Charles Sherrod

American activist.
Died on Wednesday October 12th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Charles Sherrod:

@PeterLandau: Charles Sherrod (center with Julian Bond, left, and Cleveland Sellers), Civil Rights Pioneer in Rural Georgia… - 2 years ago

@TheMil10: RT @educate2endhate: Charles Sherrod helped found the Albany Movement during the civil rights movement. He dedicated his life to the cause… - 2 years ago

@educate2endhate: Charles Sherrod helped found the Albany Movement during the civil rights movement. He dedicated his life to the cau… - 2 years ago

@MarlonMcNeillSr: RT @EBONYMag: Our deepest condolences goes out to The Rev. Charles Sherrod, who recently passed away at the age of 85. He served as the fir… - 2 years ago


@JamesWithers3: RT @NYTObits: He brought his deep Christian faith and his commitment to grass-roots organizing to the small town of Albany. He never left.… - 2 years ago

@theGroveness: RT @EBONYMag: Our deepest condolences goes out to The Rev. Charles Sherrod, who recently passed away at the age of 85. He served as the fir… - 2 years ago

@UrbanLandC: ULC was saddened to hear of the passing of Charles Sherrod, civil rights activist and founding father of the first… - 2 years ago

@babyof5: RT @EBONYMag: Our deepest condolences goes out to The Rev. Charles Sherrod, who recently passed away at the age of 85. He served as the fir… - 2 years ago

@sjplep: RT @NYTObits: He brought his deep Christian faith and his commitment to grass-roots organizing to the small town of Albany. He never left.… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: He brought his deep Christian faith and his commitment to grass-roots organizing to the small town of Albany. He ne… - 2 years ago

@_artcoop: RT @NewEconomics: Re-reading this beautiful piece about the work and legacy of Charles Sherrod, who with his wife Shirley organized the fir… - 2 years ago

@circosta_j: RT @EBONYMag: Our deepest condolences goes out to The Rev. Charles Sherrod, who recently passed away at the age of 85. He served as the fir… - 2 years ago

@ARCPennState: RT @DukeAAAS: 'He brought his deep Christian faith and his commitment to grass-roots organizing to the small town of Albany. He never left.… - 2 years ago

@conrazon: RT @Center4NewEcon: We are deeply saddened to hear of the loss of Charles Sherrod, a pioneer of the Community Land Trust movement. May he r… - 2 years ago

@NOLALeyda: RT @EBONYMag: Our deepest condolences goes out to The Rev. Charles Sherrod, who recently passed away at the age of 85. He served as the fir… - 2 years ago

@th_fabulesslife: RT @EBONYMag: Our deepest condolences goes out to The Rev. Charles Sherrod, who recently passed away at the age of 85. He served as the fir… - 2 years ago

@AggieJay_412: RT @EBONYMag: Our deepest condolences goes out to The Rev. Charles Sherrod, who recently passed away at the age of 85. He served as the fir… - 2 years ago

@reeldeel03: RT @EBONYMag: Our deepest condolences goes out to The Rev. Charles Sherrod, who recently passed away at the age of 85. He served as the fir… - 2 years ago

@EBONYMag: Our deepest condolences goes out to The Rev. Charles Sherrod, who recently passed away at the age of 85. He served… - 2 years ago

@patrickdshaffer: Charles Sherrod, Civil Rights Activist With SNCC, Passes Away at 85 - Ebony - 2 years ago

@KJay2425: RT @newsone: #RIP: Charles Sherrod, a civil rights icon in Georgia and early leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, has d… - 2 years ago

@negrofarm: RT @blackenterprise: Civil Rights Activist Rev. Charles Sherrod Dies From Lung Cancer at 85 Years Old - 2 years ago

@STONEYCOOKS: Charles Sherrod, Civil Rights Pioneer in Rural Georgia, Dies at 85 - 2 years ago

@MelkiJRussell: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@redz041: RT @JoshClarkDavis: After SNCC, Shirley and Charles Sherrod established the New Communities cooperative for Black farmers in 1969, which ha… - 2 years ago

@redz041: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@jimquigley48: Charles Sherrod, RIP - 2 years ago

@Shelterforce: RT @NewEconomics: Re-reading this beautiful piece about the work and legacy of Charles Sherrod, who with his wife Shirley organized the fir… - 2 years ago

@BlackHerstorian: RT @SNCCLegacy: #InMemoriam: Charles Sherrod (January 2, 1937 - October 11, 2022) 🕊 - 2 years ago

@BlackHerstorian: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@BlackHerstorian: RT @SIfill_: Just learned that civil rights pioneer & legend Charles Sherrod has passed. An extraordinary human being & leader. He & his wi… - 2 years ago

@blacktropolisCi: newsone: #RIP: Charles Sherrod, a civil rights icon in Georgia and early leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinat… - 2 years ago

@NurtureGirl: RT @NewEconomics: Re-reading this beautiful piece about the work and legacy of Charles Sherrod, who with his wife Shirley organized the fir… - 2 years ago

@newsone: #RIP: Charles Sherrod, a civil rights icon in Georgia and early leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commi… - 2 years ago

@SNCCLegacy: Its 1969 founding included SNCC’s first field secretary, Rev. Charles Sherrod, who became its president. Beaten and… - 2 years ago

@Backstorymom1: via @NYTimes - 2 years ago

@GenXMedia: RT @NAACP_LDF: Rev. Charles Sherrod, the man that spearheaded the Albany, Georgia civil rights movement, has died at age 85. Sherrod was… - 2 years ago

@debnicktom: RT @BCISLEMAN: Civil Rights hero passes Remember #Breitbart treatment of his wife next time RWers pretend to embrace the Civil Rights move… - 2 years ago

@rarar: RT @NewEconomics: Re-reading this beautiful piece about the work and legacy of Charles Sherrod, who with his wife Shirley organized the fir… - 2 years ago

@amandaklonsky1: RT @SIfill_: Just learned that civil rights pioneer & legend Charles Sherrod has passed. An extraordinary human being & leader. He & his wi… - 2 years ago

@Deepinsideyou4: RT @blackenterprise: Civil Rights Activist Rev. Charles Sherrod Dies From Lung Cancer at 85 Years Old - 2 years ago

@mkanau: Charles Sherrod, civil rights activist with SNCC, dies at 85 - 2 years ago

@emilyjodell: RT @SNCCLegacy: To learn more about Charles Sherrod, visit: - 2 years ago

@ansleyquiros: @SNCCLegacy - 2 years ago

@SNCCLegacy: To learn more about Charles Sherrod, visit: - 2 years ago

@SNCCLegacy: More than biography describes Charles Sherrod, despite the extensiveness of his range of work. The values of our… - 2 years ago

@SNCCLegacy: #InMemoriam: Charles Sherrod (January 2, 1937 - October 11, 2022) 🕊 - 2 years ago

@Faithslayer202: RT @CooperationJXN: May he Rest in Power. For those who don't know, Charles was on on the innovators of Community Land Trusts. Know your hi… - 2 years ago

@AntheRhodes: RT @washingtonpost: The Rev. Charles Sherrod, a front-line warrior for civil rights who became the first field secretary of the Student Non… - 2 years ago

@dbs1128: RT @michaelkruse: “Somebody told me that he had to literally grab Charlie Sherrod by the belt because he was incensed that Bobby Kennedy wa… - 2 years ago

@limitlesskait: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@limitlesskait: RT @TheKingCenter: Charles Sherrod’s story reminds us that the work of racial justice is ongoing, that it occurs in rural spaces as well as… - 2 years ago

@limitlesskait: RT @michaelkruse: “Somebody told me that he had to literally grab Charlie Sherrod by the belt because he was incensed that Bobby Kennedy wa… - 2 years ago

@premiercoro: RT @michaelkruse: “Somebody told me that he had to literally grab Charlie Sherrod by the belt because he was incensed that Bobby Kennedy wa… - 2 years ago

@ShannonAnglero: RT @growpittsburgh: Charles Sherrod, Civil Rights Pioneer in Rural Georgia, Dies at 85. Mr Sherrod was a key figure in the birth of the mod… - 2 years ago

@JerryGonzalez93: RT @mrbf_org: The board and staff of the Babcock Foundation extend our sincerest condolences to the Sherrod family. The South is a more eq… - 2 years ago

@tom_chance: RT @Center4NewEcon: We are deeply saddened to hear of the loss of Charles Sherrod, a pioneer of the Community Land Trust movement. May he r… - 2 years ago

@NewEconomics: RT @Center4NewEcon: We are deeply saddened to hear of the loss of Charles Sherrod, a pioneer of the Community Land Trust movement. May he r… - 2 years ago

@Janiebt: RT @Center4NewEcon: We are deeply saddened to hear of the loss of Charles Sherrod, a pioneer of the Community Land Trust movement. May he r… - 2 years ago

@AdamMLinker: RT @DukeAAAS: 'He brought his deep Christian faith and his commitment to grass-roots organizing to the small town of Albany. He never left.… - 2 years ago

@natmoss: RIP the Inspiring Charles Sherrod - 2 years ago

@ansleyquiros: @michaelkruse @taylorbranch He was such a giant. - 2 years ago

@butchreina: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@blkwomenradical: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@kzshabazz: Forwarding from Abdul Alkalimat 🙏🏿 Charles M Sherrod SNCC Veteran Wiki/Bio/Obit - 2 years ago

@jwillia2: R.I.P. brother Charles Sherrod (SNCC) - 2 years ago

@_KianaRJ: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@SekouFranklin: Charles Sherrod, Albany Civil Rights Movement spearhead, dies at 85 - 2 years ago

@BHoustonHistory: RT @ZinnEdProject: Charles Sherrod, ¡Presente! "Sherrod smiles boyishly when he speaks [at a mass meeting], his voice is softly resonant, &… - 2 years ago

@BHoustonHistory: RT @bephillip33: RIP. Charles Sherrod, Albany Civil Rights Movement spearhead, dies at 85 - 2 years ago

@snccdigital: RT @ZinnEdProject: Charles Sherrod, ¡Presente! "Sherrod smiles boyishly when he speaks [at a mass meeting], his voice is softly resonant, &… - 2 years ago

@BretMcBret: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@ansleyquiros: RT @ZinnEdProject: Charles Sherrod, ¡Presente! "Sherrod smiles boyishly when he speaks [at a mass meeting], his voice is softly resonant, &… - 2 years ago

@ojigbeready: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@michaelrosino: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@MRFIVEINC: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@Arrianna_Planey: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@ansleyquiros: And of course, the wonderful @snccdigital site: - 2 years ago

@saratomblack: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@HarlemGirl59: News Advisory Rev. Charles Melvin Sherrod, Civil Rights Leader Who Brought The Fight for Civil Rights To Segregated… - 2 years ago

@ashleyrattner: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@ProfPAustin: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@markdavidhansn: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@CircleReader: RT @ansleyquiros: It seems that Rev. Charles Sherrod has died in Albany, a place he went in 1961 and never left in search of freedom. I hav… - 2 years ago

@Udadisi: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@likaluca: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@flux_nomad: RT @ZinnEdProject: Charles Sherrod, ¡Presente! "Sherrod smiles boyishly when he speaks [at a mass meeting], his voice is softly resonant, &… - 2 years ago

@teachingchange: RT @ZinnEdProject: Charles Sherrod, ¡Presente! "Sherrod smiles boyishly when he speaks [at a mass meeting], his voice is softly resonant, &… - 2 years ago

@LadyOfSardines: RT @ZinnEdProject: Charles Sherrod, ¡Presente! "Sherrod smiles boyishly when he speaks [at a mass meeting], his voice is softly resonant, &… - 2 years ago

@graceishuman: RT @JoshClarkDavis: After SNCC, Shirley and Charles Sherrod established the New Communities cooperative for Black farmers in 1969, which ha… - 2 years ago

@graceishuman: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@ZinnEdProject: Charles Sherrod, ¡Presente! "Sherrod smiles boyishly when he speaks [at a mass meeting], his voice is softly resona… - 2 years ago

@trashbearsinc: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@AltherrTerry: RT @michaelshure: Charles Sherrod has died, unsung hero of the Civil Rights Movement whose work in Albany GA you can learn about here: http… - 2 years ago

@julimsw_juli: RT @JoshClarkDavis: After SNCC, Shirley and Charles Sherrod established the New Communities cooperative for Black farmers in 1969, which ha… - 2 years ago

@julimsw_juli: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@honestlymaddieb: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@KatMNT: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@jazm_ne: RT @JoshClarkDavis: After SNCC, Shirley and Charles Sherrod established the New Communities cooperative for Black farmers in 1969, which ha… - 2 years ago

@jazm_ne: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@davidFLSTS: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@waybord: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@ZachGotFanz: RT @JoshClarkDavis: After SNCC, Shirley and Charles Sherrod established the New Communities cooperative for Black farmers in 1969, which ha… - 2 years ago

@beadsland: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@JerryLEADS: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@lawguy21: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@bishop_chui: RT @JoshClarkDavis: After SNCC, Shirley and Charles Sherrod established the New Communities cooperative for Black farmers in 1969, which ha… - 2 years ago

@bishop_chui: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@HankKlibanoff: RT @ansleyquiros: It seems that Rev. Charles Sherrod has died in Albany, a place he went in 1961 and never left in search of freedom. I hav… - 2 years ago

@CiCiAdams_: RT @JoshClarkDavis: After SNCC, Shirley and Charles Sherrod established the New Communities cooperative for Black farmers in 1969, which ha… - 2 years ago

@CiCiAdams_: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@bbbycrr: RT @ansleyquiros: It seems that Rev. Charles Sherrod has died in Albany, a place he went in 1961 and never left in search of freedom. I hav… - 2 years ago

@IamTheDEdward: RT @JoshClarkDavis: Rest in peace to Charles Sherrod, who arrived in Southwest Georgia to fight white supremacy with SNCC in 1961 and never… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Charles Sherrod - #CharlesSherrod #Charles #Sherrod #rip - 2 years ago

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