Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf

Bangladeshi politician
Died on Wednesday December 9th 2020

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf:

@todaynewsj: Former minister and central BNP vice-chairman Chowdhury Ibne Kamal Yusuf have been buried in Faridpur. He was buri… - 4 years ago

@iqbalmih99: Former BNP vice chairman Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf Chowdhury has passed away (Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilahi Rajeun).… - 4 years ago

@funeralnearme: Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf Funeral - 4 years ago

@iqbalmih99: Former BNP vice chairman Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf Chowdhury has passed away (Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilahi Rajeun).… - 4 years ago


@febdonline: BNP vice chairman and former minister Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf died of coronavirus at a city hospital on Wednesda… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf is no longer with us - #Chowdhury #rip - 4 years ago

@unbnewsroom: #Chowdhury Kamal Ibne #Yusuf dies of #Covid19 - 4 years ago

@dailystarnews: Former minister and BNP's Vice-chairman Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf died of #Covid19 at a private hospital today. He… - 4 years ago

@SultanaNaznin3: RT @ProthomAlo: BNP vice chairman and former minister Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf died of coronavirus at a city hospital on Wednesday https:… - 4 years ago

@todaynewsj: Former minister and BNP vice-chairman Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf have died. He died at the Ever Care Hospital in th… - 4 years ago

@KhanYusuf98: Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un .#BangladeshNationalistParty vice chairman and former minister Chowdhury Kamal… - 4 years ago

@ProthomAlo: BNP vice chairman and former minister Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf died of coronavirus at a city hospital on Wednesday - 4 years ago

@CoronaUpdateBot: RT @ProthomAlo: BNP vice chairman and former minister Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf died of coronavirus at a city hospital on Wednesday https:… - 4 years ago

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