Cathy Inglese

American basketball coach (Vermont Catamounts
Died on Thursday July 25th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Cathy Inglese:

@luce335: RT @jeffjacobs123: Jeff Jacobs: A Connecticut legend, Cathy Inglese lived an extraordinary life - 6 years ago

@JohnHoltTV: RT @jeffjacobs123: Jeff Jacobs: A Connecticut legend, Cathy Inglese lived an extraordinary life - 6 years ago

@NHRJimFuller: Something tells me @SCSU_Owls' Moore Field House will be rather busy tomorrow from 3-8 p.m. during calling hours fo… - 6 years ago

@CollinsvillePrs: RT @jeffjacobs123: Jeff Jacobs: A Connecticut legend, Cathy Inglese lived an extraordinary life - 6 years ago


@joemikebud: Just hearing about Cathy Inglese. Damn. Rest in Peace, Cathy. - 6 years ago

@JenNorcross: RT @jeffjacobs123: Jeff Jacobs: A Connecticut legend, Cathy Inglese lived an extraordinary life - 6 years ago

@jeffjacobs123: Jeff Jacobs: A Connecticut legend, Cathy Inglese lived an extraordinary life - 6 years ago

@kroberts023: RIP to Wallingford native Cathy Inglese. Tell your loved ones how much you love them. Life can change so quickly. - 6 years ago

@MikePucciHCTMG: Jeff Jacobs: A Connecticut legend, Cathy Inglese lived an extraordinary life Via @jeffjacobs123 - 6 years ago

@PaulDoyle1: Jeff Jacobs: A Connecticut legend, Cathy Inglese lived an extraordinary life - 6 years ago

@ChrisPassmore: @Sheehangirlsbb can you DM me re: project for Cathy Inglese. Thank you. - 6 years ago

@ChrisPassmore: @mikebusillo Mike, can you DM me re: project for Cathy Inglese. Thank you. - 6 years ago

@ChrisPassmore: @CoachSueFSU @lagear33 Please read my tweet re: tribute to Cathy Inglese. If you need more info please email me at [email protected] - 6 years ago

@WHoopDirt: RT @ChrisPassmore: 🏀MEMORIES OF CATHY INGLESE🏀 With her family’s blessing, I’m collecting audio or video recordings of your memories/storie… - 6 years ago

@2gibbysmom: RT @SCSU_Owls: James Moore Field House To Host Wake For Owls Hall of Famer Cathy Inglese - 6 years ago

@HofstraWBB: RT @SCSU_Owls: James Moore Field House To Host Wake For Owls Hall of Famer Cathy Inglese - 6 years ago

@NHRJimFuller: RT @SCSU_Owls: James Moore Field House To Host Wake For Owls Hall of Famer Cathy Inglese - 6 years ago

@SCSU: RT @SCSU_Owls: James Moore Field House To Host Wake For Owls Hall of Famer Cathy Inglese - 6 years ago

@SCSU_Owls: James Moore Field House To Host Wake For Owls Hall of Famer Cathy Inglese - 6 years ago

@si_ncaabb: "The game of basketball lost a piece of its smile." @JustinBarrasso, who worked as a student manager under Cathy In… - 6 years ago

@oldbaldeagle: For those interested Cathy Inglese's Obituary can be found at - 6 years ago

@milou1st: RT @milou1st: RT @Fmoneyz123Felix: Cathy Inglese, Winning Coach in Women’s Basketball, Dies at 60 by THE ASSOCIATED… - 6 years ago

@milou1st: RT @milou1st: RT @ZaaboCole: "Cathy Inglese, Winning Coach in Women’s Basketball, Dies at 60" by THE ASSOCIATED PRE… - 6 years ago

@milou1st: RT @milou1st: RT @updatly: "Cathy Inglese, Winning Coach in Women’s Basketball, Dies at 60" by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS… - 6 years ago

@milou1st: RT @Fmoneyz123Felix: Cathy Inglese, Winning Coach in Women’s Basketball, Dies at 60 by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS - 6 years ago

@milou1st: RT @ZaaboCole: "Cathy Inglese, Winning Coach in Women’s Basketball, Dies at 60" by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS via NYT - 6 years ago

@milou1st: RT @updatly: "Cathy Inglese, Winning Coach in Women’s Basketball, Dies at 60" by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS via NYT - 6 years ago

@Fmoneyz123Felix: Cathy Inglese, Winning Coach in Women’s Basketball, Dies at 60 by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS - 6 years ago

@ZaaboCole: "Cathy Inglese, Winning Coach in Women’s Basketball, Dies at 60" by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS via NYT - 6 years ago

@updatly: "Cathy Inglese, Winning Coach in Women’s Basketball, Dies at 60" by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS via NYT - 6 years ago

@PCCoachCrowley: Cathy Inglese and Brother Ed Coughlin two great people who I was lucky enough to know and learn from. Both gone way too soon. - 6 years ago

@amychen12332: RT @sports_lib: Women’s basketball coach Cathy Inglese remembered as ‘incredible woman’ @washington_time @TrendLib - 6 years ago

@sports_lib: Women’s basketball coach Cathy Inglese remembered as ‘incredible woman’ @washington_time @TrendLib - 6 years ago

@sports_lib: Cathy Hofstra coach Inglese like memory at basketball commnuity @archysportcom1 @TrendLib - 6 years ago

@rblackmon14: Cathy Inglese was a friend and spent time on the phone giving us so much advice to help us with basketball, life, a… - 6 years ago

@Coach49LAX: We lost a great woman and coach with the passing of Coach Cathy Inglese. - 6 years ago

@kcnewhaven: RT @BerylPiper: Here is Cathy Inglese's obituary. I still can't believe she is gone. @hoopism @ncaawbb - 6 years ago

@hoopism: RT @BerylPiper: Here is Cathy Inglese's obituary. I still can't believe she is gone. @hoopism @ncaawbb - 6 years ago

@BerylPiper: Here is Cathy Inglese's obituary. I still can't believe she is gone. @hoopism @ncaawbb - 6 years ago

@si_ncaabb: Former BC student manager @JustinBarrasso shares his memories of coach Cathy Inglese and the lasting impact she lea… - 6 years ago

@rkvukovic: Basketball Coach Cathy Inglese Dies at 60 from Traumatic Brain Injury After Fall - 6 years ago

@Starkman55: RT @NHRJimFuller: Here's the obituary for Wallingford native and former Vermont, BC, URI women's basketball coach Cathy Inglese - 6 years ago

@NHRJimFuller: Here's the obituary for Wallingford native and former Vermont, BC, URI women's basketball coach Cathy Inglese - 6 years ago

@GWTWgolfer: Catherine “Cathy” Inglese Obituary, - 6 years ago

@coachcarolross: RT @aabrami5: Today’s @bfp_sports on Cathy Inglese, the former @UVMwbb coaching great who died earlier this week. - 6 years ago

@GraniteBayGirl: Still can't fathom this. Cathy Inglese, women’s basketball coach who invigorated BC’s program, dies at 60… - 6 years ago

@ahmadiesq: RT @aabrami5: Today’s @bfp_sports on Cathy Inglese, the former @UVMwbb coaching great who died earlier this week. - 6 years ago

@hoopism: RT @PaulDoyle1: Friends, colleagues reflect on the life and legacy of basketball lifer Cathy Inglese - - 6 years ago

@UKCoachDunn: RT @aabrami5: Today’s @bfp_sports on Cathy Inglese, the former @UVMwbb coaching great who died earlier this week. - 6 years ago

@susansperzel: RT @HofstraPride: Our hearts are broken to learn of the passing of our beloved coach, mentor, and friend, Cathy Inglese. The entire Hofstra… - 6 years ago

@Krwhoops44: RT @BBGrowthMindset: Great piece about the career of Cathy Inglese from @Justinbarraso Coaches should strive to play a part in the lives o… - 6 years ago

@si_ncaabb: Cathy Inglese demanded the most out of her players, and her relentless drive is what made her so unforgettable - 6 years ago

@JackieMoore33: RT @ASUCoachCharli: We’ll remember Cathy Inglese as our all-time Great Giving Coaches- “It is in our darkest moments that we must focus to… - 6 years ago

@ASUCoachCharli: We’ll remember Cathy Inglese as our all-time Great Giving Coaches- “It is in our darkest moments that we must focus… - 6 years ago

@DJeter4Ever: RT @HofstraPride: Our hearts are broken to learn of the passing of our beloved coach, mentor, and friend, Cathy Inglese. The entire Hofstra… - 6 years ago

@BBGrowthMindset: Great piece about the career of Cathy Inglese from @Justinbarraso Coaches should strive to play a part in the live… - 6 years ago

@SMammoser: RT @aabrami5: Today’s @bfp_sports on Cathy Inglese, the former @UVMwbb coaching great who died earlier this week. - 6 years ago

@OTHeroics1: RT @SportsCountryIR: Coming up live on the Wake-up Call at 8 AM ET: Sox protest but lose series finale in Tampa. Crucial series against Yan… - 6 years ago

@nhrJoeMorelli: RT @aabrami5: Today’s @bfp_sports on Cathy Inglese, the former @UVMwbb coaching great who died earlier this week. - 6 years ago

@Starkman55: RT @aabrami5: Today’s @bfp_sports on Cathy Inglese, the former @UVMwbb coaching great who died earlier this week. - 6 years ago

@howardmegdal: RT @aabrami5: Today’s @bfp_sports on Cathy Inglese, the former @UVMwbb coaching great who died earlier this week. - 6 years ago

@HighPostHoops: RT @aabrami5: Today’s @bfp_sports on Cathy Inglese, the former @UVMwbb coaching great who died earlier this week. - 6 years ago

@APSE_sportmedia: RT @aabrami5: Today’s @bfp_sports on Cathy Inglese, the former @UVMwbb coaching great who died earlier this week. - 6 years ago

@aabrami5: Today’s @bfp_sports on Cathy Inglese, the former @UVMwbb coaching great who died earlier this week. - 6 years ago

@NWHSGiRLSLaX: RT @PCA_MidAtlantic: “As a coach, you have to remind your players that progress isn’t always measured by wins. Our attitude is a winning on… - 6 years ago

@MPSSAA_Org: RT @PCA_MidAtlantic: “As a coach, you have to remind your players that progress isn’t always measured by wins. Our attitude is a winning on… - 6 years ago

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