Chris Duncan

American baseball player (St. Louis Cardinals)
Died on Saturday September 7th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Chris Duncan:

@chris_jpeg: RT @QuackityHQ: When Will YOU fucking Monsters stop saying i Look like Gabe Duncan Please Stop right. Now - 5 years ago

@OnyxandBella: @KittyPierre3 @johncardillo @BetoORourke Now do Duncan hunter, Matt gaetz, chris Collins, trump and a whole lot of others - 5 years ago

@OnyxandBella: @wzowl @Jenncey @johncardillo @BetoORourke @mattgaetz @PressSec And Duncan hunter and Chris Collins - 5 years ago

@jawba81: RT @PPapaPolitics: That reminds me, how are Rep Duncan Hunter (nRa-CA) and Rep Chris Collins (nRa-NY) doing? #IndictedGOPers - 5 years ago


@PPapaPolitics: That reminds me, how are Rep Duncan Hunter (nRa-CA) and Rep Chris Collins (nRa-NY) doing? #IndictedGOPers - 5 years ago

@Chris_P55: @patrick_p95 @FB_WHISPERS @LFC @SamMcGuire90 You’ve just proven Bobby Duncan and me right ;) - 5 years ago

@Chris_Gmbz_: RT @VisitSVG: When a moon rise and a sunset collide. 📍: Bequia 📷: IG: canyon.duncan - 5 years ago

@KGertsen: @TeddyGreenstein FYI, Iowa’s kicker is Keith Duncan, not Chris. - 5 years ago

@MichaelUCSD: Hey @CoreyAStewart. Jesse Agler just answered your question. Skip Schumaker was at Chris Duncan's funeral in Arizona yesterday. - 5 years ago

@jeffreyklein73: @dgoold Then why pull Wacha? 2 out no one on at 74 pitches...0 runs....if you know that you don’t have a closer tha… - 5 years ago

@jaret_duncan: @Chris_Meloni hey volvos hiring you think you could get me in? - 5 years ago

@jaret_duncan: @Chris_Meloni Hey volvos hiring you think you could get me in - 5 years ago

@JeremyDJackson1: @kluttz_fan I always think back to the 2006 Cardinals and 2011 Cardinals in times like this. On paper they shouldn'… - 5 years ago

@HawkeyeMommeye: @TeddyGreenstein Keith (not Chris) Duncan is the Iowa kicker - 5 years ago

@devin_dtaco92: RT @LmgSTL: A moment of silence at Busch Stadium for Chris Duncan. RIP Dunc. #STLCards #TimeToFly - 5 years ago

@KentheFox: RT @BJanice4: @DaveHighway1 @rec777777 @SargeantJohn1 @AndyDavidson14 @ch99085464 @albenito @4114nJ @damienXTR @moe_180 @Le_Saboteur_ @secu… - 5 years ago

@SpecialPuppy1: @ngbradley1 @gelliottmorris That doesn’t explain why she underperformed Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter who were li… - 5 years ago

@ABlessing89: @ChicagoSports @TeddyGreenstein Hey Teddy, is Keith Duncan. Not Chris Duncan. Like the Blackhawk, but backwards. - 5 years ago

@chris_dando: RT @Rachael_Swindon: How the Tories operate: •SEVEN PENCE is enough to cover a school child's breakfast. •Vote to deny up to ONE MILLIO… - 5 years ago

@FlipBlue2020: @Jenncey @johncardillo @BetoORourke @mattgaetz @PressSec And Raj Shah, Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins. And king o… - 5 years ago

@rweis71489: RT @NewJeffCT: @mrose1965 besides that group: Duncan Hunter, Chris Collins (both under indictment now) Brett Kavanaugh Richard Burr Sean Ha… - 5 years ago

@Dem2020Party: RT @NewJeffCT: @mrose1965 besides that group: Duncan Hunter, Chris Collins (both under indictment now) Brett Kavanaugh Richard Burr Sean Ha… - 5 years ago

@NewJeffCT: @mrose1965 besides that group: Duncan Hunter, Chris Collins (both under indictment now) Brett Kavanaugh Richard Bur… - 5 years ago

@Jessicades: RT @LmgSTL: A moment of silence at Busch Stadium for Chris Duncan. RIP Dunc. #STLCards #TimeToFly - 5 years ago

@pmroxy: RT @BJanice4: @DaveHighway1 @rec777777 @SargeantJohn1 @AndyDavidson14 @ch99085464 @albenito @4114nJ @damienXTR @moe_180 @Le_Saboteur_ @secu… - 5 years ago

@Mwengway72: RT @BJanice4: @DaveHighway1 @rec777777 @SargeantJohn1 @AndyDavidson14 @ch99085464 @albenito @4114nJ @damienXTR @moe_180 @Le_Saboteur_ @secu… - 5 years ago

@ML3WasTrash: RT @jacobrexlee: Losing for team USA, Donovan Mitchell joins Paul Pierce, Reggie Miller, Allen Iverson, Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh, LeBron Jam… - 5 years ago

@muhame_duncan: Isn't Otamendi just an Argentine Chris Smalling🤨 #NORMCI - 5 years ago

@playoff_berch: RT @jacobrexlee: Losing for team USA, Donovan Mitchell joins Paul Pierce, Reggie Miller, Allen Iverson, Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh, LeBron Jam… - 5 years ago

@mlbmom15: Praying for Chris Duncan’s baseball family⚾️ - 5 years ago

@High5Pillars: A moment of silence at Busch Stadium for Chris Duncan. RIP Dunc. #STLCards #TimeToFly @ Busch Stadium - 5 years ago

@caverruss: @SeymourZec @RepDougCollins When are they going to lock up Gym Jordan for pedophile protection, Chris Collins for i… - 5 years ago

@Jabber_Jazz: RT @jacobrexlee: Losing for team USA, Donovan Mitchell joins Paul Pierce, Reggie Miller, Allen Iverson, Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh, LeBron Jam… - 5 years ago

@jacobrexlee: Losing for team USA, Donovan Mitchell joins Paul Pierce, Reggie Miller, Allen Iverson, Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh, LeB… - 5 years ago

@GQQSE13: RT @LmgSTL: A moment of silence at Busch Stadium for Chris Duncan. RIP Dunc. #STLCards #TimeToFly - 5 years ago

@lacostabrava: RT @Strandjunker: Devin Nunes (R) obstructed justice. Chris Collins (R) was indicted for insider trading, Duncan Hunter (R) for fraud. Jim… - 5 years ago

@srice_duncan: RT @BarristerSecret: I appreciate that interviewers want to talk to David Cameron about Brexit, but it would be nice if someone could also… - 5 years ago

@mrCLEANqs: @Wardamn5 Do Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins qualify? - 5 years ago

@HeatedNG: RT @Giuseppe2kLV: Zion williamson who has never played a game in the nba has a hof badge. The following NBA LEGENDS have 0 Tim duncan Kev… - 5 years ago

@STLSkootie: RT @LmgSTL: A moment of silence at Busch Stadium for Chris Duncan. RIP Dunc. #STLCards #TimeToFly - 5 years ago

@nbasc: RT @SoyKnicks: 🔹🔸 La NBA anunció oficialmente las figuras elegibles para la clase del Salón de la Fama 2020. Entre los nombres el ex Knick… - 5 years ago

@JP_CCC: We also discuss our fond memories of former #STLCards Chris Duncan who recently passed away. Good dude. - 5 years ago

@boriyank: RT @SoyKnicks: 🔹🔸 La NBA anunció oficialmente las figuras elegibles para la clase del Salón de la Fama 2020. Entre los nombres el ex Knick… - 5 years ago

@SoyKnicks: 🔹🔸 La NBA anunció oficialmente las figuras elegibles para la clase del Salón de la Fama 2020. Entre los nombres el… - 5 years ago

@natalie12h: RT @LmgSTL: A moment of silence at Busch Stadium for Chris Duncan. RIP Dunc. #STLCards #TimeToFly - 5 years ago

@rich_chandler: @forgottengoals @spursshow Chris Jones & John Duncan!!!!! - 5 years ago

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