Charles White

American football player (Cleveland Browns
Died on Thursday January 12th 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Charles White:

@DamienInDC: RT @ClimateConnor: Big musicians helping Charles Koch's PR efforts: @aloeblacc @THEKINGDMC @machinegunkelly @Judith_Hill @pitbull @rober… - 2 years ago

@DSqu4r3d: One of the reasons i worry abt Charles being raised islam… that boy is already biracial with a racist white father,… - 2 years ago

@ATouchOfMagic3: @UKinUnion King Charles the Spaniard Do we need the Royals? We need them to protect the stolen wealth? Is there a l… - 2 years ago

@Celler6: @comeau_charles @PierrePoilievre what a dumb tweet....always fun to watch people make themselves look so stupid on… - 2 years ago


@Daniel_patriote: RT @HWarlow: Hello again Alexei Butirskiy. ‘Charles Bridge Prague’ How beautiful. The crisp,white almost unsullied snow and the light.… - 2 years ago

@sumnerwilson111: @blkempresss That's why they owe a blood debt. And it will be paid. There's a troll in here talking about white sci… - 2 years ago

@spikespeigel: RT @ClimateConnor: Big musicians helping Charles Koch's PR efforts: @aloeblacc @THEKINGDMC @machinegunkelly @Judith_Hill @pitbull @rober… - 2 years ago

@Cantess61: @_Genevieves_ @Oprah I expect Meghan was a little disappointed the children have such white skin - it takes away he… - 2 years ago

@JaculaJacula: @sneako Calling Charles White a soyboy is where I draw the line - 2 years ago

@Don64796901: RT @TonyIannitelli: Another young guy is dead. Check out this story from Fox Sports - 2 years ago

@Kha_Tshipi: RT @ponanim1: Me trying to find out why would a black Charles and Lorraine with no western genes ask why my African children are having Sho… - 2 years ago

@DevilMomentum: RT @weird_hist: In 1840, Congressman Charles Ogle accused Martin Van Buren of re-shaping the White House lawn as an "Amazon's bosom, comple… - 2 years ago

@NyamudaJoseph: RT @ponanim1: Me trying to find out why would a black Charles and Lorraine with no western genes ask why my African children are having Sho… - 2 years ago

@jeanne_vitale: RT @ClimateConnor: Big musicians helping Charles Koch's PR efforts: @aloeblacc @THEKINGDMC @machinegunkelly @Judith_Hill @pitbull @rober… - 2 years ago

@charles_r_ellis: RT @benshapiro: White environmentalist privilege hard at work in Germany - 2 years ago

@Charles_Notes: RT @aaronlopresti: Red, White and Blue. #CaptainAmerica the right way. - 2 years ago

@ClaudeMilletART: RT @gregpinelo: The world is afflicted with white males who think they're special who are just. So. Average. King Charles, the entire Repub… - 2 years ago

@Abscondough: But why would Charles Manson be against her when she is going to be homeless becajaw of the same corrupt white rich Jews? - 2 years ago

@Charles_Notes: RT @JonathanTurley: Even in today's anti-free speech environment i Congress, a recent proposed by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Tx.) is a me… - 2 years ago

@SelloMohokare74: RT @ponanim1: Me trying to find out why would a black Charles and Lorraine with no western genes ask why my African children are having Sho… - 2 years ago

@wendiihouse: EIRA #SNOW arrived #pontrhydygroes #white #WeatherUpdate @S4Ctywydd @Ruth_ITV @DerekTheWeather @allyhumphreys… - 2 years ago

@CoolNameGuy91: RT @gregpinelo: The world is afflicted with white males who think they're special who are just. So. Average. King Charles, the entire Repub… - 2 years ago

@joshbaum71: 42% done with The White Ship, by Charles Spencer - 2 years ago

@Avargas2403: RT @HhXapa: 『秋の歌』ポール・ヴェルレーヌ(堀口大學訳) 秋風のヴィオロンの節ながき啜泣  もの憂き哀しみにわが魂を痛ましむ 時の鐘鳴りも出づればせつなくも胸せまり  思いぞ出づる来し方に涙は湧く 落葉ならぬ身をば遣るわれも かなたこなた吹きまくれ逆風よ http… - 2 years ago

@integritygiven: @MauvCoui Then the Queen wore white to her and Charles wedding years later 😂 - 2 years ago

@buy1_best: 👉 $299.99 👈 10K White Gold ever Brilliant Created Moissanite by Charles Colvard White Lab @buy1_best #10K #White… - 2 years ago

@ValerieSentene1: @MauvCoui @DawnQuinton09 Dressed in white as well. Possibly wearing the Fred and Gladys engraved jewellery that Charles gave her. - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From New York Times Obituaries - Charles White, Heisman Winner With a Difficult Second Act, Dies at 64… - 2 years ago

@blvkninjv: A color commission from last year 🫣 INKS - Canaan White (IG) COLORS - Charles Owen (ME) CREATED BY - Tyrone Moore… - 2 years ago

@xeduxen: @InvictaScriptrx @Ranaldini @angelalevin1 Didn't Jeremy Clarkson punch one of his filming crew over food? White man… - 2 years ago

@SkyCirclesLA: Aircraft with unknown registration, hex/ICAO ~2984ee is circling over Westlake, Los Angeles at 1700 feet, speed 59… - 2 years ago

@RosalinaHomers: @Down_White_Doki @P0S1T1V3CH4RL13 親下去!!!!!快親!!! Charles別忍了!!!美人就在你面前!!! - 2 years ago

@LarryWo93095963: @BeerlySports Artis Gilmore, Reggie Theus, Walter Payton, Dan Hampton, Michael Jordan, Charles Oakley, Kerry Wood,… - 2 years ago

@Down_White_Doki: @P0S1T1V3CH4RL13 CHARLES DO IT - 2 years ago

@EyesOfCC: #BettyWhite #Vintage #Autograph #JigsawPuzzle 15% OFF #Sale #SueAnnNivens #classicTV #TVicon #HappyBirthday #Gifts… - 2 years ago

@bluedgal: RT @gregpinelo: The world is afflicted with white males who think they're special who are just. So. Average. King Charles, the entire Repub… - 2 years ago

@Claymann: @anxiousturk @Kanguru_Kesesi @mmaturktr @Full_Violence Islam vs Charles maçında birisi kil… - 2 years ago

@MyraDSirois1: RT @gregpinelo: The world is afflicted with white males who think they're special who are just. So. Average. King Charles, the entire Repub… - 2 years ago

@shopshi: RT @olgatuleninova: Charles Sheeler - (1883 - 1965) White Tulips, 1912, High Museum of Art. - 2 years ago

@MauvCoui: RT @bgkirk255: THIS NASTY PIECE OF WORK WORE WHITE AT DIANA & CHARLES WEDDING. A not so subtle message to Diana while TAMPON lied his way t… - 2 years ago

@bgkirk255: THIS NASTY PIECE OF WORK WORE WHITE AT DIANA & CHARLES WEDDING. A not so subtle message to Diana while TAMPON lied… - 2 years ago

@Charles_Notes: What a race-hustling hatemongering twat Colorado astrophysicist Natalie Gosnell is. - 2 years ago

@Truthntranspare: No chance I would accept Charles as King, and now there is no chance I will accept William. #NotMyKing… - 2 years ago

@bucklin_charles: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: The White House stands up to a MAGA witch hunt and shoots down their request for visitor logs for Joe Biden'… - 2 years ago

@banditrevolva: @charles_l3 @slate_s42 She's not white😭 - 2 years ago

@Xazadaz: Also let’s not forget why he calls himself “Marilyn MANSON.” It’s bc he digs Charles Manson. So it’s no surprise th… - 2 years ago

@charles_barling: @kamander188 @newtgingrich No the documents left the White House at least six years ago he didn't have the power to… - 2 years ago

@MattZemek: We're live! We're going to talk about Charles White and the greatest USC running backs of all time: - 2 years ago

@AutographDeals1: Charles White Signed USC Trojan #memorabilia #sponsored - 2 years ago

@GreatLondoner16: RT @CrownedHuntress: @lorianneblack @AnnieSage Camilla left a note on Diana's bed the night before the wedding, attempted to give her tips… - 2 years ago

@ThatVDOVault: RT @ChrisNowinski1: Charles White, Heisman Winner With a Difficult Second Act, Dies at 64. A tough runner, White set U.S.C.’s career rushi… - 2 years ago

@ChrisNowinski1: Charles White, Heisman Winner With a Difficult Second Act, Dies at 64. A tough runner, White set U.S.C.’s career r… - 2 years ago

@hopeenlight: RT @AlanMayUSA: @AnnieSage King Charles used Diana as an incubator. I find the entire white racist British tourists attraction known as the… - 2 years ago

@The_5P: @RetirementRight Hitler was defeated by the same white stuff that defeated Napoleon and Charles XII. Something som… - 2 years ago

@reachforgemap: RT @leibowitzadak: For one example, Charles R. Drew was a famous doctor who developed the science of blood donation and storing blood in bl… - 2 years ago

@MCViser83: RT @CrownedHuntress: @lorianneblack @AnnieSage Camilla left a note on Diana's bed the night before the wedding, attempted to give her tips… - 2 years ago

@VeganMarine_: @kelsey_charles Just get a white t-shirt and a marker. Gotta try something - 2 years ago

@aditinfinite: RT @AlanMayUSA: @AnnieSage King Charles used Diana as an incubator. I find the entire white racist British tourists attraction known as the… - 2 years ago

@DemetriGooner: RT @TexasFBA4Ever: Like Paul Mooney said in that one joke, if you could be a fly on the wall when those white folks get home & get to takin… - 2 years ago

@SileER: RT @thetree_man: Both David Lammy & Diane Abbott are Racists "WHY" Because they have both used the term White people this & White people th… - 2 years ago

@PsuLionInsider: If you never watched him at RB w/ @uscfb, you missed one of the greatest ever. Saw him live in 1980 @rosebowlgame &… - 2 years ago

@SoleBroOne: @duckzgo @RBReich There you go again. You keep referencing a passage from a book that you didn’t read. Did you even… - 2 years ago

@friendswithclay: “Anasazi Black-on-White Olla, c. 950-1100 A.D. Height: 8½ inches Blitz Antique Native American Art Ltd, Crompond,… - 2 years ago

@AlanMayUSA: @AnnieSage King Charles used Diana as an incubator. I find the entire white racist British tourists attraction know… - 2 years ago

@frenchbird01: @TheFabBookLover Sorry to burst your person of colour bubble in the RF, you do know that there is already 2 people… - 2 years ago

@dn_charles: RT @HannahDrake628: “Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial… - 2 years ago

@VegasGMCasino: @FootballLearn1 Blocking for Charles White…#FightOn #USC - 2 years ago

@CDThornborrow: just endless hordes of goats. more goats than you’d think could ever exist ever. charles and camilla watching their… - 2 years ago

@KathySt63205853: @RepMTG @HouseGOP America First was started by Charles Lindbergh, an isolationist who espoused white supremacist id… - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Charles White, Heisman Winner With a Difficult Second Act, Dies at 64 #University #National - 2 years ago

@amiamaama: RT @NSrevol: Fred White…RIP . こちらも遅くなってしまいました… フレッドがアースに初参加のアルバム . That's The Way Of The World / Earth, Wind & Fire / 1975 (邦題:暗黒への挑戦)… - 2 years ago

@sunspira_: @VlahThe there's so many james charles jokes to make but people are right it really felt like the poor young man wa… - 2 years ago

@STATUS91592520: No king will tell that his special and royal family, so descended from apes and pigs, to create monuments to Charle… - 2 years ago

@charles_gaba: RT @AzPetrich: These white teens wore masks so they wouldn't get caught committing a hate crime. Little did they know: When they snuck on c… - 2 years ago

@PolhillDennis: The deep state is also characterized by its relative #permanence, its personnel remaining in their positions regard… - 2 years ago

@ThoughtsofRS: Saying Goodbye to Gerrie Coetzee, Charles White,Bill Campbell, and others... - 2 years ago

@uscallday1: RT @USC_Athletics: A tribute to the greatness of Charles White - @USCFB's all-time leading rusher. - 2 years ago

@hdsrhvddfgh: @linny_95 @JooGmail3 @lexfridman @omarsuleiman504 Ok what about pedophilic, you should support other Atheist "if" t… - 2 years ago

@ibiprofen: Charles Xavier is an upper class white man before anything else. - 2 years ago

@Keg44020942: @TheFabBookLover I'm a white woman and I do hate H & M for upsetting our Queen & Prince Philip on their deathbeds.A… - 2 years ago

@charles_hart: @GODDAT2 @SVPhillimore @enriqueanarte @Openly Lol. Your apartheid comparison is utter white bullshit. Women and gir… - 2 years ago

@1005Mike: RT @CrownedHuntress: @lorianneblack @AnnieSage Camilla left a note on Diana's bed the night before the wedding, attempted to give her tips… - 2 years ago

@white_angel1111: RT @MeghansMole: “Talk of a behind-the-scenes reconciliation summit ahead of the historic day have been dismissed” Roya has been Markled !… - 2 years ago

@RPRIORDANVERSE: Zoë Nightshade Octavian Hazel Levesque Frank Zhang Cecil Markowitz Damien White Charles Beckenford Dakota Ethan Nak… - 2 years ago

@JohnAntonik: Who else remembers Charles White? What a great college football player he was! Sad news. - 2 years ago

@AmyNB5: @eXnihilO_ @ohmydepravity Btw John Macarthur only has 4 children. Shall you accuse him of sin too? James White has… - 2 years ago

@hschlossberg: - 2 years ago

@post_liberal: - 2 years ago

@white_angel1111: @Suzanne_Brmptn @AkuaAhuofe To add onto that! The Wales’ and King Charles were out and about on royal engagements l… - 2 years ago

@musingsfromme: @PamKeithFL And does anyone think that Charles would have said the same if Harry was with a white woman? No. Charle… - 2 years ago

@whyteleafe144: @thecarolemalone Another tweet in support of Andrew .. supporting Charles and William and the so called establishme… - 2 years ago

@thetree_man: Both David Lammy & Diane Abbott are Racists "WHY" Because they have both used the term White people this & White pe… - 2 years ago

@CapPressRoom: RT @poozer87: Two years ago, while he was in the Assembly, I spoke with Charles Barron about #MLKDay. It was a good conversation. https:… - 2 years ago

@poozer87: Two years ago, while he was in the Assembly, I spoke with Charles Barron about #MLKDay. It was a good conversation… - 2 years ago

@PastorBenMarsh: RT @drantbradley: Tom Nettles is the Reformed evangelical norm, not Charles Spurgeon in 2020. One of the dark secrets of American Calvinism… - 2 years ago

@Comrade_Zuni: RT @aobrien2010: Finally, UMaine has several of Charles Lumpkins' several audio interviews used in his thesis “Civil Rights Activism in Mai… - 2 years ago

@aobrien2010: Finally, UMaine has several of Charles Lumpkins' several audio interviews used in his thesis “Civil Rights Activism… - 2 years ago

@StopCTE: Charles White, Heisman Winner With a Difficult Second Act, Dies at 64 - - 2 years ago

@NYTSports: Charles White was a bruising, dynamic tailback at the University of Southern California who won the Heisman Trophy… - 2 years ago

@charles_mikes: @Wayhix @EndWokeness Wow, that might be the best description of the woke movement I've ever read. The "white knight… - 2 years ago

@Woodahology: @NotmyRe21901853 @TypicalSne Charles Darwin created the “monkey to man” theory, Charles was also racist. Therefore… - 2 years ago

@IanMWelsh: RT @GambleWithLives: Here’s @Charles_GwL explaining how @scullyp can save lives with the white paper: ❌ End all gambling advertising 💷 E… - 2 years ago

@Avargas2403: RT @HhXapa: シューベルト「春の想い」ウーラント詩 (吉田秀和訳) 柔らかな風が目を覚まし 夜となく昼となく 全ての物の上を和やかに吹き通う 新しい香り 新しい響き (私の)弱い憐れな心よ もう心配は要らない 全てが 全てが変わってゆくのだ - 2 years ago

@MrFriendlyHappy: RT @Browns: Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Charles White, the 1979 Heisman Trophy winner and Browns RB from 1980-84. R.I.P… - 2 years ago

@iownjd: RT @Browns: Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Charles White, the 1979 Heisman Trophy winner and Browns RB from 1980-84. R.I.P… - 2 years ago

@otkntfy: Elektra: Black, White & Blood (Elektra: Soule Charles Marvel #kindle #preorder #comics #manga - 2 years ago

@stratlane: It’s sad people Like Jeff Beck, Lisa Marie Presley, Charles White, Robbie Bachman have passed this week. But all th… - 2 years ago

@glorysart: Glory charles.: Art ..portrait photography....a story of london in black and white ...glory charles ...dare see: - 2 years ago

@tc1_34: RT @DiorB22: I expect this from this the white man but for Charles Woodson and Mike Vick this is beyond disgusting - 2 years ago

@bradthetruth: Charles White dies at 64: Legendary USC running back, Heisman winner was program's all-time leading rusher White ru… - 2 years ago

@LeolaSchamberg3: 10K White Gold Forever Brilliant Created Moissanite by Charles & Colvard and White Created Sapphire Women 3-Stone B… - 2 years ago

@glorysart: Glory charles.: a step in black and white ...Bruce lee....we are excited .....hare christner religion ...oxford st… - 2 years ago

@charles_consult: RT @shannonrwatts: And finally, the family removed the murderer’s image from their GoFundMe photo and replaced him with … white Jesus. http… - 2 years ago

@jessf_white: watched love affair (1939) the other day and have barely thought of anything else since. the chemistry between char… - 2 years ago

@TrojansWire: #USC went down to Birmingham to beat the Bear and Bama in 1978, the signature win of John Robinson’s national champ… - 2 years ago

@Charles_3son: amo os nomes dos meus pokémons no meu save de pokémon white - 2 years ago

@IamBrokeeper: "Ye Shall Inherit the Earth" | Charles White | 1953 - 2 years ago

@glorysart: Glory charles.: humility mumbles a humble tone..........white horse green boy.......LOVE humanity and the - 2 years ago

@DonKingXI1: RT @T_a_t_e_n_d_a: White : She's dating Charles who works at a bakery Zim : akudanana naCharle mabhanzi - 2 years ago

@glorysart: Glory charles.: the colourful....lion...walk by water...2 feet black ...and white panda: - 2 years ago

@glorysart: Glory charles.: street ART black and white east london....dare too seee glory: - 2 years ago

@angelwolf71885: RT @latimes: Charles White, 1979 Heisman Trophy winner, passed away last week at age 64. @BillPlaschke joined LA Times Today to look back… - 2 years ago

@terryn24: RT @T_a_t_e_n_d_a: White : She's dating Charles who works at a bakery Zim : akudanana naCharle mabhanzi - 2 years ago

@Leroy_Lynch: A review by Charles Kaiser for The Guardian of @ccwhip's new book "The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden’s White… - 2 years ago

@blazerofhell: We had Charles Bronson in Deathwish. Liam Neeson in Taken. Hell, Gerard Butler had an attempted run with the Olympu… - 2 years ago

@musabaekagift: RT @T_a_t_e_n_d_a: White : She's dating Charles who works at a bakery Zim : akudanana naCharle mabhanzi - 2 years ago

@Dontgetgrabbed1: @marcel__za @cbouzy It's obvious there's something else (mentally or substance) going on, Ray Charles can see it. C… - 2 years ago

@MissM56452354: RT @T_a_t_e_n_d_a: White : She's dating Charles who works at a bakery Zim : akudanana naCharle mabhanzi - 2 years ago

@attlee_charles: RT @womenforchange5: Lihle Zenzile, 10, lifeless body was found in a white trunk in her parents’ bedroom on 6 January 2023 in Mbekweni, Paa… - 2 years ago

@Divepen: @charles_watts Arteta has been breaking curses, like the drake curse and the white shirt curse. Spurs away will be positively mind-blowing. - 2 years ago

@Muller_Matambo: RT @T_a_t_e_n_d_a: White : She's dating Charles who works at a bakery Zim : akudanana naCharle mabhanzi - 2 years ago

@mrMusayaz: RT @T_a_t_e_n_d_a: White : She's dating Charles who works at a bakery Zim : akudanana naCharle mabhanzi - 2 years ago

@ShingiClayton: RT @T_a_t_e_n_d_a: White : She's dating Charles who works at a bakery Zim : akudanana naCharle mabhanzi - 2 years ago

@mrmaimba: RT @T_a_t_e_n_d_a: White : She's dating Charles who works at a bakery Zim : akudanana naCharle mabhanzi - 2 years ago

@NecmiGucl: RT @HhXapa: シューベルト「春の想い」ウーラント詩 (吉田秀和訳) 柔らかな風が目を覚まし 夜となく昼となく 全ての物の上を和やかに吹き通う 新しい香り 新しい響き (私の)弱い憐れな心よ もう心配は要らない 全てが 全てが変わってゆくのだ - 2 years ago

@designerromann: RT @T_a_t_e_n_d_a: White : She's dating Charles who works at a bakery Zim : akudanana naCharle mabhanzi - 2 years ago

@lactaeee: RT @T_a_t_e_n_d_a: White : She's dating Charles who works at a bakery Zim : akudanana naCharle mabhanzi - 2 years ago

@MrMahwambee: RT @T_a_t_e_n_d_a: White : She's dating Charles who works at a bakery Zim : akudanana naCharle mabhanzi - 2 years ago

@mbizi_wacho: RT @T_a_t_e_n_d_a: White : She's dating Charles who works at a bakery Zim : akudanana naCharle mabhanzi - 2 years ago

@Latifahwacho: RT @T_a_t_e_n_d_a: White : She's dating Charles who works at a bakery Zim : akudanana naCharle mabhanzi - 2 years ago

@tkasimbeh: RT @T_a_t_e_n_d_a: White : She's dating Charles who works at a bakery Zim : akudanana naCharle mabhanzi - 2 years ago

@RossiPenyayi: RT @T_a_t_e_n_d_a: White : She's dating Charles who works at a bakery Zim : akudanana naCharle mabhanzi - 2 years ago

@IndichtyKeen: @conniedocekal2 Louisiana Voter Registration Lake Charles, Louisiana Garrett Michael Faulk is listed at 3906 Jande… - 2 years ago

@villgas909: @LueElizondo What are your views on Charles Hall and the Tall White aliens he says he had met ? - 2 years ago

@kasseim: RT @TalbertSwan: If Michael Jordan, Cuba, Gooding, Taye, Diggs, Charles Barkley, or Tiger Woods pimp slapped their white wives like Dana Wh… - 2 years ago

@mslillyflower29: Football Legend Charles White Died Too Soon — Cause of Death Revealed #NewsBreak - 2 years ago

@may6314: RT @wiseardua: @StegStegy @ladyrocksavage White Supremacy usually sticks together. Charles yells at his staff and they stay around for the… - 2 years ago

@Cate_Holder: @last_chance_dz @slim_douglas @BBC @SholaMos1 I'm a white Aust. & I don't hate the RF but do despise Charles, the l… - 2 years ago

@cTcremo6: RT @TalbertSwan: If Michael Jordan, Cuba, Gooding, Taye, Diggs, Charles Barkley, or Tiger Woods pimp slapped their white wives like Dana Wh… - 2 years ago

@CSY10111: @David_Vaporium @BogCleaner1 @Ineffab02281948 @987_charles @MattAdkin @cambridge_peter @SetCondiment @PetrasPics66… - 2 years ago

@Charles_Notes: RT @charlie_savage: BREAKING: 5 more pages of Obama-era classified docs were found Thurs evening stored in a room adjacent to Biden's garag… - 2 years ago

@NewsRadio710: Former USC running back Charles White, the 1979 Heisman Trophy winner, has died at the age of 64. - 2 years ago

@CSY10111: @SetCondiment @BogCleaner1 @Ineffab02281948 @987_charles @MattAdkin @cambridge_peter @PetrasPics66 @Charlie_Orignal… - 2 years ago

@KMcsoze: @caslernoel They would be loving Charles Lindbergh for President like in that recent show. Lol so funny when they s… - 2 years ago

@menzies_charles: RT @KathrynHenzler: This is such a privileged, white woman, vain, western take. Many cultures around the world have worn masks when someone… - 2 years ago

@mlski63: RT @TalbertSwan: If Michael Jordan, Cuba, Gooding, Taye, Diggs, Charles Barkley, or Tiger Woods pimp slapped their white wives like Dana Wh… - 2 years ago

@45bestwords: RT @45bestwords: He was the epitome of a Trojan and cemented them as Tailback U. - Power, Speed, Grace, A Winner. A National Champion and 2… - 2 years ago

@CSY10111: @BogCleaner1 @Ineffab02281948 @987_charles @MattAdkin @cambridge_peter @SetCondiment @PetrasPics66 @Charlie_Orignal… - 2 years ago

@DouniaS16: @luciasjunkdraw @deligtmyballs 10 white basic men who are better looking than Fabrizio Romano: 1. Charles Leclerc… - 2 years ago

@davidvelohue: RT @TalbertSwan: If Michael Jordan, Cuba, Gooding, Taye, Diggs, Charles Barkley, or Tiger Woods pimp slapped their white wives like Dana Wh… - 2 years ago

@CSY10111: @BogCleaner1 @Ineffab02281948 @987_charles @MattAdkin @cambridge_peter @SetCondiment @PetrasPics66 @Charlie_Orignal… - 2 years ago

@lewebley1: @PeggyARandall1 @camcamdamn No court Documents say in black and white it was William, William put his own brothers… - 2 years ago

@white____male: @HmhInvestments @Charles_Walker3 @Charles56840801 which murderer? Obama? - 2 years ago

@KloudYami: RT @TalbertSwan: If Michael Jordan, Cuba, Gooding, Taye, Diggs, Charles Barkley, or Tiger Woods pimp slapped their white wives like Dana Wh… - 2 years ago

@TrevorMiltonhof: RT @TalbertSwan: If Michael Jordan, Cuba, Gooding, Taye, Diggs, Charles Barkley, or Tiger Woods pimp slapped their white wives like Dana Wh… - 2 years ago

@inforenique: RT @TalbertSwan: If Michael Jordan, Cuba, Gooding, Taye, Diggs, Charles Barkley, or Tiger Woods pimp slapped their white wives like Dana Wh… - 2 years ago

@helenofnone: RT @bot_tsh: Charles turned away; he was almost as white as she was, and I wondered if that old story was true, that one twin felt pain whe… - 2 years ago

@wbfresh90: RT @kengfunk: Rest in peace Charles White. I'll never forget the 1980 Rose Bowl- White rushed for 247 yards in his final college game and s… - 2 years ago

@charles_doramus: RT @JamesBradleyCA: A white cop knelt on George Floyd’s neck. He’s serving more than 20 years in prison. A black cop shot UNARMED Ashli… - 2 years ago

@1Madeclean: @CDUni Charles Darwin an origin of species: the most white supremacist text ever written (and very “astutely” and “… - 2 years ago

@lghtskinndjay: RT @TalbertSwan: If Michael Jordan, Cuba, Gooding, Taye, Diggs, Charles Barkley, or Tiger Woods pimp slapped their white wives like Dana Wh… - 2 years ago

@1Madeclean: @DarwinismBot Charles Darwin an origin of species: the most white supremacist text ever written (and very “astutely… - 2 years ago

@1Madeclean: @Darwin_Species Charles Darwin an origin of species: the most white supremacist text ever written (and very “astute… - 2 years ago

@300ZXNA: RT @TalbertSwan: If Michael Jordan, Cuba, Gooding, Taye, Diggs, Charles Barkley, or Tiger Woods pimp slapped their white wives like Dana Wh… - 2 years ago

@Marvelous_E23: RT @TalbertSwan: If Michael Jordan, Cuba, Gooding, Taye, Diggs, Charles Barkley, or Tiger Woods pimp slapped their white wives like Dana Wh… - 2 years ago

@1Madeclean: @WhiteHouse Charles Darwin an origin of species: the most white supremacist text ever written (and very “astutely”… - 2 years ago

@1Madeclean: @CDCgov Charles Darwin an origin of species: the most white supremacist text ever written (and very “astutely” and… - 2 years ago

@1Madeclean: @POTUS Charles Darwin an origin of species: the most white supremacist text ever written (and very “astutely” and “… - 2 years ago

@1Madeclean: @JoeBiden Charles Darwin an origin of species: the most white supremacist text ever written (and very “astutely” an… - 2 years ago

@1Madeclean: @UNHumanRights Charles Darwin an origin of species: the most white supremacist text ever written (and very “astutel… - 2 years ago

@1Madeclean: @NatGeo Charles Darwin an origin of species: the most white supremacist text ever written (and very “astutely” and… - 2 years ago

@1Madeclean: @BarackObama Charles Darwin an origin of species: the most white supremacist text ever written (and very “astutely”… - 2 years ago

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