Charles Poliquin

Canadian strength coach
Died on Friday September 28th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Charles Poliquin:

@Pavelstand: RT @Sandro_power: Stop being fat or weak, main stream fat, main stream sick, main stream thinking can not get you lean or healthy which is… - 6 years ago

@getcoconutmoney: The rule is: The basics are the basics, and you can't beat the basics. - Charles Poliquin #quote - 6 years ago

@NickWinkelman: I am so saddened to just learn of Charles Poliquin’s @StrengthSensei passing. He was and is one of the greatest inf… - 6 years ago

@kelvinomere: Charles Poliquin Remembered - 6 years ago


@thenotoriousnow: The most important thing I've learned about nutrition is you need to deserve your carbs. - Charles Poliquin #fitness #fitfam #quote - 6 years ago

@LoanCat: RT @muscleinsider: Remembering Charles Poliquin: Here’s one he wrote on why you don’t need to train shoulders! - 6 years ago

@DRocBody: RT @muscleinsider: Remembering Charles Poliquin: Here’s one he wrote on why you don’t need to train shoulders! - 6 years ago

@Brookie_Blasko: I’m so sad Charles Poliquin is gone 😪 I love you strengthsensei @StrengthSensei - 6 years ago

@muscleinsider: Remembering Charles Poliquin: Here’s one he wrote on why you don’t need to train shoulders!… - 6 years ago

@starboynow: "The most important thing I've learned about nutrition is you need to deserve your carbs." - Charles Poliquin #quotestoliveby - 6 years ago

@FirasMusharbash: Charles R. Poliquin – Strength Sensei | London Real - 6 years ago

@DRocBody: RT @muscleinsider: Remembering Charles Poliquin: Here’s one he wrote on increasing GH Naturally - 6 years ago

@iXanderGenius: Mi è piaciuto un video di @YouTube: - 6 years ago

@deplana_020: RT @StrengthSensei: It is with a heavy heart that the Poliquin family from Ottawa announces the sudden passing of their brother Charles, a… - 6 years ago

@uk_day_trader: holy shit charles poliquin has died recently. he was one of the best personal trainers/coaches in the world, i have… - 6 years ago

@shotstopper88: RT @ukcaveman: Charles Poliquin: how to increase job’s performances changing diet - Part 1 - 6 years ago

@artyfredlee: @locust9 he's had series of heart attacks back in 1994 (from this article: - 6 years ago

@locust9: Charles poliquin died?? - 6 years ago

@kelvinomere: Charles Poliquin Remembered - 6 years ago

@LoanCat: RT @muscleinsider: Remembering Charles Poliquin: Here’s one he wrote on increasing GH Naturally - 6 years ago

@muscleinsider: Remembering Charles Poliquin: Here’s one he wrote on increasing GH Naturally - 6 years ago

@elenabagnoli: Un bell’articolo su Charles Poliquin che è partito per il lungo viaggio qualche giorno fa. - 6 years ago

@tsdurso: RT @TonyDUrso: @jeremyryanslate Jeremy Ryan Slate. Remembering Charles Poliquin - 6 years ago

@trentweston: RT @TonyDUrso: @jeremyryanslate Jeremy Ryan Slate. Remembering Charles Poliquin - 6 years ago

@investyou: RT @TonyDUrso: @jeremyryanslate Jeremy Ryan Slate. Remembering Charles Poliquin - 6 years ago

@TonyDUrso: @jeremyryanslate Jeremy Ryan Slate. Remembering Charles Poliquin - 6 years ago

@Dakito242: Putain de merde Charles Poliquin 😭😭 - 6 years ago

@Christ2010Grad: RT @muscleinsider: Remembering Charles Poliquin: Here’s one he wrote on preventing muscle loss while cutting - 6 years ago

@ElierPastor: RT @AJA_Cortes: Charles Poliquin was a legendary coach in the fitness industry and had been training athlete/clients for over 30 years he… - 6 years ago

@seanshine69: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 6 years ago

@djwalker587: RT @BulletproofFiz0: Legends Never Die Don't get Cross get Fit: WE SALUTE CHARLES R. POLIQUIN THE STRENGTH SENSEI - 6 years ago

@LoanCat: RT @muscleinsider: Remembering Charles Poliquin: Here’s one he wrote on preventing muscle loss while cutting - 6 years ago

@antoLcn: Mi è piaciuto un video di @YouTube: - 6 years ago

@alarconchelo: Charles Poliquin: how to increase job’s performances changing diet - Part 1 - 6 years ago

@muscleinsider: Remembering Charles Poliquin: Here’s one he wrote on preventing muscle loss while cutting - 6 years ago

@ukcaveman: Charles Poliquin: how to increase job’s performances changing diet - Part 1 - 6 years ago

@JoeWarnerUK: Just dug out the foreword that Charles Poliquin wrote for mine and @HeyNickMitchell's "12 Week Body Plan" book. It… - 6 years ago

@StayStrongSnC: Charles Poliquin's last lecture #poliquin #strengthsensei - 6 years ago

@champagnemotive: The most important thing I've learned about nutrition is you need to deserve your carbs. - Charles Poliquin #fitness #fitfam #quote - 6 years ago

@jeffrey_deering: @SimonMarkHollan @awright4645 @saladeaufromage You guys want it both ways. You push a certa… - 6 years ago

@whiteriderfly: The most important thing I've learned about nutrition is you need to deserve your carbs. - Charles Poliquin #fitness #fitfam #quote - 6 years ago

@BulletproofFiz0: Legends Never Die Don't get Cross get Fit: WE SALUTE CHARLES R. POLIQUIN THE STRENGTH SENSEI - 6 years ago

@BulletproofFiz0: Legends Never Die - 6 years ago

@lukeportese: RIP Charles Poliquin - 6 years ago

@kulturistikacom: Kulturisté💪, fitnessáci, silový trojbojaři, vzpěrači🏋‍♂, řecko-římští zápasníci🤼‍♂, judisté🤼‍♂, atleti, hokejisté z… - 6 years ago

@JeremyRyanSlate: 474: Remembering Charles Poliquin | Jeremy Ryan Slate - 6 years ago

@FrankMerendaVV: Ho aggiunto un video a una playlist di @YouTube: - 6 years ago

@FOXSportsIT: Charles Poliquin, il più grande preparatore atletico di tutti i tempi - 6 years ago

@japeyT23: RT @Sandro_power: Stop being fat or weak, main stream fat, main stream sick, main stream thinking can not get you lean or healthy which is… - 6 years ago

@Tbags89: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@BryceGeen: How am I just finding out that the great Charles Poliquin passed away last week? Sorry to hear the loss of a great coach. - 6 years ago

@novielauw89: RT @Sandro_power: Stop being fat or weak, main stream fat, main stream sick, main stream thinking can not get you lean or healthy which is… - 6 years ago

@kelvinomere: Charles Poliquin Remembered - 6 years ago

@RockLockridge: New on @FloElite . Remembering Charles Poliquin. - 6 years ago

@MARTZB21727: RT @JoeyBergles: One of my favorite quotes from the late Charles Poliquin, & a daily reminder as well. “Unless you dedicate 8 hours per w… - 6 years ago

@vbonanno11: I feel like I owe a public homage to this guy. Implemented many of his principles over the years. Came back from AC… - 6 years ago

@contenthitting: “A good trainer makes programs based off principles, not research” -the late Charles Poliquin. Data can be a great… - 6 years ago

@benzhuang: How to: Cluster Sets · I’ve heard the late Charles Poliquin talk about Cluster sets throughout the years but hadn’t… - 6 years ago

@fabrizzioceruso: Mi è piaciuto un video di @YouTube: - 6 years ago

@puts_calls: RT @Sandro_power: Stop being fat or weak, main stream fat, main stream sick, main stream thinking can not get you lean or healthy which is… - 6 years ago

@anton_joseph: First met Charles back in 1993 when he was with the National Bobsled program doing their strength conditioning. A y… - 6 years ago

@Builtareecamper: Mi è piaciuto un video di @YouTube: - 6 years ago

@vincenformicola: “Non avere mai paura di dire o fare qualcosa per aiutare gli altri, anche se questo li urta o li offende.” Charles… - 6 years ago

@Builtareecamper: Mi è piaciuto un video di @YouTube: - 6 years ago

@ymcafit: RT @Fitpro_online: We are saddened to hear of the passing of Charles Poliquin. He was a great character whose influence will be missed by t… - 6 years ago

@Builtareecamper: Mi è piaciuto un video di @YouTube: - 6 years ago

@FitnessOakland: Coach Poliquin had the biggest biceps I've ever seen in real life #strong - 6 years ago

@kelvinomere: Charles Poliquin Remembered - 6 years ago

@fabrizzioceruso: Mi è piaciuto un video di @YouTube: - 6 years ago

@PhilMarsdenWST: RT @JoeyBergles: One of my favorite quotes from the late Charles Poliquin, & a daily reminder as well. “Unless you dedicate 8 hours per w… - 6 years ago

@MilesSwammi: RT @T_Nation: Charles Poliquin was, sadly, only able to spend 30 years making lifters stronger, faster, leaner, and more muscular. This is… - 6 years ago

@MilesSwammi: RT @T_Nation: A tribute. - 6 years ago

@Casaquii: Mi è piaciuto un video di @YouTube: - 6 years ago

@bensearlebaker: Sad to hear of the death of Charles #Poliquin recently, a pioneer of the strength & conditioning world. Whilst his… - 6 years ago

@KLIQUEIMPACT: RT @thejamiemustard: The rule is: The basics are the basics, and you can't beat the basics. - Charles Poliquin #quote - 6 years ago

@Rt43353714: RT @Sandro_power: Stop being fat or weak, main stream fat, main stream sick, main stream thinking can not get you lean or healthy which is… - 6 years ago

@BetterHumanNow: NO PISSING, NO MOANING. -Charles Poliquin Neither help! - 6 years ago

@Paula_Owens: ❤️this... In Loving Memory of Charles Poliquin, @StrengthSensei #legendsneverdie - 6 years ago

@RigsPerformance: RT @JoeyBergles: One of my favorite quotes from the late Charles Poliquin, & a daily reminder as well. “Unless you dedicate 8 hours per w… - 6 years ago

@004nino: MORT CANADA 821) #Canadian #srength #coach #Charles #Poliquin 57 #dies #heart #attack #September… - 6 years ago

@Arturo99729976: RT @GeorgesStPierre: C’est avec regret que j’ai appris le décès de Charles R Poliquin @StrengthSensei. Je tiens à présenter mes sincères co… - 6 years ago

@ChidiOnyeoma: RT @thejamiemustard: The rule is: The basics are the basics, and you can't beat the basics. - Charles Poliquin #quote - 6 years ago

@thejamiemustard: The rule is: The basics are the basics, and you can't beat the basics. - Charles Poliquin #quote - 6 years ago

@MerrimackSC: We owe a lot in the field of Strength and Conditioning to Charles Poliquin (@StrengthSensei). To honor his passing,… - 6 years ago

@fitprochris: RT @JoeyBergles: One of my favorite quotes from the late Charles Poliquin, & a daily reminder as well. “Unless you dedicate 8 hours per w… - 6 years ago

@sartmobile: Ho aggiunto un video a una playlist di @YouTube: - 6 years ago

@sartmobile: Ho aggiunto un video a una playlist di @YouTube: - 6 years ago

@carweeklymag: RT @T_Nation: A tribute. - 6 years ago

@jator23: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@MLaterza: RIP Sensei Charles R. Poliquin...No one will ever replace you! - 6 years ago

@JakeWoodPT: Enough said. One of my biggest motivators and most powerful mentors in my career over the past 5 years has been Cha… - 6 years ago

@HpaHypnosis: RT @StrengthSensei: It is with a heavy heart that the Poliquin family from Ottawa announces the sudden passing of their brother Charles, a… - 6 years ago

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