Celeste Yarnall

American actress (The Face of Eve
Died on Tuesday October 9th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Celeste Yarnall:

@DESTIseries: L'actrice Celeste Yarnall (Star Trek, Columbo) est décédée - 6 years ago

@trekonomicsbot: RT @aaronmspelling: Star Trek actress Celeste Yarnall dead at 74 - 6 years ago

@aaronmspelling: Star Trek actress Celeste Yarnall dead at 74 - 6 years ago

@ArtistNazim: ‘Star Trek’ actress Celeste Yarnall dead at 74 A Lovely Tribute to my Beautiful B… - 6 years ago


@mjg956: ‘Star Trek’ actress Celeste Yarnall dead at 74 - 6 years ago

@Nacelle1701: RT @TrekRadio: We at - 6 years ago

@moxxorglobal: Our dear friend and MOXXOR Advisory Board Member Celeste Yarnall passed away last week. Celeste was one of the bri… - 6 years ago

@DeMauroCo: RT @corrini: È morta Celeste Yarnall. Fu Martha Landon in Star Trek (TOS). E fece perdere la testa a Elvis Presley sul set di “Live a Litt… - 6 years ago

@claudiog70a2013: Celeste Yarnall è morta, interprete memorabile di Star Trek - 6 years ago

@MaggicaPolly: RT @corrini: È morta Celeste Yarnall. Fu Martha Landon in Star Trek (TOS). E fece perdere la testa a Elvis Presley sul set di “Live a Litt… - 6 years ago

@TheWellsyShow: Sad to hear of the passing last week of Celeste Yarnall. The dish to whom EP sang one of his best songs parlayed he… - 6 years ago

@Judy_Reno_67: 😢 She was the girl /named "Helen" 😏/ to whom Elvis sang "Little less conversation" - 6 years ago

@lezf47: RT @thenewstarship: Celeste Yarnall was one of the sweetest, nicest, most beautiful, most humble actresses we ever met. She of course was… - 6 years ago

@Null2501: Ho pagato il mio offline temporaneo con la triste scoperta di - 6 years ago

@BlitzQuotidiano: Celeste Yarnall morta a 74 anni: recitò con Elvis Presley e in Star Trek - 6 years ago

@FrenkCambiaghi: Celeste Yarnall è morta, interprete memorabile di Star Trek - 6 years ago

@rudj19: Celeste Yarnall è morta, interprete memorabile di Star Trek - 6 years ago

@rosatoeu: È morta Celeste Yarnall, interprete memorabile di #StarTrek. - 6 years ago

@SilviaCantoia: Celeste Yarnall è morta, interprete memorabile di Star Trek - 6 years ago

@FosNewToday: Star Trek actress Celeste Yarnall dead at 74 - 6 years ago

@wptweetmachine: Star Trek actress Celeste Yarnall dead at 74 - 6 years ago

@silsilrock: RT @RetroTV_Nerd: #RIP #StarTrek actress Celeste Yarnall dead at 74 - Page Six - 6 years ago

@bleppipu: RT @corrini: È morta Celeste Yarnall. Fu Martha Landon in Star Trek (TOS). E fece perdere la testa a Elvis Presley sul set di “Live a Litt… - 6 years ago

@zazoomblog: Addio a Celeste Yarnall interprete memorabile di Star Trek Video - #Addio #Celeste #Yarnall #interprete - 6 years ago

@flavikon: RT @corrini: È morta Celeste Yarnall. Fu Martha Landon in Star Trek (TOS). E fece perdere la testa a Elvis Presley sul set di “Live a Litt… - 6 years ago

@mattdt1138: RT @WilliamShatner: I awoke to hear the news of Celeste Yarnall’s passing. Condolences to her family. - 6 years ago

@zazoomnews: Addio a Celeste Yarnall interprete memorabile di Star Trek Video - #Addio #Celeste #Yarnall #interprete - 6 years ago

@tah_zha: RT @thenewstarship: Celeste Yarnall was one of the sweetest, nicest, most beautiful, most humble actresses we ever met. She of course was… - 6 years ago

@MarkOsb72589940: RT @thenewstarship: Celeste Yarnall was one of the sweetest, nicest, most beautiful, most humble actresses we ever met. She of course was… - 6 years ago

@EffetiVerona: RT @Gazzettino: #celeste yarnall è morta, interprete memorabile di #star trek Video - 6 years ago

@Gazzettino: #celeste yarnall è morta, interprete memorabile di #star trek Video - 6 years ago

@corrini: È morta Celeste Yarnall. Fu Martha Landon in Star Trek (TOS). E fece perdere la testa a Elvis Presley sul set di “… - 6 years ago

@zazoomnews: Celeste Yarnall è morta interprete memorabile di Star Trek Video - #Celeste #Yarnall #morta #interprete - 6 years ago

@LouiseSparrow: RT @thenewstarship: Celeste Yarnall was one of the sweetest, nicest, most beautiful, most humble actresses we ever met. She of course was… - 6 years ago

@TrkCon: 'Star Trek' actress Celeste Yarnall dies at 74 following cancer battle - 6 years ago

@schlichting1103: RT @thenewstarship: Celeste Yarnall was one of the sweetest, nicest, most beautiful, most humble actresses we ever met. She of course was… - 6 years ago

@IWearaBlackHat: @WilliamShatner Are you aware that your co-star Celeste Yarnall has passed away. RIP x - 6 years ago

@IFollowYooBack_: 'Star Trek' actress Celeste Yarnell dies at 74 after lengthy fight with cancer Actress Celeste Yarnall, who made a… - 6 years ago

@trekonomicsbot: RT @thenewstarship: Celeste Yarnall was one of the sweetest, nicest, most beautiful, most humble actresses we ever met. She of course was… - 6 years ago

@AlekCaruso: RT @thenewstarship: Celeste Yarnall was one of the sweetest, nicest, most beautiful, most humble actresses we ever met. She of course was… - 6 years ago

@KarlReinhardH: Ruhe in Frieden! - 6 years ago

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