Celia Barquín Arozamena

Spanish golfer.
Died on Tuesday September 18th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Celia Barquín Arozamena:

@Gerta_Rauss: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@MacKenzieKibler: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@jess_ahighmess: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@xspygrllx: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago


@a_olson693: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@Tttekle: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@Adrian_VLQZ: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@tobeornot1st: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@RichC_Golf: RT @SkySportsGolf: Sergio Garcia says Europe will make 'extra effort' in #RyderCup for murdered Celia Barquin Arozamena "Hopefully we can… - 6 years ago

@aridumb_: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@yamilperez23: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@Cr0nu5: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@iThinkIam_SOSA: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@HomeOfHipH0p: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@Mimarcean: RT @arthuremathure: Players wearing yellow ribbons in honor of Celia Barquin Arozamena - 6 years ago

@Mimarcean: RT @arthuremathure: Ryder Cup: Europe to wear yellow tribute ribbons for Celia Barquin Arozamena | The Indian Express - 6 years ago

@TyHicks97: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@Bonnieinchgo: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@BedlamUSA: Killed by young white homeless male. Gets no press. Celia Barquin Arozamena. Say her name. Two Iowa Student Murders… - 6 years ago

@DEMUNBELL00: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@cindyesca: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@FifpharoSpeaks: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@paula_golf: RT @arthuremathure: Ryder Cup: Europe to wear yellow tribute ribbons for Celia Barquin Arozamena | The Indian Express - 6 years ago

@AaAlfalvarez: RT @CycloneWGOLF: Celia's brick has been added to the Plaza of Heroines at Catt Hall. #Cyclonitas - 6 years ago

@AaAlfalvarez: RT @arthuremathure: Ryder Cup players wear yellow ribbons in tribute to Celia Barquin Arozamena - 6 years ago

@AaAlfalvarez: RT @arthuremathure: Ryder Cup: Europe to wear yellow tribute ribbons for Celia Barquin Arozamena | The Indian Express - 6 years ago

@ferdix38: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@AaAlfalvarez: RT @arthuremathure: Players wearing yellow ribbons in honor of Celia Barquin Arozamena - 6 years ago

@jvcus: RT @arthuremathure: Ryder Cup: Europe to wear yellow tribute ribbons for Celia Barquin Arozamena | The Indian Express - 6 years ago

@JillianShoultz: for spacejam/jersey day, i decided to wear an iowa state jersey to honor the memory of celia barquin arozamena, a l… - 6 years ago

@standfielddts: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@arthuremathure: Players wearing yellow ribbons in honor of Celia Barquin Arozamena - 6 years ago

@jpgunns3: RT @ToddLewisGC: Lovely gesture by members of @RyderCupEurope who will wear ribbons remembering slain Iowa State golfer Celia Barquin Aroza… - 6 years ago

@Smack_Check: RT @ToddLewisGC: Lovely gesture by members of @RyderCupEurope who will wear ribbons remembering slain Iowa State golfer Celia Barquin Aroza… - 6 years ago

@loladybug2: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@arthuremathure: Ryder Cup: Europe to wear yellow tribute ribbons for Celia Barquin Arozamena | The Indian Express - 6 years ago

@DougZaleski: RT @ToddLewisGC: Lovely gesture by members of @RyderCupEurope who will wear ribbons remembering slain Iowa State golfer Celia Barquin Aroza… - 6 years ago

@arthuremathure: Ryder Cup players wear yellow ribbons in tribute to Celia Barquin Arozamena - 6 years ago

@pwilson24: RT @ToddLewisGC: Lovely gesture by members of @RyderCupEurope who will wear ribbons remembering slain Iowa State golfer Celia Barquin Aroza… - 6 years ago

@Les_East: RT @ToddLewisGC: Lovely gesture by members of @RyderCupEurope who will wear ribbons remembering slain Iowa State golfer Celia Barquin Aroza… - 6 years ago

@xqben: RT @BrennaSpencer: I don’t understand how the left can see stories like Mollie Tibbetts and Celia Barquin Arozamena and so many other simil… - 6 years ago

@AlejaGarxa: RT @BrennaSpencer: I don’t understand how the left can see stories like Mollie Tibbetts and Celia Barquin Arozamena and so many other simil… - 6 years ago

@KCCINews: RT @CGothnerKCCI: .@AmesPolice Chief Charles Cychosz says the PD, city departments and others immediately convened an action team following… - 6 years ago

@Rico1221: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@JohnAnthonyMOAB: RT @BrennaSpencer: I don’t understand how the left can see stories like Mollie Tibbetts and Celia Barquin Arozamena and so many other simil… - 6 years ago

@CGothnerKCCI: .@AmesPolice Chief Charles Cychosz says the PD, city departments and others immediately convened an action team fol… - 6 years ago

@weareiowa5news: RT @JacobPekloTV: Ames’ mayor John Haila on the death of Celia Barquin Arozamena: “we’re all still grieving.” @weareiowa5news - 6 years ago

@JacobPekloTV: Ames’ mayor John Haila on the death of Celia Barquin Arozamena: “we’re all still grieving.” @weareiowa5news - 6 years ago

@takeiteasylily: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@CGothnerKCCI: .@cityofames Council meeting here momentarily. Big topic tonight: safety. @AmesPolice and city leaders are addressi… - 6 years ago

@_kiner_: RT @RichardLapchick: #RyderCup players wear yellow ribbons in tribute to Celia Barquin Arozamena - 6 years ago

@Ambrosy_1: RT @BrennaSpencer: I don’t understand how the left can see stories like Mollie Tibbetts and Celia Barquin Arozamena and so many other simil… - 6 years ago

@Steiner273: RT @ChicagoSports: The European Ryder Cup team will wear yellow ribbons during this week's match-play in memory of Celia Barquin Arozamena,… - 6 years ago

@ChicagoSports: The European Ryder Cup team will wear yellow ribbons during this week's match-play in memory of Celia Barquin Aroza… - 6 years ago

@ParisPub: RT "RichardLapchick""#RyderCup players wear yellow ribbons in tribute to Celia Barquin Arozamena… - 6 years ago

@RichardLapchick: #RyderCup players wear yellow ribbons in tribute to Celia Barquin Arozamena - 6 years ago

@alreversesweep: RT @nowthisnews: The racial double standard from pundits on Mollie Tibbetts versus Celia Barquin Arozamena is astounding - 6 years ago

@Sr1Cory: RT @BrennaSpencer: I don’t understand how the left can see stories like Mollie Tibbetts and Celia Barquin Arozamena and so many other simil… - 6 years ago

@EgenKent: PEuropean team is remembering Iowa State's Celia Barquin Arozamena at Ryder Cup - 6 years ago

@Doc_tarry3: RT @BrennaSpencer: I don’t understand how the left can see stories like Mollie Tibbetts and Celia Barquin Arozamena and so many other simil… - 6 years ago

@WSportsTV: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a rising talent and young woman. To the family, and the loved ones of Celia B… - 6 years ago

@worldofpif: RT @rent_is_theft: 10 retweets and I'll address the city council tomorrow about their renewed over-policing the homeless - 6 years ago

@cutrightest: RT @APCentralRegion: Politicians who quickly expressed outrage about the immigrant suspect charged with killing runner Mollie Tibbetts have… - 6 years ago

@Kendall_Dye: RT @ROAD2LPGA: Touching moment from last night's trophy presentation as @Kendall_Dye dedicated the win to Celia Barquin Arozamena, who trag… - 6 years ago

@cindyluwhom: RT @rent_is_theft: 10 retweets and I'll address the city council tomorrow about their renewed over-policing the homeless - 6 years ago

@_brookeawill: RT @CycloneWGOLF: “Celia had an infectious smile, a bubbly personality and anyone fortunate enough to know her was blessed. Our Cyclone fam… - 6 years ago

@nna__oK: RT @rent_is_theft: 10 retweets and I'll address the city council tomorrow about their renewed over-policing the homeless - 6 years ago

@mary52lr: RT @NBCSports: Former Iowa State golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena, 22, found dead Monday at golf course in Ames, Iowa - 6 years ago

@mary52lr: RT @CycloneWGOLF: “Celia had an infectious smile, a bubbly personality and anyone fortunate enough to know her was blessed. Our Cyclone fam… - 6 years ago

@benny_selene: @KellyannePolls Celia Barquin Arozamena - 6 years ago

@Wyattduvall22: RT @CycloneWGOLF: “Celia had an infectious smile, a bubbly personality and anyone fortunate enough to know her was blessed. Our Cyclone fam… - 6 years ago

@PrisBish: RT @rent_is_theft: 10 retweets and I'll address the city council tomorrow about their renewed over-policing the homeless - 6 years ago

@JayJanssen12: RT @espn: Iowa State honored slain former golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena in a ceremony prior to Saturday's game with the band forming her i… - 6 years ago

@59bam59: RT @HeavySan: Collin Daniel Richards is accused of killing Celia Barquin Arozamena, a 22-year-old star golfer at Iowa State University, aft… - 6 years ago

@AbsurdlySane: RT @rent_is_theft: 10 retweets and I'll address the city council tomorrow about their renewed over-policing the homeless - 6 years ago

@dancerndreamer9: - 6 years ago

@jenna_hoecker23: RT @ROAD2LPGA: Touching moment from last night's trophy presentation as @Kendall_Dye dedicated the win to Celia Barquin Arozamena, who trag… - 6 years ago

@MyGolfNews: RT @ROAD2LPGA: Touching moment from last night's trophy presentation as @Kendall_Dye dedicated the win to Celia Barquin Arozamena, who trag… - 6 years ago

@profit_is_theft: RT @rent_is_theft: 10 retweets and I'll address the city council tomorrow about their renewed over-policing the homeless - 6 years ago

@Doug5661Fischer: @MFollowill Your ISU/Akron pregame tribute to Celia Barquin Arozamena was solemn, respectful and touching. Thank y… - 6 years ago

@jessquiz: RT @_katyfish: Mollie Tibbetts was murdered while on a run in her hometown. Celia Barquin Arozamena was murdered while golfing in the morni… - 6 years ago

@jameseliason: RT @espn: Iowa State honored slain former golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena in a ceremony prior to Saturday's game with the band forming her i… - 6 years ago

@jacobsanders_2: RT @espn: Iowa State honored slain former golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena in a ceremony prior to Saturday's game with the band forming her i… - 6 years ago

@TysonVeidt: RT @espn: Iowa State honored slain former golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena in a ceremony prior to Saturday's game with the band forming her i… - 6 years ago

@Kylehuffman21: RT @espn: Iowa State honored slain former golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena in a ceremony prior to Saturday's game with the band forming her i… - 6 years ago

@aktj620: RT @CooperOnCourts: Mollie Tibbetts. Iowa State golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena. And the latest young woman to be plucked from this world: a… - 6 years ago

@Esmeralda_dFM: RT @TheSpanishBowl: ¡IMPRESIONANTE! homenaje que la banda de Iowa St ha rendido a la golfista española Celia Barquín Arozamena, asesinada e… - 6 years ago

@leebeeballer: RT @CooperOnCourts: Mollie Tibbetts. Iowa State golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena. And the latest young woman to be plucked from this world: a… - 6 years ago

@Cohge94: RT @CoachMarkFarley: Proud to honor Celia Barquin Arozamena. Our thoughts are with her family and friends. #CBA - 6 years ago

@themalacast: Celia Barquin Arozamena Should Still Be Alive - 6 years ago

@PostMica: RT @si_ncaafb: A beautiful tribute from Iowa State - 6 years ago

@ROBWGRAY: RT @CoachMarkFarley: Proud to honor Celia Barquin Arozamena. Our thoughts are with her family and friends. #CBA - 6 years ago

@tech_guy_bill: RT @espn: Iowa State honored slain former golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena in a ceremony prior to Saturday's game with the band forming her i… - 6 years ago

@tarynbank: RT @CycloneFB: Take a listen to Matt Campbell's opening statement after this mornings memorial to Celia Barquin Arozamena and win over Akro… - 6 years ago

@Scherer915: RT @SportsCenter: A man has been charged with first-degree murder in the death of Iowa State golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena, the 2018 Big 1… - 6 years ago

@CooperOnCourts: Mollie Tibbetts. Iowa State golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena. And the latest young woman to be plucked from this worl… - 6 years ago

@KonnerJohnson98: RT @simpson_golf: It’s more than a game. We played for Celia Barquin Arozamena today & will do so again tomorrow. @CycloneWGOLF 🏌️‍♀️💛⛳️ ht… - 6 years ago

@hoolivan77: RT @fernandokallas: Vídeo da homenagem feita pela Iowa State à golfista española Celia Barquin Arozamena, assassinada essa semana nos EUA.… - 6 years ago

@schestowitz: RT @schestowitz: "Celia Barquin Arozamena's body was found by golf staff Monday morning. She was stabbed to death." - 6 years ago

@CuntyMcCuntstie: Celia Barquin Arozamena was found murdered in Ames, Iowa almost a week ago at a golf course where she was practicin… - 6 years ago

@bloghealthy: RT @_katyfish: Mollie Tibbetts was murdered while on a run in her hometown. Celia Barquin Arozamena was murdered while golfing in the morni… - 6 years ago

@Dicws: RT @knightswgolf: It isn’t much but it is the best we could do to honor Celia Barquín Arozamena. Thanks to Luther for joining us! #CBA http… - 6 years ago

@AznSenseiJustin: RT @CycloneATH: Today, we are all deeply saddened by the tragic passing of Celia Barquin Arozamena. Our thoughts & condolences are with h… - 6 years ago

@EMUWXC_TF: RT @EMU_Golf: Prior to the first round of The Windon Memorial, Players, Coaches, Rules Officials & Spectators observed a moment of silence… - 6 years ago

@JillBenna1: RT @TrevorHolbrook: Performance from Iowa State’s marching band, honoring Celia Barquin Arozamena. #cyclonitas - 6 years ago

@EGTTOURS: RT @EGTTOURS: Sergio Garcia dedicates round to Celia Barquin Arozamena - 6 years ago

@hannah_marika: RT @JustinSurrency: A moment of silence here at the UNI-Dome for Celia Barquin Arozamena. Entire @UNIFootball coaching staff and hundreds o… - 6 years ago

@The_Drew_Lund: RT @simpson_golf: It’s more than a game. We played for Celia Barquin Arozamena today & will do so again tomorrow. @CycloneWGOLF 🏌️‍♀️💛⛳️ ht… - 6 years ago

@HypeManHarry: Moment of silence was given for the former @CycloneWGolf Celia Barquin Arozamena we are. All @Big12Conference membe… - 6 years ago

@NelsSam: #golf: "Man describes finding slain woman's abandoned golf clubs after ... - CBS News" - 6 years ago

@akaSassinak: RT @schestowitz: "Celia Barquin Arozamena's body was found by golf staff Monday morning. She was stabbed to death." - 6 years ago

@Jar_Lar: RT @si_ncaafb: A beautiful tribute from Iowa State - 6 years ago

@AdmissThis: RT @simpson_golf: It’s more than a game. We played for Celia Barquin Arozamena today & will do so again tomorrow. @CycloneWGOLF 🏌️‍♀️💛⛳️ ht… - 6 years ago

@schestowitz: "Celia Barquin Arozamena's body was found by golf staff Monday morning. She was stabbed to death." - 6 years ago

@MorganDavii: RT @si_ncaafb: A beautiful tribute from Iowa State - 6 years ago

@haleybooton: RT @simpson_golf: It’s more than a game. We played for Celia Barquin Arozamena today & will do so again tomorrow. @CycloneWGOLF 🏌️‍♀️💛⛳️ ht… - 6 years ago

@lisakayjones11: RT @simpson_golf: It’s more than a game. We played for Celia Barquin Arozamena today & will do so again tomorrow. @CycloneWGOLF 🏌️‍♀️💛⛳️ ht… - 6 years ago

@polknotpaul: RT @car_elise: This season, @TTUGolf will be honoring former @CycloneWGOLF great Celia Barquin Arozamena. Thinking of and praying for all t… - 6 years ago

@AlbertPride2: RT @si_ncaafb: A beautiful tribute from Iowa State - 6 years ago

@StormSports: RT @simpson_golf: It’s more than a game. We played for Celia Barquin Arozamena today & will do so again tomorrow. @CycloneWGOLF 🏌️‍♀️💛⛳️ ht… - 6 years ago

@RhaasonM: RT @JustinSurrency: A moment of silence here at the UNI-Dome for Celia Barquin Arozamena. Entire @UNIFootball coaching staff and hundreds o… - 6 years ago

@PabloGuillenM: RT @carlosperezs: Impresionante homenaje a nuestra querida paisana Celia Barquín Arozamena en la Universidad de Iowa. 60.000 personas, tod… - 6 years ago

@mgpreciados: RT @TheSpanishBowl: ¡IMPRESIONANTE! homenaje que la banda de Iowa St ha rendido a la golfista española Celia Barquín Arozamena, asesinada e… - 6 years ago

@golf_pardo: RT @TrevorHolbrook: Performance from Iowa State’s marching band, honoring Celia Barquin Arozamena. #cyclonitas - 6 years ago

@meganleedolan: RT @kelmclaugh: Celia Barquin Arozamena should have been able to go golfing without the fear of being murdered. Mollie Tibbetts should have… - 6 years ago

@brittanygaura: RT @CycloneFB: Take a listen to Matt Campbell's opening statement after this mornings memorial to Celia Barquin Arozamena and win over Akro… - 6 years ago

@sanbartolome13: RT @TheSpanishBowl: ¡IMPRESIONANTE! homenaje que la banda de Iowa St ha rendido a la golfista española Celia Barquín Arozamena, asesinada e… - 6 years ago

@garciaperezton1: RT @carlosperezs: Impresionante homenaje a nuestra querida paisana Celia Barquín Arozamena en la Universidad de Iowa. 60.000 personas, tod… - 6 years ago

@motogirl21: RT @JustinSurrency: A moment of silence here at the UNI-Dome for Celia Barquin Arozamena. Entire @UNIFootball coaching staff and hundreds o… - 6 years ago

@Connor_Rylatt: RT @CFBONFOX: Forever a Cyclone. Iowa State honors late student athlete Celia Barquin Arozamena by spelling out her initials on the field… - 6 years ago

@WartburgKnights: RT @knightswgolf: It isn’t much but it is the best we could do to honor Celia Barquín Arozamena. Thanks to Luther for joining us! #CBA http… - 6 years ago

@edugs7: RT @carlosperezs: Impresionante homenaje a nuestra querida paisana Celia Barquín Arozamena en la Universidad de Iowa. 60.000 personas, tod… - 6 years ago

@ISDsports: .@CycloneSCR found itself on the back foot often during its weekend in Texas. - 6 years ago

@chavedieguito: RT @carlosperezs: Impresionante homenaje a nuestra querida paisana Celia Barquín Arozamena en la Universidad de Iowa. 60.000 personas, tod… - 6 years ago

@JMdeS90: RT @carlosperezs: Impresionante homenaje a nuestra querida paisana Celia Barquín Arozamena en la Universidad de Iowa. 60.000 personas, tod… - 6 years ago

@JuanMadelaRosa1: RT @TheSpanishBowl: ¡IMPRESIONANTE! homenaje que la banda de Iowa St ha rendido a la golfista española Celia Barquín Arozamena, asesinada e… - 6 years ago

@elmozo7: RT @carlosperezs: Impresionante homenaje a nuestra querida paisana Celia Barquín Arozamena en la Universidad de Iowa. 60.000 personas, tod… - 6 years ago

@adolfovigo: RT @TheSpanishBowl: ¡IMPRESIONANTE! homenaje que la banda de Iowa St ha rendido a la golfista española Celia Barquín Arozamena, asesinada e… - 6 years ago

@Yokaj: RT @CycloneWGOLF: “Celia had an infectious smile, a bubbly personality and anyone fortunate enough to know her was blessed. Our Cyclone fam… - 6 years ago

@AlvaroSexmilo: RT @TheSpanishBowl: ¡IMPRESIONANTE! homenaje que la banda de Iowa St ha rendido a la golfista española Celia Barquín Arozamena, asesinada e… - 6 years ago

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