Christian Burchard

German musician.
Died on Friday January 19th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Christian Burchard:

@Cable_Street: RT @_OriolS: #ChristianBurchard #Embryo (1946-2018) RIP - 7 years ago

@marleen_records: R.I.P. Christian ! - 7 years ago

@mvjordan: RIP Christian Burchard - 7 years ago

@Actualjazz: RT @tomajazz: Christian Burchard In Memoriam - 7 years ago


@francescapiera3: RT @FreakOutMagazin: E' scomparso ieri all'età di 71 anni Christian Burchard, membro fondatore e "leader" dei leggendari Embryo...... https… - 7 years ago

@ISolfeo: Christian Burchard In Memoriam - 7 years ago

@frenezulejo: RT @MusikWoche: Trikont trauert um Christian Burchard - 7 years ago

@pachitomajazz: Christian Burchard In Memoriam - 7 years ago

@tomajazz: Christian Burchard In Memoriam - 7 years ago

@avopolismusic: Πέθανε ο Christian Burchard: τέλος στα 72 για τον ηγέτη των Embryo - 7 years ago

@MusikWoche: Trikont trauert um Christian Burchard - 7 years ago

@dirigent: Musikalischer Weltenwanderer Christian Burchard von der Band Embryo ist tot - 7 years ago

@anonimsgrn: RT @_OriolS: #ChristianBurchard #Embryo (1946-2018) RIP - 7 years ago

@BadMusicJazz: @olga_abalos @MartiFarre Martín Leiton Big Band, Porta Palace Collective + Rob Mazurek, Aridane Martín, Marcel·lí B… - 7 years ago

@BadMusicJazz: @MartinLeiton Big Band, Porta Palace Collective + @rob_mazurek, Aridane Martín, Marcel·lí Bayer, @EndangeredBlood,… - 7 years ago

@Hochimilk: RT @PeakTimeRadio: RIP Christian Burchard, cofounder of krautrock legends and Madlib favorites Embryo. (That's Mr. Burchard on drums behind… - 7 years ago

@FreddiePremo: RT @PeakTimeRadio: RIP Christian Burchard, cofounder of krautrock legends and Madlib favorites Embryo. (That's Mr. Burchard on drums behind… - 7 years ago

@audiac: RT @PeakTimeRadio: RIP Christian Burchard, cofounder of krautrock legends and Madlib favorites Embryo. (That's Mr. Burchard on drums behind… - 7 years ago

@SuzukiJunzoINFO: RT @FormatoryApp: RIP Christian Burchard of #Embryo - Here is the complete Embryo Family tree from an 80's fanzine, #Krautrock #Prog #Deuts… - 7 years ago

@SuzukiJunzoINFO: RT @PsychedelicMag: RIP Christian Burchard of Embryo - 7 years ago

@MaterialiSonori: RT @FreakOutMagazin: E' scomparso ieri all'età di 71 anni Christian Burchard, membro fondatore e "leader" dei leggendari Embryo...... https… - 7 years ago

@MaterialiSonori: RT @Blogfoolk: Rip Christian Burchard, Embryo. - 7 years ago

@MaterialiSonori: RT @FormatoryApp: RIP Christian Burchard of #Embryo - Here is the complete Embryo Family tree from an 80's fanzine, #Krautrock #Prog #Deuts… - 7 years ago

@MaterialiSonori: RT @GiorgioZitoGold: Forse pochi lo ricordano, ma Christian Burchard è stato davvero un grande musicista. Lo ricordo con le parole... http… - 7 years ago

@saxtherapy: Musikalischer Weltenwanderer: Christian Burchard von der Band Embryo ist tot | - 7 years ago

@hskzoom: Ich muss mal wieder meine Embryo-Platte aus dem Schrank holen; Embryo begleitet mich seit Jahrzehnten. R.I.P. Chris… - 7 years ago

@francescapiera3: RT @MaterialiSonori: Siamo tutti molto addolorati dalla scomparsa di Christian Burchard, leader degli Embryo. Grande musicista e infaticabi… - 7 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: German musician Christian Burchard (Embryo); WWII pilot Jerry Yellin; actor Yosuke Natsuki; che… - 7 years ago

@bbc6musiclover: RT @PeakTimeRadio: RIP Christian Burchard, cofounder of krautrock legends and Madlib favorites Embryo. (That's Mr. Burchard on drums behind… - 7 years ago

@michrasman: RT @dirigent: Der Herr der Klänge Trauer um Christian Burchard - 7 years ago

@bbc6musiclover: RT @dirigent: Der Herr der Klänge Trauer um Christian Burchard - 7 years ago

@_SFSorrow: RT @PsychedelicMag: RIP Christian Burchard of Embryo - 7 years ago

@MaterialiSonori: RT @francescapiera3: Christian Burchard, grande musicista e fondatore della band tedesca Embryo, e stato per noi come un fratello maggiore.… - 7 years ago

@bbc6musiclover: @gillespeterson @StuartMaconie Sad news: Christian Burchard founder of Embryo died on January, 17th - age 71 - RIP - 7 years ago

@heskinradio: RT @disquiet: RIP, Christian Burchard (71) of the Krautrock band Embryo - 7 years ago

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