Charles Liteky

American military officer and peace activist.
Died on Saturday January 21st 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Charles Liteky:

@SubtropicBob: RIP Medal of Honor recipient Charles Angelo Liteky, featured in our book A HANDFUL OF HELL. Read more here>… - 8 years ago

@_ngoo: #PaxChristiMetroDc Charles Liteky, Vietnam Veteran Who Gave Back His Medal of Honor, Dies. Read Blog: - 8 years ago

@kmcripn: Charles Liteky, former Army chaplain who returned Medal of Honor in protest, dies - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Charles Liteky, American military chaplain and peace activist, Died at 85 - 8 years ago


@_ngoo: #PaxChristiMetroDc Charles Liteky, Vietnam Veteran Who Gave Back His Medal of Honor, Dies. Read Blog: - 8 years ago

@Colin_Byrne77: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@VideoSmartPhone: Charles Liteky who returned his @MedalofHonor in protest has died. A Vietnam chaplain, former Catholic priest,… - 8 years ago

@RogerMSherman: Charles Liteky who returned his @MedalofHonor in protest has died. A Vietnam chaplain, former Catholic priest,… - 8 years ago

@RogerMSherman: Charles Liteky @MedalofHonor Vietnam, former Catholic priest, has died. He returned medal in protest.… - 8 years ago

@integralcath: RT @ThomasReeseSJ: Charles Liteky, former Army chaplain who returned Medal of Honor in protest, dies - National Catholic Reporter: - 8 years ago

@Rob_Densmore: RT @ThomasReeseSJ: Charles Liteky, former Army chaplain who returned Medal of Honor in protest, dies - National Catholic Reporter: - 8 years ago

@pjteacher55: RT @ThomasReeseSJ: Charles Liteky, former Army chaplain who returned Medal of Honor in protest, dies - National Catholic Reporter: - 8 years ago

@ThomasReeseSJ: Charles Liteky, former Army chaplain who returned Medal of Honor in protest, dies - National Catholic Reporter: - 8 years ago

@corpusblog: the CORPUS Blog: Charles Liteky, former Army chaplain who returned ... - 8 years ago

@ZachInFlight: Charles Liteky awarded Medal of Honor as chaplain in Vietnam; gave it back, renounced benefits, became protester. Never knew abt this guy. - 8 years ago

@danm: RT @leducviolet: Charles Liteky, former Priest & Army chaplain in VietNam, who returned Medal of Honor in protest of US crimes - 8 years ago

@JHochstat: RT @NYTObits: Charles Liteky, who returned his Medal of Honor to protest America's involvement in Central America, died at 85. - 8 years ago

@JustinTyme5: RT @NYTObits: Charles Liteky, who returned his Medal of Honor to protest America's involvement in Central America, died at 85. - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: Charles Liteky, who returned his Medal of Honor to protest America's involvement in Central America, died at 85.… - 8 years ago

@leducviolet: Charles Liteky was preceded in death by his wife, Judith. Both were humble and tireless proponents of justice for t… - 8 years ago

@Thurguston1: RT @leducviolet: Charles Liteky, former Priest & Army chaplain in VietNam, who returned Medal of Honor in protest of US crimes - 8 years ago

@superpredatorj: RT @leducviolet: Charles Liteky, former Priest & Army chaplain in VietNam, who returned Medal of Honor in protest of US crimes - 8 years ago

@leducviolet: Charles Liteky, former Priest & Army chaplain in VietNam, who returned Medal of Honor in protest of US crimes - 8 years ago

@BaliBound: Charles Liteky, former Army chaplain who returned Medal of Honor in protest, dies - 8 years ago

@GaryBlev71: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@ALurlena: RT @NCRonline: Liteky was "an exceptional peace activist for our time because he had such credibility with the military." - 8 years ago

@thalkowski: RT @NCRonline: Liteky was "an exceptional peace activist for our time because he had such credibility with the military." - 8 years ago

@NCRonline: Liteky was "an exceptional peace activist for our time because he had such credibility with the military." - 8 years ago

@izzyniyazi: RT @TheaGood: Vietnam veteran Charles Liteky, who became a peace activist dies at age 85 - 8 years ago

@Go_ElSalvadorGo: Charles Liteky, former Army chaplain who returned Medal of Honor in protest, dies - 8 years ago

@samlax44: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@TheaGood: Vietnam veteran Charles Liteky, who became a peace activist dies at age 85 - 8 years ago

@livthom: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@jagger_q: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@WDMHAIR: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@Gatorman90: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@ChrisDearwester: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@gibby__guy: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@Mac_Goody51: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@WoundedTimes: #Florida Medal Of Honor Hero Charles Liteky Passed Away - 8 years ago

@NpPollock: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@_Demerits: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@anthonyanta: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@awwiiyyah_: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@SebastianZozaya: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@HGSavage18: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@davidcharles68: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@KalebMcCarty35: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@dcianelli8: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@JestarKay: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@iamflounder1985: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@romancane: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@STA_Raiders: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@That_Cruzz: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@alex_mccourt77: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@StaBooster: RT @STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@STA_Football: Captain of STA's first team and Medal of Honor recipient, Charles Liteky, has passed away at age 85 - 8 years ago

@DMonigatti: RT @ArmyComplex: CPT Charles Liteky, Chaplain, US Army. MoH 1969. 2/14/1931- 1/20/17 (Photo Paul Phillips, Sgt. Delta Co. 3/7th 199t… https… - 8 years ago

@davidpj70clark: RT @ArmyComplex: CPT Charles Liteky, Chaplain, US Army. MoH 1969. 2/14/1931- 1/20/17 (Photo Paul Phillips, Sgt. Delta Co. 3/7th 199t… https… - 8 years ago

@TonyRome51: RT @ArmyComplex: CPT Charles Liteky, Chaplain, US Army. MoH 1969. 2/14/1931- 1/20/17 (Photo Paul Phillips, Sgt. Delta Co. 3/7th 199t… https… - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Charles Liteky is now pushing up daisies: - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Charles Liteky - #CharlesLiteky #Charles #Liteky #rip - 8 years ago

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