Charles McCarry

American spy novelist
Died on Saturday March 2nd 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Charles McCarry:

@_alisongray: Charles McCarry, 88, Spy Turned Master Spy Novelist, Is Dead - 6 years ago

@missb62: RT @harrygod: @lrozen Charles McCarry is truly one of the greats. "Tears of Autum" is brilliant. - 6 years ago

@RuthHarrisBooks: Yes! RT @harrygod: @lrozen Charles McCarry is truly one of the greats. “Tears of Autum” is brilliant. - 6 years ago

@lrozen: RT @harrygod: @lrozen Charles McCarry is truly one of the greats. "Tears of Autum" is brilliant. - 6 years ago


@SpyFictionForum: RT @IgnatiusPost: A wonderful appreciation of Charles McCarry, American master of the spy novel, by @mattschudel. - 6 years ago

@KevinGFox: RT @RonHogan: I remember when I considered myself lucky we were only living in a Charles McCarry novel. At this point, we’ve slid all the w… - 6 years ago

@RonHogan: I remember when I considered myself lucky we were only living in a Charles McCarry novel. At this point, we’ve slid… - 6 years ago

@DSimpsonAuthor: Charles McCarry obituary - 6 years ago

@MISTYROSE209: Peeps: The best writer ever. ay #CharlesMcCarry rest in peace. If you haven't read him you are in for the treat of… - 6 years ago

@leisureguy: “The Shanghai Factor,” by Charles McCarry shows what I’m talking about - 6 years ago

@HughTaylor48: @AlexJamesFitz Amor Towles or Charles McCarry - 6 years ago

@ethan_iverson: RT @ethan_iverson: NEW DTM - 6 years ago

@InvestorElite: Charles McCarry obituary - 6 years ago

@ethan_iverson: RT @John_BHarvey: Ethan Iverson on Charles McCarry, the first line of whose 'The Tears of Autumn' is one of my all-time favourites: "Paul C… - 6 years ago

@CrimeClassics: '“If you’re a born writer — which, alas, I seem to be — it’s almost impossible to refuse experience,” he told The P… - 6 years ago

@John_BHarvey: Ethan Iverson on Charles McCarry, the first line of whose 'The Tears of Autumn' is one of my all-time favourites: "… - 6 years ago

@theissuecollect: Charles McCarry, 88, Spy Turned Master Spy Novelist, Is Dead - 6 years ago

@ted_wesenberg: Charles McCarry, thank you for your service and for The Mulberry Bush. - 6 years ago

@ethan_iverson: NEW DTM - 6 years ago

@Beamer_YCL: Master spy novelist Charles McCarry has died. - 6 years ago

@DSimpsonAuthor: Charles McCarry obituary - 6 years ago

@MCO2099: RT @CharlesCumming: “Where’s the car chase? Where’s the torture scene? Where’s the sex? Do you call this a thriller?” RIP Charles McCarry,… - 6 years ago

@MarkSipps: Charles McCarry obituary - 6 years ago

@TarikCyrilAmar: RT @GuardianBooks: Charles McCarry obituary - 6 years ago

@MDRBrown: RT @GuardianBooks: Charles McCarry obituary - 6 years ago

@JeremyDuns: RT @GuardianBooks: Charles McCarry obituary - 6 years ago

@avanticentrae: Charles McCarry, R.I.P. - 6 years ago

@MenofMystery: RIP 😢 - 6 years ago

@hiandrewperry: Have really loved Charles McCarry’s books. Sad news. Charles McCarry, 88, Spy Turned Master Spy Novelist, Is Dead… - 6 years ago

@DSimpsonAuthor: Charles McCarry obituary - 6 years ago

@danielnotnow: RT @NYTObits: Charles McCarry, a former C.I.A. agent who used his Cold War experiences to animate his widely admired espionage novels, nota… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Charles McCarry, a former C.I.A. agent who used his Cold War experiences to animate his widely admired espionage no… - 6 years ago

@bluepencil2: RT @bluepencil2: Charles McCarry RIP: Once a spy, then a novelist, he wrote about what happens when spies have to deal with journalists. ht… - 6 years ago

@bluepencil2: Charles McCarry RIP: Once a spy, then a novelist, he wrote about what happens when spies have to deal with journali… - 6 years ago

@MediaBot: About Editing and Writing ▶ Charles McCarry RIP: Once a Spy, Then a Novelist, He Wrote About What Happens When Spi… - 6 years ago

@LesaHolstine: A tribute to a spy turned spy writer, Charles McCarry, @poisonedpen - 6 years ago

@adunlea: RT @GuardianBooks: Charles McCarry obituary - 6 years ago

@simplybotansoap: RT @guardian: Charles McCarry obituary - 6 years ago

@WatzWorld: "The Last Supper" might be the great American spy novel. - 6 years ago

@soskpritt: Charles McCarry, 88, Spy Turned Master Spy Novelist, Is Dead - 6 years ago

@alexrblackwell: The @guardian obit. - 6 years ago

@overlookpress: Rest in peace, Charles McCarry. We are so honored to have published your brilliant work. - 6 years ago

@HighSierraMan: So sad to read that we lost one of America's finest novelists: Charles McCarry RIP - 6 years ago

@ManchuCandidate: RT @gregmichaelidis: Charles McCarry, CIA officer who became a preeminent spy novelist, dies at 88 - 6 years ago

@Bren_Books: In Memoriam. “Charles McCarry (1930-2019) is the greatest espionage writer that America has ever produced”: Otto Pe… - 6 years ago

@FussyLibrarian: Charles McCarry, whose experience in the field as a CIA officer influenced his spy novels, has died.… - 6 years ago

@TomAdams2020: RT @nytimesbooks: Charles McCarry spent nine years as a deep-cover spy for the C.I.A. and turned his knowledge into admired espionage novel… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Charles McCarry, a former C.I.A. agent who used his Cold War experiences to animate his widely admired espionage no… - 6 years ago

@rich_gambling: Charles McCarry, 88, Spy Turned Master Spy Novelist, Is Dead - CIA Spy Foretells in Fiction of the Rise in Suicide… - 6 years ago

@marksmi15221754: RT @nytimesbooks: Charles McCarry spent nine years as a deep-cover spy for the C.I.A. and turned his knowledge into admired espionage novel… - 6 years ago

@marksmi15221754: RT @Casey_D120: So sad to hear of the passing of one of my favorite spy novelists. A truly gifted writer who introduced me to the genre. I… - 6 years ago

@joostdouma: RT @nytimesbooks: Charles McCarry spent nine years as a deep-cover spy for the C.I.A. and turned his knowledge into admired espionage novel… - 6 years ago

@TomKopacz: RT @nytimesbooks: Charles McCarry spent nine years as a deep-cover spy for the C.I.A. and turned his knowledge into admired espionage novel… - 6 years ago

@NiallMulh: “He’s been called the American le Carré,” Mr. Penzler said, “but some believe le Carré should be called the British… - 6 years ago

@GarethProthero3: RT @nytimesbooks: Charles McCarry spent nine years as a deep-cover spy for the C.I.A. and turned his knowledge into admired espionage novel… - 6 years ago

@jwilson1812: RT @nytimesbooks: Charles McCarry spent nine years as a deep-cover spy for the C.I.A. and turned his knowledge into admired espionage novel… - 6 years ago

@LT38: RT @nytimesbooks: Charles McCarry spent nine years as a deep-cover spy for the C.I.A. and turned his knowledge into admired espionage novel… - 6 years ago

@LT38: Last Supper Audiobook | Charles McCarry - 6 years ago

@LT38: Last Supper Audiobook | Charles McCarry - 6 years ago

@Heraldofcreatio: RT @nytimesbooks: Charles McCarry spent nine years as a deep-cover spy for the C.I.A. and turned his knowledge into admired espionage novel… - 6 years ago

@nytimesbooks: Charles McCarry spent nine years as a deep-cover spy for the C.I.A. and turned his knowledge into admired espionage… - 6 years ago

@ArtieForbus: RT @continetti: Charles McCarry, RIP. - 6 years ago

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