Christa Ludwig

German mezzo-soprano.
Died on Sunday April 25th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Christa Ludwig:

@archimusiques: ‘’Exorciser la mort de Christa Ludwig’’ La retrouver dans ses grands moments et découvrir les voix prêtes à prendre… - 4 years ago

@toutloperaoupr1: Une fois n'est pas coutume, j'ai voulu rendre hommage à une grande dame de l'art lyrique qui nous a quittés, Christ… - 4 years ago

@vanoirbe: RT @Olyrix_officiel: Hommage à Christa Ludwig : nous retraçons sa carrière durant tout ce mois avec une série quotidienne #AirduJour, le te… - 4 years ago

@Andrema34797557: RT @Olyrix_officiel: Hommage à Christa Ludwig : nous retraçons sa carrière durant tout ce mois avec une série quotidienne #AirduJour, le te… - 4 years ago


@guesswhatart: RT @VoxSatanae: Vox Satanae - Episode #516 In Memoriam: Christa Ludwig This week we hear works by Richard Wagner, Richard Strauss, Gustav M… - 4 years ago

@NicolasBriancon: RT @Olyrix_officiel: Hommage à Christa Ludwig : nous retraçons sa carrière durant tout ce mois avec une série quotidienne #AirduJour, le te… - 4 years ago

@IsabelTriaureau: RT @Olyrix_officiel: Hommage à Christa Ludwig : nous retraçons sa carrière durant tout ce mois avec une série quotidienne #AirduJour, le te… - 4 years ago

@Drschelter: RT @Olyrix_officiel: Christa Ludwig, un cœur qui balance entre l’Autriche et la France - 4 years ago

@Red24226165: RT @Olyrix_officiel: Hommage à Christa Ludwig : nous retraçons sa carrière durant tout ce mois avec une série quotidienne #AirduJour, le te… - 4 years ago

@Olyrix_officiel: Hommage à Christa Ludwig : nous retraçons sa carrière durant tout ce mois avec une série quotidienne #AirduJour, le… - 4 years ago

@KMGVictoria: RIP Christa Ludwig: a voice from Heaven - 4 years ago

@KMGVictoria: Christa Ludwig was absolutely right. Bernstein was rushing the tempo, ruining the piece & wrecking the beauty of Ma… - 4 years ago

@Empath_Coach_RR: RT @NPR: Classical music fans are mourning the loss of Christa Ludwig, a beloved German mezzo-soprano celebrated for her versatility and th… - 4 years ago

@411emilio: Christa Ludwig, "LAUDAMUS TE" ("We Praise You"), Mozart Mass K.427, 1958 - 4 years ago

@lemon2sang: RT @alexrossmusic: For Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: “Her unmistakable, deep-purple timbre envelops the listener in a velvet cloak." - 4 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @mrmorrisphil: Christa Ludwig: one of the very greatest. - 4 years ago

@radiofreesatan: RT @VoxSatanae: Vox Satanae - Episode #516 In Memoriam: Christa Ludwig This week we hear works by Richard Wagner, Richard Strauss, Gustav M… - 4 years ago

@VoxSatanae: Vox Satanae - Episode #516 In Memoriam: Christa Ludwig This week we hear works by Richard Wagner, Richard Strauss,… - 4 years ago

@SCPublicRadio: NPR Remembrances; including Hester Ford, Bob Fass, Christa Ludwig, Michael Collins, et al - 4 years ago

@LitFeuilleton: Leider finden wir uns früher als erwartet wieder in der #lesBar ein. Anlässlich des Todes von Christa Ludwig öffnen… - 4 years ago

@Elisabe6111632: @francemusique @PhilippeCassard Thank you for all the super programs commeorating the fantastic Christa Ludwig. Bravo France Musique! - 4 years ago

@robertbruyez: RT @francemusique: "C'est une voix d'une telle beauté, c'est un objet d'art qui fait partie du patrimoine mondial de la beauté". Le #pianis… - 4 years ago

@stephanegrant: RT @francemusique: "C'est une voix d'une telle beauté, c'est un objet d'art qui fait partie du patrimoine mondial de la beauté". Le #pianis… - 4 years ago

@HemingwayDM: Once #RosesUnlocked is over, @URY1350 carries on. Tonight at 7, A Classical Teatime marks the deaths of Anthony Pay… - 4 years ago

@shakingcrabny: RT @stephanegrant: Infinie tristesse 😢... l’un des souvenirs les plus merveilleux et émus qui soit de cette rencontre avec Christa Ludwig.… - 4 years ago

@bon_matinal: @bon_matinal a @OnaMediterrania Dilluns 3 de maig a les 10:05 podràs escoltar en directe @pere_estelrich En l'espa… - 4 years ago

@Isabell78405326: Welkom! Mozart: requiem tuba mirum peter schreier tenor gundula… - 4 years ago

@boulev_art: RT @sylvialecuyer: Christa Ludwig, titan au féminin Un très beau texte à lire aujourd'hui. Quelques beaux moments… - 4 years ago

@violetteviannay: RT @stephanegrant: [HOMMAGE] Dans Portraits de famille, @philippcassard salue la mémoire et l’extraordinaire carrière de Christa Ludwig. Un… - 4 years ago

@JekaterinaMir: Pet Shop Boys, Fredi, Mikko Alatalo jne. jne. Christa Ludwig kuoli, missä tv:n muistodokkarit jne. Klasarifanille v… - 4 years ago

@AsnounJo: RT @francemusique: "C'est une voix d'une telle beauté, c'est un objet d'art qui fait partie du patrimoine mondial de la beauté". Le #pianis… - 4 years ago

@alboske: RT @OperaLab: #InMemoriam #ChristaLudwig, mezzo-soprano (5/5) - 4 years ago

@OperaLab: #InMemoriam #ChristaLudwig, mezzo-soprano (5/5) - 4 years ago

@simonspenceQC: @martinhandleyr3 @BBCRadio3 bravo! I’d hoped someone would play Christa Ludwig’s Old Lady! The German accented Span… - 4 years ago

@musicologyman: RT @alexrossmusic: Philip K. Dick, self-described "Parsifal buff," writes a fan letter to Christa Ludwig on the occasion of her Kundry: htt… - 4 years ago

@careto_liron: RT @DGclassics: R.I.P. Christa Ludwig. We are very sad to hear the news of the passing of the great German mezzo-soprano at the age of 93.… - 4 years ago

@HermLategan: Obit in Rapport on the death of Christa Ludwig: ‘Meesterlike vertolker’ Ludwig een van grotes - 4 years ago

@RyoSait25: RT @KarajanMusic: "I have never expressed the wish to sing a specific role - only Kundry because my mother said that I must sing it someday… - 4 years ago

@AlphO879: Hommage à #ChristaLudwig - 4 years ago

@KarajanMusic: "I have never expressed the wish to sing a specific role - only Kundry because my mother said that I must sing it s… - 4 years ago

@PMLozada: Un regalito para los lectores de Philip K. Dick (pienso en @albertochimal, @raxxie_ , @gabrielintica): una carta su… - 4 years ago

@DANBARCAN1: RT @chrishawtree: While cooking this afternoon I had a good time in listening to Christa Ludwig as part of Das Lied von de Erde (with Klemp… - 4 years ago

@chrishawtree: While cooking this afternoon I had a good time in listening to Christa Ludwig as part of Das Lied von de Erde (with… - 4 years ago

@lovers_opera: Homenaje a Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@CondeIdalina: RT @opermagazin: One of the great singers oft he 20th century, Christa Ludwig has died aged 93🔸Sie war eine der großen Sängerinnen des 20.… - 4 years ago

@CondeIdalina: RT @Musiktrumpf: Christa Ludwig: "Der Tod und das Mädchen" von Franz Schubert, Gerald Moore, Piano, 1961 #Lied #Yo… - 4 years ago

@CondeIdalina: RT @BR_KLASSIK: #ChristaLudwig, die Mezzosopranistin mit der klangschönen, wohl timbrierten, leuchtend warmen Stimme, war einfach für die B… - 4 years ago

@sylvialecuyer: Christa Ludwig, titan au féminin Un très beau texte à lire aujourd'hui. Quelques beaux mom… - 4 years ago

@CharleJHuguenin: Une émission exceptionnelle sur une artiste comme il n'y en a que très peu par siècle. A conserver dans votre porte… - 4 years ago

@GuidoBlogs: Mahler. Des Knaben Wunderhorn. Bernstein. Ludwig. Berry. 1968. DEP Christa. - 4 years ago

@lou521: Christa Ludwig - Her last concert "Tribute to Vienna" (2003) - 4 years ago

@oliveiraguyon: RT @stephanegrant: [HOMMAGE] Dans Portraits de famille, @philippcassard salue la mémoire et l’extraordinaire carrière de Christa Ludwig. Un… - 4 years ago

@EJulien66: RT @francemusique: "C'est une voix d'une telle beauté, c'est un objet d'art qui fait partie du patrimoine mondial de la beauté". Le #pianis… - 4 years ago

@lodeonfrederic: RT @quaichurchill: Que de magnifiques souvenirs radiophoniques . . . 🌹 Hommage à Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@etriendautre: .@christophehuss nous propose du Gustav Mahler avec l’album “Christa Ludwig - The Complete Recitals on Warner Class… - 4 years ago

@lodeonfrederic: RT @philippcassard: Christa LUDWIG (1928-2021), ma marraine professionnelle (Théâtre du Châtelet, novembre 1985) - 4 years ago

@JjTerosiet: RT @PaulERoger: En ce moment sur @francemusique, l'émouvant et passionnant "Hommage à #ChristaLudwig" par @philippcassard - 4 years ago

@lodeonfrederic: RT @PaulERoger: En ce moment sur @francemusique, l'émouvant et passionnant "Hommage à #ChristaLudwig" par @philippcassard - 4 years ago

@stephanegrant: RT @PaulERoger: En ce moment sur @francemusique, l'émouvant et passionnant "Hommage à #ChristaLudwig" par @philippcassard - 4 years ago

@SbastienLebret8: en direct là maintenant sur France Musique @philippcassard donne envie d'écouter la musique ; à l'aventure là c'es… - 4 years ago

@PaulERoger: En ce moment sur @francemusique, l'émouvant et passionnant "Hommage à #ChristaLudwig" par @philippcassard - 4 years ago

@papyrus44: Christa Ludwig, l’une des plus belles voix du 20e siècle vient de mourir dans l’indifférence générale... pas un mot… - 4 years ago

@InitialsAB4: RT @Forumopera: 10 vidéos pour admirer Christa Ludwig ➡️ - 4 years ago

@InitialsAB4: RT @Forumopera: Christa Ludwig, le chant de la mère ➡️ - 4 years ago

@Flambeau66: RT @TeresaMac2009: ...raising a virtual glass of Champaign to Christa Ludwig, one of the greatest singers of the greatest age of opera perf… - 4 years ago

@TeresaMac2009: - 4 years ago

@TeresaMac2009: ...raising a virtual glass of Champaign to Christa Ludwig, one of the greatest singers of the greatest age of opera… - 4 years ago

@TeresaMac2009: And yesterday, Christa Ludwig died at the age of much is already gone - 4 years ago

@tarheham: @JiiPeePuro Olisiko jotain tekemistä myös solisteilla Christa Ludwig, Peter Schreier, Dietrich Fischer-Diskau?🌿 - 4 years ago

@DacFrancois: RT @mathieutuffreau: Ecouter Christa Ludwig chanter Mozart ou Wagner : "dans le monde païen, celui qui arrive en face peut être un dieu" Ba… - 4 years ago

@ukuenkler: RT @BR_KLASSIK: 1946 startete die Mezzosopranistin #ChristaLudwig ihre Karriere. Wir blicken mit einer Bildergalerie auf ihr Leben zurück:… - 4 years ago

@Alain_M52: RT @mhervieuxtenor: Samedi matin 10 h La dolce vita rendra hommage à la grande mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, une des plus grandes chanteuse… - 4 years ago

@TheOperaGlass: Saturday Night at the Opera on @WKCRFM is part 1 of the station's #ChristaLudwig tribute: Verdi's 'Macbeth' starri… - 4 years ago

@icimusique: RT @mhervieuxtenor: Samedi matin 10 h La dolce vita rendra hommage à la grande mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, une des plus grandes chanteuse… - 4 years ago

@zazoomblog: Voce e glamour Christa Ludwig l’eroina senza tempo della lirica - #glamour #Christa #Ludwig #l’eroina - 4 years ago

@GabrielShapiro4: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@opus110AB: RT @mhervieuxtenor: Samedi matin 10 h La dolce vita rendra hommage à la grande mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, une des plus grandes chanteuse… - 4 years ago

@mhervieuxtenor: Samedi matin 10 h La dolce vita rendra hommage à la grande mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, une des plus grandes chant… - 4 years ago

@TeresaMac2009: @nikiornicole Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@LynnBecker: Christa Ludwig died this week at 93. Although It appears to be out of print, her recording of Des Knaben Wunderhor… - 4 years ago

@TheWorkingWorl1: Letter: Christa Ludwig obituary - 4 years ago

@memeteria: RT @bay_staatsoper: We mourn the death of Christa Ludwig. 🖤 In Munich she sang Leonore during the reopening week of the National Theatre in… - 4 years ago

@chowkydar: @gradydoctor Wow speaking of silky alto, that soloist, with so much ease... I was just mourning Christa Ludwig al… - 4 years ago

@ciurlionis: RT @guardianculture: Letter: Christa Ludwig obituary - 4 years ago

@rbschlather: my favorite - 4 years ago

@xcariati: RT @SFOpera: #ThrowbackThursday Mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig only performed once on our stage, in 1971's "Der Rosenkavalier." But she left… - 4 years ago

@bhoggard: RT @SFOpera: #ThrowbackThursday Mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig only performed once on our stage, in 1971's "Der Rosenkavalier." But she left… - 4 years ago

@Moonbootica: RT @SFOpera: #ThrowbackThursday Mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig only performed once on our stage, in 1971's "Der Rosenkavalier." But she left… - 4 years ago

@SFOpera: #ThrowbackThursday Mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig only performed once on our stage, in 1971's "Der Rosenkavalier." B… - 4 years ago

@NicholasHay: Christa Ludwig sings “Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen.” - 4 years ago

@Miss_Sweetkatz: RT @irene_menas: Me encantan estas fotos de grandes damas de la ópera con peinados de los años sesenta: Christa Ludwig (1928-1921) Gundula… - 4 years ago

@irene_menas: Me encantan estas fotos de grandes damas de la ópera con peinados de los años sesenta: Christa Ludwig (1928-1921) G… - 4 years ago

@MarshaMallouk: RT @ZeppLaRouche: Beethoven's Fidelio, with Christa Ludwig, 1963, Berlin: - 4 years ago

@programArs: Nedavno se je od nas poslovila mezzosopranistka Christa Ludwig. Za seboj je pustila izjemne interpretacije opernih… - 4 years ago

@arbakr: RT @Crystal88929905: Shining through: Trove Thursday celebrates Christa Ludwig with three hours of live excerpts from 1955 through 1982. ht… - 4 years ago

@ZeppLaRouche: Beethoven's Fidelio, with Christa Ludwig, 1963, Berlin: - 4 years ago

@patriciaewelch: RT @ZeppLaRouche: Christa Ludwig, the great mezzosoprano who just passed away at 93, in her famous role as Leonore/Fidelio singing the aria… - 4 years ago

@irene_menas: #NoFueTT Me entero por @radioclasica de que el 25 de abril falleció con 93 años la gran soprano berlinesa Christa L… - 4 years ago

@Varun8Vijay: RT @PostWorld: Christa Ludwig, reigning mezzo-soprano of the opera stage, dies at 93 - 4 years ago

@Campusmilenio: #JuevesDeCampus ✍️ El adiós de una gran diva: Christa Ludwig, perfección técnica y profundidad expresiva Lee la col… - 4 years ago

@lulupartizan: RT @Yde_Linsen: Die Winterreise - Christa Ludwig, James Levine, piano (1988). - 4 years ago

@theatreathenee: RT @cgirard: Souvenir ému de l’immense Christa Ludwig chantant aux Lundis musicaux de l’Athénée ⁦@theatreathenee⁩ , rendez vous crées par P… - 4 years ago

@loriolgenis: RT @alegrescomares: Adéu a la gran Christa #Ludwig, meravellosa Mariscala, Octavia, Clitemnestra, Kundry i, curiosament, Leonora, a més de… - 4 years ago

@herbrandall: RT @catekustanczy: In which I ponder the passing of Christa Ludwig, the music of Mahler and Strauss, returning to art, growing gills, liste… - 4 years ago

@herbrandall: @catekustanczy @thoroughlygood @MarkValencia @classicalbeat @marcwittmann This is a really lovely essay, Catherine.… - 4 years ago

@shostakovichian: RT @shostakovichian: La Sinfonía Nr. 3 de Gustav Mahler de absoluta referencia es cualquiera de las grabadas por Leonard Bernstein, pero pr… - 4 years ago

@guardianopinion: Letter: Christa Ludwig obituary - 4 years ago

@quaichurchill: 🥰Hommage à Christa LUDWIG par @philippcassard ce Samedi 01 mai 2021 de 14:00 à 16:00 ! - 4 years ago

@Tevtwo: RT @guardianculture: Letter: Christa Ludwig obituary - 4 years ago

@ClasicaFMRadio: En #ElBúnker de esta semana hemos guardado un momento para recordad.a Christa Ludwig, quien nos dejó el pasado domi… - 4 years ago

@guardianculture: Letter: Christa Ludwig obituary - 4 years ago

@RedmondMichael: Christa Ludwig - Bach - Erbarme Dich - Klemperer, 1962 - 4 years ago

@SnowMarmot: @1_Paulo_1 Sans doute parce que tu as mal interprété mon hommage récent à Christa Ludwig... sorry about that - 4 years ago

@NicholasHay: Christa Ludwig Memorial - 4 years ago

@CHUOQuidNovi: We celebrate the life and incredible career of one of the voices of the XXth century : Christa Ludwig. Hear her in… - 4 years ago

@Crystal88929905: Shining through: Trove Thursday celebrates Christa Ludwig with three hours of live excerpts from 1955 through 1982. - 4 years ago

@Cronopio60: RT @GdnClassical: Christa Ludwig obituary - 4 years ago

@AdamPromotie: Mezzosopraan die onder geen beding prima donna wilde zijn - 4 years ago

@sonofelice4174: Christa Ludwig's Contralto Register in her Spectacular Dalila クリスタ ルードヴィヒ の訃報からこ… - 4 years ago

@ItalyinMETZ: RT @GillesPecout: Christa Ludwig, la sublime mezzo soprano allemande, inoubliable à Salzbourg @SbgFestival dans le "Rosenkavalier", s’est… - 4 years ago

@RAinPfoertsch: RT @ARTEpresse: ARTE gedenkt dem kürzlich verstorbenen Opernstar Christa Ludwig mit ihrer Interpretation von Gustav Mahlers „Das Lied von d… - 4 years ago

@FelipeAraiza3: RT @ZeppLaRouche: Christa Ludwig, the great mezzosoprano who just passed away at 93, in her famous role as Leonore/Fidelio singing the aria… - 4 years ago

@ZeppLaRouche: Christa Ludwig, the great mezzosoprano who just passed away at 93, in her famous role as Leonore/Fidelio singing th… - 4 years ago

@HRyouchan: RT @BR_KLASSIK: "Für immer unvergessen" - so erinnert sich die Opernwelt an die Mezzosopranistin #ChristaLudwig: - 4 years ago

@HRyouchan: RT @BR_KLASSIK: #ChristaLudwig, die Mezzosopranistin mit der klangschönen, wohl timbrierten, leuchtend warmen Stimme, war einfach für die B… - 4 years ago

@HRyouchan: RT @BR_KLASSIK: Wie der @ORF meldet, ist Christa Ludwig, die legendäre Mezzosopranistin gestern im Alter von 93 Jahren gestorben. Einen Nac… - 4 years ago

@shostakovichian: RT @shostakovichian: La Sinfonía Nr. 3 de Gustav Mahler de absoluta referencia es cualquiera de las grabadas por Leonard Bernstein, pero pr… - 4 years ago

@s_v_r_c_c: RT @mompontet: Si l’on juge les humains par rapport au bonheur qu’ils ont apporté à leurs semblables durant leur passage sur terre, la géni… - 4 years ago

@SeasonsGala: The Christa Ludwig Edition [12 CD] 💓💓💓Remarkable product. On sale now. Great deal👉👉👉 - 4 years ago

@SimoneMaurovitz: RT @GillesPecout: Christa Ludwig, la sublime mezzo soprano allemande, inoubliable à Salzbourg @SbgFestival dans le "Rosenkavalier", s’est… - 4 years ago

@RobertMWalker2: RT @EdwardHMO: Christa Ludwig #RIP "She habitually named three conductors from whom she had learned everything: Karl Böhm for precision, H… - 4 years ago

@DeMaracai: RT @DGclassics: R.I.P. Christa Ludwig. We are very sad to hear the news of the passing of the great German mezzo-soprano at the age of 93.… - 4 years ago

@ATGBrokers: New post (Opera star Christa Ludwig dies at 93) published on - 4 years ago

@ErsanMondtag: RT @ManuelBrug: Sie war die Herrlichste von allen via @welt - 4 years ago

@CirculoCriticos: Ópera | Eterna, Christa Ludwig - Por Juan Antonio Muñoz @jamhlet1963 #circulocriticosarte - 4 years ago

@SeadogDriftwood: RT @LudwigVanTO: The opera world mourns the loss of Christina Ludwig, one of the 20th century's premiere Mezzo-sopranos - 4 years ago

@lee_knuth: RT @JeffWQXR: A long life of extraordinary artistry. Christa Ludwig died at age 93 last weekend. She sings a song of Spring by Schubert at… - 4 years ago

@LudwigVanTO: The opera world mourns the loss of Christina Ludwig, one of the 20th century's premiere Mezzo-sopranos… - 4 years ago

@dunderklumpen80: RT @ARTEpresse: ARTE gedenkt dem kürzlich verstorbenen Opernstar Christa Ludwig mit ihrer Interpretation von Gustav Mahlers „Das Lied von d… - 4 years ago

@stolafnylund: RT @ARTEpresse: ARTE gedenkt dem kürzlich verstorbenen Opernstar Christa Ludwig mit ihrer Interpretation von Gustav Mahlers „Das Lied von d… - 4 years ago

@mariaucru: RT @SylviaGrossi: Dedicato a Christa Ludwig, il mezzosoprano assoluto berlinese, scomparsa a Klosterneuburg, Austria, lo scorso 24 aprile.… - 4 years ago

@clorgu: Cuando falleció Christa Ludwig pensé que el mejor homenaje posible sería el RT del que le hiciera @danicapoblog . N… - 4 years ago

@XBo8f1: RT @KarajanMusic: "Obviously some people noticed that the sound of my voice contained unfulfilled yearnings. Yearnings for the unknown. Tha… - 4 years ago

@danicapoblog: Días Santos: Hace unos días falleció Christa Ludwig. Aquí un concierto suyo acompañado al piano por Leonard Bernste… - 4 years ago

@ChristineCerl: RT @GLesur: Christa Ludwig immense parmi les immenses repose désormais au paradis des très grands en compagnie de Lenny qu’elle aimait tant… - 4 years ago

@FMOpera: One of the all-time greats has passed. May you find your place among the angel choir. Rest in peace. Tributes pou… - 4 years ago

@RousseauAgnes: RT @stephanegrant: Dans #EnPistes toute la semaine, l’hommage à Christa Ludwig se poursuit. Aujourd’hui, Wagner! - 4 years ago

@lodeonfrederic: RT @stephanegrant: Dans #EnPistes toute la semaine, l’hommage à Christa Ludwig se poursuit. Aujourd’hui, Wagner! - 4 years ago

@hrwpetshop: Christa Ludwig obituary - 4 years ago

@ClassiqueLive: #Schubert : Marguerite au rouet - Christa Ludwig / Irwing Gage .#RadioClassique - 4 years ago

@rgmccorkleyaho1: RT @elinagaranca: I’ll miss you, and the whole musical world will miss you, Christa Ludwig! 💔🖤 You have always been my reference what a mez… - 4 years ago

@Musiktrumpf: RT @SylviaGrossi: Dedicato a Christa Ludwig, il mezzosoprano assoluto berlinese, scomparsa a Klosterneuburg, Austria, lo scorso 24 aprile.… - 4 years ago

@nadiemasquenad1: RT @SylviaGrossi: Dedicato a Christa Ludwig, il mezzosoprano assoluto berlinese, scomparsa a Klosterneuburg, Austria, lo scorso 24 aprile.… - 4 years ago

@noise_random: @Samfr Very pleased. Do listen to Mozart and mad things by Christa Ludwig who just died. I’d send things to listen… - 4 years ago

@hrwpetshop: Christa Ludwig obituary - 4 years ago

@BILLKEN24137905: Christa Ludwig sings and dances a tango? - 4 years ago

@hrwpetshop: Classical music | The Guardian Christa Ludwig obituary - 4 years ago

@87kan87: クリスタ・ルートヴィヒ、90歳の時のインタビュー。 現役最後にウィーンで歌った翌日、雪の降った道を襟元を開いて歩くのにどれほど解放感を感じたか、とか。 明晰でユーモラスで聞いていてとても楽しい。 CRESCENDO trifft… - 4 years ago

@MinJungKym: Emotion à la mort de la grande mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig il y a quelques jours, ici chantant "Cacelie" de Richar… - 4 years ago

@LisaLeeDark: Sad 2 hear of the death of the great German Mezzo-Soprano Christa Ludwig,93 years old & to me she was one of the gr… - 4 years ago

@merycemebefiana: Christa Ludwig: colosal seconda donna - 4 years ago

@husafell_stone: RT @husafell_stone: RIP Christa Ludwig, great German mezzo-soprano, born 16 March 1928, died 24 April 2021. Here she is with Gerald Moore (… - 4 years ago

@LaMinang: RT @NPR: Classical music fans are mourning the loss of Christa Ludwig, a beloved German mezzo-soprano celebrated for her versatility and th… - 4 years ago

@WhisperOfGlass: Christa Ludwig💜 - 4 years ago

@WhisperOfGlass: Maria Callas, Franco Corelli and Christa Ludwig. - 4 years ago

@MusicalThought1: Christa Ludwig RIP - 4 years ago

@bekquita: RT @NPR: Classical music fans are mourning the loss of Christa Ludwig, a beloved German mezzo-soprano celebrated for her versatility and th… - 4 years ago

@music4lifeintl: RT @JeffWQXR: A long life of extraordinary artistry. Christa Ludwig died at age 93 last weekend. She sings a song of Spring by Schubert at… - 4 years ago

@VIEmediaNEWS: Hommage an Christa Ludwig: ARTE Concert stellt Mahler-Konzert "Das Lied von der Erde" von 1972 aus Tel Aviv online - 4 years ago

@newslymedia: Christa Ludwig, reigning mezzo-soprano of the opera stage, dies at 93 || #Breaking #News - 4 years ago

@Tina69911364: RT @Tina69911364: "New York is, of course, a lot more than a city. New York is a philosophy of life." Christa Ludwig, from "In My Own Voice… - 4 years ago

@JosepEudald: RT @SylviaGrossi: Dedicato a Christa Ludwig, il mezzosoprano assoluto berlinese, scomparsa a Klosterneuburg, Austria, lo scorso 24 aprile.… - 4 years ago

@mezzomackenzie: RT @NPR: Classical music fans are mourning the loss of Christa Ludwig, a beloved German mezzo-soprano celebrated for her versatility and th… - 4 years ago

@MelgerTina: RT @SylviaGrossi: Dedicato a Christa Ludwig, il mezzosoprano assoluto berlinese, scomparsa a Klosterneuburg, Austria, lo scorso 24 aprile.… - 4 years ago

@trickysurname: Gosh, how did I not know this breathtaking rendition of the piece I love? Superb Christa Ludwig & Walter Berry with… - 4 years ago

@tomokoyama: Another article about the life of the late Christa Ludwig. - 4 years ago

@jotapevaldivia: Muere la mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig en Austria - 4 years ago

@EmmaHardyMP: RT @TimesRadio: Also coming up: 📻1435 Remembering Christa Ludwig with @obituarywriter & Michael Kraus 📻1445 @monstroso 📚 📻1505 @@EmmaHardy… - 4 years ago

@CadencePodcast: Legendary mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig passed away last week at the age of 93. Never heard her? That's about to ch… - 4 years ago

@AppgOracy: RT @TimesRadio: Also coming up: 📻1435 Remembering Christa Ludwig with @obituarywriter & Michael Kraus 📻1445 @monstroso 📚 📻1505 @@EmmaHardy… - 4 years ago

@SeemannHenschel: RT @ARTEpresse: ARTE gedenkt dem kürzlich verstorbenen Opernstar Christa Ludwig mit ihrer Interpretation von Gustav Mahlers „Das Lied von d… - 4 years ago

@HgSilvia: RT @SylviaGrossi: Dedicato a Christa Ludwig, il mezzosoprano assoluto berlinese, scomparsa a Klosterneuburg, Austria, lo scorso 24 aprile.… - 4 years ago

@paula1v2: RT @ARTEpresse: ARTE gedenkt dem kürzlich verstorbenen Opernstar Christa Ludwig mit ihrer Interpretation von Gustav Mahlers „Das Lied von d… - 4 years ago

@lin091954: La muerte de Christa Ludwig, divina mezzo Por Marie-Aude Roux Publicado el 26 de abril de 2021 a las 11:08 am **… - 4 years ago

@AdJOper: RT @classicalbeat: I got to say a few words about the sublime Christa Ludwig on @npr - I’m so glad they gave her the tribute. Thanks @thuiz… - 4 years ago

@castlekitten47: RT @operamagazine: We’re proud to have published Christa Ludwig’s last interview. Read her here In our “Great singers in great roles” serie… - 4 years ago

@temporadaBACH: RT @AAthethird: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two: No.47: "Erbarme dich, mein Gott" by Johann Sebastian Bach, Christa Ludwig, Berline… - 4 years ago

@taller_vocal: RT @DGclassics: R.I.P. Christa Ludwig. We are very sad to hear the news of the passing of the great German mezzo-soprano at the age of 93.… - 4 years ago

@taller_vocal: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary : Classical music fans are mourning the loss of... - 4 years ago

@VerdantTom: RT @operamagazine: RIP Christa Ludwig. A legend in all our lifetimes, the great German mezzo-soprano died yesterday at the age of 93. https… - 4 years ago

@gyokusai: Just read that Christa Ludwig has died, at 93, three days ago. She was one of the greatest voices of the second hal… - 4 years ago

@Jocelyn25206573: RT @nprclassical: Fans of fabulous singing are mourning the loss of Christa Ludwig, the beloved mezzo-soprano celebrated for her versatilit… - 4 years ago

@Kouseikousei3: 地下鉄の中で聴いている。 一見ランダムなように思うが、選曲といい曲順といい見事だと思う。 Christa Ludwig - Legendary Recordings Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Death - Obituary - Cause of Death: Classical musi... - 4 years ago

@miquelite_mike: RT @operamagazine: We’re proud to have published Christa Ludwig’s last interview. Read her here In our “Great singers in great roles” serie… - 4 years ago

@CoQLamFalcons: RT @nprclassical: Fans of fabulous singing are mourning the loss of Christa Ludwig, the beloved mezzo-soprano celebrated for her versatilit… - 4 years ago

@Rak_kult_forum: RT @ACFNY: We are saddened of the passing of Christa Ludwig, a remarkable opera singer associated with the #ViennaStateOpera, the @SbgFesti… - 4 years ago

@alexikenney: RT @CleveClassical: Tonight both in person & online, Cleveland Chamber Music Society features violinist @alexikenney with pianist Reana Gut… - 4 years ago

@t_hisashi: RT @nprmusic: German mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig died at her home in Austria on April 24. Over a career that lasted nearly five decades, L… - 4 years ago

@hipolito_movies: Uma homenagem a Christa Ludwig, em seu adeus. A tribute to Christa Ludwig, in his farewell. - 4 years ago

@GloriatibiTri: RT @dodekachordon: Homenaje de @dodekachordon2 a Christa Ludwig (16-III-1928 Berlin, Weimarer Republik/24-IV-2021 Klosterneuburg, Niederöst… - 4 years ago

@AstaMuratti: RT @Kulambq: Christa Ludwig passed away yesterday. This rendition of Mahler's "Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen," which she desired to ha… - 4 years ago

@CrescendoMag2: Hommage à Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@netguide: Par France Musique : Hommage à Christa Ludwig, mezzo-soprano (2/5) - 4 years ago

@AlvinLaureille: 📹 Here is the great Christa Ludwig with Erik Werba, piano, performing three lieder of Richard Strauss. 1.  Morgen 2… - 4 years ago

@XBo8f1: RT @Vienna_Phil: "With the passing of Christa Ludwig, one of the greatest voices of the 20th Century has fallen silent.", said Daniel Frosc… - 4 years ago

@archimusiques: Disparition de Christa LUDWIG. Un must ! ❤️ Elisabeth Schwarzkopf & Christa Ludwig dans le Così fan tutte de Moza… - 4 years ago

@BR_KLASSIK: "Für immer unvergessen" - so erinnert sich die Opernwelt an die Mezzosopranistin #ChristaLudwig:… - 4 years ago

@skyper93: RT @mvoinchet: La mezzo-soprano allemande Christa Ludwig nous a quittés samedi 24 avril à l’âge de 93 ans. Hommage à cette voix légendaire… - 4 years ago

@bfelice: 💔 - 4 years ago

@klassikakzente: Am 24. April ist die große Mezzosopranistin Christa Ludwig im Alter von 93 Jahren gestorben - ein Nachruf von Andre… - 4 years ago

@sjgiardini: Christa Ludwig, Mezzo-Soprano of Velvety Hues, Is Dead at 93 - 4 years ago

@WhisperOfGlass: Christa Ludwig sings "Ach, nun ist mein Jesus hin" from Bach's Matthäus-Passion - 4 years ago

@Critias30: Une triste nouvelle. Je l'avais entendue dans le Ring de 1990 au Met, sous la direction de Levine. - 4 years ago

@MIamenabar: Eterna, Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@iamths1973: RT @operamagazine: We’re proud to have published Christa Ludwig’s last interview. Read her here In our “Great singers in great roles” serie… - 4 years ago

@WWFMClassical: RT @nprclassical: Fans of fabulous singing are mourning the loss of Christa Ludwig, the beloved mezzo-soprano celebrated for her versatilit… - 4 years ago

@rossignol: RT @classicalbeat: I got to say a few words about the sublime Christa Ludwig on @npr - I’m so glad they gave her the tribute. Thanks @thuiz… - 4 years ago

@ZugolJannone: Christa Ludwig, même pas Arte. Curieux, pour une chaîne franco-allemande... - 4 years ago

@ZugolJannone: Pluie d'hommages après la disparition de Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@luisalfonsobes: RT @operamagazine: We’re proud to have published Christa Ludwig’s last interview. Read her here In our “Great singers in great roles” serie… - 4 years ago

@Aspasia_1: RT @classicalbeat: I got to say a few words about the sublime Christa Ludwig on @npr - I’m so glad they gave her the tribute. Thanks @thuiz… - 4 years ago

@comeherefloyd: RT nprmusic: RT @nprclassical: Fans of fabulous singing are mourning the loss of Christa Ludwig, the beloved mezzo-… - 4 years ago

@johngood2000: Favorite Christa Ludwig memories: her wanting the Chicago Symphony to rehearse quieter because she was teaching, an… - 4 years ago

@HasteBlog: Remembering Christa Ludwig, The Master Singer Of Opera And Song - 4 years ago

@corvid317: Remembering Christa Ludwig, The Master Singer Of Opera And Song - 4 years ago

@yuanyi_z: RT @operamagazine: We’re proud to have published Christa Ludwig’s last interview. Read her here In our “Great singers in great roles” serie… - 4 years ago

@politiken: Mestersangeren Christa Ludwig døde i weekenden. Operastjernen, der debuterede som 18-årig, blev 93. - 4 years ago

@wagnerblog: RT @consertum: Sehr profunde Würdigung... - 4 years ago

@tGBWJKXHlDrrNcq: 【訃報】クリスタ・ルートヴィヒ(93)、世界屈指のメゾ・ソプラノ | MCS Young Artists - 4 years ago

@janinpan109: Remembering Christa Ludwig, The Master Singer Of Opera And Song - 4 years ago

@tboneferus: RT @DavBatz: Greetings @benjaminwittes @musicologyman There is a touching NPR piece this morning on the passing of Christa Ludwig. You may… - 4 years ago

@meikazeee: Peter Alexander & Christa Ludwig - Deutsche Volkslieder (1978) 最高! - 4 years ago

@ColbertArtists: Colbert Artists Management was honored to represent Christa Ludwig for many years. Condolences to her family, frien… - 4 years ago

@HansHuett: RT @bay_staatsoper: We mourn the death of Christa Ludwig. 🖤 In Munich she sang Leonore during the reopening week of the National Theatre in… - 4 years ago

@JDWillard: RIP Christa Ludwig Remembering Christa Ludwig, The Master Singer Of Opera And Song - 4 years ago

@HeardOnNPR: "Das Lied von der Erde, 'Song of the Earth' (2011 Remastered Version): VI. Der Abschied (con/bar)" by Christa Ludwi… - 4 years ago

@wagnerblog: RT @bay_staatsoper: We mourn the death of Christa Ludwig. 🖤 In Munich she sang Leonore during the reopening week of the National Theatre in… - 4 years ago

@Quod_vis_fati: RT @KarajanMusic: Christa Ludwig is widely regarded as one of 20th century’s leading singers. Last Saturday, 24 April 2021, Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@SebastianSmee: “During a bitter wartime winter, she had kept warm with a coat made from a gray horse blanket. When she [had] no cl… - 4 years ago

@kenichi_lb: Christa Ludwig sings "I Am Easily Assimilated" from Leonard Bernstein's ... - 4 years ago

@operanimal: @hugh_canning @bay_staatsoper @joachimfoe Young enough to have seen Christa Ludwig on another occasion? - 4 years ago

@MarianneSchro11: The great German mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has died #classicalbuzz #RIPChristaLudwig ❤️🎶❤️ - 4 years ago

@mamititi31: RT @thomasc93710886: Décès de la mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig à l'âge de 93 ans - 4 years ago

@aliciaperris: Música, arte y cultura: GERMAN OPERA STAR CHRISTA LUDWIG DIES AT THE AGE O... - 4 years ago

@omura510508: クリスタ・ルートヴィヒ - バーンスタイン - イスラエル・フィルのマーラー「大地の歌」はこの曲の私の刷り込み盤かつ決定盤でした Danke Christa Ludwig…RIP - 4 years ago

@ttmsksg: 4月24日,二十世紀最傑出的音樂家之一,德國次女高音克麗絲塔·路德維希(Christa Ludwig)在維也納郊外的Klostenneuburg家中去世,終年93歲。 - 4 years ago

@eresolidario: RT @josemariamarco1: Una grande: Muere la legendaria mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig a los 93 años - 4 years ago

@PeggyB63: RIP Christa Ludwig. - 4 years ago

@ArtisTisans: RT @carnegiehall: We remember mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, who made her Carnegie Hall debut in 1965 and returned both in recital and with… - 4 years ago

@ArtisTisans: RT @GramophoneMag: The great German mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has died. James Jolly recalls a glorious career. - 4 years ago

@ArtisTisans: RT @operamagazine: RIP Christa Ludwig. A legend in all our lifetimes, the great German mezzo-soprano died yesterday at the age of 93. https… - 4 years ago

@ArtisTisans: RT @bay_staatsoper: We mourn the death of Christa Ludwig. 🖤 In Munich she sang Leonore during the reopening week of the National Theatre in… - 4 years ago

@ArtisTisans: RT @DGclassics: R.I.P. Christa Ludwig. We are very sad to hear the news of the passing of the great German mezzo-soprano at the age of 93.… - 4 years ago

@zach_andrea: RT @consertum: Sehr profunde Würdigung... - 4 years ago

@ArtisTisans: RT @elinagaranca: I’ll miss you, and the whole musical world will miss you, Christa Ludwig! 💔🖤 You have always been my reference what a mez… - 4 years ago

@ArtisTisans: RT @PlacidoDomingo: ⚫️🙏 RIP Christa Ludwig 16/3/1928 - 24/4/2021. - 4 years ago

@ArtisTisans: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@ArtisTisans: RT @Operanow: Among the best regarded singers of our time, German mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig dies at the age of 93. 1928 - 2021. - 4 years ago

@irishpianoman: Some Gustav Mahler this morning. Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen Christa Ludwig Philharmonia Orchestra Adrian Boul… - 4 years ago

@quaichurchill: RT @archimusiques: RIP. Christa LUDWIG fut la première à imposer une voix de femme dans Le Voyage d’Hiver de SCHUBERT 🎶 Frühlingstraum… - 4 years ago

@leopardbox: 80歳の時に「もう一度歌手になりたいとは思いません」と言ってたそう。 Opera star Christa Ludwig dies at 93 - 4 years ago

@nightafternight: This week's Night After Night playlist includes noteworthy releases by Anthony Braxton (via @firehouse12 &… - 4 years ago

@NewsApac: German opera star Christa Ludwig dies at the age of 93 - 4 years ago

@noticiaaldia: Murió la cantante de ópera alemana Christa Ludwig a los 93 años - 4 years ago

@LaJornadaMaya: La cantante de ópera Christa Ludwig, galardonada con la Legión de Honor francesa, en 2010, falleció este sábado a l… - 4 years ago

@irene33moews: RT @PlateaMagazine: "Christa Ludwig: Historia de una sonrisa". Recuperamos el artículo de @delolivosanz sobre la gran mezzosoprano, en ocas… - 4 years ago

@Pitoloco2021: RT @IvoCaracas: Ha muerto la soprano Christa Ludwig. Los aficionados a la Ópera lamentarán su pérdida especialmente - 4 years ago

@AjayStfc: Mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, who sang with Chicago’s Lyric Opera, dies at 94 - 4 years ago

@Harpagon0: Christa Ludwig - Bach - Erbarme Dich - Klemperer, 1962 - 4 years ago

@Harpagon0: Christa Ludwig, grande mezzo-soprano du XXe siècle, est morte via 20 Minutes 🍓 - 4 years ago

@SilberWorldNews: Washington Post - Christa Ludwig, reigning mezzo-soprano of the opera stage, dies at 93 - 4 years ago

@KarlBra47328382: @danwakin Awesome piece on Christa Ludwig! Thank you! So many cherished memories of her performances at the met. - 4 years ago

@shostakovichian: RT @shostakovichian: Christa Ludwig (1928-2021). Cuatro Momentos #ChristaLudwig #InMemoriam - 4 years ago

@MaulendeMirthe: RT @holgertma: Habe ich euch eigentlich schon erzählt, dass ich mit der wunderbaren, leider gestern gestorbenen christa Ludwig zusammen ges… - 4 years ago

@kitchen5203: THIS! 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 Rest in Peace, Christa😢😢🎶🕯️ Christa Ludwig, Mezzo-Soprano of Velvety Hues, Is Dead at 93 - 4 years ago

@DharmaBray: Why has no one put this up as their Christa Ludwig tribute??? It's fabulous and I love it. #RIP - 4 years ago

@CultoLT: Fallece a los 93 años la mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@superconfirmado: Falleció la cantante de ópera Christa Ludwig a los 93 años - 4 years ago

@NormSloan: Addio, Addio my Most Beloved Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@TadeOKuuMushi: ...R.I.P. to one of the voices of my youth: Christa Ludwig - Her last concert "Tribute to Vienna" (2003) - 4 years ago

@Trumpethnews: Christa Ludwig, reigning mezzo-soprano of the opera stage, dies at 93 - 4 years ago

@NewYorkCity_b: Christa Ludwig, reigning mezzo-soprano of the opera stage, dies at 93 (Washington Post) Christa Ludwig, a mezzo-so… - 4 years ago

@CarpaneseSilva1: RT @2631925: È morta Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@JayRockerz: RT @postobits: Christa Ludwig, reigning mezzo-soprano of the opera stage, dies at 93 - 4 years ago

@Alex_Albert: Christa Ludwig, reigning mezzo-soprano of the opera stage, dies at 93 - 4 years ago

@PostWorld: Christa Ludwig, reigning mezzo-soprano of the opera stage, dies at 93 - 4 years ago

@postobits: Christa Ludwig, reigning mezzo-soprano of the opera stage, dies at 93 - 4 years ago

@rogue_corq: Christa Ludwig, reigning mezzo-soprano of the opera stage, dies at 93 - 4 years ago

@hujiie: RT @leopardbox: 亡くなったルートヴィヒ。去年収録?の様子を見るとかくしゃくとしてて、まだまだ元気そうなのだけど今年の3月で93歳だった。 Karajan had power because of his talent – Christa Ludwig (2020… - 4 years ago

@squibhook: RT @LaMusicaClasica: Un Requiem por y para Christa Ludwig ❤️ 🔗 #Mozart #ChristaLudwig - 4 years ago

@ILikeOldThings: RT @LennyBernstein: We join in mourning the death of mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, who died on Saturday at the age of 93. Leonard Bernstei… - 4 years ago

@shostakovichian: RT @shostakovichian: Christa Ludwig (1928-2021). Cuatro Momentos #ChristaLudwig #InMemoriam - 4 years ago

@netguide: Par France Musique : Fidelio avec Christa Ludwig, et Chopin par Eugen Indjic - 4 years ago

@mhvazquez: RT @shostakovichian: Christa Ludwig (1928-2021). Cuatro Momentos #ChristaLudwig #InMemoriam - 4 years ago

@artdaily: Renowned opera singer Christa Ludwig dies aged 93 #operasinger #ChristaLudwig #art #newspaper Read more about this… - 4 years ago

@FloLake: Christa Ludwig, Mezzo-Soprano of Velvety Hues, Is Dead at 93 . Updated. - 4 years ago

@noticiaaldia: Murió la cantante de ópera alemana Christa Ludwig a los 93 años - 4 years ago

@imcosta1: RT @WQXR: WQXR joins the classical music world in mourning Christa Ludwig, whose death was announced yesterday morning. The 93-year-old mez… - 4 years ago

@CraryMariianne: Fare well, Christina, you opened my eyes to the beauty of opera. Christa Ludwig's Divine Suzuki - 4 years ago

@region_cultural: Falleció en Austria a los 93 años. Durante cuatro décadas formó parte de la Ópera Estatal de Viena - 4 years ago

@verlagmeyer: Christa Ludwig 1928-2021 Christa Ludwig asked for this at her funeral: - 4 years ago

@sophieherry: Quelques beaux souvenirs de Christa Ludwig à Paris.❤❤❤ - 4 years ago

@Daniela84822093: RT @OperaActual: Muere la legendaria mezzosoprano Christa Ludwig @ChristaLudwig3 / Dudamel en el Festival de Canarias @GustavoDudamel @fest… - 4 years ago

@sk1138_stephan: RT @Operanow: Among the best regarded singers of our time, German mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig dies at the age of 93. 1928 - 2021. - 4 years ago

@AnnaNaumane: RT @Operanow: Among the best regarded singers of our time, German mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig dies at the age of 93. 1928 - 2021. - 4 years ago

@julesgmanresa: Just learned my beloved Christa Ludwig passed away this weekend. She was and always will be my favorite singer. Wha… - 4 years ago

@miltommy56: RT @OperaActual: Muere la legendaria mezzosoprano Christa Ludwig @ChristaLudwig3 / Dudamel en el Festival de Canarias @GustavoDudamel @fest… - 4 years ago

@PeggyCzyzak: RT @wigmore_hall: Farewell to legendary German mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, a much loved Wigmore Hall regular for many decades. She is pi… - 4 years ago

@MoyMM: RT @medicitv: [#HOMAGE] 😢💔 The great German mezzo soprano #ChristaLudwig left us yesterday at the age of 93. Let's bid her farewell with th… - 4 years ago

@PlacidoDomingo: RT @Operanow: Among the best regarded singers of our time, German mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig dies at the age of 93. 1928 - 2021. - 4 years ago

@PlacidoDomingo: RT @OperaActual: Muere la legendaria mezzosoprano Christa Ludwig @ChristaLudwig3 / Dudamel en el Festival de Canarias @GustavoDudamel @fest… - 4 years ago

@Luismi_cervus: RT @LaMusicaClasica: Un Requiem por y para Christa Ludwig ❤️ 🔗 #Mozart #ChristaLudwig - 4 years ago

@An_DeL: RT @LaMusicaClasica: Un Requiem por y para Christa Ludwig ❤️ 🔗 #Mozart #ChristaLudwig - 4 years ago

@JudgeDixiePark: Christa Ludwig obituary - 4 years ago

@ZacatecasHoyMX: Fallece la legendaria cantante de ópera, Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@PueblaHoyMx: Fallece la legendaria cantante de ópera, Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@Siemens_Arts: RT @BR_KLASSIK: 1946 startete die Mezzosopranistin #ChristaLudwig ihre Karriere. Wir blicken mit einer Bildergalerie auf ihr Leben zurück:… - 4 years ago

@LaMusicaClasica: RT @LaMusicaClasica: Un Requiem por y para Christa Ludwig ❤️ 🔗 #Mozart #ChristaLudwig - 4 years ago

@AMaddy2: La Christa Ludwig, the Mezzo Soprano Assoluta of the 20th Century - 4 years ago

@mpatrick21: RT @elinagaranca: I’ll miss you, and the whole musical world will miss you, Christa Ludwig! 💔🖤 You have always been my reference what a mez… - 4 years ago

@AMaddy2: Hommage à Christa Ludwig. Considérée comme une des plus grandes chanteuses lyriques du XXe siècle♥️ - 4 years ago

@joachimfoe: RT @deutsche_oper: In memoriam Christa Ludwig (1928 – 2021) - 4 years ago

@LeroyPhilippe_: RT @OuchikhKarim: « Je n'ai malheureusement pas beaucoup chanté avec elle. Mais je l'ai souvent écoutée dans des récitals de Lieder - Schub… - 4 years ago

@catheri93011473: RT @stephanegrant: [HOMMAGE] Une spéciale #Relax! pour saluer la mémoire de Christa Ludwig, avec @LionelEsparza et en compagnie de Pierre F… - 4 years ago

@kose_phil: RT @PlacidoDomingo: ⚫️🙏 RIP Christa Ludwig 16/3/1928 - 24/4/2021. - 4 years ago

@JaneTim8: RT @ClassicFM: Remembering the great Christa Ludwig with this iconic rehearsal moment... - 4 years ago

@RostatAlberto: La mort de Christa Ludwig, divine mezzo - 4 years ago

@ClassicFM: Remembering the great Christa Ludwig with this iconic rehearsal moment... - 4 years ago

@Vrouwenpagina: Operazangeres Christa #Ludwig (93) overleden #vrouwen #ChristaLudwig #mezzosopraan #overleden - 4 years ago

@NucleoNoticias: Falleció la mezzosoprano Christa Ludwig con 93 años en Austria #26Abr #NucleoNoticias - 4 years ago

@rybergadams: RT @deeplyclassical: My soundtrack tonight. Music of life, love, pain and parting exquisitely sung by an all-time great. Sorrow that she is… - 4 years ago

@antena2rtp: Até sempre, extraordinária #ChristaLudwig (16 Março 1928 - 24 Abril 2021)🎵🖤 "O canto é a metáfora da vida: inspira… - 4 years ago

@rybergadams: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@tkunze: RT @PlacidoDomingo: ⚫️🙏 RIP Christa Ludwig 16/3/1928 - 24/4/2021. - 4 years ago

@semprelibera16: Kannte die Höhen und Härten des #SängerInnen Berufs: #ChristaLudwig. Eine Sondersendung ihr zu Ehren ab 19 Uhr bei… - 4 years ago

@rybergadams: RT @ClassicFM: Farewell to legendary German mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, who has died aged 93. Thank you for the music. - 4 years ago

@catheri93011473: RT @mvoinchet: [LEGEND] Le Requiem de Verdi par Carlo Maria Giulini, Christa Ludwig, Schwarzkopf, Gedda, Ghiaurov... « Disques de Légende »… - 4 years ago

@JeanpierreHerpe: RT @josavigneau: Décès de la mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig à l'âge de 93 ans - 4 years ago

@musikdieskau: RT @takabaritone: Rest In Peace Christa Ludwig Gustav Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde - A Personal Introduction by Leona... - 4 years ago

@BuonArabella: RT @GdnClassical: Christa Ludwig obituary - 4 years ago

@lesdala: RT @aneef_opera: RIP Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@juanpcaja: RT @BENETCA: In Memoriam Christa Ludwig Brahms: "Sapphische Ode" via @YouTube - 4 years ago

@Abendempfindung: RT @Forumopera: Christa Ludwig est morte. ➡️ - 4 years ago

@LoonyPics: Christa Ludwig, Mezzo-Soprano of Velvety Hues, Is Dead at 93 - - 4 years ago

@MrLombreeze: "Cuando tu madre viene hacia la puerta a la luz de la vela, me parece como si estuvieras entrando, fugazmente tras… - 4 years ago

@MrLombreeze: DEP CHRISTA LUDWIG (1928 - 2021) Excepcional mezzo que hacía todo bien pero a la que todos recordaremos especialmen… - 4 years ago

@classicinfothru: RT @Vienna_Phil: "With the passing of Christa Ludwig, one of the greatest voices of the 20th Century has fallen silent.", said Daniel Frosc… - 4 years ago

@marianahct: RT @francemusique: L'une des plus grandes voix du XXe siècle vient de s'éteindre 😢. La mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig est morte samedi 24 avr… - 4 years ago

@laci_bacsi: RT @DGclassics: R.I.P. Christa Ludwig. We are very sad to hear the news of the passing of the great German mezzo-soprano at the age of 93.… - 4 years ago

@TiniDo: @MusenginstS Wow. Ich bin echt keine Sänger:innenszene-Profi und ich wusste, wer Christa Ludwig ist. - 4 years ago

@GabeBlessing: RT @GabeBlessing: "Erbarme dich" from Bach's St. Matthew Passion, Christa Ludwig alto, Otto Klemperer conducting. One of the most plaintive… - 4 years ago

@Angela13403240: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@cros_dominique: RT @philippcassard: Christa LUDWIG (1928-2021), ma marraine professionnelle (Théâtre du Châtelet, novembre 1985) - 4 years ago

@Angela13403240: RT @PlacidoDomingo: ⚫️🙏 RIP Christa Ludwig 16/3/1928 - 24/4/2021. - 4 years ago

@MarijanZlobec: Salzburg Festival: Mourning the Death of Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@Angela13403240: RT @DGclassics: R.I.P. Christa Ludwig. We are very sad to hear the news of the passing of the great German mezzo-soprano at the age of 93.… - 4 years ago

@GeorgeVass19: Very, very sad - a truly outstanding artist. RIP Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@ElCharrocker: Falleció Christa Ludwig, cantante de ópera de ductilidad insólita - 4 years ago

@GabeBlessing: RT @GabeBlessing: The New York Times sends breaking news alerts when some random rap "artist" dies but not a peep when Christa Ludwig does.… - 4 years ago

@mulder_pieter: RT @smendzianka: Béla Bartók 'Bluebeard's Castle' Christa Ludwig Walter Berry London Symph Orchestra István Kertész - 4 years ago

@GabeBlessing: RT @GabeBlessing: Christa Ludwig gets into it with Lenny... - 4 years ago

@RadioBI: Fallece a los 93 años la cantante de Ópera, Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@smendzianka: @MischaSpel De zangeres die nooit slechts mooi zong. Altijd hoorde je de wereld achter muziek en tekst, de oorspron… - 4 years ago

@hblwebb: Tyskfödda mezzosopranen Christa Ludwig avled i sitt hem i Österrike förra lördagen. Hon blev 93 år gammal. - 4 years ago

@lmotivation1: German opera star Christa Ludwig dies at the age of 93 - 4 years ago

@jonhwick8898520: RT @deutsche_oper: In memoriam Christa Ludwig (1928 – 2021) - 4 years ago

@urbain28: RT @LeTemps: La cantatrice Christa Ludwig, l’une des plus grandes voix du XXe siècle, est décédée à l’âge de 93 ans - 4 years ago

@MichaelSadgrove: Christa Ludwig, died 24 April 2021. One of the greatest singers of our time. RIP. - 4 years ago

@omykappa: RT @MusicMagazine: Mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig (1928-2021) - 4 years ago

@KingJacques7: The Death of Christa Ludwig is a great loss 😢 - 4 years ago

@HBLmusik: @johnstorgards @YleTV1 @yleuutiset Psst ;-) - 4 years ago

@shochi_hh: RT @deutsche_oper: In memoriam Christa Ludwig (1928 – 2021) - 4 years ago

@allard_wanda: RT @wigmore_hall: Farewell to legendary German mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, a much loved Wigmore Hall regular for many decades. She is pi… - 4 years ago

@JaneTim8: RT @wigmore_hall: Farewell to legendary German mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, a much loved Wigmore Hall regular for many decades. She is pi… - 4 years ago

@JaneTim8: RT @deutsche_oper: In memoriam Christa Ludwig (1928 – 2021) - 4 years ago

@d_cassandro: RT @MusicMagazine: Mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig (1928-2021) - 4 years ago

@HBLmusik: Farväl, Christa Ludwig! Den tyskfödda mezzosopranen avled i sitt hem i Österrike förra lördagen. Hon blev 93 år gam… - 4 years ago

@MusicMagazine: Mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig (1928-2021) - 4 years ago

@FritzQuincke: RT @wigmore_hall: Farewell to legendary German mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, a much loved Wigmore Hall regular for many decades. She is pi… - 4 years ago

@sigfrido1976: RT @deutsche_oper: In memoriam Christa Ludwig (1928 – 2021) - 4 years ago

@daviddicam: RT @LaMusicaClasica: Un Requiem por y para Christa Ludwig ❤️ 🔗 #Mozart #ChristaLudwig - 4 years ago

@PanchoAlberich: Mahler, Das Lied von der Erde, Leonard Bernstein, Christa Ludwig (final) - 4 years ago

@behache3: RT @philippcassard: Christa LUDWIG (1928-2021), ma marraine professionnelle (Théâtre du Châtelet, novembre 1985) - 4 years ago

@Jennife10651535: - 4 years ago

@stephanegrant: Toute la semaine dans #EnPistes hommage à Christa Ludwig par @EmilieMunera & @RodolpheBB 🙏 - 4 years ago

@josavigneau: RT @operamagazine: RIP Christa Ludwig. A legend in all our lifetimes, the great German mezzo-soprano died yesterday at the age of 93. https… - 4 years ago

@mahlerfdn: Ich leb’ allein in meinem Himmel, In meinem Lieben, in meinem Lied! The music world has lost one of its greatest v… - 4 years ago

@FloraMcIntosh18: RT @joseph_doody: RIP Christa Ludwig #opera #mezzo - 4 years ago

@RachelRoper_: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@MusicGavalas: In Memoriam Christa Ludwig (1928-2021): Mahler's Der Abschied sung by Ludwig, conducted by Klemperer (1966) via /r/… - 4 years ago

@lesoir: La mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig est décédée à l’âge de 93 ans - 4 years ago

@sjcoltrane: Oh no. Christa Ludwig. An absolute legend. RIP. 😢 - 4 years ago

@josavigneau: RT @philippcassard: Christa LUDWIG (1928-2021), ma marraine professionnelle (Théâtre du Châtelet, novembre 1985) - 4 years ago

@Lobo_IFA: RT @PlateaMagazine: "Christa Ludwig: Historia de una sonrisa". Recuperamos el artículo de @delolivosanz sobre la gran mezzosoprano, en ocas… - 4 years ago

@neildrewitt: Christa Ludwig, obit: 93, peerless mezzo-soprano. A beloved interpreter of Strauss, Mozart and Wagner roles; associ… - 4 years ago

@chrishawtree: I must see if she recorded Winterreise. - 4 years ago

@vittart75: Christa Ludwig, titan au féminin. - 4 years ago

@fightingsailors: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@elanions: RT @s_v_r_c_c: Christa Ludwig et Mahler ! - 4 years ago

@leopoldsud: RT @francemusique: L'une des plus grandes voix du XXe siècle vient de s'éteindre 😢. La mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig est morte samedi 24 avr… - 4 years ago

@FaustCF: RT @BR_KLASSIK: #ChristaLudwig, die Mezzosopranistin mit der klangschönen, wohl timbrierten, leuchtend warmen Stimme, war einfach für die B… - 4 years ago

@jornalistavitor: RT @clarincom: Murió la mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig, una de las grandes estrellas de la ópera del siglo XX - 4 years ago

@fdgus: RT @clarincom: Murió la mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig, una de las grandes estrellas de la ópera del siglo XX - 4 years ago

@AdandeMariass: RT @clarincom: Murió la mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig, una de las grandes estrellas de la ópera del siglo XX - 4 years ago

@Ayeletta: RT @clarincom: Murió la mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig, una de las grandes estrellas de la ópera del siglo XX - 4 years ago

@snw2001: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@dalynoguera: RT @clarincom: Murió la mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig, una de las grandes estrellas de la ópera del siglo XX - 4 years ago

@chantal_millier: RT @teatroallascala: Con la scomparsa di Christa Ludwig il mondo della musica perde la protagonista di un'epoca luminosa e irripetibile 👉 h… - 4 years ago

@clarincom: Murió la mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig, una de las grandes estrellas de la ópera del siglo XX - 4 years ago

@snw2001: RT @DGclassics: R.I.P. Christa Ludwig. We are very sad to hear the news of the passing of the great German mezzo-soprano at the age of 93.… - 4 years ago

@KLS_Soprano: RT @LyricOpera: Lyric joins in mourning the loss of legendary mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, who graced our stage in eight productions betwe… - 4 years ago

@roadsterkaren: RT @medicitv: [#HOMAGE] 😢💔 The great German mezzo soprano #ChristaLudwig left us yesterday at the age of 93. Let's bid her farewell with th… - 4 years ago

@greenwpz: Rest In Peace, Christa Ludwig 😢 - 4 years ago

@JuanDmahler3: RT @DGclassics: R.I.P. Christa Ludwig. We are very sad to hear the news of the passing of the great German mezzo-soprano at the age of 93.… - 4 years ago

@Rosailithya: RT @gkleinburg: La ópera está de luto: ha muerto a los 93 años la inmensa mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig. - 4 years ago

@NathaliaPerezG: RT @red_mayor: Ha muerto una de las mezzosopranos más brillantes de todos los tiempos. Descanse en paz CHRISTA LUDWIG. - 4 years ago

@Rosailithya: RT @red_mayor: Ha muerto una de las mezzosopranos más brillantes de todos los tiempos. Descanse en paz CHRISTA LUDWIG. - 4 years ago

@ottoklempeler: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@marjviniegra: RT @PlateaMagazine: "Christa Ludwig: Historia de una sonrisa". Recuperamos el artículo de @delolivosanz sobre la gran mezzosoprano, en ocas… - 4 years ago

@El_HipsterMx: RT @carnegiehall: We remember mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, who made her Carnegie Hall debut in 1965 and returned both in recital and with… - 4 years ago

@yoshikoviola: RIP #Christa Ludwig #Leonard Bernstein Brahmslieder, pf: Leonard Bernstein - 4 years ago

@TjnShn: RT @serhanbali: En büyüklerden biri daha gitti... 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına damgasını vuran opera sanatçılarından mezzosoprano Christa L… - 4 years ago

@ocoino: RT @SAOFUNAM: 🎼#Noticia triste 😪 Muere la famosa mezzosoprano Christa Ludwig a los 93 años - 4 years ago

@peretzbenz: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@malaymail: Operatic great Christa Ludwig dies aged 93 | Malay Mail - 4 years ago

@WalochikTLG: RT @DGclassics: R.I.P. Christa Ludwig. We are very sad to hear the news of the passing of the great German mezzo-soprano at the age of 93.… - 4 years ago

@GlatzerElke: RT @BR_KLASSIK: #ChristaLudwig, die Mezzosopranistin mit der klangschönen, wohl timbrierten, leuchtend warmen Stimme, war einfach für die B… - 4 years ago

@NeurallyActive: RT @zwoolfe: Christa Ludwig has died at 93. One of the greatest of the great. Passion, intelligence, and utter beauty. - 4 years ago

@flanoer: «Singen muss ein Verströmen von Liebe sein, sonst ist es nach fünf Minuten langweilig» – Nachruf auf die große Chri… - 4 years ago

@rybergadams: RT @operamagazine: RIP Christa Ludwig. A legend in all our lifetimes, the great German mezzo-soprano died yesterday at the age of 93. https… - 4 years ago

@himapuumerdeka: 昨日たまたまルートヴィヒ、コロ、バーンスタイン&IPOの大地の歌を聴いていました。謹んでご冥福をお祈りします。Christa Ludwig, Mezzo-Soprano of Velvety Hues, Is Dead at 93… - 4 years ago

@DriguetAlexandr: RT @francemusique: L'une des plus grandes voix du XXe siècle vient de s'éteindre 😢. La mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig est morte samedi 24 avr… - 4 years ago

@MsMartha_writer: RT @jaynordlinger: As a political journalist, I've interviewed presidents and prime ministers, kings and queens. I am not the type to be st… - 4 years ago

@CesarGamboaA: Christa Ludwig is one of the brightest stars in the musical firmament. Her passing brings a sad moment to her fans.… - 4 years ago

@SBot9000: RT @BerlinScene_b: Mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig dies at 94 (The Independent) Christa Ludwig, a renowned interpreter of Wagner Mozart and S… - 4 years ago

@SonaudioRecords: RT @dw_espanol: La #mezzosoprano alemana #ChristaLudwig, considerada una de las mejores voces de la lírica, ha fallecido a la edad de 93 añ… - 4 years ago

@Mara_767: RT @xavidomenech99: Ha mort als 93 anys Christa Ludwig, una de les millors mezzosopranos de la història. Tenia un timbre de veu molt peculi… - 4 years ago

@BlogWanderer: In memoriam Christa Ludwig. quelques souvenirs parisiens émus d'une immense artiste. - 4 years ago

@denianggap: German opera star Christa Ludwig dies at the age of 93 - 4 years ago

@_nbaer_: RT @nytimesarts: The opera singer Christa Ludwig has died at 93. “Her unmistakable, deep-purple timbre envelops the listener in a velvet cl… - 4 years ago

@Adolfkitlerrrr: RT @GazeteMustehak: Wagner, Mozart ve Strauss’un ünlü yorumcusu Christa Ludwig, 94 yaşında hayata gözlerini yumdu - 4 years ago

@agbtm: RT @PlacidoDomingo: ⚫️🙏 RIP Christa Ludwig 16/3/1928 - 24/4/2021. - 4 years ago

@EMvonLeliwa: Trauer - und Dankbarkeit. RIP. 🙏 - 4 years ago

@JuanRoleriOK: RT @MargaritaPolli4: La versión de Karajan de "San Mateo" fue la primera que escuché. Y me enamoré para siempre de la voz y la interpretaci… - 4 years ago

@elanions: RT @SophieWallez: Décès de Christa Ludwig, l'une des plus grandes voix du XXème siècle - 4 years ago

@Medulio2: RT @mundoclasico: Ha fallecido la mezzosoprano Christa Ludwig (Berlín, 16 de marzo de 1928 - Klosterneuburg, 24 de abril de 2021) una de la… - 4 years ago

@BENETCA: In Memoriam Christa Ludwig Wagner: Parsifal, 'Ich sah das Kind' - 4 years ago

@PaolaCsermak: RT @mvoinchet: @catheri93011473 @stephanegrant @francemusique Oui, et comment ! Dès demain matin, hommage à la grande Christa Ludwig dans l… - 4 years ago

@rondovines: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@FCROSNIER2: RT @carnegiehall: We remember mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, who made her Carnegie Hall debut in 1965 and returned both in recital and with… - 4 years ago

@f__b: RT @deeplyclassical: My soundtrack tonight. Music of life, love, pain and parting exquisitely sung by an all-time great. Sorrow that she is… - 4 years ago

@TheodorMagnus: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@WAROKU: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@beatrice29000: RT @mompontet: Si l’on juge les humains par rapport au bonheur qu’ils ont apporté à leurs semblables durant leur passage sur terre, la géni… - 4 years ago

@shostakovichian: Christa Ludwig con Herbert von Karajan #ChristaLudwig #InMemoriam - 4 years ago

@jamesdavy7: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@ArtesDocs: RT @PlacidoDomingo: ⚫️🙏 RIP Christa Ludwig 16/3/1928 - 24/4/2021. - 4 years ago

@RosPalumbo71: RT @Independent: Mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig dies at 94 - 4 years ago

@tenadzamora1: RT @dw_espanol: La #mezzosoprano alemana #ChristaLudwig, considerada una de las mejores voces de la lírica, ha fallecido a la edad de 93 añ… - 4 years ago

@ClareShore: RT @AlanTheisen: Heartbreaking news. RIP Christa Ludwig. - 4 years ago

@Medulio2: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@yeonsole: RT @ClassicFM: Farewell to legendary German mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, who has died aged 93. Thank you for the music. - 4 years ago

@StevenCable5: RT @ClassicFM: Farewell to legendary German mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, who has died aged 93. Thank you for the music. - 4 years ago

@corpo_varela: RT @DGclassics: R.I.P. Christa Ludwig. We are very sad to hear the news of the passing of the great German mezzo-soprano at the age of 93.… - 4 years ago

@nicoleveijck: RT @MischaSpel: En hier de necrologie van collega Joost Galema: - 4 years ago

@GerardoCajasRu1: RT @dw_espanol: La #mezzosoprano alemana #ChristaLudwig, considerada una de las mejores voces de la lírica, ha fallecido a la edad de 93 añ… - 4 years ago

@Antoine_Moreau_: Meine Ruh´ ist hin, Mein Herz ist schwer; Ich finde sie nimmer Und nimmermehr. Christa Ludwig, l’art du chant 🙏 - 4 years ago

@FLaugraud: RT @stephanegrant: Infinie tristesse 😢... l’un des souvenirs les plus merveilleux et émus qui soit de cette rencontre avec Christa Ludwig.… - 4 years ago

@HilarySummers10: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@operatoday: Renowned opera singer Christa Ludwig dies aged 93 - 4 years ago

@nicoleveijck: RT @operamagazine: RIP Christa Ludwig. A legend in all our lifetimes, the great German mezzo-soprano died yesterday at the age of 93. https… - 4 years ago

@takuya_111: RT @BR_KLASSIK: #ChristaLudwig, die Mezzosopranistin mit der klangschönen, wohl timbrierten, leuchtend warmen Stimme, war einfach für die B… - 4 years ago

@_LoZio: RT @teatroallascala: Con la scomparsa di Christa Ludwig il mondo della musica perde la protagonista di un'epoca luminosa e irripetibile 👉 h… - 4 years ago

@NZZMusik: Christa Ludwig hat mit den ganz Grossen auf der Bühne gestanden, unter Dirigenten wie Klemperer, Bernstein und Kara… - 4 years ago

@EnterSa64248346: "Christa Ludwig, Mezzo-Soprano of Velvety Hues, Is Dead at 93" - 4 years ago

@SHohenzollern: RT @teatroallascala: Con la scomparsa di Christa Ludwig il mondo della musica perde la protagonista di un'epoca luminosa e irripetibile 👉 h… - 4 years ago

@theresasmets: Christa Ludwig rocks some righteous hot-purple-pink 😎 - 4 years ago

@mrdarcysblog: Christa Ludwig ist gestorben. - 4 years ago

@ericcorsius: RT @wolweichs: RIP Christa Ludwig! Der Abschied 😥🙏 - 4 years ago

@xcariati: RT @zwoolfe: Christa Ludwig has died at 93. One of the greatest of the great. Passion, intelligence, and utter beauty. - 4 years ago

@TadeOKuuMushi: RT @teatroallascala: Con la scomparsa di Christa Ludwig il mondo della musica perde la protagonista di un'epoca luminosa e irripetibile 👉 h… - 4 years ago

@MikhailUC: RT @aplanchart: Así cantaba Christa Ludwig cuando decidió retirarse en 1993, a los 65 años. Aquí canta “Morgen”, de Richard Strauss, en su… - 4 years ago

@hidekazuno: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@Marc_Busquets: RT @fundvda: Remembering the great Christa Ludwig 💔 Ludwig (Ortrud) and De los Ángeles (Elsa) together in this live recording of ‘Loheng… - 4 years ago

@AnjaLWeinberger: RT @KrispienMarita: Ein denkwürdiges Konzert 1972 in Tel Aviv. Christa Ludwig singt Brahms, sehr temperamentvoll be… - 4 years ago

@aplanchart: Así cantaba Christa Ludwig cuando decidió retirarse en 1993, a los 65 años. Aquí canta “Morgen”, de Richard Strauss… - 4 years ago

@TumultDresden: Auch Christa Ludwig schmeckt nun das Charonsgeld unter der Zunge. Wir verabschieden uns von der vielleicht größten… - 4 years ago

@catekustanczy: Music Land: "Which one is the best?" Me: "Yes." #RIP Christa Ludwig x - 4 years ago

@AnjaLWeinberger: RT @KrispienMarita: Christa Ludwig im Duett mit ihrem ersten Ehemann Walter Berry 1968. Zwei Alphatiere auf der Bü… - 4 years ago

@Vinnimore: Addio a Christa Ludwig. - 4 years ago

@hidekazuno: RT @BR_KLASSIK: #ChristaLudwig, die Mezzosopranistin mit der klangschönen, wohl timbrierten, leuchtend warmen Stimme, war einfach für die B… - 4 years ago

@wolfgangkratky: Oh. Ich habe ihre Stimme geliebt. Und ihre Persönlichkeit. R.I.P. Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@Sv_Bayk1: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ÚLTIMAHORA: Fallece la legendaria mezzosoprano Christa Ludwig, a los 93 años de edad. - 4 years ago

@MahlerRehab: RT @DGclassics: R.I.P. Christa Ludwig. We are very sad to hear the news of the passing of the great German mezzo-soprano at the age of 93.… - 4 years ago

@rubenovichsosa: RT @teatroallascala: Con la scomparsa di Christa Ludwig il mondo della musica perde la protagonista di un'epoca luminosa e irripetibile 👉 h… - 4 years ago

@OskGtz: RT @dw_espanol: La #mezzosoprano alemana #ChristaLudwig, considerada una de las mejores voces de la lírica, ha fallecido a la edad de 93 añ… - 4 years ago

@LiliaMaldonado: RT @gretashelley: Descanse en Paz la maravillosa Christa Ludwig. El mundo de la ópera está de luto. - 4 years ago

@Sv_Bayk1: RT @OperawireNews: RIP Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@ds228: Christa Ludwig has died. Adore her on the Böhm Cosi, my favourite: - 4 years ago

@teatroallascala: Con la scomparsa di Christa Ludwig il mondo della musica perde la protagonista di un'epoca luminosa e irripetibile… - 4 years ago

@arya_roshanian: For context: - 4 years ago

@tahasai: Liedからヴェルディのオペラまで、沢山聴いたなぁ、、、 1928-2021 - Opernlegende Christa Ludwig verstorben - Wiener Zeitung Online - via… - 4 years ago

@jsdhenderson: One of the finest renditions of this song. Christa Ludwig: Nun hast du mir den ersten Schmerz... - 4 years ago

@Alberto63Al: RT @elianegirard2: Christa Ludwig singt "Von ewiger Liebe" von Johannes Brahms mit Leonard ... - 4 years ago

@cuksts: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@elianegirard2: Christa Ludwig singt "Von ewiger Liebe" von Johannes Brahms mit Leonard ... - 4 years ago

@gipe1624: RT @EFEnoticias: La mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig, considerada una de las mejores voces de la lírica, ha fallecido a la edad de 93 añ… - 4 years ago

@NeilGregor1: RT @BR_KLASSIK: Wie der @ORF meldet, ist Christa Ludwig, die legendäre Mezzosopranistin gestern im Alter von 93 Jahren gestorben. Einen Nac… - 4 years ago

@EdWindels: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Unmatched. 😥😥😥😥😥😥 Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot | - 4 years ago

@pruea: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@jdrcombariza: RT @operamagazine: RIP Christa Ludwig. A legend in all our lifetimes, the great German mezzo-soprano died yesterday at the age of 93. https… - 4 years ago

@davidleighbass: I am really sad about Christa Ludwig. What an unbelievable voice and artist. - 4 years ago

@lodeonfrederic: RT @mvoinchet: Émotion, Christa Ludwig vient de mourir. Une légende ! Une légende du chant qui, en 2017, confiait ses souvenirs d'un demi-s… - 4 years ago

@GenykRudolf: Kammersängerin Christa Ludwig gestorben ZIP 17.00 heute bestätigte sie wurde nur 23 Jahre alt. - 4 years ago

@Medulio2: RT @BR_KLASSIK: Wie der @ORF meldet, ist Christa Ludwig, die legendäre Mezzosopranistin gestern im Alter von 93 Jahren gestorben. Einen Nac… - 4 years ago

@AllyPallyOrgan: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@espectaculosEIS: RT @mundoclasico: Ha fallecido la mezzosoprano Christa Ludwig (Berlín, 16 de marzo de 1928 - Klosterneuburg, 24 de abril de 2021) una de la… - 4 years ago

@absolutment: NOT CHRISTA LUDWIG 😭 - 4 years ago

@MarianneSchro11: RT @derStandardat: Kammersängerin Christa Ludwig 1938 – 2021: - 4 years ago

@ChrisBrey1: RT @TobiasBringmann: Christa Ludwig (1928-1921) ist tot. Die große Mezzosopranistin starb mit 93 Jahren in Klosterneuburg bei Wien. Was für… - 4 years ago

@OstFF: RT @deccaclassics: We've very saddened to hear the news that the mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig has passed at the age of 93. She will be reme… - 4 years ago

@clementaillia: RT @Forumopera: Retrouvez l’interview que Christa Ludwig avait accordée à @clementaillia | ➡️ - 4 years ago

@chapoisat: La mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig, considerada una de las mejores voces de la lírica, ha fallecido a la edad d… - 4 years ago

@Rofrano47: RT @mystic_cat: Danke Christa Ludwig Die Frau, Klytämnestra, Fricka, Die Feldmarschallin, Suzuki at Garnier Great Artists never die ⭐️✨⭐️ h… - 4 years ago

@HectorOAguilar: RT @KURIER_KULTUR: Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot - 4 years ago

@chiotchiot1: RT @Wagnerian1979: R.I.P. Christa Ludwig. One of the very greatest. [Full HD 1080p] Mahler Symphony No. 3 Bernstein 1972 - 4 years ago

@nicolasnibat: RT @mvoinchet: Émotion, Christa Ludwig vient de mourir. Une légende ! Une légende du chant qui, en 2017, confiait ses souvenirs d'un demi-s… - 4 years ago

@penacomascello: RT @Codalario: Muere la mítica mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig. - 4 years ago

@taeshinobu: RT @MoriokaM: クリスタ・ルードヴィヒが93歳で亡くなられたのですね……素晴らしい歌をありがとうございました。 1928-2021 - Opernlegende Christa Ludwig verstorben - Wiener Zeitung Online -… - 4 years ago

@AlanTheisen: Heartbreaking news. RIP Christa Ludwig. - 4 years ago

@WallerOne: Farewell, Christa Ludwig. You have left us with a glorious legacy. - 4 years ago

@EliMartichoux: RT @mvoinchet: Émotion, Christa Ludwig vient de mourir. Une légende ! Une légende du chant qui, en 2017, confiait ses souvenirs d'un demi-s… - 4 years ago

@AnotherCinna: @eggsbened While we're there, my Isolde gateway... RIP Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@Ponsalexa: RT @niallkinsella: The great KS Christa Ludwig has died. RIP. “Guten Abend, gut Nacht, Mit Rosen bedacht...” 🥀 - 4 years ago

@1120614r: RT @niallkinsella: The great KS Christa Ludwig has died. RIP. “Guten Abend, gut Nacht, Mit Rosen bedacht...” 🥀 - 4 years ago

@GlobalOpera: RT @operamagazine: RIP Christa Ludwig. A legend in all our lifetimes, the great German mezzo-soprano died yesterday at the age of 93. https… - 4 years ago

@1120614r: RT @BR_KLASSIK: Wie der @ORF meldet, ist Christa Ludwig, die legendäre Mezzosopranistin gestern im Alter von 93 Jahren gestorben. Einen Nac… - 4 years ago

@ALBERTOHZARATE: Acaba de fallecer a los 93 años la monumental mezzosoprano alemana CHRISTA LUDWIG. Que en paz descanse. - 4 years ago

@chisatyg: Das Lied von der Erde 6 Der Abschied Christa Ludwig Otto Klemperer - 4 years ago

@taeshinobu: RT @operamagazine: RIP Christa Ludwig. A legend in all our lifetimes, the great German mezzo-soprano died yesterday at the age of 93. https… - 4 years ago

@einhardovic: RIP Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@hispaopera: RT @fseguramorillas: DEP Christa Ludwig. Maravillosa cantante. - 4 years ago

@jatirado: RT @jatirado_oc: #Culturayentretenimiento AUSTRIA ÓPERA - Muere la mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig con 93 años en Austria - 4 years ago

@chrisjbrown1: RIP Christa Ludwig; her Lied Von der Erde with Fritz Wunderlich and Klemperer was/is magnificent. - 4 years ago

@deslicesdopera: Christa Ludwig est morte, la mezzo-soprano allemande avait 93 ans - 4 years ago

@TadeOKuuMushi: ...R.I.P., Christa Ludwig... Mahler - Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen - Ludwig / Philharmonia / Klemperer - 4 years ago

@AllAboutMozart: Goodbye Christa Ludwig (1928-2021) A wonderful artist, a marvellous career. - 4 years ago

@deblescu: RT @EFEnoticias: La mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig, considerada una de las mejores voces de la lírica, ha fallecido a la edad de 93 añ… - 4 years ago

@WhisperOfGlass: Christa Ludwig'in vefat haberi tüm modumu düşürüverdi. Birkaç gün boyunca sadece onun kayıtlarını dinleyeceğim sanırım. - 4 years ago

@connessiopera: Si è spenta a 93 anni la grande Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@jatirado_oc: #Culturayentretenimiento AUSTRIA ÓPERA - Muere la mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig con 93 años en Austria… - 4 years ago

@chiko57954950: RT @leopardbox: 亡くなったルートヴィヒ。去年収録?の様子を見るとかくしゃくとしてて、まだまだ元気そうなのだけど今年の3月で93歳だった。 Karajan had power because of his talent – Christa Ludwig (2020… - 4 years ago

@SophieBourdais: RT @mvoinchet: Émotion, Christa Ludwig vient de mourir. Une légende ! Une légende du chant qui, en 2017, confiait ses souvenirs d'un demi-s… - 4 years ago

@MaureenMather1: 😢Christa Ludwig - Fidelio - Abscheulicher...Komm Hoffnung - 4 years ago

@CineHarrybos: RT @mvoinchet: Émotion, Christa Ludwig vient de mourir. Une légende ! Une légende du chant qui, en 2017, confiait ses souvenirs d'un demi-s… - 4 years ago

@TV7Benevento: **Musica: è morta Christa Ludwig, star della lirica del XX secolo**... - 4 years ago

@numquamaeternam: RT @EFEnoticias: La mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig, considerada una de las mejores voces de la lírica, ha fallecido a la edad de 93 añ… - 4 years ago

@eduardoneda: RT @EFEnoticias: La mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig, considerada una de las mejores voces de la lírica, ha fallecido a la edad de 93 añ… - 4 years ago

@EFEnoticias: La mezzosoprano alemana Christa Ludwig, considerada una de las mejores voces de la lírica, ha fallecido a la edad d… - 4 years ago

@Agregenpoche: Christa Ludwig est morte, la mezzo-soprano allemande avait 93 ans - 4 years ago

@numquamaeternam: RT @Charles_Styles: Christa Ludwig. One of the best. Heartbreaking. RIP. - 4 years ago

@wavisque: #nowplaying Der Abschied (Das Lied von der Erde, Mahler) - Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@InFernemLand: Hi ha pèrdues importants i la d'avui sense cap mena de dubte ho és. Christa Ludwig deixa un buit no reemplaçat en l… - 4 years ago

@vinneyt: RIP to the great Christa Ludwig. A singer of brilliance and sensitivity with a mammoth voice. - 4 years ago

@Prf_JMoriarty: RT @Noatodo: Se nos ha muerto Christa Ludwig, que lo cantó todo y lo cantó todo bien. 😭 - 4 years ago

@MStacheder: RT @BR_KLASSIK: Wie der @ORF meldet, ist Christa Ludwig, die legendäre Mezzosopranistin gestern im Alter von 93 Jahren gestorben. Einen Nac… - 4 years ago

@SCASouthwarkan1: RT @JKAConductor: I’m seeing reports that Christa Ludwig has left us. Not confirmed. 😔😔😔 - 4 years ago

@liebe_brahms: RT @Octavian_0224: 往年の名メゾソプラノ、クリスタ・ルートヴィヒの訃報が…。93歳。柔らかく気品に満ちた歌声で、数多くのレパートリーで存在感を発揮した歌手。私にとっては元帥夫人マルシャリン(ばらの騎士)やドラベッラ(コジ・ファン・トゥッテ)などはとりわけ印象的… - 4 years ago

@voncarmelo: Maria Callas & Christa Ludwig - Mira, o Norma - NORMA 1961 - 4 years ago

@SophieLacaze: RT @operamagazine: RIP Christa Ludwig. A legend in all our lifetimes, the great German mezzo-soprano died yesterday at the age of 93. https… - 4 years ago

@AttuxRomis: RT @NLebrecht: Sad news: Christa Ludwig has died, at 93 - 4 years ago

@enricriu1: RT @scottgr60613: Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot | - 4 years ago

@kulturkramkiste: RT @BR_KLASSIK: Wie der @ORF meldet, ist Christa Ludwig, die legendäre Mezzosopranistin gestern im Alter von 93 Jahren gestorben. Einen Nac… - 4 years ago

@mvoinchet: Émotion, Christa Ludwig vient de mourir. Une légende ! Une légende du chant qui, en 2017, confiait ses souvenirs d'… - 4 years ago

@allmightygreg: RT @Forumopera: Christa Ludwig est morte. ➡️ - 4 years ago

@pediatric_girl: RT @operamagazine: RIP Christa Ludwig. A legend in all our lifetimes, the great German mezzo-soprano died yesterday at the age of 93. https… - 4 years ago

@MelodiaBaeza: RT @operamagazine: RIP Christa Ludwig. A legend in all our lifetimes, the great German mezzo-soprano died yesterday at the age of 93. https… - 4 years ago

@HartmutNeubauer: RT @gitarra: RIP Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@francesco1192: RT @Octavian_0224: 往年の名メゾソプラノ、クリスタ・ルートヴィヒの訃報が…。93歳。柔らかく気品に満ちた歌声で、数多くのレパートリーで存在感を発揮した歌手。私にとっては元帥夫人マルシャリン(ばらの騎士)やドラベッラ(コジ・ファン・トゥッテ)などはとりわけ印象的… - 4 years ago

@classicfan51: RT @galahadgrail: クリスタ・ルードヴィヒ訃報。93歳…RIP 1928-2021 - Opernlegende Christa Ludwig verstorben - Wiener Zeitung Online - 4 years ago

@RGSAMX: RT @alexplatea: Adiós a una de las cantantes más grandes del pasado siglo XX. Grandiosa Christa #Ludwig - 4 years ago

@ewjacobo: RT @operamagazine: RIP Christa Ludwig. A legend in all our lifetimes, the great German mezzo-soprano died yesterday at the age of 93. https… - 4 years ago

@yuanyi_z: Christa Ludwig and Leonard Bernstein arguing over Mahler tempos. Bernstein, “Nobody hears the words anyway(!)” - 4 years ago

@numquamaeternam: RT @operamagazine: RIP Christa Ludwig. A legend in all our lifetimes, the great German mezzo-soprano died yesterday at the age of 93. https… - 4 years ago

@SCASouthwarkan1: RT @operamagazine: RIP Christa Ludwig. A legend in all our lifetimes, the great German mezzo-soprano died yesterday at the age of 93. https… - 4 years ago

@Octavian_0224: Christa Ludwig als die Feldmarschalin (Der Rosenkavalier) - 4 years ago

@voncarmelo: Christa Ludwig - Fidelio - Abscheulicher...Komm Hoffnung - 4 years ago

@normitapc: RT @alexplatea: Adiós a una de las cantantes más grandes del pasado siglo XX. Grandiosa Christa #Ludwig - 4 years ago

@GazetaLyrica: Platea Magazine - Fallece la legendaria mezzosoprano Christa Ludwig, con 93 años de edad - 4 years ago

@Clef_de_Fa1110: RT @francemusique: L'une des plus grandes voix du XXe siècle vient de s'éteindre 😢. La mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig est morte samedi 24 avr… - 4 years ago

@numquamaeternam: RT @NLebrecht: Sad news: Christa Ludwig has died, at 93 - 4 years ago

@Peter88902568: Farewell Christa Ludwig. - 4 years ago

@scottgr60613: Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot | - 4 years ago

@eggsbened: Christa Ludwig 16 March 1928-24 April 2021 RIP - 4 years ago

@voncarmelo: Christa Ludwig: Lacrymosa (Messa da Requiem) Giulini by Verdi - 4 years ago

@fseguramorillas: DEP Christa Ludwig. Maravillosa cantante. - 4 years ago

@RealMC1978: RIP Christa Ludwig: - 4 years ago

@chiotchiot1: RT @JlLeros: Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot | - 4 years ago

@shingokatou: RT @galahadgrail: クリスタ・ルードヴィヒ訃報。93歳…RIP 1928-2021 - Opernlegende Christa Ludwig verstorben - Wiener Zeitung Online - 4 years ago

@Nyantho: RT @francemusique: L'une des plus grandes voix du XXe siècle vient de s'éteindre 😢. La mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig est morte samedi 24 avr… - 4 years ago

@helviala: RT @sirius1936: UNE DES PLUS BELLES VOIX Mort de Christa Ludwig, mezzo-soprano légendaire - 4 years ago

@WhisperOfGlass: RT @PervinChakar: Efsanevi Alman Opera sanatçısı-Mezzosoprano Christa Ludwig de bu dünyadan dün göçtü. “Merhamet et,Tanrım, gözyaşlarım uğr… - 4 years ago

@RousBenjamin: De Duitse mezzosopraan Christa Ludwig, een absolute grootheid, overleden, wat een verlies! 😢 Een van de allermooist… - 4 years ago

@KariniM_66: RT @Salzburg24: Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot - 4 years ago

@miriamcosic: RT @NLebrecht: Sad news: Christa Ludwig has died, at 93 - 4 years ago

@misselizabetka: I’m not sure if this has been confirmed, but rest well, Christa Ludwig. - 4 years ago

@yuanyi_z: RT @NLebrecht: Sad news: Christa Ludwig has died, at 93 - 4 years ago

@RPenciolelli: RT @Forumopera: Christa Ludwig est morte. ➡️ - 4 years ago

@Moonbootica: RT @KURIERat: Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot - 4 years ago

@werther_zu_2D: RT @NLebrecht: Sad news: Christa Ludwig has died, at 93 - 4 years ago

@sirius1936: UNE DES PLUS BELLES VOIX Mort de Christa Ludwig, mezzo-soprano légendaire - 4 years ago

@mvoinchet: RT @stephanegrant: Infinie tristesse 😢... l’un des souvenirs les plus merveilleux et émus qui soit de cette rencontre avec Christa Ludwig.… - 4 years ago

@mvoinchet: RT @francemusique: L'une des plus grandes voix du XXe siècle vient de s'éteindre 😢. La mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig est morte samedi 24 avr… - 4 years ago

@catheri93011473: RT @stephanegrant: Infinie tristesse 😢... l’un des souvenirs les plus merveilleux et émus qui soit de cette rencontre avec Christa Ludwig.… - 4 years ago

@notesonnoise1: R.I.P. Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@waltertoscanini: RT @Octavian_0224: 往年の名メゾソプラノ、クリスタ・ルートヴィヒの訃報が…。93歳。柔らかく気品に満ちた歌声で、数多くのレパートリーで存在感を発揮した歌手。私にとっては元帥夫人マルシャリン(ばらの騎士)やドラベッラ(コジ・ファン・トゥッテ)などはとりわけ印象的… - 4 years ago

@chisatyg: RT @galahadgrail: クリスタ・ルードヴィヒ訃報。93歳…RIP 1928-2021 - Opernlegende Christa Ludwig verstorben - Wiener Zeitung Online - 4 years ago

@ElmarLinsmeier: Jetzt kichert sie im Opernhimmel - Christa Ludwig - Da Capo - Interview with August Everding 1989 - 4 years ago

@_h4: Beethoven: Fidelio by Gundula Janowitz, Christa Ludwig, Jon Vickers, Walter Berry, Orchestra of the Vienna State Op… - 4 years ago

@CMorisonMezzo: 💔 RIP Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@oliveiraguyon: RT @stephanegrant: Infinie tristesse 😢... l’un des souvenirs les plus merveilleux et émus qui soit de cette rencontre avec Christa Ludwig.… - 4 years ago

@DorotheaMarciak: RT @francemusique: L'une des plus grandes voix du XXe siècle vient de s'éteindre 😢. La mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig est morte samedi 24 avr… - 4 years ago

@laurent_vilarem: RT @stephanegrant: Infinie tristesse 😢... l’un des souvenirs les plus merveilleux et émus qui soit de cette rencontre avec Christa Ludwig.… - 4 years ago

@IainWil92988866: Opernstar Christa Ludwig ist im Alter von 93 Jahren gestorben. Am 14. Dezember 1994 hatte die gebürtige Deutsche a… - 4 years ago

@PervinChakar: Efsanevi Alman Opera sanatçısı-Mezzosoprano Christa Ludwig de bu dünyadan dün göçtü. “Merhamet et,Tanrım, gözyaşlar… - 4 years ago

@esdur_josquin: RT @KURIER_KULTUR: Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot - 4 years ago

@humanitelles: RT @francemusique: L'une des plus grandes voix du XXe siècle vient de s'éteindre 😢. La mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig est morte samedi 24 avr… - 4 years ago

@ElmarLeimgruber: #Kultur : Nach #Milva (1939-2021) ist nun auch Kammersängerin Christa #Ludwig (93) verstorben: R.I.P. - 4 years ago

@RNassmacher: RT @francemusique: L'une des plus grandes voix du XXe siècle vient de s'éteindre 😢. La mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig est morte samedi 24 avr… - 4 years ago

@SchuurmanFrano2: RT @francemusique: L'une des plus grandes voix du XXe siècle vient de s'éteindre 😢. La mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig est morte samedi 24 avr… - 4 years ago

@h_seidenbusch: R.I.P. 😢Kammersängerin Christa Ludwig 1928 – 2021 - 4 years ago

@MHG02: RT @francemusique: L'une des plus grandes voix du XXe siècle vient de s'éteindre 😢. La mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig est morte samedi 24 avr… - 4 years ago

@pablolrguez: Muere Christa Ludwig (1928-2021), una voz de leyenda - 4 years ago

@leopardbox: 亡くなったルートヴィヒ。去年収録?の様子を見るとかくしゃくとしてて、まだまだ元気そうなのだけど今年の3月で93歳だった。 Karajan had power because of his talent – Christa Ludw… - 4 years ago

@jootabeche: La legendaria mezzo Christa Ludwig ha partido. - 4 years ago

@harryrose670: RT @i_masset: Au revoir et merci Grande Christa Ludwig! 😢😢😢😢 - 4 years ago

@MHG02: RT @Forumopera: Christa Ludwig est morte. ➡️ - 4 years ago

@ka2ka555: ドイツ語版ではすでに…Christa Ludwig (* 16. März 1928 in Berlin; † 24. April 2021 in Klosterneuburg[1]) war eine deutsche Oper… - 4 years ago

@scottlevinemgmt: Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot | - 4 years ago

@EmmanuelBernie1: RIP Christa Ludwig, une des grandes mezzo-sopranos du XXe siècle :( - 4 years ago

@east_sefuri: 「レジェンド」という言葉もずいぶん安っぽくなっちまったけど、この方はまさにレジェンドだよなぁ……R.I.P. Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot |… - 4 years ago

@stephanegrant: RT @francemusique: L'une des plus grandes voix du XXe siècle vient de s'éteindre 😢. La mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig est morte samedi 24 avr… - 4 years ago

@ElmarLinsmeier: RT @snobinart: Ça se confirme hélas, Christa Ludwig nous a quitté 😢 - 4 years ago

@nbykudon: 1928-2021 - Opernlegende Christa Ludwig verstorben - Wiener Zeitung Online - 4 years ago

@opera20org: RT @Forumopera: Christa Ludwig est morte. ➡️ - 4 years ago

@claudio19330626: RT @KURIERat: Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot - 4 years ago

@LaurenS_Soprano: Just seeing reports that the great Christa Ludwig has died. R.I.P 😢 #christaludwig #ripchristaludwig Messa di Req… - 4 years ago

@Spineur1: RT @stephanegrant: Infinie tristesse 😢... l’un des souvenirs les plus merveilleux et émus qui soit de cette rencontre avec Christa Ludwig.… - 4 years ago

@_h4: Opernstar Christa Ludwig gestorben - - 4 years ago

@gusnug1704: RT @Octavian_0224: 往年の名メゾソプラノ、クリスタ・ルートヴィヒの訃報が…。93歳。柔らかく気品に満ちた歌声で、数多くのレパートリーで存在感を発揮した歌手。私にとっては元帥夫人マルシャリン(ばらの騎士)やドラベッラ(コジ・ファン・トゥッテ)などはとりわけ印象的… - 4 years ago

@DavidALaviska: One of the GREATEST of all the greats is gone. 😢🎶🎶🎶💔💔💔 Farewell, Christa Ludwig & thank you for sharing your brilli… - 4 years ago

@studio_fontaine: 遂に、ですか。本当に大好きな歌手でした。特にカラヤン指揮のファルスタッフ、クイックリー婦人最高でした。ルードヴィヒ追悼。 - 4 years ago

@nicolasfrndez: @ElisaZamora - 4 years ago

@Payannou: RT @Forumopera: Christa Ludwig est morte. ➡️ - 4 years ago

@RosaMassague: RT @tardaopera: Trist.... ha mort la gran Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@SchuurmanFrano2: RT @stephanegrant: Infinie tristesse 😢... l’un des souvenirs les plus merveilleux et émus qui soit de cette rencontre avec Christa Ludwig.… - 4 years ago

@clementaillia: RT @Forumopera: Retrouvez l’interview que Christa Ludwig avait accordée à @clementaillia | ➡️ - 4 years ago

@Rochefort_17300: RT @KURIERat: Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot - 4 years ago

@_h4: Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot | - 4 years ago

@xbarja: @ElisaZamora @jmrlorite - 4 years ago

@ka2ka555: RT @KURIERat: Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot - 4 years ago

@jabaechle: Good bye, Christa Ludwig Your voice will stay with me forever! The few times we met, you were always very kind wit… - 4 years ago

@SaoriMasuda88: 😭😭😭 - 4 years ago

@ka2ka555: RT @ka2ka555: Christa Ludwig(1928-)ベルリン出身のクリスタ・ルートヴィヒ(Ms)はご存命のようですね… - 4 years ago

@gusmom1: RT @galahadgrail: Christa Ludwig - Her last concert "Tribute to Vienna" (2003) - 4 years ago

@victoriaokada: クリスタ・ルードヴィッヒ逝去。93歳。 - 4 years ago

@MMXV_masahiko: RT @Octavian_0224: 往年の名メゾソプラノ、クリスタ・ルートヴィヒの訃報が…。93歳。柔らかく気品に満ちた歌声で、数多くのレパートリーで存在感を発揮した歌手。私にとっては元帥夫人マルシャリン(ばらの騎士)やドラベッラ(コジ・ファン・トゥッテ)などはとりわけ印象的… - 4 years ago

@_h4: 1928-2021 - Opernlegende Christa Ludwig verstorben - Wiener Zeitung Online - 4 years ago

@chiko57954950: RT @Octavian_0224: 往年の名メゾソプラノ、クリスタ・ルートヴィヒの訃報が…。93歳。柔らかく気品に満ちた歌声で、数多くのレパートリーで存在感を発揮した歌手。私にとっては元帥夫人マルシャリン(ばらの騎士)やドラベッラ(コジ・ファン・トゥッテ)などはとりわけ印象的… - 4 years ago

@Tristan593001: Une immense artiste, une des plus grandes mezzo-sopranos du XXe siècle est morte : - 4 years ago

@laurent_vilarem: La si belle Judith de Christa Ludwig dans Le château de Barbe-Bleue de Bartok 😢 - 4 years ago

@Forumopera: Retrouvez l’interview que Christa Ludwig avait accordée à @clementaillia | ➡️ - 4 years ago

@snobinart: RT @Forumopera: Christa Ludwig est morte. ➡️ - 4 years ago

@Cathe7515: RT @stephanegrant: Infinie tristesse 😢... l’un des souvenirs les plus merveilleux et émus qui soit de cette rencontre avec Christa Ludwig.… - 4 years ago

@takashi531: RT @galahadgrail: クリスタ・ルードヴィヒ訃報。93歳…RIP 1928-2021 - Opernlegende Christa Ludwig verstorben - Wiener Zeitung Online - 4 years ago

@sosuke_wadatumi: クリスタ・ルートヴィヒがお亡くなりに。93歳。 ベームの盤を中心に、音の土台を支えた名歌手という印象。最後の舞台は94年エレクトラ、クリュタイムネストラなのだそう。 1928-2021 - Opernlegende Christa… - 4 years ago

@stephanegrant: Infinie tristesse 😢... l’un des souvenirs les plus merveilleux et émus qui soit de cette rencontre avec Christa Lud… - 4 years ago

@ElisaZamora: Cada vez más medios lo dicen: DEP, Christa Ludwig. 😢 - 4 years ago

@JakobLenz: RT @Marc_Busquets: Remembering the great Christa Ludwig 💔 - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Christa Ludwig - #ChristaLudwig #Christa #Ludwig #rip - 4 years ago

@east_sefuri: RT @galahadgrail: クリスタ・ルードヴィヒ訃報。93歳…RIP 1928-2021 - Opernlegende Christa Ludwig verstorben - Wiener Zeitung Online - 4 years ago

@GaleraLluis: RT @tardaopera: Trist.... ha mort la gran Christa Ludwig - 4 years ago

@Forumopera: Christa Ludwig est morte. ➡️ - 4 years ago

@mito_47: 1928-2021 - Opernlegende Christa Ludwig verstorben - Wiener Zeitung Online - 4 years ago

@WarholianBitch: Murió Christa Ludwig :( - 4 years ago

@nahokomusic: RT @galahadgrail: クリスタ・ルードヴィヒ訃報。93歳…RIP 1928-2021 - Opernlegende Christa Ludwig verstorben - Wiener Zeitung Online - 4 years ago

@DasOpernmagazin: RT @KURIERat: Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot - 4 years ago

@lauremezan: RT @Philippe_Gault: 🌑 La grande mezzo-soprano allemande Christa Ludwig est morte à l’âge de 93 ans 🗣🎶 - 4 years ago

@ymstky76: 1928-2021 - Opernlegende Christa Ludwig verstorben - Wiener Zeitung Online - via @Wienerzeitung - 4 years ago

@Dutch_editor: RT @NakamuraAkira1: Christa Ludwig passed away. RIP - 4 years ago

@fricsaymania: RT @Octavian_0224: 往年の名メゾソプラノ、クリスタ・ルートヴィヒの訃報が…。93歳。柔らかく気品に満ちた歌声で、数多くのレパートリーで存在感を発揮した歌手。私にとっては元帥夫人マルシャリン(ばらの騎士)やドラベッラ(コジ・ファン・トゥッテ)などはとりわけ印象的… - 4 years ago

@PierreCullen5: @MattilaKarita @JonnaMinkk Did you hear the sad news that Christa Ludwig has died? - 4 years ago

@624614shasha: RT @Octavian_0224: 往年の名メゾソプラノ、クリスタ・ルートヴィヒの訃報が…。93歳。柔らかく気品に満ちた歌声で、数多くのレパートリーで存在感を発揮した歌手。私にとっては元帥夫人マルシャリン(ばらの騎士)やドラベッラ(コジ・ファン・トゥッテ)などはとりわけ印象的… - 4 years ago

@ymstky76: RT @Octavian_0224: 往年の名メゾソプラノ、クリスタ・ルートヴィヒの訃報が…。93歳。柔らかく気品に満ちた歌声で、数多くのレパートリーで存在感を発揮した歌手。私にとっては元帥夫人マルシャリン(ばらの騎士)やドラベッラ(コジ・ファン・トゥッテ)などはとりわけ印象的… - 4 years ago

@gijyou: RT @galahadgrail: クリスタ・ルードヴィヒ訃報。93歳…RIP 1928-2021 - Opernlegende Christa Ludwig verstorben - Wiener Zeitung Online - 4 years ago

@Octavian_0224: RT @galahadgrail: クリスタ・ルードヴィヒ訃報。93歳…RIP 1928-2021 - Opernlegende Christa Ludwig verstorben - Wiener Zeitung Online - 4 years ago

@WhisperOfGlass: Mezzosoprano Christa Ludwig 93 yaşında aramızdan ayrılmış. Seslendirdiği eserlerde hatırası yaşamaya devam edecek.💜🥀 - 4 years ago

@EKliesspies: RT @derStandardat: Kammersängerin Christa Ludwig 1938 – 2021: - 4 years ago

@DrKMcK: ❤💔 One of my favourite Alto voices (Altrhapsodie....!) & one of the wittiest, coolest interviewees, too. R.I.P., li… - 4 years ago

@lucy_coatman: RT @KURIER_KULTUR: Opernlegende Christa Ludwig ist tot - 4 years ago

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