Carol Lynley

American actress (The Poseidon Adventure)
Died on Friday September 6th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Carol Lynley:

@Dutchfan33: RIP Actress Carol Lynley - 5 years ago

@ThreeBPlus1: 追悼 Carol Lynley バニー・レークは行方不明 / ニコ生配信中 - 5 years ago

@TheMRMann: In honor of the passing of Carol Lynley this month I am watching my favorite movie, The Poseidon Adventure, for the… - 5 years ago

@ThreeBPlus1: 追悼 Carol Lynley 「Bunny Lake Is Missing」 / ニコ生配信中 - 5 years ago


@ThreeBPlus1: 追悼 Carol Lynley 「Bunny Lake Is Missing」 / ニコ生配信中 - 5 years ago

@Almasphantom: Bunny Lake is Missing is so freaking good, an excellent psychological thriller, Carol Lynley owns the movie as a wo… - 5 years ago

@Logicalmeme: Bunny Lake Is Missing (1965): D: Preminger. L Olivier as detective. Carol Lynley as fragile mother. Robotic Keir Du… - 5 years ago

@YazdJBilimoria: - 5 years ago

@KinoVinoandMore: Carol Lynley - 5 years ago

@RobertH35632482: RT @ASavageNation: CAROL LYNLEY, RIP ONE OF MY TEEN IDOLS! - 5 years ago

@rarefilmm: Richard Johnson and Carol Lynley in "Danger Route" (1967) - 5 years ago

@casellaschile: @Tele13_Radio Maureen MacGobern, pero en la película sale Carol Lynley haciendo el doblaje. Distinto fue para Infie… - 5 years ago

@rsalvop: RT @Tele13_Radio: 📻#Página13 | #ElObituario Nuestros críticos de cine recuerdan a la actriz estadounidense Carol Lynley, quien murió el pa… - 5 years ago

@FabiParraguezM: RT @Tele13_Radio: 📻#Página13 | #ElObituario Nuestros críticos de cine recuerdan a la actriz estadounidense Carol Lynley, quien murió el pa… - 5 years ago

@Tele13_Radio: 📻#Página13 | #ElObituario Nuestros críticos de cine recuerdan a la actriz estadounidense Carol Lynley, quien murió… - 5 years ago

@szilviade_: RT @Brianlovesmovi: Remembering beautiful Carol Lynley. Her death upset me and I know it did Channing too. - 5 years ago

@BCDreyer: Carol Lynley, Anna Massey, Keir Dullea, and Martita Hunt all at once is...a lot. - 5 years ago

@Brianlovesmovi: Remembering beautiful Carol Lynley. Her death upset me and I know it did Channing too. - 5 years ago

@FilmRSchulz: R.I.P. Carol Lynley (appearances including The Night Stalker, Night Gallery, Beware the Blob, and The Poseidon Adventure) - 5 years ago

@PhillipTaylor: Carol Lynley obituary - 5 years ago

@hireliveband: RT @rarefilmm: ✴️ Now streaming on rarefilmm✴️ SHOCK TREATMENT (Denis Sanders, 1964) Starring Stuart Whitman, Carol Lynley, Roddy McDowall,… - 5 years ago

@rarefilmm: ✴️ Now streaming on rarefilmm✴️ SHOCK TREATMENT (Denis Sanders, 1964) Starring Stuart Whitman, Carol Lynley, Roddy… - 5 years ago

@madalynkathrynm: RIP angel hearts... EDDIE MONEY (03/21/1949 - 09/13/2019) CAROL LYNLEY (02/13/1942 - 09/03/2019) Forever in our… - 5 years ago

@kimata_kimihiko: RT @eigacom: 【#訃報】 「#ポセイドンアドベンチャー」「バニーレークは行方不明」などに出演した女優のキャロル・リンレイが、9月3日、心臓発作のため77歳で亡くなったことが明らかになりました。ご冥福をお祈りします。 フィルモグラフィーは👉 - 5 years ago

@DSimpsonAuthor: Carol Lynley obituary - 5 years ago

@JohnBeifuss: First viewing of Carol Lynley in her first starring role, a movie I had never heard of before her Sept. 3 death: a… - 5 years ago

@JackSarfatti: RT @ASavageNation: CAROL LYNLEY, RIP ONE OF MY TEEN IDOLS! - 5 years ago

@jpwrites1: RT @RapSheetmag: The Rap Sheet’s latest wrap-up of crime-fiction news includes notes about the upcoming TV series “Young Wallander” and “Du… - 5 years ago

@RapSheetmag: The Rap Sheet’s latest wrap-up of crime-fiction news includes notes about the upcoming TV series “Young Wallander”… - 5 years ago

@ElaineJ86861075: Carol Lynley, Star of The Poseidon Adventure and Former Girlfriend to David Frost, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@ElaineJ86861075: Carol Lynley, Star of The Poseidon Adventure and Former Girlfriend to David Frost, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@b_quady: RT @TIME: 'Poseidon Adventure' actress Carol Lynley dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@tomlis: And don’t forget #PamelaTiffin One of my fave Carol Lynley movies - 5 years ago

@mc_mcampo12: RT @uinterview: #PoseidonAdventure star #CarolLynley dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@BrianAldrich7: I've just posted a new blog: Actress Carol Lynley with Gig Young and Oliver Reed in THE SHUTTERED ROOM (1967) - 5 years ago

@KulvinderGill: Forgot to mention that Carol Lynley was also the female lead in the cracking TV movie "The Night Stalker" - the de… - 5 years ago

@KulvinderGill: Carol Lynley obituary. Check out "Bunny Lake Is Missing" and "The Shuttered Room" - both really creepy films full o… - 5 years ago

@RestInPictures: Carol Lynley (1942 - 2019) was an actress and former child model from Manhattan. Her first feature role would come… - 5 years ago

@WLFT30: - 5 years ago

@NilsaLugo7: Carol Lynley, Star of The Poseidon Adventure and Former Girlfriend to David Frost, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@SpruceYelverton: The Poseidon Adventure actress Carol Lynley dies at the age of 77 after five decades in Hollywood that i... #Topbuzz - 5 years ago

@bosske0829: RT @eigacom: 【#訃報】 「#ポセイドンアドベンチャー」「バニーレークは行方不明」などに出演した女優のキャロル・リンレイが、9月3日、心臓発作のため77歳で亡くなったことが明らかになりました。ご冥福をお祈りします。 フィルモグラフィーは👉 - 5 years ago

@OaklandNews4You: Carol Lynley 1942-2019 Starred In The Poseidon Adventure, Fantasy Island - 5 years ago

@CabosLew: More Carol Lynley - 5 years ago

@OaklandNews4You: Carol Lynley 1942-2019 Starred In The Poseidon Adventure, Fantasy Island - 5 years ago

@Siavreg45: RT @TIME: 'Poseidon Adventure' actress Carol Lynley dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@MarcHookerBooks: Carol Lynley obituary - 5 years ago

@VARHearThis: RT @guardianobits: Carol Lynley obituary American actor best known for her roles in The Poseidon Adventure, Blue Denim and Bunny Lake Is Mi… - 5 years ago

@BrianAldrich7: I've just posted a new blog: Actress Carol Lynley PLAYS Jean Harlow in HARLOW (1965) - 5 years ago

@Janecharlotte11: RT @WarnerArchive: RIP, the lovely Carol Lynley. - 5 years ago

@tomlis: My belated brief obit for #CarolLynley #BlueDenim #BunnyLakeIsMissing #Harlow #TheShutteredRoom… - 5 years ago

@dang_garcia73: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #CarolLynley (February 13, 1942 – September 3, 2019) The Last Sunset, 1961, directed by Robert Aldrich. Rock Hudson, K… - 5 years ago

@JodyJFoss: #NowWatching #TCM “Bunny Lake Is Missing” (1965) British psychological thriller starring Laurence Olivier, Carol… - 5 years ago

@KumbiMas: Carol Lynley obituary - 5 years ago

@Wheelguy09: RT @CHANNINGPOSTERS: Several original lobby cards for sale on Bunny Lake is Missing, 1965, title design by Saul Bass, directed by Otto Prem… - 5 years ago

@MalleryHawkins: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #CarolLynley (February 13, 1942 – September 3, 2019) Harlow, 1965, directed by Alex Segal. Carol Lynley and Ginger Rog… - 5 years ago

@DSimpsonAuthor: Carol Lynley obituary - 5 years ago

@finewinedine: Carol Lynley obituary - 5 years ago

@joyfulng: RT @CHANNINGPOSTERS: Sweet, baby-faced actress Carol Lynley has passed away at 77. She began as a teen model in the #fifties, movie star in… - 5 years ago

@MJanovic: RT @KubrickRussell: #ObituaryOfTheDay #RIPCarolLynley - 5 years ago

@uinterview: #PoseidonAdventure star #CarolLynley dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@KubrickRussell: #ObituaryOfTheDay #RIPCarolLynley - 5 years ago

@drturpin: Carol Lynley, Star of ‘Blue Denim’ and ‘The Poseidon Adventure,’ Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@BrianAldrich7: I've just posted a new blog: "The Poseidon Adventure" Actress Carol Lynley 1942-2019 Memorial Video - 5 years ago

@CulturalSnow: Thing I learned today. Carol Lynley's mother's maiden name was Felch. - 5 years ago

@NotOverSFU: Don’t forget to check out the show notes after you listen! This week’s includes a picture that was captioned by the… - 5 years ago

@FilmJunkie25: "Perhaps Lynley’s most prestigious film was the mystery thriller 'Bunny Lake Is Missing' (1965), one of Otto Premin… - 5 years ago

@BellMacdonald2: @judyjarvis An actress friend of Sir David Frost. Carol Lynley has died. - 5 years ago

@ThomsonLord: RT @BellMacdonald2: Carol Lynley obituary - 5 years ago

@BellMacdonald2: Carol Lynley obituary - 5 years ago

@BellMacdonald2: Carol Lynley obituary - 5 years ago

@PabloVilaboy: RT @CHANNINGPOSTERS: Sweet, baby-faced actress Carol Lynley has passed away at 77. She began as a teen model in the #fifties, movie star in… - 5 years ago

@gerardpatrick: Carol #Lynley obituary - 5 years ago

@Sergiofordy: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #CarolLynley (February 13, 1942 – September 3, 2019) The Last Sunset, 1961, directed by Robert Aldrich. Rock Hudson, K… - 5 years ago

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