Chea Sim

Cambodian politician
Died on Monday June 8th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Chea Sim:

@KhmerYou: Death of Chea Sim a New Reminder of Impunity, Rights Group Says – VOA Khmer | Cambodia Travel Guide

@Easy_Branches: Death of Chea Sim a New Reminder of Impunity, Rights Group

@TheBodia: VOA Khmer With the death last week of Chea Sim, a ruling party stalwart and former Khmer…

@KhmerYou: Death of Chea Sim a New Reminder of Impunity, Rights Group Says – VOA Khmer


@SoutheastAsiaDC: #Cambodia: @hrw questions Chea Sim's Khmer Rouge years, gov. says facts are wrong:

@khmernews: របត់​នយោបាយ​ថ្មី​បន្ទាប់​ពី​មរណភាព លោក ជា ស៊ីម: វេទិកា​អ្នក​ស្ដាប់​វិទ្យុ​អាស៊ីសេរី នៅ​យប់​ថ្ងៃ​អង្គារ ទី​១៦ ខ...

@Mackevili: Human Rights Watch Brad Adams Attacked over Chea Sim Comments: #Cambodia #HumanRights #News

@siroccosky: Cambodia wants HRW Director barred for saying Chea Sim should have been investigated for Khmer Rouge crimes:

@MediaBodyguard: Chea Sim's Bodyguards to Return to Brigades

@Stimson_SEAsia: #Cambodia to bar a human rights activist from entering the country following his article on Chea Sim & #KhmerRouge


@wikieditnews: Say Chhum succeeds Chea Sim as the leader of Senate (Cambodia).

@luckystarthun: Khmer News, Samdach Chea Sim Funeral, Cambodia Funeral Ceremony

@debbierice55: Cambodia: Chea Sim Death Shows Failings of Khmer Rouge Court

@luckystarthun: Samdach Chea Sim Funeral, Khmer Cremation Ceremony, Building a Cremation Place

@luckystarthun: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist

@luckystarthun: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist

@luckystarthun: Samdach Chea Sim Funeral, Khmer Cremation Ceremony, Building a Cremation Place

@luckystarthun: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist

@CSEASUCB: RT @Diplomat_APAC: Cambodia’s Slow Power Transfer Begins with Death of Chea Sim

@TheBodia: Khmer Times Workers put final touches on Chea Sim’s stupa in Wat Botum Park on Sothearos…

@KhmerYou: Workers Race To Finish Grand Stupa for Chea Sim – Khmer Times

@Tetrisnet: RT @KenRoth: Death of Khmer Rouge leader Chea Sim w/o so much as investigation shows weak justice efforts.

@TutorCambodia: Cambodia’s Slow Power Transfer Begins with Death of Chea Sim -

@Incident_Alerts: RT @phnomben: Interior Ministry says @BradMAdams to be put on Cambodia's "blacklist" if he does not apologize for Chea Sim remarks

@phnomben: Interior Ministry says @BradMAdams to be put on Cambodia's "blacklist" if he does not apologize for Chea Sim remarks

@JeromeTaylor: RT @sstrangio: #Cambodia's Chea Sim leaves behind a party facing serious challenges ahead of 2018 elections.

@erinhale: RT @sstrangio: #Cambodia's Chea Sim leaves behind a party facing serious challenges ahead of 2018 elections.

@Khem_Veasna: Cheat again. Resource:

@Excelsior_TV: Fallece Chea Sim, figura clave de Camboya tras la caída del Khmer Rojo

@LoUltimoMexico: Fallece Chea Sim, figura clave de Camboya tras la caída del Khmer Rojo

@sstrangio: #Cambodia's Chea Sim leaves behind a party facing serious challenges ahead of 2018 elections.

@CambodiaDP: Chea Sim, a leader in post-Khmer Rouge Cambodia, dies at 82

@dluzbekistan: Cambodia Chea Sim Death Shows Failings of Khmer Rouge Court

@jerrydelbuen: La muerte de Chea Sim, símbolo de la impunidad de los Jemeres Rojos, suscita homenajes y críticas

@ultranomad1: RT @wjlonghurst: Major work underway at Wat Botum park for Chea Sim funeral on 19th

@EyeOnCambodia: RT @wjlonghurst: Major work underway at Wat Botum park for Chea Sim funeral on 19th

@lessalins: RT @lukeanthonyhunt: Cambodia’s Slow Power Transfer Begins with Death of Chea Sim | BOMBORRA ...

@cambodialookout: After Chea Sim's death, two of his brothers-in-law were bestowed with the royol title of "Samdech" ក្រោយ​មរណភា...

@luckystarthun: Samdach Chea Sim History | Bayon TV Khmer News Today

@luckystarthun: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist

@paquyto101: RT @monicagprieto: La muerte de Chea Sim, símbolo de la impunidad de los Jemeres Rojos, suscita homenajes y críticas

@CambodiaDP: Cambodia?s Slow Power Transfer Begins with Death of Chea Sim

@Quamtrax: RT @wjlonghurst: Major work underway at Wat Botum park for Chea Sim funeral on 19th

@EUAmbCambodia: RT @wjlonghurst: Major work underway at Wat Botum park for Chea Sim funeral on 19th

@wjlonghurst: Major work underway at Wat Botum park for Chea Sim funeral on 19th

@Pressocm: Letter of Ministry of Interior to Mr. Brad Adams, tittle “Cambodia: Chea Sim Death Shows Failings of Khmer Rouge..

@gnncambodia: Letter of Ministry of Interior to Mr. Brad Adams, tittle “Cambodia: Chea Sim Death Shows

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