Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd

Swedish artist.
Died on Wednesday May 4th 2016

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Tweets related to Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd:

@triothetrio7777: RT @ShawnHuckaby: "Non-Violence" by Swedish artist Carl Fredrik Carl Reuterswärd, 1980. Inspired by the shooting death of John Lennon. http… - 9 years ago

@KrukAndrey: RT @UN_Photo: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died yesterday, is the artist behind "Non-Violence", a gift of Luxembourg to @UN - 9 years ago

@annfine459: RT @UN_Photo: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died yesterday, is the artist behind "Non-Violence", a gift of Luxembourg to @UN - 9 years ago

@niukin: RT @UN_Photo: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died yesterday, is the artist behind "Non-Violence", a gift of Luxembourg to @UN - 9 years ago


@Sergey_Sergey_G: RT @UN_Photo: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died yesterday, is the artist behind "Non-Violence", a gift of Luxembourg to @UN - 9 years ago

@NaureenCFink: RT @UN_Photo: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died yesterday, is the artist behind "Non-Violence", a gift of Luxembourg to @UN - 9 years ago

@lilagardiner: RT @UN_Photo: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died yesterday, is the artist behind "Non-Violence", a gift of Luxembourg to @UN - 9 years ago

@TerukookureT: RT @ShawnHuckaby: "Non-Violence" by Swedish artist Carl Fredrik Carl Reuterswärd, 1980. Inspired by the shooting death of John Lennon. http… - 9 years ago

@TerukookureT: RT @UN: "Non-Violence" by artist Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died this week, is seen by 1000s every day at UNHQ in NYC - 9 years ago

@TerukookureT: RT @ArtReview_: Swedish artist Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd has died age 81: - 9 years ago

@jlsadalacalle: RT @ONU_es: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, artista icónico de la no violencia. - 9 years ago

@fllioinc: Knotted gun sculptor Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd dies at 81 - 9 years ago

@artfrontierpro: Knotted gun sculptor Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd dies at 81 - 9 years ago

@PATRICIOLOPEZZ: RT @ONU_es: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, artista icónico de la no violencia. - 9 years ago

@RosinaPhoto: RT @UN_Photo: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died yesterday, is the artist behind "Non-Violence", a gift of Luxembourg to @UN - 9 years ago

@TsarKastik: RT @UN_Photo: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died yesterday, is the artist behind "Non-Violence", a gift of Luxembourg to @UN - 9 years ago

@HoloMediaAB: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd & Salvador Dali - - 9 years ago

@SweinEthiopia: RT @TheLocalSweden: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, the Swedish sculptor who made the iconic ‘knotted gun’, dies at 81 - 9 years ago

@vivianpan3: RT @UN_Photo: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died yesterday, is the artist behind "Non-Violence", a gift of Luxembourg to @UN - 9 years ago

@NVPSweden: RT @UN: "Non-Violence" by artist Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died this week, is seen by 1000s every day at UNHQ in NYC - 9 years ago

@UNDPIndonesia: RT @UNIC_Jakarta: Kami berduka atas kepergian Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, artis dari pahatan "Non-Violence" PBB - 9 years ago

@FutureUN: RT @UN_Photo: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died yesterday, is the artist behind "Non-Violence", a gift of Luxembourg to @UN - 9 years ago

@Schools4tFuture: Remembering Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd. Let's continue to build a #violentfree #peacefulfuture #nextgeneration - 9 years ago

@andyper410: RT @ONU_es: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, artista icónico de la no violencia. - 9 years ago

@Awad_Amin_: RT @UN_Photo: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died yesterday, is the artist behind "Non-Violence", a gift of Luxembourg to @UN - 9 years ago

@outrageous2: RT @UN_Photo: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died yesterday, is the artist behind "Non-Violence", a gift of Luxembourg to @UN - 9 years ago

@gcollinsgalway: RT @UN_Photo: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died yesterday, is the artist behind "Non-Violence", a gift of Luxembourg to @UN - 9 years ago

@gorfo_verdades: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd (1934-2016): Mortes: Criou símbolo de paz após morte de John Lennon - 9 years ago

@un_ncd: RT @UN_Photo: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, who died yesterday, is the artist behind "Non-Violence", a gift of Luxembourg to @UN - 9 years ago

@Rot_CCL: RT @ONU_es: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, artista icónico de la no violencia. - 9 years ago

@ariverofdesign: Knotted gun sculptor Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd dies at 81 - 9 years ago

@AndinyCakes: RT @UN: We mourn passing of Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, artist of iconic "Non-Violence" UN scultpure - 9 years ago

@origemdoslivros: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd (1934-2016): Mortes: Criou símbolo de paz após morte de John Lennon - 9 years ago

@mmaritato: Knotted gun sculptor Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd dies at 81 - 9 years ago

@hirevisualart: Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, great Swedish modern artist, has died at 81 last week. Sad news. - 9 years ago

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