Choji Murata

Japanese baseball player (Tokyo/Lotte Orions)
Died on Friday November 11th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Choji Murata:

@PopCulture: Hall of Fame Baseball Pitcher Dies in Fire: What We Know About the Death of Choji Murata - 2 years ago

@Sportsandcard: RT @npbcardguy: RIP Chojo Murata - 2 years ago

@mi26an: #ブログ更新 先日、村田兆治さんが亡くなりました。村田さんを偲ぶ文を書きました。 - 2 years ago

@beisboljapones: ¡ATENCIÓN! El episodio #311 de nuestro podcast La Hora del Béisbol Japonés ya está en Youtube. Hablamos de los amis… - 2 years ago


@maybeiwill02: RT @suda_51: Another one of my heroes has gone on to the next step of his journey. "Sunday Choji" Murata, the pitcher with the arm of steel… - 2 years ago

@3afP0: RT @3afP0: 火事してまで死ぬ理由かなコレ🧐 #村田兆治 #プロ野球 #村田兆治さん追悼 - 2 years ago

@yokotin_uver: RT @3afP0: 火事してまで死ぬ理由かなコレ🧐 #村田兆治 #プロ野球 #村田兆治さん追悼 - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 28 376) #Japanese #Ex-#Baseball #Star #Pitcher #Choji #Murata 72 #Dies #November 11, 2022 #after #Fire |… - 2 years ago

@npbcardguy: RIP Chojo Murata - 2 years ago

@ms_ceciliasuda: RT @suda_51: Nigel McAllister - main character of Diabolical Pitch, the game I developed for the Kinect - joined the major leagues to follo… - 2 years ago

@ms_ceciliasuda: RT @suda_51: Another one of my heroes has gone on to the next step of his journey. "Sunday Choji" Murata, the pitcher with the arm of steel… - 2 years ago

@66Travis6615: RT @suda_51: Nigel McAllister - main character of Diabolical Pitch, the game I developed for the Kinect - joined the major leagues to follo… - 2 years ago

@discardedbacon: Japan's Hall of Fame pitcher Choji Murata dies after fire at his house - 2 years ago

@Red_John_07: Choji Murata, who played for the Tokyo Orions and Lotte Orions for 22 years from 1968 to 1990, passed away before d… - 2 years ago

@gilbertandmaude: RT @suda_51: Nigel McAllister - main character of Diabolical Pitch, the game I developed for the Kinect - joined the major leagues to follo… - 2 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @AJWasahi: Baseball hall of famer ‘Sunday Choji’ Murata dies in fire | The Asahi Shimbun Asia & Japan Watch - 2 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @AJWasahi: #baseball hall of famer ‘Sunday Choji’ Murata dies in fire | The Asahi Shimbun Asia & #Japan Watch - 2 years ago

@suzuken2002: RT @suda_51: Nigel McAllister - main character of Diabolical Pitch, the game I developed for the Kinect - joined the major leagues to follo… - 2 years ago

@romanibarra: RT @beisboljapones: ¡ATENCIÓN! 🇯🇵Choji Murata, uno de los mejores lanzadores japoneses de la historia, falleció este viernes en un incendio… - 2 years ago

@FutureB0y1zc00l: RT @suda_51: Nigel McAllister - main character of Diabolical Pitch, the game I developed for the Kinect - joined the major leagues to follo… - 2 years ago

@kikyou_bflower: RT @hit0ridanshi: 村田兆治さんの住宅火事の原因には、様々な憶測が飛び交っている。 逮捕のとき、認知症っぽい感じもあった。 タバコを吸わない人だと聞いたこともあるし、何が原因だったのだろうか? #村田兆治 #… - 2 years ago

@JballAllen: RIP "Sunday" Choji Murata, who was found unconscious early Friday morning when a fire was reported at his home, and… - 2 years ago

@taikan_get: マサカリ投法の村田兆治さんの訃報に驚き..火災の原因は何だったんだろう 前に空港の暴行容疑もあったりで、認知症の可能性もあるのかな #村田兆治 #村田兆治さん #マサカリ投法 - 2 years ago

@hit0ridanshi: 村田兆治さんの住宅火事の原因には、様々な憶測が飛び交っている。 逮捕のとき、認知症っぽい感じもあった。 タバコを吸わない人だと聞いたこともあるし、何が原因だったのだろうか? #村田兆治 #火事 - 2 years ago

@UsaJaun: Japan’s Hall of Fame pitcher Choji Murata dies after fire at his house - 2 years ago

@phitestcloud: Seems that "Choji Murata" was arrested for assault in september, definitely clupits is CIA crackers who since got M… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Choji Murata - #ChojiMurata #Choji #Murata #rip - 2 years ago

@yjt_: RIP Choji MURATA - 2 years ago

@thedextazlab: Hall of Fame pitcher Choji Murata dies after fire at his home - 2 years ago

@InGoodFaith6: Hall of Fame pitcher Choji Murata dies after fire at his home - 2 years ago

@robertwhiting_: Sad news. Choji Murata was one of the greats. - 2 years ago

@zacikuma: @nerimamike @JBWPodcast If it’s what you mean, RIP Murata Choji San 🙏 “Sunday Choji“, “Masakari Tohou”. Will miss him - 2 years ago

@Skelerads: Choji Murata has died 😰 - 2 years ago

@seaismyname08__: RT @JCoskrey: Former Lotte pitcher Choji Murata has died after a fire broke out in his home. - 2 years ago

@themainichi: Japan's Hall of Fame pitcher Choji Murata dies after fire at his house - 2 years ago

@mmsspy: RT @JCoskrey: Former Lotte pitcher Choji Murata has died after a fire broke out in his home. - 2 years ago

@elly1982grace: RT @Mulboyne: Choji Murata, the former baseball player who was arrested in September for assaulting a Haneda airport customs official, has… - 2 years ago

@GaijinBaseball: Former Lotte Orions pitcher and Hall of Famer Choji Murata has passed away. He was 72. 元ロッテ・オリオンズ投手で殿堂入りした村田兆治さんが亡… - 2 years ago

@NPB_Reddit: RT @JCoskrey: Former Lotte pitcher Choji Murata has died after a fire broke out in his home. - 2 years ago

@missumymom: I pray and hope that you are in a better place. May your soul rest in peace! You were a legendary NPB pitcher. RIP… - 2 years ago

@JCoskrey: Former Lotte pitcher Choji Murata has died after a fire broke out in his home. - 2 years ago

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