Carlo Fonseka

Sri Lankan physician
Died on Monday September 2nd 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Carlo Fonseka:

@manjariplk: - 5 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Carlo Fonseka (86) Physician, academic and political activist - 5 years ago

@mohammedlsm: @AriffShihab for every blessed thing, be it the holding of a Presidential or Parliamentary election, or the holding… - 5 years ago

@THOMASGOMEZ007: RT @christineEdmun2: A great human who sacrificed his body for the education of the students of his motherland. As… - 5 years ago


@christineEdmun2: A great human who sacrificed his body for the education of the students of his motherland.… - 5 years ago

@manjariplk: Prof. Carlo Fonseka bids adieu: A nation’s loss - 5 years ago

@SangeethKalu: RT @bbcsinhala: The ‘gritty man’ in Carlo Fonseka. #LKA කතරගම දෙවියන්ටත් අභියෝග කළ “කාලෝ” කියවන්න: - 5 years ago

@ranilpeiris1: Prof. Carlo Fonseka bids adieu: A nation’s loss - 6 years ago

@ChamaraRuwanUBC: RT @bbcsinhala: The ‘gritty man’ in Carlo Fonseka. #LKA කතරගම දෙවියන්ටත් අභියෝග කළ “කාලෝ” කියවන්න: - 6 years ago

@galleonroberts: Vale: Carlo Fonseka’s Manifold Gifts Inscribed in Memory - 6 years ago

@yorkeland7: RT @GotabayaR: It is with deep sadness I convey my sincere condolences to the family of Prof Carlo Fonseka. He rendered a yeomen service to… - 6 years ago

@Chamara76824139: RT @GotabayaR: It is with deep sadness I convey my sincere condolences to the family of Prof Carlo Fonseka. He rendered a yeomen service to… - 6 years ago

@Nalin97947573: RT @sajithpremadasa: Farewell to Prof. Carlo Fonseka, the great master of science who worked continuously to enlighten Sri Lankans with kno… - 6 years ago

@desilva_arvind: RT @sajithpremadasa: Farewell to Prof. Carlo Fonseka, the great master of science who worked continuously to enlighten Sri Lankans with kno… - 6 years ago

@DesilvaMarvan: RT @sajithpremadasa: Farewell to Prof. Carlo Fonseka, the great master of science who worked continuously to enlighten Sri Lankans with kno… - 6 years ago

@DilshanAyesha: RT @sajithpremadasa: Farewell to Prof. Carlo Fonseka, the great master of science who worked continuously to enlighten Sri Lankans with kno… - 6 years ago

@ArjunaRamadasa: RT @HarshadeSilvaMP: #SriLanka will miss the strong interventions of learned Professor Carlo Fonseka. The leftist who opposed my political… - 6 years ago

@ArjunaRamadasa: RT @sajithpremadasa: Farewell to Prof. Carlo Fonseka, the great master of science who worked continuously to enlighten Sri Lankans with kno… - 6 years ago

@Kumararjuna5: RT @sajithpremadasa: Farewell to Prof. Carlo Fonseka, the great master of science who worked continuously to enlighten Sri Lankans with kno… - 6 years ago

@Nalink18: RT @sajithpremadasa: Farewell to Prof. Carlo Fonseka, the great master of science who worked continuously to enlighten Sri Lankans with kno… - 6 years ago

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