Carlo Parietti

Died on Tuesday February 1st 2022

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Carlo Parietti:

@labourstart: EUROPE: Former Eurocadres President Carlo Parietti passes away aged 71-Eurocadres - 3 years ago

@UTC_UGT: RT @EUROCADRES: Eurocadres send their condolences to the family and friends of our former president Carlo Parietti, who has passed away age… - 3 years ago

@flc_crea: RT @Fernando_Liuzzi: #Lavoro #Sindacalisti @cgilnazionale @EUROCADRES Addio a Carlo #Parietti, sindacalista delle alte professionalità, di… - 3 years ago

@annabeyondme: RT @Fernando_Liuzzi: #Lavoro #Sindacalisti @cgilnazionale @EUROCADRES Addio a Carlo #Parietti, sindacalista delle alte professionalità, di… - 3 years ago


@FaustoDurante1: RT @Fernando_Liuzzi: #Lavoro #Sindacalisti @cgilnazionale @EUROCADRES Addio a Carlo #Parietti, sindacalista delle alte professionalità, di… - 3 years ago

@Fernando_Liuzzi: #Lavoro #Sindacalisti @cgilnazionale @EUROCADRES Addio a Carlo #Parietti, sindacalista delle alte professionalità,… - 3 years ago

@Fernando_Liuzzi: RT @EUROCADRES: Eurocadres send their condolences to the family and friends of our former president Carlo Parietti, who has passed away age… - 3 years ago

@Fernando_Liuzzi: RT @magibe: È scomparso Carlo Parietti un amico, un collega, un professionista, una persona perbene e un galantuomo. Un uomo di sinistra. A… - 3 years ago

@annabeyondme: RT @EUROCADRES: Eurocadres send their condolences to the family and friends of our former president Carlo Parietti, who has passed away age… - 3 years ago

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