 S3 announced, and remembering t… - 3 years ago

@Anthony77229890: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Kiyone31: @Rialisms I’m very sorry for the loss of Christopher Ayres. He was a good voice actor of Frieza. - 3 years ago

@mrhelstein: Christopher Ayres, English Voice Actor Of Frieza In Dragon Ball Z Series, Has Died - 3 years ago

@PorraVeloso: RT @kamisamaexp: Morre Christopher Ayres, a voz de Freeza na Funimation em Dragon Ball Z Kai, Super e em filmes recentes, como Renascimento… - 3 years ago

@GabyAya61454788: RT @Starhound: In memory and honor of Christopher Ayres An audio clip he and Krystal did for my Xenoverse character, Peary, confronting Fri… - 3 years ago

@GabyAya61454788: RT @ultraegoshane: a personal favorite scene of mine from Dragon Ball Super: Broly. I love love Christopher Ayres’ voice acting here. He ma… - 3 years ago

@Im_Nyx_Official: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@txmadcat: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@KurtDexterRodz: RT @ISWVFails: ISWV doesn't actually care about Christopher Ayres. They only care so they can use him to justify being shitty to other VAs… - 3 years ago

@kingtega__: RT @mymixtapez: The voice actor of Dragon Ball Z’s Frieza, Christopher Ayres,has passed away at 56 years old 🕊 📸: SOPA Images/ Jerod Harr… - 3 years ago

@Alolans1: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Azharfahrezap1: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@JDB31899: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@reese_zoom: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@HikaruThird: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@carbondragon96: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@therealvegeta22: RT @MechBeDrawing: I will draw a Frieza in Honor of The English voice actor Christopher Ayres RIP - 3 years ago

@thelastavatar__: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@batmansblackman: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@MechBeDrawing: I will draw a Frieza in Honor of The English voice actor Christopher Ayres RIP - 3 years ago

@Turles5Ds: I got 4 favorite dragon ball characters Rest in Peace to Christopher Ayres. - 3 years ago

@SoulofVengeance: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@luisfrom1999: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Alexius_O: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@PuiAlexander: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@ilovebread45: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@cloud_riftinq: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Yuno_dbl: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@TarkatanBeauty: RT @voiceoverprince: In honor of Christopher Ayres who loved horror movies, and the coming up of Halloween, I will only be playing #UntilDa… - 3 years ago

@SoulFalconXero: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Bryansun68: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@218Montiel: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@PierreYoung27: RT @voiceoverprince: In honor of Christopher Ayres who loved horror movies, and the coming up of Halloween, I will only be playing #UntilDa… - 3 years ago

@HexityGT: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@ThisNigga_Nelv: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@HatorZeal: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@elaazteca: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@yusonerdy: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@worrisomeworm: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@SensieJhamie: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ErikaLuciide: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@_adr04elic_: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Arlette47045784: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@francvs: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@RunawayWorld: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@mhw128013: Rip Christopher Ayres thank you for all the memories of being the voice actor for frieza may your soul rest easy i… - 3 years ago

@Den_YT_: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@Jedimindtrips: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@dakcran: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@TFoBC_1998: R. I. P. Christopher Ayres. A fantastic VO actor in the anime industry for English dubs. Please acknowledge his work. - 3 years ago

@Den_YT_: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@tatch_d: RT @domislivenews: Christopher Ayres, Voice Actor Best Known as Frieza From ‘Dragon Ball Z Kei,’ Dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@Skollrous: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@xtcmox: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@KidWolf03: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@tkeyahb3: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@RetriaxGG: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@SwitchSpeedster: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@stevenotme: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@Nervytweet: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Dem0nV2_: It hurts me to hear that voice actor Christopher Ayres has passed away. I can't believe that this is real. You wil… - 3 years ago

@RoAdara23: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@knoel814: R.I.P. Christopher Owen Ayres (5/16/1965-10/18/2021). You'll always be known for your role as Lord Frieza in the Dr… - 3 years ago

@brailidparr: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@marito_sakura: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@j2tall_jones: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@gideonmadu64: RT @AnimeAjay: Heartbroken to learn Christopher Ayres has passed away. I think I speak for every fan when I say we'll desperately miss yo… - 3 years ago

@TheVictoryMan: RT @domislivenews: Christopher Ayres, Voice Actor Best Known as Frieza From ‘Dragon Ball Z Kei,’ Dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@bright_eyes505: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@RobertS41917912: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@JorgeLzro: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@LittleRedZephyr: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@hayman28820065: RT @domislivenews: Christopher Ayres, Voice Actor Best Known as Frieza From ‘Dragon Ball Z Kei,’ Dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@KaiserTrajan87: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Mantse_Bi: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ActualMFullam: RT @ActualMFullam: Voice actor Christopher Ayres, known as the voice of Frieza from Dragon Ball Z Kai, has passed away. He was 56. https:… - 3 years ago

@PDanceMusic: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Blackchild114: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@wldlqhba: RT @mymixtapez: The voice actor of Dragon Ball Z’s Frieza, Christopher Ayres,has passed away at 56 years old 🕊 📸: SOPA Images/ Jerod Harr… - 3 years ago

@Oden45216069: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Swoogu: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@joefraust: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@_quemi__: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@pepbizmo: RT @gameinformer: Christopher Ayres, the voice actor perhaps best known for his English dub performance as Frieza in Dragon Ball Z Kai and… - 3 years ago

@DJdukesII: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@Polyommatus5: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@cwbcomb22: RT @mymixtapez: The voice actor of Dragon Ball Z’s Frieza, Christopher Ayres,has passed away at 56 years old 🕊 📸: SOPA Images/ Jerod Harr… - 3 years ago

@Zekii_Neo: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@DarkuLTra3: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Naitexi: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@saraxorlowski: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@kingofmadden106: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@MBSI_9: RT @B__C0RP: Deux jours compliqués pour le monde du doublage, Bernard Tiphaine voix française de Chuck Norris ou encore d’Alfred dans Batma… - 3 years ago

@kwminus1: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@tano_diaz: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@420_In_London: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Endergamez96: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@RealMaleficer: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@SpiveyMario: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@WillyP1992: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@majestic_duckie: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@agsandre3: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Soul_Fox_Hero: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@JMckenney89: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@KillaNinjaKY74: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Infinity16Sins: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@JLee_Akaza: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@bento_bongos: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ZPudge: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@KillaNinjaKY74: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@numbpaintbrush: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@DeemotheDweeb: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@izzy_mar_marr: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@MZalgo: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@lad2614u: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Jwitdafro: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@__TwistedMD: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@KevinBennettVA: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@serguyoh: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@RyougaLolakie: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@christy25oo: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@KingFlamezIII: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@KevinBennettVA: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@DixieLily1974: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@nokkii152: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@hhtebziL: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@BeChocological: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@LeisureStoned: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@NikkayShears: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Minshui_Wolf: RT @anime_argentina: Falleció Christopher Ayres a los 56 años de edad 😓 El voice actor norteamericano tenía una enfermedad terminal contra… - 3 years ago

@Deejay_217: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Avivafae: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@CMP8609: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@fablewarrior: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@nickelkno: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@RazorReset: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@EdenEnglish11: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@ReadyAngel2: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@iam_bignic: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@vansornah: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@NebsTV: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Chezterherotawa: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Horimiyaa3: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@GreatGamerAce: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@D4REtoD3FY: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@sverrch: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@ZeddyZ11: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@marcprn77: RT @B__C0RP: Deux jours compliqués pour le monde du doublage, Bernard Tiphaine voix française de Chuck Norris ou encore d’Alfred dans Batma… - 3 years ago

@DerkHogan: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@se7deul: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@LongLiveLord_Z: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@LongLiveLord_Z: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@PhantomSeraph3: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Professordrew11: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Mason_Sparkle: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Omighty_Twitch: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@Ssj2_Victor: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@WillyWonkGaming: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@matthewBlakeB: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@01Dre__: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@deep_sea_ant: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Yozora_sama1: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Hmmyes40394977: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@MfanaWaseMelika: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Tony_Wiztaylor: RT @queenxorlali: Christopher Ayres, Dragon Ball’s Frieza, Dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@AnibalStar: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@reckno64: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@sontawanoficia1: RT @kamisamaexp: Morre Christopher Ayres, a voz de Freeza na Funimation em Dragon Ball Z Kai, Super e em filmes recentes, como Renascimento… - 3 years ago

@Lightning_Lemur: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@PaulDBrazill: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Roxasoru: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@HarieKarie: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@TheWeebokage: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@TheWeebokage: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@LorenzHasfallen: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Nibayasan: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@madolche_momo: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@king_kiLLa22: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@SiyeonsFilter: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Krueger491: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@Poseidon__e: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@RealJotaroK: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Brandon20886715: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Dyslogix: Rest in peace Christopher Ayres #ForeverALegend ! :( - 3 years ago

@aceslx: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@abel_cable: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@FryYeeter: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@kirykindom: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@bufocalvin: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@YaBoiMikevilla7: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@_lordluis: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@YTanjiro_Kamado: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Chewchxcheen: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@A_Reid11: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@qxillss: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@jasonardenarden: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@plolzikx: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Xxon3andonlyxX: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@AtTheWh33L: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@_Mac_Gamer: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@Juni_Per3: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@kurenaifailtaru: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@NeoyuX: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@nyy10453: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@GossipBucket: Christopher Ayres, Voice Actor Best Known as Frieza From 'Dragon Ball Z Kei,' Dies at 56: Christopher Ayres, a prol… - 3 years ago

@Grunt3118: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Tae_F: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@DelboyxTweets: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@MarkPachas: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@RedFox10112: RT @3_tailed: Rest In Peace Christopher Ayres. You are why I fell in love with the character of Frieza. Thank you for your outstanding perf… - 3 years ago

@6vis_b: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@RandomMexicano: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@SokaneiGaming: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@o_vinten: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@frequentbeef: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@IkAsogwa: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@KeemMe5: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@rickirich11: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Leonawriter: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@DBBiggestFan: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@AnimeSpotTeam: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@TonyDaGoat_: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Tacbr0: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@xCharkrai: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@FaTaLzXhAzE: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@spaceshadow_: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@TonyDaGoat_: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@NovaD4C: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Reanimateddoll: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Kitch0: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@sadnegrito: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@itsarturobro: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@care_kirsty: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@WaSahin: RT @AnimeAjay: Heartbroken to learn Christopher Ayres has passed away. I think I speak for every fan when I say we'll desperately miss yo… - 3 years ago

@malekoalamio: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@djreguetta: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@iamaronabho1: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@DepressedJair: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@CTumpiri: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@BobbyPuissant: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@armndsffs: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@MrVoorhees13: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@comfyMits: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@NakuFR30: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@BlackZirconTV: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@BestHindiTech1: Christopher Ayres, voice of Freiza in ‘Dragon Ball’ series, Dead at 56 - 3 years ago

@marelli_tommaso: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@SyakirIslah: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ChunkstaKyle: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@dunkarije: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@trippie_blu: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@CEOofQuinella: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@YinShon: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@xTSxRetro: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@itismeDMG: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@supersonic1412: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@YoFavLocale___: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@ThornierReal: Christopher Ayres may you rest in peace. You will always be one of the greats. - 3 years ago

@j_odinsson8: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@ShadoSolo: RT @ModernNotoriety: Voice actor Christopher Ayres, known for his role as Frieza in the Dragon Ball franchise, passed away yesterday, Oct.… - 3 years ago

@the_one369: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@ChampB50: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@WGamer460: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@nohoescisco: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@CocoBeeean__: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@H4NNiiB4L: RT @ModernNotoriety: Voice actor Christopher Ayres, known for his role as Frieza in the Dragon Ball franchise, passed away yesterday, Oct.… - 3 years ago

@SettoKaiva: It’s sad to see one of my favorite childhood villains go. RIP Christopher Ayres. no one will ever voice act the way… - 3 years ago

@mikecradd14: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@AchieveTechAu: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Prince_956: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@perctown: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@HappyKuroKitty: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@dregtheotaku: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@sweep_floor: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@SergaImp: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Ocean_dripdrop: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@TadeoLevi: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@G23Jonathan: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@mannythepaisa: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@cudadagreat: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@Blanketburrito5: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@42_42_564dwma: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Rappyykins: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@AnimeHeartsCry: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@owlsysdictator: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@DevinWi66228798: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Raiettei: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@ChillFTM: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@FrozeniceTM: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@nottmv: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@MikechefGibson: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@KTisIncredible: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@aaronmwinters96: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@MikeyRamire: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Car1osxd: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Keep_it_Lowkey1: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@chansbbgxrl_: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@MattAxe64: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@darkfaith25: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Elvis_Pecina: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@252RichHomie: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@WinkowskiChris: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@BlackZa13904082: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@RickettShamore: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@ZeroGaming498: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@yugidork211: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@SonicCalloway: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@LofiCicada: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@LostCampfire: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@SmugKaiSupreme: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@MarsBlacc: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@chaotictir3d: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@n1que3: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@BreakerSocal: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@cursedmummy: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@ScottyJ193: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@soup_eater_: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@JusttSlime: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Sleyece: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@dabiddesu: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@PrinceCoquie: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@ceniodadon: RT @mymixtapez: The voice actor of Dragon Ball Z’s Frieza, Christopher Ayres,has passed away at 56 years old 🕊 📸: SOPA Images/ Jerod Harr… - 3 years ago

@Sandile_D: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@Beerusthe1: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@MuttMutt456: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@sk_dharun: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@iGamecontroller: I never really grew up with the english dub like that but Rest in Peace Christopher Ayres. I know a lot of people g… - 3 years ago

@jcny84: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@YacoobJoestar: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@_VashTS: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@RoronoasEsposa: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@jxyintokyo: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@CholoSenpaiAce: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@SleuthStabinson: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@WeAreGogetaDBS: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@FrenchyVelvet: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@stephenhart90: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@RickRewrite: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ThatNiggaJuice: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@PsyMuk: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Mar240k: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Anidarshan31: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@crazygamer523: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@gaynesford: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Mar240k: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@ThatboijoesDoe: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@DagamerMiklo: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Miss_Mugiwara: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@GunnLL1million: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@benton_lil: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@rose_afire: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@_Stephiroth: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@NPC_gamer12: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@blazeburns_6: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@gooigiboi: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@rogerskrt: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@rodrimot_: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@Ralleezy: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@FriezaInsulter: RT @DestroyerFrieza: I'd like to take a moment to honour Christopher Ayres. He was the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Z Kai and Super… - 3 years ago

@ch0ppakun: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@AndrewRyan1229: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@Merch25rises: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Proven_Lust: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@krismite: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@King_Allen12: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ddeadpancreas: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@kjamxnda: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@SoleVenesio: RT @getFANDOM: Christopher Ayres, voice of Frieza dies at 56 - 3 years ago

@ivaprime: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Jackstar883: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Chaoskiller2000: Christopher Ayres passed away. Really sad to see him go. He was a incredibly nice person. I met him at a con I went… - 3 years ago

@Cheezburgurr: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@FriezaInsulter: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@AZULCRYS895: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@maximumdbz: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@hropp1: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@WillG316: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@IbeegNastu: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Mijobrando93: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@pkdonuts_5: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@LMorning09: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@PRalpha_: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@youchube: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@AkaSporky: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@MicheleKnotz: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@pxglow: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@aNairtomy: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@JonRey17: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@telstar76: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@juggernautjess: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@GintaxAlviss: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@therjabundo: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@DFreeDBZHD: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@wnyquil23: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@NurBorno: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@DruidofApril: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@haxwi1: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Notorious_87: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@SuperSamZero64: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@DIROJReyes: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@johancavem: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@sunfrog1: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@ThePhenomenalEX: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Exisidis2: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@gamer52133697: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@AnkTheMan87: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@mamodewberry: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@VerumBoyz: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Chibimagigirl: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@KrystalVixon: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ChrisMo05120993: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Charlixexx: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@joeimparato0: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@TheKidJoJo: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@TarkatanBeauty: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@bluewaterlily7: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@odie1077: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@Momen03827895: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@JinTrixx: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@OneNotSoNinja: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@_CocaineBlues_: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@KingMarcus002: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ThatGuyTCald: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@MangaMan9000: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@appl3t1n1: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@myctophobi: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@SSRDeku: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@UltZeroStar: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@FunkoPopPsycho: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@JustinBman12: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@GreenRangerDon: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@SaltLordJosiah: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@NMFreed: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@KIDDPXRPP: RT @Funimation: Rest In Peace, Christopher Ayres. Thank you for all that you've done for so many fans. We’ll miss you dearly. 💜 - 3 years ago

@JMendelK: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@MulkernSean: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Springtrap211th: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@gruntfrommadnes: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@beardedxdeath: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@kevinkrz214: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ThatGuyTCald: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Enmanue38559940: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Belleisverycool: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@_tweezyyy: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@BigChapAlien21: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@TylerVanHeflin: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@KingKodiakVA: Rest in Peace, Christopher Ayres. You were and shall still remain a legend in this industry. - 3 years ago

@GambinoLux: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@BadBellaEnt: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Oma3Sam4: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@BottlesIsKing: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Amphurious: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@sebastienjv02: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@JoseBrumbo: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Dannyyyyyyyy: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@greendevin15: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@Quesito_Poof: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@risouchu: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Krrot03: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@6IXTARO: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@fatboiivelez70: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@GrimmjowreaperX: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Kloud_Sage: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Zorm489: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@TheSuperRaiju: Rest in Peace, Christopher Ayres. @Chrisayresva - 3 years ago

@SuperSayinpete: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@JennyTheKirby: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@whos__nathan: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@RedTruthEriksen: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@charmingsaturn2: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ErosHidalgo10: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@OlivierMarseil3: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@kiingkillmonger: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@djkj5678: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@LTMMadness: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@JustinIAnderson: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@XP_Ultimate: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@RolaNinja: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@BrowniesNooky: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@TekedaF: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@SuperSayinpete: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Dewndeym: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@XP_Ultimate: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@TonyCalderon3rd: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@trashsushi: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@rokenji80: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@ImNotZache: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@cierabyul: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@CringeKek: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@saikyospam: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@kunggfuukennyy: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@21af083fcb8d4e1: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@SLRDLLSDZR: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@icefox_zero: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@RealMrMixtape: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@hitman_XL: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@panda_DaDon: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Dilnlol: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@LargeSpanish: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@zombiegamer69: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@lINoOnelI: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Lord_headasss: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@54hubb: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@kaleef210: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Quesito_Poof: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@plazaAmestical: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@VerseNano: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@Loveamethyst90: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@GintaxAlviss: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@HerculePyro: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@CountCryo: Christopher Ayres has officially passed as informed by his family. Chris, you will forever be our Golden Emperor of… - 3 years ago

@kittennoona1: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@camilio2005: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@MyNameisAubby: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@VerseNano: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@MarshallHero_K: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@TrinityPneuma: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@jdictado1: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@AdonisA0608: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@ThatSaiyanGamer: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@TheIceMan711: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@d20love: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@simp_requiem: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Zakariah_31: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@BlaccKnights: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Lurksnh: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@kidcuisinee: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@SomecallmeGeo: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@KingLeoPride: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@MsCynMet: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@KingShikage: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ToluPopoola5: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@_AKenney: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@XenobladeSky77: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@MartianBlake: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@SSJoshGavin: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@CBG_HC_Founk: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Jolteonlov: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@GohanOXG: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@FutureGohan946: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@AkiraRyuzn2010: RT @DMeme37: Christopher Ayres has passed away. He would be missed. Damm.. - 3 years ago

@YungMugiwara_: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@Diabeticbrownie: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@NativeBrony_91: RT @DbsHype: Christopher Ayres, the English VA of Frieza has passed away on October 18. Rest in Peace… - 3 years ago

@JDCowboys4Life: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@PerezBryant_: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@planetzboy: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ayeeeezeek: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@LeonXIII: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@DeathofBlue: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@VinnyFuego: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ceniodadon: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@DivineKamiKaze: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@KingShaggy_1: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@bigbookwhore: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@favfandomss: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@JealmiZ: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@RonaldThePimp10: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Gurokishiniaa: RT @sxngofhope: / i remember one of the first arcs i watched in full as a child was the frieza saga for kai. nothing made it more memora… - 3 years ago

@SubIsPog: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Defeated777: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@RonBeKnowing: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@CheeseburgerEUR: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@natsukicomplex: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@endarblah: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@floof_puppy: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ThePathOfBroly: RT @sxngofhope: / i remember one of the first arcs i watched in full as a child was the frieza saga for kai. nothing made it more memora… - 3 years ago

@libramyass: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@melidoas_goated: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Crokunknowsbest: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@MidniteKiller84: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@CDiSewage: RT @AnimeAjay: Heartbroken to learn Christopher Ayres has passed away. I think I speak for every fan when I say we'll desperately miss yo… - 3 years ago

@CrownAegis: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@DemiGodShi: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Matt_LoneWolf1: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@SuperUmaruDB: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@Erazorize1: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@EdSmith313: RT @DestroyerFrieza: I'd like to take a moment to honour Christopher Ayres. He was the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Z Kai and Super… - 3 years ago

@GJYYNGII: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@cphewitt1: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ArcanaPost: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@NekoOtakuLuv: Christopher Ayres. The voice of frieza passed away yesterday. May 16 1965- October 18 2021. He died from health com… - 3 years ago

@KyronNicCharles: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Alexmercerst: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Sharrrrod: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@CheeksKilla_: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@TheMaskedChaos: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@0megaNeB: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@tobiranomaede: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@SniperLobster: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@AnimsErston: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@chambleekid1: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@RealTrapdos: Rest In Piece Christopher Ayres, He was a really good person. We will miss you man. - 3 years ago

@Kiwami2Ultmt: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@KenZero03: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@amorkuff: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@DasJayman: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@GODMENACE_: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@ActualMFullam: Voice actor Christopher Ayres, known as the voice of Frieza from Dragon Ball Z Kai, has passed away. He was 56. - 3 years ago

@LinkXZV: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@m3Atl0afman: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@justHamad__: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@Sharknif3: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@showcase_skill: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@sluml0rd93: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Vegitto5940: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@uiwuagwu91: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@lostwithout1: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@mrflosunday: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@YUNGXICANO: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ChrisGordy1993: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@phiillykilla: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@RichCareless: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@xXBLEACHED_SOUL: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Luisdanny69: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@egiostical: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@UNEQUALFIGHTS: May he rest in peace Forever within our hearts Christopher Ayres Thank you for bringing one of the greatest shonen villains to life. - 3 years ago

@Lone_ap: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Mambatron8124: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@unknownsaddude: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@landro1231: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Alexand78993303: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@IkerVega9: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@gabriel_gabdiel: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@SDragon1625: R.I.P Christopher Ayres. He was the best voice for Frieza in DBZ Kai, and DB Super. He has my condolences for his… - 3 years ago

@gojira05047: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@xman_301: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Sylatts: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@RoosterDirty: Christopher ayres **** 😔😔 - 3 years ago

@PYRAMIDSKEME: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@realist_rascal: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@drmundoirl: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@GojiraGekirinVA: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@WhiteCloverx: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@DumDin9: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@SuperDinosauce: Just heard about Christopher Ayres. Got me having flashbacks to the middle school bus and all of us doing our best… - 3 years ago

@ellapeaches1984: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@ICGengar: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@angelofdarknes1: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@dylankkeisler: RT @WtflessD: good job chris ayres you were a legend when you voiced frieza and rest in peace Christopher Ayres - 3 years ago

@Roman61589000: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@bingustheory: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@YogirlBreezy94: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@kez0rama: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@MFrm530: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@iozzoa5: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@saiyanfox21: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@MrVenator86: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@Axy0m: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Thlack_is_Back: RT @DestroyerFrieza: I'd like to take a moment to honour Christopher Ayres. He was the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Z Kai and Super… - 3 years ago

@taterbaster: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@ADwellerTavern: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@zackdamask: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@ultraman52: RIP to Christopher Ayres @Chrisayresva He was my favorite voice of Frieza. Honestly can't believe it. He was incre… - 3 years ago

@ConductorColin: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@NerdStorm92: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@brazzzyma: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Aruna_Rain: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@ssjsarge: #RIP Christopher Ayres…true legend - 3 years ago

@Not_Saiyaman: RT @LASEXTAPANTHERA: ㅤ ༄ ❦ Rest in Peace , Christopher Ayres . . . Honestly , this man did his absolute greatest as Freeza when I was… - 3 years ago

@Davjac123: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@SephrSans: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@ThatGuySela: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@StrdstWanderer: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@BlandrewYT: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Hermit_Fin: RT @DestroyerFrieza: I'd like to take a moment to honour Christopher Ayres. He was the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Z Kai and Super… - 3 years ago

@AntimonyPeach: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@PaladinBros: RT @ultraegoshane: a personal favorite scene of mine from Dragon Ball Super: Broly. I love love Christopher Ayres’ voice acting here. He ma… - 3 years ago

@OrphanVP: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@RottenOutsider: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@SugaryMiyamoto: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@edge349: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@GeminiDublSol: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@THECURSEDG0D: RT @LASEXTAPANTHERA: ㅤ ༄ ❦ Rest in Peace , Christopher Ayres . . . Honestly , this man did his absolute greatest as Freeza when I was… - 3 years ago

@ShotGun_Prodigy: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@TkUnknown77: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@ULTR4FR4ME: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@cloudyinthebund: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@zjziggy: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@KaahanuiIkaika: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@marissa_a__: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@DaYungD8: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@PeriAkman: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Yoboijeans: May Christopher Ayres Rest In Peace 😭😭😭 - 3 years ago

@StarWolfDragon: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@PSI_Rukario: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@AliveJosey: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Christopher Ayres dies - #ChristopherAyres #Christopher #Ayres #rip - 3 years ago

@connorterrelldt: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@jxsh_ohmygosh: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@704swish: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@JamesonMozelle1: RT @Starhound: In memory and honor of Christopher Ayres An audio clip he and Krystal did for my Xenoverse character, Peary, confronting Fri… - 3 years ago

@SlattonGG: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@RakishRequiem27: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@UFO5000: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@SmugKaiSupreme: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Pix_ssbu: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@FakeGoofie: Rip Christopher Ayres.🙇🏽‍♂️ thanks for the greatness - 3 years ago

@InfiniteThunde4: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@antman5217: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@GastlyGirl120: RT @animecentral: Rest in Peace Christopher Ayres. We extend our sincerest condolences to Chris's family and friends and to his many fans a… - 3 years ago

@Terokage: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@jjennings_2001: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@BlazeArachnid: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@Goku: RT @TooRealUnreal: Thank you Chris Ayres for all that you have done for everyone around the world who has heard the sound of your voice. Ma… - 3 years ago

@TkUnknown77: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@gruntfrommadnes: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

@cosmiclegion17: RT @DBHotTakes: It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the voice actor of Frieza in Dragon Ball Super, Chris Ayres, has sadly pas… - 3 years ago

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