Charles Simic

Serbian-born American poet.
Died on Monday January 9th 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Charles Simic:

@tcarlysle: RT @CityLightsBooks: Saddened to read about the passing of Charles Simic, author of more than 30 books of poetry who won the Pulitzer in 19… - 2 years ago

@arianedeschamp1: RT @aforista_l: "La gentilezza di un essere umano verso un altro in tempi di odio e violenza di massa merita maggior rispetto delle predich… - 2 years ago

@MarGdeSerranos: "Creo que me enterrarán con un libro en la mano. Puede que el más apropiado sea El libro tibetano de los muertos, p… - 2 years ago

@Intensor10: RT @NiChurr: Charles Simic 1938-2023🙏Thank you for the magic. Fly brightly! @NewDirections @penguinrandom @HarperCollins - 2 years ago


@kirakar: RT @SCLaberinto: "Lo que me resulta curioso es que ya no nos asombramos de estar vivos". Un recuerdo de Charles Simic. - 2 years ago

@alicia_under: RT @Patricio_Pron: Charles Simic, un poema / - 2 years ago

@malik_sikha: RT @sahaysmita: Cameo Appearance by Charles Simic Rest in peace. - 2 years ago

@ozrentosic: RT @NewYorker: The poet Charles Simic, who contributed to The New Yorker for half a century, died this month, at the age of 84. His last ap… - 2 years ago

@ElCulturalRazon: "Tengo mucho cuidado al cortar mis versos cuando reviso un poema. Juego con ellos sin descanso. El ideal es que los… - 2 years ago

@sebadp: RT @readingnooks: “And all of a sudden In the midst of that quiet, It seems possible To live simply on this earth.” ~ Charles Simic 📷 As… - 2 years ago

@sairanotsyrah: RT @cjsarett: Charles Simic, “The Wind has Died”— the final poem in his final book, No Land in Sight. - 2 years ago

@dsamabrams: RT @kjavadizadeh: Charles Simic - 2 years ago

@angelchamorro1: RT @hoyesarte_com: 💔 Hace uno días fallecía el poeta, ensayista y traductor Charles Simic Uno de esos creadores que hacen que la palabra p… - 2 years ago

@mikros_prigkipa: RT @Ternura4444: A poem is a secret shared by people who have never met each other. ~ Charles Simic ~ - 2 years ago

@beyond_estuary: RT @parisreview: “I love my funny poems, but I’d rather break your heart. And if I can do both in the same poem, that’s the best.” This w… - 2 years ago

@alexisromerof: “No me gusta la poesía que olvida que comemos, cogemos y cagamos”, confiesa Charles Simic (1938-2023) a Christopher… - 2 years ago

@LusManuelCalvo1: RT @dmartinezpr: Ha muerto el poeta Charles Simic que escribió esto sobre la guerra. “Todos nuestros nombres están incluidos” - 2 years ago

@hoyesarte_com: 💔 Hace uno días fallecía el poeta, ensayista y traductor Charles Simic Uno de esos creadores que hacen que la pala… - 2 years ago

@aixoesorxata: RT @aarikdanielsen: Charles Simic - 2 years ago

@thomashobohm: RT @aarikdanielsen: Charles Simic - 2 years ago

@googieheim: RT @parisreview: “I love my funny poems, but I’d rather break your heart. And if I can do both in the same poem, that’s the best.” This w… - 2 years ago

@AlbanaKasapi: RT @Ani_Gjika: A Conversation With Charles Simic A favorite by Albanian poet #LuljetaLleshanaku and one of the first I translated when I w… - 2 years ago

@vijaykarthi24: Stone by Charles Simic - 2 years ago

@KALewandowski9: RT @parisreview: “I love my funny poems, but I’d rather break your heart. And if I can do both in the same poem, that’s the best.” This w… - 2 years ago

@Andrew_Ervin: We published it (of course!) in the Winter 2009 issue, along with three poems by Charles Simic and two by Alex Lemo… - 2 years ago

@The1Gues: RT @AcademiaDreams: “Poetry is an orphan of silence. The words never quite equal the experience behind them.” — Charles Simic - 2 years ago

@holdengraber: RT @aliner: This poem about "the great secret" by Charles Simic, originally shared by poet Lauren Camp. - 2 years ago

@NikoSeZovem: RT @Ani_Gjika: A Conversation With Charles Simic A favorite by Albanian poet #LuljetaLleshanaku and one of the first I translated when I w… - 2 years ago

@Ash_Groovy: RT @monkey_info1: 柴田元幸です。The Paris Review誌が先日歿したチャールズ・シミックの詩を3点、過去の号から復活させています。うち一点は"January": - 2 years ago

@gallo_orlando: RT @iraimavivast: «El anhelo secreto de la poesía es detener el tiempo». Charles Simic - 2 years ago

@GomezValer: RT @iraimavivast: «El anhelo secreto de la poesía es detener el tiempo». Charles Simic - 2 years ago

@JesusLopezyLpe1: RT @El_Universal_Mx: "Poeta y ensayista, Charles Simic emigró en 1954, a los 16 años, a los Estados Unidos. Sin poder ni querer escapar del… - 2 years ago

@Iqraniaz748: RT @MayaCPopa: Charles Simic: - 2 years ago

@_mars_madness_: RT @cielosueloastro: Each time I buy a book by a dead poet, I always ask for a message thru bibliomancy when I first open it and I asked fo… - 2 years ago

@Ani_Gjika: A Conversation With Charles Simic A favorite by Albanian poet #LuljetaLleshanaku and one of the first I translated… - 2 years ago

@nekomiwu: RT @cjsarett: Charles Simic, “The Wind has Died”— the final poem in his final book, No Land in Sight. - 2 years ago

@jbjimenez: Antonio Muñoz Molina recuerda a Charles Simic. - 2 years ago

@BersaniLeda: Charles Simic,Il mostro ama il labirinto.Taccuini #SalaLettura - 2 years ago

@BersaniLeda: Nominiamo prima una cosa,poi un'altra. È così che il tempo entra nella poesia. Lo spazio,invece,si crea attraverso… - 2 years ago

@JordiSolColl2: RT @JordiSolColl2: Charles Simic - 2 years ago

@PHanahoeDosch: RT @NewYorker: The poet Charles Simic, who contributed to The New Yorker for half a century, died this month, at the age of 84. His last ap… - 2 years ago

@KingTherapy: RT @NewYorker: The poet Charles Simic, who contributed to The New Yorker for half a century, died this month, at the age of 84. His last ap… - 2 years ago

@efchapman: RT @SeanLemonhead: Charles Simic on the prose poem - 2 years ago

@eerieyore: RT @SeanLemonhead: Charles Simic on the prose poem - 2 years ago

@michaelabrosnan: Sad to lose Charles Simic. One of my favorite tributes: - 2 years ago

@fascicles: RT @PhilipMetres: “If I were to write about the happiest days of my life, many…would have to do with food and wine and a table full of frie… - 2 years ago

@cjsarett: RT @princessekateri: “Never since the beginning of the world has there been so little light. Our winter afternoons have been known at times… - 2 years ago

@LotoP_Seguin: «Esta silla fue una vez alumna de Euclides». (Charles Simic) - 2 years ago

@kerstenak: RT @SeanLemonhead: Charles Simic on the prose poem - 2 years ago

@princessekateri: RT @princessekateri: “Never since the beginning of the world has there been so little light. Our winter afternoons have been known at times… - 2 years ago

@lanabudimlic: RT @NewYorker: The poet Charles Simic, who contributed to The New Yorker for half a century, died this month, at the age of 84. His last ap… - 2 years ago

@pdepoesia: «¿Dónde estará mi cadalso? Doce poemas de Charles Simic (1938-2023)». Tras la lamentable noticia de la muerte del p… - 2 years ago

@Quorthyr: RT @CatalunyaRadio: 🔊 D'un imaginari literari riquíssim, amb humor i en diàleg amb qüestions com la guerra o els antiherois urbans: @ciutat… - 2 years ago

@Quorthyr: RT @ciutatmaragda: Charles Simic, programa sencer. Amb @MartaPera, Xènia Dyakonova, @BorjaBagunya i @beltadoX. - 2 years ago

@NcubeBokang: RT @SeanLemonhead: Charles Simic on the prose poem - 2 years ago

@ComunidadFLM: RT @DrElectrico: Escribí algunos pensamientos sobre Charles Simic, su conciencia política y su visión cínica del mundo, su obra redonda y a… - 2 years ago

@everettpoetry: RT @TomDEvelyn: CHARLES SIMIC. The professors say Simic works the fantasy angle. Here he draws on millennia of lyric self-awareness (see Ca… - 2 years ago

@TomDEvelyn: CHARLES SIMIC. The professors say Simic works the fantasy angle. Here he draws on millennia of lyric self-awareness… - 2 years ago

@Mari_St_Clair: RT @princessekateri: “Never since the beginning of the world has there been so little light. Our winter afternoons have been known at times… - 2 years ago

@Jopolkadot: RT @princessekateri: “Never since the beginning of the world has there been so little light. Our winter afternoons have been known at times… - 2 years ago

@JoseHernandezDz: Charles Simic on the prose poem: “They “look like prose and act like poems because, despite the odds, they make the… - 2 years ago

@Pollisaurio: MI IDENTIDAD SECRETA ES El cuarto está vacío y la ventana, abierta. Charles Simic, en traducción de Hernán Bravo Varela. - 2 years ago

@alfarmada: RT @CulturaMural: Jeannette L. Clariond, escritora y editora, evoca las generosas lecciones del poeta Charles Simic, fallecido el pasado 9… - 2 years ago

@BookPostUSA: RT @PhilipMetres: “If I were to write about the happiest days of my life, many…would have to do with food and wine and a table full of frie… - 2 years ago

@ConfabularioMx: “Su experiencia en un país arrasado por la guerra (primero ocupado por los nazis, luego por los estalinistas) molde… - 2 years ago

@Baer19Baer: RT @sm_kaylor: “The secret wish of all poetry is to stop time.” —Charles Simic 🕊 - 2 years ago

@Ella58935760: RT @sm_kaylor: “The secret wish of all poetry is to stop time.” —Charles Simic 🕊 - 2 years ago

@BookPostUSA: RT @parisreview: “All those solitary hours of daydreaming were a kind of training for poetry.” This week, we’ve unlocked James Tate’s Art… - 2 years ago

@ojalart: “All those solitary hours of daydreaming were a kind of training for poetry.” This week, we’ve unlocked James Tate… - 2 years ago

@dovegaspete: RT @dsharmanews: 📹 LEGENDADO | Daniel Sharman recita poema “Autumn Sky” de Charles Simic em homenagem ao poeta que faleceu nesta segunda-fe… - 2 years ago

@BrianBeattyMPLS: I've got a Charles Simic elegy with no home. - 2 years ago

@MercedelaVega: RT @ConfabularioMx: “Su experiencia en un país arrasado por la guerra (primero ocupado por los nazis, luego por los estalinistas) moldeó su… - 2 years ago

@AndrewNavare: RT @SeanLemonhead: Charles Simic on the prose poem - 2 years ago

@parisreview: “All those solitary hours of daydreaming were a kind of training for poetry.” This week, we’ve unlocked James Tate… - 2 years ago

@larryodean: - 2 years ago

@PeterVertacnik: RT @PhilipMetres: “If I were to write about the happiest days of my life, many…would have to do with food and wine and a table full of frie… - 2 years ago

@Jackie_McManus1: RT @SeanLemonhead: Charles Simic on the prose poem - 2 years ago

@erinbelieu: RT @PhilipMetres: “If I were to write about the happiest days of my life, many…would have to do with food and wine and a table full of frie… - 2 years ago

@PoemsWhiskeyPod: RT @SeanLemonhead: Charles Simic on the prose poem - 2 years ago

@PhilipMetres: “If I were to write about the happiest days of my life, many…would have to do with food and wine and a table full o… - 2 years ago

@myinwit: RT @ilya_poet: “The purpose of poetry is to return that which is familiar to its original strangeness.” —Charles Simic - 2 years ago

@ExcitedUttRead: The Yale Review | Meghan O’Rourke: Remembering Charles Simic ⁦@yalereview⁩ - 2 years ago

@scaranocarla62: 👌😥😍 Charles Simic in The New Yorker - 2 years ago

@claux15: RT @SCLaberinto: En memoria de Charles Simic, quien murió el 9 de enero, publicamos, por cortesía de Vaso Roto, este poema de 'Acércate y e… - 2 years ago

@h1_h1berto: RT @jasontandon_: I cut this poem out of the @NewYorker sixteen years ago. One of Charles Simic's finest. #RIP - 2 years ago

@casadeguccimi: RT @jasontandon_: I cut this poem out of the @NewYorker sixteen years ago. One of Charles Simic's finest. #RIP - 2 years ago

@katejdugan: RT @jasontandon_: I cut this poem out of the @NewYorker sixteen years ago. One of Charles Simic's finest. #RIP - 2 years ago

@SycamoreReview: RT @ilya_poet: “The purpose of poetry is to return that which is familiar to its original strangeness.” —Charles Simic - 2 years ago

@Anitarumocorex: RT @juanjogines: Un café y un poema al despertar. Hoy: Algunos pájaros pían. Charles Simic. #UnCaféYUnPoema #Poesía #LaCuevaDeLosLocos http… - 2 years ago

@rinaykhm: RT @jasontandon_: I cut this poem out of the @NewYorker sixteen years ago. One of Charles Simic's finest. #RIP - 2 years ago

@candelalopezp1: RT @juanjogines: Un café y un poema al despertar. Hoy: Algunos pájaros pían. Charles Simic. #UnCaféYUnPoema #Poesía #LaCuevaDeLosLocos http… - 2 years ago

@Z51446078: RT @AcademiaDreams: “Poetry is an orphan of silence. The words never quite equal the experience behind them.” — Charles Simic - 2 years ago

@qaynaat_t: RT @jasontandon_: I cut this poem out of the @NewYorker sixteen years ago. One of Charles Simic's finest. #RIP - 2 years ago

@feiraleil: RT @AcademiaDreams: “Poetry is an orphan of silence. The words never quite equal the experience behind them.” — Charles Simic - 2 years ago

@LstGr8tDisaster: RT @AcademiaDreams: “Poetry is an orphan of silence. The words never quite equal the experience behind them.” — Charles Simic - 2 years ago

@bluecitral: RT @MayaCPopa: Charles Simic: - 2 years ago

@GiCivi: RT @lisacorva: È appena scomparso Charles Simic: nato a Belgrado nel 1938, la sua lingua madre è il serbo, ma scriveva in inglese. È arriva… - 2 years ago

@marie_nassar: RT @JulianD86666247: #SurrealHitSaturday Welcome! Consider this a space for all poets and other writer-creatives to submit one piece per po… - 2 years ago

@BaadFarosh: RT @MayaCPopa: Charles Simic: - 2 years ago

@juanjogines: Un café y un poema al despertar. Hoy: Algunos pájaros pían. Charles Simic. #UnCaféYUnPoema #Poesía… - 2 years ago

@thinkalot: RT @hubersamj: A beautiful remembrance of Charles Simic by @meghanor, at @yalereview: "He learned early to relish pleasure even as terror… - 2 years ago

@RaulArturoOrte1: RT @nexosmexico: En el dominio de las ideas todo parece hallar justificación. Y la historia no ayuda a la hora de buscar esperanza. La situ… - 2 years ago

@RousseauAgnes: RT @InadeBree: ‘If the sky falls, they will have clouds for supper …’ Charles Simic, Concerning My Neighbors, the Hittites Selected Early… - 2 years ago

@andesaa: Charles Simic / Chairs More and more empty chairs. Myself of an age When one lights a match And goes around takin… - 2 years ago

@andesaa: CHARLES SIMIC / SILLAS Más y más sillas vacías. Yo mismo de cierta edad Cuando alguien enciende un fósforo Y da… - 2 years ago

@Leonfbatista: Yo estuve muy cerca de conocer a Simic, en 1994, en el evento organizado para celebrar los 80 años de Octavio Paz e… - 2 years ago

@RousseauAgnes: RT @Kulambq: 'Maybe there is a word in it somewhere to describe the world this morning ...' ~ Charles Simic, 'The Dictionary' - 2 years ago

@newrepublic: Surrealism is the part of Charles Simic’s work that is least understood. What is surreal is the way the mind recogn… - 2 years ago

@LaRazon_mx: RT @ElCulturalRazon: "Tengo mucho cuidado al cortar mis versos cuando reviso un poema. Juego con ellos sin descanso", entrevista con Charle… - 2 years ago

@ElCulturalRazon: "Tengo mucho cuidado al cortar mis versos cuando reviso un poema. Juego con ellos sin descanso", entrevista con Cha… - 2 years ago

@nexosmexico: En el dominio de las ideas todo parece hallar justificación. Y la historia no ayuda a la hora de buscar esperanza.… - 2 years ago

@MonsieurParodi: RT @InKittenVeritas: Chance continues to be one of the manifestations of cosmic mystery. The other one is mathematics. We are crucified in… - 2 years ago

@Juno_naturasola: Charles Simic, Pulitzer-Winning Poet and U.S. Laureate, Dies at 84 - The New York Times *R.I.P. - 2 years ago

@gallo_orlando: RT @lady_josedemail: Excelente esta nota sobre este poeta y profesor que no ha sido muy divulgado. ¡A buscar sus libros! - 2 years ago

@gallo_orlando: RT @lady_josedemail: Charles Simic en una nota de la revista chilena Altazor, donde se puede conocer todo lo que atravesó con su familia ha… - 2 years ago

@LupeMohawk: RT @holdengraber: “A poem is a secret shared by people who have never met each other.” ~ Charles Simic, R. I. P. thanks to @ZeeshanJaa… - 2 years ago

@FawadFiaz: RT @xhosa20867809: “He who cannot howl will not find his pack.” Charles Simic - 2 years ago

@zulfimyfriend: RT @xhosa20867809: “He who cannot howl will not find his pack.” Charles Simic - 2 years ago

@AlastMorrison: RT @hubersamj: A beautiful remembrance of Charles Simic by @meghanor, at @yalereview: "He learned early to relish pleasure even as terror… - 2 years ago

@blueflowerarts: RT @hubersamj: A beautiful remembrance of Charles Simic by @meghanor, at @yalereview: "He learned early to relish pleasure even as terror… - 2 years ago

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