Captain Tom

British Army officer and charity campaigner.
Died on Tuesday February 2nd 2021

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Captain Tom:

@buttonnandbows: For Captain Sir Tom your hope WILL live on #nodoubt - 4 years ago

@BCollier2012: #bbcbreakfast To borrow from Sir Captain Tom's quote - Tomorrow will be another shitty day.. - 4 years ago

@MimiLaMop: @BBGRichie Richie, have you seen they are using Elton John and Michael Caine to promote their hideous vaccine? Did… - 4 years ago

@74oldgal: RT @spikedonline: When a priest accused supporters of Captain Tom of racism, he effectively insulted the whole country. Any Christian shoul… - 4 years ago


@g7jwr: @Signal1Official - 4 years ago

@g7jwr: @thedelitesite - 4 years ago

@excell5: @yorkshirepost @JayneDowle ex-forces medical scholarship names after Captain Sir Tom. Excellent idea. Leave 4th pli… - 4 years ago

@61shikiP: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@g7jwr: @Sotlive - 4 years ago

@ShaddyyD: @Risingkhan_ @rudygetz @trump_democrat @luckyleviathan @nelsonhenrique @IGN Maybe not New Zealand quite as much yet… - 4 years ago

@Livefreak01: @sweatsntopknots Scooby Doo GI Joe Captain Caveman Smurfs Heathcliff Jetsons Flintstones Tom and Jerry - 4 years ago

@g7jwr: - 4 years ago

@piphdavis: RT @CamVC_PE: 🥋Cam VC Healthy Lifestyle KARATE Belt Challenges and Workouts🥋 Here’s Mr Henderson & Mr Hills completing the Captain Sir Tom… - 4 years ago

@maxla29: @captaintommoore What a beautiful message and tribute Hannah. As many have said Captain Tom was an amazing inspirat… - 4 years ago

@WaldoVanVerhoek: @Val_Hawks @Blake_R95 @Bakari_Sellers Tom Hanks is perfect wherever there is an ongoing disaster needing a humble b… - 4 years ago

@KeithY48699716: RT @standardnews: "He was our world" ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Congiu83: RT @framefastuk: Today we created this tribute in glass to say Thanks Captain Tom ❤️❤️❤️ - 4 years ago

@bbctooman: RT @FedEx: When Captain Tom Gregory, FedEx chief pilot, flew out the first doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in December, it wa… - 4 years ago

@twandasykes_: RT @KesibutBetter: Really got a theory that Tom Brady is Captain America. - 4 years ago

@WarrenCresdee: @NormanGiller Norman , millwall last week had captain Tom up on the big screen and the whole crowd paid tribute. I’… - 4 years ago

@ShaunBavo94: @piersmorgan hey guys i done youtube video about captain tom moore plz try spread around here link - 4 years ago

@Martini1982: RT @GlobalCargo_VTC: Today we have paid tribute to Sir Captain Tom Moore on @TruckersMP through a very special event. Again, thanks for all… - 4 years ago

@ShaunBavo94: @geronimo_73 hey guys i done youtube video about captain tom moore plz try spread around here link - 4 years ago

@Bapt_13: @_captain_jay À mon avis, c'est pas réellement le cas, c'est surtout pour garder la surprise, promettre quelques ch… - 4 years ago

@LaWitchingHour: @SoPlainlyJane @FastAnFair @SoloFlow786 @TBTimes_Bulls Then captain Tom Moore is. - 4 years ago

@bigmonsterlove: RT @STVNews: Man arrested over ‘offensive’ tweet targeting Captain Tom. - 4 years ago

@GlobalCargo_VTC: On 09.02.21 we have paid tribute to Sir Captain Tom Moore @captaintommoore on @TruckersMP through a very special ev… - 4 years ago

@TonyHibberto: RT @Glxn72: what’s wrong babe you’ve barely touched your realistic captain tom sponge cake - 4 years ago

@johnwaller50: RT @UGLE_DrDStaples: May we celebrate Captain Sir Tom Moore today and every day. He lives on as a hero and #inspiration to us all! #Freemas… - 4 years ago

@captain_german: Tom Brady was replaced by a robot - 4 years ago

@lawrencemcnally: Tom Davies on the ball more than the captain - 4 years ago

@CaptnBok: @_captain_jay On rappelle que c'est le même Tom Holland qui disait y a quelques jours qu'il travaillait sur "le fil… - 4 years ago

@cerumol: @DrGregorSmith - 4 years ago

@ddwoody2: @cbcnewsbc Captain Sir Tom Moore today is a better day - 4 years ago

@WeAreYellows49: @minky2013 Captain Tom said it best 'TOMORROW WILL BE A GOOD DAY'. We each have low days hunny, don't be so hard on… - 4 years ago

@boothstownhf: RT @MrsJamesHF: One of our governors has today posted an impressive 27 miles towards our Tokyo target. 18miles on the bike 🚴 and the rest f… - 4 years ago

@Flynneee_: I can’t stop thinking about captain Tom, crazy how someone can make such an impact to so many people in such a short space of time 😭RIP✨ - 4 years ago

@AntonyTiernan: RT @AntonyTiernan: Great piece about how Captain Tom’s fundraising has helped support NHS staff + volunteers as they respond to the COVID-1… - 4 years ago

@InTravelerWorld: @JsOrangutan Wait until you find out that he has been jabbed and then passed way few days later and they’ll blame o… - 4 years ago

@marktatter: RT @PlayGemRadio: Captain Tom's daughter posts heartfelt tribute to "amazing" father ❤️️ x - 4 years ago

@SamuelHFletcher: RT @KeighleyNews: Respect: Locomotive named after Captain Sir Tom Moore used to haul freight over Settle-Carlisle line today - 4 years ago

@brycesantry12: RT @Glxn72: what’s wrong babe you’ve barely touched your realistic captain tom sponge cake - 4 years ago

@jjvigouroux10: RT @Glxn72: what’s wrong babe you’ve barely touched your realistic captain tom sponge cake - 4 years ago

@__Wanno__: RT @Glxn72: what’s wrong babe you’ve barely touched your realistic captain tom sponge cake - 4 years ago

@Beftft: RT @Glxn72: what’s wrong babe you’ve barely touched your realistic captain tom sponge cake - 4 years ago

@Retrochbabe: C of E body criticises ‘social media lynching’ of priest in Captain Tom row - 4 years ago

@Mr_Pottle: RT @YateAcademy: 🚴🏼 Captain Sir Tom Moore Challenge 🏃🏽‍♀️ 🇬🇧🇳🇱🇩🇪🇵🇱 🇺🇦 🇷🇺🇰🇿 🇺🇿 🇦🇫 🇵🇰 🇮🇳 🇳🇵 🇲🇲 In our mission to complete the 10,747Km to Mya… - 4 years ago

@SamuelHFletcher: RT @KeighleyNews: Commission launched to discuss Keighley tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore - 4 years ago

@suehaines1: RT @ward1_simone: Lovely tribute display outside TCC @NUH_ACU for Captain Sir Tom Moore ❤️ well done @MorrisWardNUH ❤️ - 4 years ago

@instagrandslam: RT @Glxn72: what’s wrong babe you’ve barely touched your realistic captain tom sponge cake - 4 years ago

@TheaDickinson: RT @JohnnyMercerUK: Delighted to pay tribute from the despatch box in the House of Commons to the late Captain Sir Tom Moore, and all the o… - 4 years ago

@Owen_Trott: RT @Glxn72: what’s wrong babe you’ve barely touched your realistic captain tom sponge cake - 4 years ago

@DeirdreMeikle: RT @PaddyMcGuinness: I never knew Captain Sir Tom Moore personally but, like millions of others, it felt like I did. He brought us together… - 4 years ago

@kristen_gaunt16: RT @Glxn72: what’s wrong babe you’ve barely touched your realistic captain tom sponge cake - 4 years ago

@dinosprinkIes: RT @Glxn72: what’s wrong babe you’ve barely touched your realistic captain tom sponge cake - 4 years ago

@evokepotential: RT @ktboldy: My tribute pencil portrait in memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore who died aged 100 on February 2nd. Cpt Tom raised £33million for… - 4 years ago

@jennad_03520: RT @Glxn72: what’s wrong babe you’ve barely touched your realistic captain tom sponge cake - 4 years ago

@DaveTushingham: RT @MissBowersMFL: Please help with our fundraising efforts for the Captain Tom Moore Foundation. @YateAcademy staff, students, parents and… - 4 years ago

@brookeberryuk: RT @Glxn72: what’s wrong babe you’ve barely touched your realistic captain tom sponge cake - 4 years ago

@jenybee123: RT @jenybee123: ScumyKUNT!! Man, 35, is charged over 'offensive' tweet about Captain Tom - 4 years ago

@barbaracantalk: RT @GiftCee: So much HATE South Ayrshire Council leader explains decision not to lower flags in honour of Captain Sir Tom Moore Peter Hend… - 4 years ago

@the_maurmaur: RT @JamesMason_78: What a wonderful story and beautiful piece of artwork by #Yorkshire sculptor Tony Clark. Where do you think would be a… - 4 years ago

@HYUFD1: @ChurchTimes I think the Diocese drew the right balance between protecting him and apologising for his remarks on C… - 4 years ago

@Douglas60879165: RT @ScottishSun: Glasgow man charged over 'sending offensive tweet' about Captain Tom's death - 4 years ago

@la_ola_fresca: Government waited for Captain Tom to come back from Barbados so they didnt catch him slipping - 4 years ago

@joerichlaw: Captain Sir Tom Moore: Man charged over ‘offensive’ tweet about veteran hero’s death | Metro News - 4 years ago

@pubsclosed: RT @SocialM85897394: 👇I wonder if the police will now go after @CofE minister Jarel Robinson Brown for his nasty tweets? "Glasgow man char… - 4 years ago

@FGheel: RT @VanguardBears: SNP Council leader in Captain Sir Tom shun... ....he's delighted to support Palestine though. Scotland deserves better… - 4 years ago

@qprgareth: RT @showofhandsnews: Very pleased with this tribute to Captain Tom Moore - 4 years ago

@ht4ecosocialism: RT @ahddrv: C of E body criticises ‘social media lynching’ of priest in Captain Tom row - 4 years ago

@kalilabradley: RT @breathlesswanda: looking for more mutuals, reply if you stan - elizabeth olsen - vision - steve rogers - wandavision - tfatws - blac… - 4 years ago

@loonsville: RT @HaydenHewitt: Anyone who reads about the man being arrested for negative comments regarding Captain Sir Tom Moore and thinks "quite rig… - 4 years ago

@LoganRJ98: RT @NHLdotcom: Thanks to @BlueJacketsNHL captain @NickFoligno for joining NHL @TheRink... he was great on so many subjects, including Patri… - 4 years ago

@SerSamwise: RT @Glxn72: what’s wrong babe you’ve barely touched your realistic captain tom sponge cake - 4 years ago

@hollsjpg: RT @Glxn72: what’s wrong babe you’ve barely touched your realistic captain tom sponge cake - 4 years ago

@garylmarks: @BristolLive Probably worth pointing out that Captain Sir Tom fought against the values that the CSF stand for. - 4 years ago

@Pairsonnalites: 'Appalling racist & homophobic abuse': Church of England defends reverend who branded Captain ...: ... a scathing t… - 4 years ago

@PurbPlarp: RT @Glxn72: what’s wrong babe you’ve barely touched your realistic captain tom sponge cake - 4 years ago

@BenLowry2: Weekly column by @RuthDE - 4 years ago

@jock29037364: Captain Tom Tweet Arrest 🤫 Free Speech? - 4 years ago

@brenrav1955qpr: RT @Lanarkshire_Pol: On Friday, 5 February, we received a report of an offensive tweet about Sir Captain Tom Moore who died on Tuesday, 2 F… - 4 years ago

@MJH19191: RT @Lanarkshire_Pol: On Friday, 5 February, we received a report of an offensive tweet about Sir Captain Tom Moore who died on Tuesday, 2 F… - 4 years ago

@kingstongarrick: OMG hahahaha who on *Earth* could it possibly be? If I'm right, then invest in popcorn futures. This promises to b… - 4 years ago

@rosie_cat: RT @AgentP22: Great to see @policescotland acting so promptly and arresting this vile Scottish nationalist. - 4 years ago

@reddfredd: RT @jelly_pack: You are fined 1 credit for a violation of the Captain Tom memorial verbal morality statute - 4 years ago

@HazeltonDoreen: Piers Morgan Ends Career Of Woman Who Didn't Clap 👏 For Captain Tom 🤬 An... - 4 years ago

@jamesdale94: RT @itvwestcountry: Have you seen this tribute in Bristol? - 4 years ago

@NaturalHistor17: RT @Lanarkshire_Pol: On Friday, 5 February, we received a report of an offensive tweet about Sir Captain Tom Moore who died on Tuesday, 2 F… - 4 years ago

@Eire353: Man charged over 'offensive' tweet targeting Captain Tom Moore - 4 years ago

@JohnathanSRoss1: RT @STVNews: Man arrested over ‘offensive’ tweet targeting Captain Tom. - 4 years ago

@celticwitch1995: - 4 years ago

@Vincemcmahon101: RT @De4nRyan: I appreciate Captain Tom and what he did, but Owen Jones is absolutely right. Clapping for someone on your doorstep is fine b… - 4 years ago

@SusanEacock: RT @snicklin1: Glasgow man charged over 'sending offensive tweet' about Captain Tom's death - 4 years ago

@Scotland4me: Man charged in Lanark over Captain Sir Tom Moore tweet - 4 years ago

@oldtoonloon: RT @AgentP22: Great to see @policescotland acting so promptly and arresting this vile Scottish nationalist. - 4 years ago

@AbarthFerrari: Good to read that the scumbag who made an offensive & disrespectful tweet regarding the late Captain Sir Tom Moore… - 4 years ago

@SAKISBELLAS: RT @BBCNews: Man charged over Captain Sir Tom Moore tweet - 4 years ago

@slogess: RT @GussyJackson: Glasgow man charged over 'sending offensive tweet' about Captain Tom's death - 4 years ago

@Tepid_Safu: RT @jelly_pack: You are fined 1 credit for a violation of the Captain Tom memorial verbal morality statute - 4 years ago

@55LlsGrl: RT @BBCNews: Man charged over Captain Sir Tom Moore tweet - 4 years ago

@faynebby: RT @OfficialRUFC: ❤️| Prior to kick-off the two teams held an impeccably observed minute's applause, for the late Captain Sir Tom Moore. #… - 4 years ago

@nderssonD: @samasjapi It's a hell of a headline: Vaccine kills Captain Tom - 4 years ago

@97____G: RT @TheEvilBread: Babe, what’s wrong? Don’t you like the Captain Tom Mini Skirt I got you for Valentine’s Day? - 4 years ago

@Bluebell2201: RT @samasjapi: Spoiler alert!! Captain Tom had the jab 💉 but the msm are leading us to believe he never. Why would they do that? - 4 years ago

@RallyHeaven: RT @samasjapi: Spoiler alert!! Captain Tom had the jab 💉 but the msm are leading us to believe he never. Why would they do that? - 4 years ago

@MBramblebush: Church of England : Remove Jarel Robinson-Brown from his post at C of E for insulting Sir Captain Tom's cause - Sig… - 4 years ago

@68plyrr383: RT @BBCBreaking: Obituary: Captain Sir Tom Moore, a hero who gave a nation hope amid the Covid pandemic - 4 years ago

@68plyrr383: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@luna_nueva96: RT @Dazza02423090: No minutes silence for Captain Sir Tom Moore at Villa v Arsenal, I gave the clubs the benefit in the midweek games I tho… - 4 years ago

@HenrikVegetable: @martinjdrum No probs, Fuck Captain Tom. ( lets test your theory) - 4 years ago

@hannahl13xo: RT @hollieh0llie: influencers : dr alex, marcus rashford, captain tom moore not influencers : people with 20k instagram followers who are… - 4 years ago

@ItsTomLove: Captain Ron and now Encino Man. It is 1992 in Tom's theater tonight. - 4 years ago

@sharon_adeniran: RT @hollieh0llie: influencers : dr alex, marcus rashford, captain tom moore not influencers : people with 20k instagram followers who are… - 4 years ago

@LucieH20: RT @LucieH20: Sign the petition to remove Reverend Robinson-Brown from the church. Very unchristian attitude. Captain Tom maybe white but u… - 4 years ago

@95_bolderson: @RobertI66374195 @thereclaimparty Statues of what though rob? Dont you think matters? Please tell my why any of yo… - 4 years ago

@HashTagine: RT @RDHale_: After Captain Sir Tom Moore's heroic efforts, we now have a paralysed man walking 112 miles with the help of an exosuit and wa… - 4 years ago

@HenrikVegetable: @martinjdrum @ScouseTims @brianmoore666 @BBCJohnBeattie Captain tom, should we clap for him on that basis? - 4 years ago

@HashTagine: RT @GetBrexit_Done: My government is proud to announce we will name an NHS hospital after Captain Sir Tom Moore. We still haven't decided w… - 4 years ago

@whatwouldido1: @samasjapi I actually think captain Tom missed the jab as he chose live his life & go on holiday instead...... he… - 4 years ago

@MargaretAdam17: My deepest condolences to Captain Tom's family. My heart breaks for you all. I think it would be a fitting legacy… - 4 years ago

@IARTG: RT @flightwit: How I ended fear of flying - 4 years ago

@KateJupp: @JasonManford How about Captain & Tom? - 4 years ago

@whitaker1steve: U​.​K. government : For the U​.​K. government to hold a state funeral for Captain Sir Tom Moore - Sign the Petition… - 4 years ago

@JazzySid: RT @ArgyleLoz: Richard Littlejohn is as shameless as he is repulsive, he says the #BLM would tear down a statue of Captain Sir Tom Moore (… - 4 years ago

@curiocat13: RT @StephenColegra1: The Most Fitting Memorial to the Formidable Captain Tom would be for the Government to Properly Fund the NHS – Byline… - 4 years ago

@NagalwadSuni: RT @englandcricket: We are wearing black armbands in honour of inspirational war veteran and fundraising hero Captain Sir Tom Moore, who di… - 4 years ago

@TeamNagarjuna: "Clap for Captain Tom sees people pay tribute to the late NHS fundraiser" - 4 years ago

@beccaroo98: RT @BorisJohnson: Tonight we honoured Captain Sir Tom Moore and all the health workers he recognised with his fundraising. #ClapForCaptai… - 4 years ago

@galloised: RT @UNICEF: "One step had the power to inspire one hundred more." Thank you Captain Sir Tom Moore, for all your positivity, inspiration an… - 4 years ago

@jcurtis28203: RT @obrien_jonathan: 1. There is no statue of Captain Tom. 2. If there was, Black Lives Matter would have no reason to go anywhere near it… - 4 years ago

@beccaroo98: RT @captaintommoore: Here's a bit of behind the scenes fun to brighten your weekend - showing Captain Tom has a penchant for getting things… - 4 years ago

@AnneWya88761901: RT @GetBrexit_Done: My government is proud to announce we will name an NHS hospital after Captain Sir Tom Moore. We still haven't decided w… - 4 years ago

@SamNCollinsJr1: RT @NBCNightlyNews: As the world remembers Captain Sir Tom Moore, who died this week, @mollymhunter meets some of the kids who were inspire… - 4 years ago

@MrsMcLordy: RT @FreeNorthNow: The greatest tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore would be for the tories to adequately fund the NHS. #PMQs - 4 years ago

@AnnieJ57309701: @JacsUniverse @kagij Captain Sir Tom died of pneumonia they hadn't given him the vaccine due to the meds he was on for that. - 4 years ago

@ladykPromotion: - 4 years ago

@TatsuyanS: RT @NotBarron1946: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore - 4 years ago

@tam_yeung: @BBCNews Who is this "Captain Tom"? I have somehow failed to hear about him. - 4 years ago

@saturninus: @ArjunLoveablee @ponysmasher You say about the superhero, who I the first big screen superhero film ever, threw all… - 4 years ago

@aphelanofficial: RT @obrien_jonathan: 1. There is no statue of Captain Tom. 2. If there was, Black Lives Matter would have no reason to go anywhere near it… - 4 years ago

@sonya_annie: RT @DailyMailUK: Captain Sir Tom Moore is fundraising from the grave as sales of charity NHS single You'll Never Walk Alone surge 1864% htt… - 4 years ago

@MICHADUNIEWSKI2: RT @ChelseaFC: We're saddened to learn of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore. An inspiration to us all. - 4 years ago

@keewee____: RT @classicalIyjess: why is this photo of Captain Tom with his grandsons so funny - 4 years ago

@Bro0keHenderson: RT @BBCNews: He's done it! Captain Tom Moore, a 99-year-old war veteran who is walking 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday to… - 4 years ago

@Patricipacion: captain tom's two grandsons: fat nu metal cillian murphy, and the villain from a yet to be released far cry game - 4 years ago

@Susanmerryweath: RT @Telegraph: Captain Sir Tom Moore's daughter said her father’s motto, “tomorrow is a good day”, represents his “whole life” - 4 years ago

@GriffHistorical: RT @GetBrexit_Done: My government is proud to announce we will name an NHS hospital after Captain Sir Tom Moore. We still haven't decided w… - 4 years ago

@Carlostheghost: RT @GetBrexit_Done: My government is proud to announce we will name an NHS hospital after Captain Sir Tom Moore. We still haven't decided w… - 4 years ago

@TheMartinDunlop: @piersmorgan I appreciate what you've done in keeping the government to account. BJ has no place telling me when or… - 4 years ago

@MaureenPeverill: @valand_rakesh That’s why captain Tom rip was so loved - 4 years ago

@sweet_andwicked: RT @StephenColegra1: The Most Fitting Memorial to the Formidable Captain Tom would be for the Government to Properly Fund the NHS – Byline… - 4 years ago

@Susanmerryweath: RT @RogerHelmerMEP: These identitarian warriors are concerned with nothing except racial provocation. - 4 years ago

@Leah13109066: RT @itvnews: Exclusive: Captain Sir Tom Moore's daughter tells ITV News, 'He leaves us with a powerful message - tomorrow is a good day' ht… - 4 years ago

@DonBrookes1: RT @obrien_jonathan: 1. There is no statue of Captain Tom. 2. If there was, Black Lives Matter would have no reason to go anywhere near it… - 4 years ago

@RhydianL92: RT @ladbible: He's now looking for donations and will let Captain Tom's family decide where the statue will stand 👏❤️ - 4 years ago

@mikesweeney62: @pastypower007 @EUMarauder I've got incurable cancer. I learned years ago when I had a mental health problem to gra… - 4 years ago

@TheWoodPeckerEU: RT @ArgyleLoz: Richard Littlejohn is as shameless as he is repulsive, he says the #BLM would tear down a statue of Captain Sir Tom Moore (… - 4 years ago

@london_bromley: Captain Sir Tom Moore is fundraising from the grave #Bromleyelectrician #Bromley - 4 years ago

@ASurreyLady: Excellent, respectful piece about #TomMoore and the overheated reaction to his life and death. "The Most Fitting Me… - 4 years ago

@CatObbard: It’s no good nurses having adequate masks and gowns if no one’s banging a saucepan for them. - 4 years ago

@trekkingcottage: @RETEU3 Is Captain Tom the same as uncle Tom Cobly. It keeps popping into my mind for some reason. - 4 years ago

@isobel_karen: RT @LukeMiller1888: Clap for captain Tom the 100 year old man who died with his family next to him, despite it being strictly not allowed f… - 4 years ago

@GyllKing: RT @ElizeBiermann: The Most Fitting Memorial to the Formidable Captain Tom would be for the Government to Properly Fund the NHS @Otto_Engl… - 4 years ago

@endonhighschool: Pupils have created some great art work to celebrate the life of Captain Sir Tom who raised millions to help the N… - 4 years ago

@keeviexo: RT @LukeMiller1888: Clap for captain Tom the 100 year old man who died with his family next to him, despite it being strictly not allowed f… - 4 years ago

@loudonCorkOne: RT @RETEU3: Just in case you didn’t know, there was an Asian captain Tom but he got fk all attention 🤪 - 4 years ago

@jessnorfolkk: RT @hollieh0llie: influencers : dr alex, marcus rashford, captain tom moore not influencers : people with 20k instagram followers who are… - 4 years ago

@MartinSexton18: RT @Nigel_Farage: These appalling comments attacking the Clap for Captain Tom as “white nationalism” shows why the Church of England is col… - 4 years ago

@WirelessStudios: RT @MattChorley: 🔊RED BOX PODCAST #PMQsUnpacked @ShippersUnbound and I pause the action as Johnson and Starmer clash on borders and claddi… - 4 years ago

@davidhoward123: RT @GetBrexit_Done: My government is proud to announce we will name an NHS hospital after Captain Sir Tom Moore. We still haven't decided w… - 4 years ago

@LindaBl94674248: RT @charlotteh71: This week's blog please read, share and donate if possible. Every penny helps and atm I'm helping a single parent and her… - 4 years ago

@petajessemey: RT @Rachael_Swindon: PM could have honoured Captain Tom by funding hospitals – he decided to clap instead | Mark Steel - 4 years ago

@nosugarpop: @LadBonnie Maybe like Captain Tom said "It'll be better tomorrow" ! - 4 years ago

@tess_seers: RT @MonicaPicc2021: Great article by such a talented journalist and writer ⁦@Otto_English⁩ Otto English argues that a 100-year-old man wi… - 4 years ago

@canuckuk: RT @mrmarksteel: My column, on the Prime Minister clapping Captain Tom, for raising the money the Prime Minister could have handed over but… - 4 years ago

@Namndhela: RT @RichieBrave: You can be sad at the tragic passing of Captain Tom Moore and still be critical of people travelling to Barbados in the mi… - 4 years ago

@JohnEccleston2: RT @HillViewAcadem1: The wait is over! Next Friday, in memory of Captain Tom Moore, the @ImpactMAT Primary Academies will be enjoying a day… - 4 years ago

@Rubiespal: RT @calvinrobinson: Captain Sir Tom Moore was a veteran and a hero, and deserves our respect. It's divisive and toxic to shrug that off as… - 4 years ago

@tps_pri: Today TPS did a ‘Do 100 of Something’ challenge to honour and remember Captain Sir Tom Moore. Here’s what the child… - 4 years ago

@CTKLiverpoolY5: A tribute to Captain Sir Tom by Olivia in 5NH. Amazing ❤️ - 4 years ago

@magshinio: RT @GetBrexit_Done: My government is proud to announce we will name an NHS hospital after Captain Sir Tom Moore. We still haven't decided w… - 4 years ago

@ThuTu90482607: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@news98info: Boris hints he will name a New hospital after Captain Sir Tom Moore - 4 years ago

@My_Truth_Today: Captain Sir Tom Moore, the 100-year-old World War II veteran who raised millions for the U.K.’s National Health Ser… - 4 years ago

@ephemeral1107: RT @RDHale_: After Captain Sir Tom Moore's heroic efforts, we now have a paralysed man walking 112 miles with the help of an exosuit and wa… - 4 years ago

@Blackburnjack: RT @2tweetaboutit: Boris Johnson hints he will name a new hospital after Captain Sir Tom Moore in honour of the fundraiser who stole a nati… - 4 years ago

@gallimaufrey777: RT @MrsBurgin: I think Captain Sir Tom Moore was awesome. A bright light of humanity in dark and dreary year. But if we, the British people… - 4 years ago

@CadyLady4: RT @stevebenson_az: In honor of Captain Sir Tom Moore and with sincere condolences to his family, friends and all who mourn for him 🇬🇧 #Ca… - 4 years ago

@grdtobin: RT @owlladycal: @haveigotnews Does this gvmnt imagine that clapping will keep the C19 variations at bay?? Any fool can see that the ONLY WA… - 4 years ago

@woolston6thform: RT @actionhappiness: “For all those people who are finding it difficult at the moment - the sun will shine on you again and the clouds will… - 4 years ago

@KevinandtheCats: RT @derekjames150: Yes! That sounds like #BorisJohnson. Tosser! - 4 years ago

@trace2367: RT @SoniaAdesara: Heroic efforts of Captain Tom & others is heartwarming But let’s not forget the core issues Our NHS is NOT a charity H… - 4 years ago

@b3nn1ch0171: RT @LukeMiller1888: Clap for captain Tom the 100 year old man who died with his family next to him, despite it being strictly not allowed f… - 4 years ago

@ddtowe: RT @VictoriaCoren: He made it count, didn't he, old Captain Tom? For all those worrying about how much time we'll have lost when this ghast… - 4 years ago

@3388774_AmWiggy: R.I.P That Sir Captain Tom Moore Has Died One Of Our True Best Sir Captain Tom Moore Was That… - 4 years ago

@EmpsonJanet: RT @2tweetaboutit: Boris Johnson hints he will name a new hospital after Captain Sir Tom Moore in honour of the fundraiser who stole a nati… - 4 years ago

@blorezum: RT @badly_drawn_boy: I doubt there’s anyone who doesn’t appreciate the singular effort of Sir Captain Tom, he was a good man. The Governmen… - 4 years ago

@trace2367: RT @wirralphil1: Are you in favour of a state funeral for Captain Tom? - 4 years ago

@BrianBu79335068: RT @RDHale_: After Captain Sir Tom Moore's heroic efforts, we now have a paralysed man walking 112 miles with the help of an exosuit and wa… - 4 years ago

@_Oyinkay: RT @hollieh0llie: influencers : dr alex, marcus rashford, captain tom moore not influencers : people with 20k instagram followers who are… - 4 years ago

@AnnaCarruthers6: RT @RDHale_: After Captain Sir Tom Moore's heroic efforts, we now have a paralysed man walking 112 miles with the help of an exosuit and wa… - 4 years ago

@Stephen10883289: RT @RDHale_: After Captain Sir Tom Moore's heroic efforts, we now have a paralysed man walking 112 miles with the help of an exosuit and wa… - 4 years ago

@saithbont: Captain Sir Tom Moore: Cleric's apology for tweet condemning nationwide clap 'does not undo hurt' | UK News | Sky N… - 4 years ago

@WillCui1: RT @hollieh0llie: influencers : dr alex, marcus rashford, captain tom moore not influencers : people with 20k instagram followers who are… - 4 years ago

@Gailhamlet3: @traceyinhull @Fibutton Really?? I think Captain Tom would want that for all the 100.000 died alone to. And the 7 year Old today. - 4 years ago

@welshcookie75: RT @RDHale_: After Captain Sir Tom Moore's heroic efforts, we now have a paralysed man walking 112 miles with the help of an exosuit and wa… - 4 years ago

@GlobalBritain21: RT @BigginsDiesel: @GlobalBritain21 If it weren’t for captain Tom and his generation Blm would be slaves again under the nazi jack boot - 4 years ago

@lee_myo: RT @stoney632: There’s been calls for a statue for Captain Sir Tom Moore Tony Clarke a sculptor from Leeds, made this bronze statue months… - 4 years ago

@ravanelliterry: RT @RDHale_: After Captain Sir Tom Moore's heroic efforts, we now have a paralysed man walking 112 miles with the help of an exosuit and wa… - 4 years ago

@MegAnncourtneyx: RT @hollieh0llie: influencers : dr alex, marcus rashford, captain tom moore not influencers : people with 20k instagram followers who are… - 4 years ago

@mariwilliams123: RT @LukeMiller1888: Clap for captain Tom the 100 year old man who died with his family next to him, despite it being strictly not allowed f… - 4 years ago

@ChrisBanks: @LaytonEWilliams Until this week, I'd have responded "Princess Diana" but right now, it is "Captain Sir Tom Moore" - 4 years ago

@AndersonVJudith: RT @HertsMercury: "You were one in a million. You brightened so many peoples lives during this pandemic. Sleep tight Captain Sir Tom Moore"… - 4 years ago

@annadevine66: RT @Artemitzi: Boris Johnson could have honoured Captain Sir Tom Moore by funding hospitals – he decided to clap instead - 4 years ago

@joinupthinking: RT @blue6oy: Here's an idea: instead of honouring Captain Tom by clapping why not honour him by voting against the people who made it neces… - 4 years ago

@ReformPartyET: RT @reformparty_uk: Please join us at 6pm as we pay tribute to Captain Tom. #ClapForCaptainTom - 4 years ago

@TraffordPagesUK: RT @IrlamCadNow: Nice touch: Groundwork Greater Manchester Davyhulme Park, Urmston 🌈💚 We salute you, Captain Sir Tom Moore. 📸- Sue Robert… - 4 years ago

@SheelaghG: RT @MartinDaubney: Free speech is a wonderful thing. It allows us to see the bigots & morons hiding within our national institutions for wh… - 4 years ago

@hausillusion: RT @LukeMiller1888: Clap for captain Tom the 100 year old man who died with his family next to him, despite it being strictly not allowed f… - 4 years ago

@beckyyjo: RT @hollieh0llie: influencers : dr alex, marcus rashford, captain tom moore not influencers : people with 20k instagram followers who are… - 4 years ago

@Gregmc40: RT @EvieNorman: Can’t believe the filth I’m seeing from SNP nationalists about captain Tom, I didn’t think they could stoop any lower than… - 4 years ago

@Josh_Bradley_: RT @LukeMiller1888: Clap for captain Tom the 100 year old man who died with his family next to him, despite it being strictly not allowed f… - 4 years ago

@Rajk_71: RT @blue6oy: Here's an idea: instead of honouring Captain Tom by clapping why not honour him by voting against the people who made it neces… - 4 years ago

@evo0386: RT @YorkshireProse: He gave the nation summat to cheer about when allt news was pretty bloody miserable. This was for his 100th bday. To h… - 4 years ago

@thejavabud: How To Be A Hero, by Captain Tom Moore - 4 years ago

@JoeStephenson96: Captain Tom's book and the man who wrote it - 4 years ago

@DHSFifePS: RT @actionhappiness: “For all those people who are finding it difficult at the moment - the sun will shine on you again and the clouds will… - 4 years ago

@rachelwbu: RT @EmmaBagshaw4: Every Covid death was someone’s Captain Tom. All 107,000 of them. - 4 years ago

@LiliLapis30: RT @brexitblog_info: When they put up a statute to Captain Sir Tom Moore, these lunatics will probably find an excuse to target that too.… - 4 years ago

@blondiesup: RT @EvieNorman: Can’t believe the filth I’m seeing from SNP nationalists about captain Tom, I didn’t think they could stoop any lower than… - 4 years ago

@sashagladio: RT @NellyTells: Reference to Captain Tom having the jab deleted from DailyMail article. Now you see it, now you don’t. - 4 years ago

@Kellyf2005: U​.​K. government : For the U​.​K. government to hold a state funeral for Captain Sir Tom Moore - ¡Firma la petició… - 4 years ago

@lostpickle299: RT @VictoriaCoren: He made it count, didn't he, old Captain Tom? For all those worrying about how much time we'll have lost when this ghast… - 4 years ago

@magpie_mama: @JeremyVineOn5 No, Captain Sir Tom Moore was a humble individual who did a great thing but a state funeral is wildl… - 4 years ago

@CaseyInCMH: RT @NHLdotcom: Thanks to @BlueJacketsNHL captain @NickFoligno for joining NHL @TheRink... he was great on so many subjects, including Patri… - 4 years ago

@Harry_McMahon: RT @blue6oy: Here's an idea: instead of honouring Captain Tom by clapping why not honour him by voting against the people who made it neces… - 4 years ago

@Nick24933176: Church of England : Remove Jarel Robinson-Brown from his post at C of E for insulting Sir Captain Tom's cause - Sig… - 4 years ago

@Ravensthorpe0: RT @svtnyheter: ”Captain Tom” blev ett namn för hela det brittiska folket genom sin jättelika insamling till landets vårdpersonal. - 4 years ago

@vanessafayex: RT @hollieh0llie: influencers : dr alex, marcus rashford, captain tom moore not influencers : people with 20k instagram followers who are… - 4 years ago

@TashaGammon: RT @hollieh0llie: influencers : dr alex, marcus rashford, captain tom moore not influencers : people with 20k instagram followers who are… - 4 years ago

@HughJam75402652: RT @HughJam75402652: Captain Sir Tom Moore: Cleric's apology for tweet condemning nationwide clap 'does not undo hurt' | UK News | Sky News… - 4 years ago

@whyndham: RT @canonjpemberton: Unpopular opinion: I find all this standing and clapping a) a bit naff and b) if @BorisJohnson thinks it is a good ide… - 4 years ago

@KentVera: RT @BainzyC: I read this morning a BAME vicar calling Captain Tom a White Supremacist! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 These people are going too far, they make my… - 4 years ago

@williamdbaker: RT @MyArrse: Do you what the best thing Boris could do for Captain Tom, not to clap for him but to give the Nurses a pay rise. Captain Tom - 4 years ago

@NaturallyWells: RT @badly_drawn_boy: I doubt there’s anyone who doesn’t appreciate the singular effort of Sir Captain Tom, he was a good man. The Governmen… - 4 years ago

@TamiScripps: RT @JohnHewko: Today we must pay tribute to the outstanding work of #Rotary members in all walks of life who have answered the call to figh… - 4 years ago

@jivinmalc: RT @TheConWom: Captain Tom, delightful man and propaganda tool - 4 years ago

@Mirpanda1: RT @tuco_tuco: Has anyone done a Captain Tom Graffiti tribute piece yet? 👀 - 4 years ago

@pigreen1: RT @Kevin_Maguire: Silence with no 6pm clapping for Captain Sir Tom Moore and other virus victims in my street and corner of London. Used… - 4 years ago

@MaybeCon: RT @hollieh0llie: influencers : dr alex, marcus rashford, captain tom moore not influencers : people with 20k instagram followers who are… - 4 years ago

@samuelthenun: RT @CorbynistaTeen: The best way to honour Captain Tom Moore’s legacy is not a performative clap from the PM, but to fund the NHS properly,… - 4 years ago

@morgantaitxo: RT @LukeMiller1888: Clap for captain Tom the 100 year old man who died with his family next to him, despite it being strictly not allowed f… - 4 years ago

@lfcnerece: RT @hollieh0llie: influencers : dr alex, marcus rashford, captain tom moore not influencers : people with 20k instagram followers who are… - 4 years ago

@theapexk1: RT @hollieh0llie: influencers : dr alex, marcus rashford, captain tom moore not influencers : people with 20k instagram followers who are… - 4 years ago

@WorcsLive: A lovely idea to remember Captain Tom - 4 years ago

@onhistodd: RT @RespectIsVital: Are people genuinely saying we should blow millions on a state funeral for Captain Sir Tom Moore? It's a bit ironic co… - 4 years ago

@Cheyenne196060: RT @SomeTimesImFun2: Instead of a state funeral for Sir Captain Tom - Why not build some new hospitals & name them in his honour? Consider… - 4 years ago

@orinbegum: RT @MrNishKumar: It would be great if we allocated more money for the NHS in Captain Tom’s memory so that in the future 100 year old aren’t… - 4 years ago

@LordMVee: RT @RespectIsVital: Are people genuinely saying we should blow millions on a state funeral for Captain Sir Tom Moore? It's a bit ironic co… - 4 years ago

@jamesmoylan77: @EdwardJDavey We must remember what Captain Tom' and his mates dead since ww2 were promised,to avoid another holoca… - 4 years ago

@JoeHulejczuk: RT @ElliotElinor: The best tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore I can think of would be the immediate resignation of the government. - 4 years ago

@MasonKrangleCPA: RT @GivingtoGeorges: Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore, a true inspiration who brought the nation together in support of the NHS in its l… - 4 years ago

@LeahElliott18: RT @CorbynistaTeen: The best way to honour Captain Tom Moore’s legacy is not a performative clap from the PM, but to fund the NHS properly,… - 4 years ago

@Pedigree57: Church of England : Remove Jarel Robinson-Brown from his post at C of E for insulting Sir Captain Tom's cause - Sig… - 4 years ago

@TinyTimB: RT @DalbidEU: The Dipstick of Downing Street wasted £Billions on contracts to cronies and wishes to lead the applause. For perspective Capt… - 4 years ago

@brain_nerve: RT @MrNishKumar: It would be great if we allocated more money for the NHS in Captain Tom’s memory so that in the future 100 year old aren’t… - 4 years ago

@lloyd_dennis8: RT @milneorchid: R.I.P. Captain Sir Tom Moore, the absolute antithesis of Johnson's Tories. #CaptainSirTomMoore #CaptainTomMoore #NHS http… - 4 years ago

@Devon12319057: Church of England : Remove Jarel Robinson-Brown from his post at C of E for insulting Sir Captain Tom's cause - Sig… - 4 years ago

@jon_castleman: @rollingTrump @ManFromMarcoIs1 @Acosta Not when it comes to something like this. If 30% of the Buccaneers’ players… - 4 years ago

@Pedigree57: RT @NKrankie: He's apologising for the timing of his tweet about captain Tom, not the content or meaning of the tweet itself. This is not a… - 4 years ago

@PrairieIslander: RT @RoyalFamily: The Queen is sending a private message of condolence to the family of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Her Majesty very much enjoy… - 4 years ago

@msholmes0903: RT @ElliotElinor: The best tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore I can think of would be the immediate resignation of the government. - 4 years ago

@Eswantoro3: RT @itvnews: Captain Sir Tom Moore's memory has been honoured with a national clap from people across the country More here: - 4 years ago

@farnaj60: RT @davidschneider: If Boris Johnson really wants to pay tribute to Captain Tom, maybe commit to funding the NHS properly, starting with a… - 4 years ago

@Mariusz_1976MJ: RT @JohnHewko: Today we must pay tribute to the outstanding work of #Rotary members in all walks of life who have answered the call to figh… - 4 years ago

@sunitaofficials: RT @cnni: Captain Tom Moore — a 100-year-old World War II veteran who became universally adored after raising £33 million ($45 million) for… - 4 years ago

@RudiDobson: RT @TheSun: Boris Johnson to lead clap for war hero Sir Captain Tom Moore tonight - 4 years ago

@1KevHamilton: RT @MahmudAsrar: Captain Marvel #26 Cover One of the ideas for this cover was to have a romance comic visual. So I thought I’d go for a pu… - 4 years ago

@WillTompsett: RT @queenchristina_: I think Captain Tom was a magnificent human being and an inspiration to us all, but I am not going to clap when the ma… - 4 years ago

@CarolLe66281922: RT @queenchristina_: I think Captain Tom was a magnificent human being and an inspiration to us all, but I am not going to clap when the ma… - 4 years ago

@sal_2311: My Grandson was inspired by Captain Tom. He’s 6. He wanted to raise money so he’s run a mile a day for 2 weeks.. he… - 4 years ago

@karengilly: RT @Roydini25: So Captain Tom contracted Covid 19 in hospital. Perhaps from now when they announce daily death numbers they can separate t… - 4 years ago

@JMcKWriter: RT @badly_drawn_boy: I doubt there’s anyone who doesn’t appreciate the singular effort of Sir Captain Tom, he was a good man. The Governmen… - 4 years ago

@Jakjobson: RT @itvnews: Captain Sir Tom Moore's memory has been honoured with a national clap from people across the country More here: - 4 years ago

@kellydavies35: U​.​K. government : For the U​.​K. government to hold a state funeral for Captain Sir Tom Moore - Sign the Petition… - 4 years ago

@EHijacked: RT @AlanRain3: @helena31milano @EHijacked @RishiSunak I have just emailed the disgusting Sunak (my MP) about the disgusting Johnson and his… - 4 years ago

@Juke_Spencer: RT @CorbynistaTeen: I don’t want to see your Captain Tom tweets if you don’t understand that it’s messed up a 100 year old man had to walk… - 4 years ago

@guse_guse: RT @alanjstedman: Nope, the "nation" didn't. Not a squeak around here. This is propaganda BBC News - Captain Sir Tom Moore: Nation claps… - 4 years ago

@CromptonWilliam: RT @hobbitoncentral: He did an absolutely amazing thing but I can’t clap for Captain Tom Moore because, like a lot of key workers, I’m work… - 4 years ago

@deescattered: RT @marie_arran: Rees-Mogg’s personal wealth is worth more than three times what Captain Tom raised for the NHS. #ToryCovidCatastrophe #To… - 4 years ago

@vickyhsmith: RT @BBCNews: "The odd young lad showing off occasionally happens... I'm sure he'll become a model citizen... and hopefully more like Captai… - 4 years ago

@martin_oxley: RT @JujuliaGrace: Captain Tom Moore was a brave and exceptional man But I will not be instructed by @BorisJohnson to applaud an effort whi… - 4 years ago

@Dartmoor64: RT @GetBrexit_Done: After leading the worst Covid-19 response in the world, giving Britain the worst death rate, and underfunding the NHS s… - 4 years ago

@JT4Mets4Arsenal: RT @Cleavon_MD: A life lived whole. Captain Sir Tom Moore, a World War II veteran who raised more than $40 million to help Britain's health… - 4 years ago

@keithwhale2: Bbc 1 Tribute to captain sir Tom Moore we salute you #SirTomMoore - 4 years ago

@magicbeanz1986: RT @CorbynistaTeen: The best way to honour Captain Tom Moore’s legacy is not a performative clap from the PM, but to fund the NHS properly,… - 4 years ago

@TheBeakSquawks: RT @OLSSTweets: Some of the Prayers and messages of thanks to Sir Captain Tom today. God rest his soul 💚 - 4 years ago

@PaulHearne9: RT @RjMoore78249834: Here is Joseph Kelly from Glasgow, he's the vile bastard that posted about Captain Sir Tom Moore earlier, retweet this… - 4 years ago

@bigbadllew: RT @RichardSmiiith: RIP Captain Tom ♥️ - 4 years ago

@hairibeast: RT @davidschneider: If Boris Johnson really wants to pay tribute to Captain Tom, maybe commit to funding the NHS properly, starting with a… - 4 years ago

@BlackDansMam: RT @kiasazand: @10DowningStreet @captaintommoore Here’s an idea, let’s not clap. Why not do something meaningful and lasting? Let’s fund ou… - 4 years ago

@skiologist: Instead of clapping for Captain Tom Moore they could name one of the forty new hospitals that Johnson promised to b… - 4 years ago

@EmmaLouiseWebb3: City pays emotional tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore, who died with Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@SaniwaKnight28: 英國二戰老兵湯姆穆爾Captain Tom老先生於本月2日因武漢肺炎病逝 享嵩壽100歲 R.I.P.🙏 - 4 years ago

@jlmass81: RT @queenchristina_: I think Captain Tom was a magnificent human being and an inspiration to us all, but I am not going to clap when the ma… - 4 years ago

@brewbich: RT @Butterflyjoy1: @expressionessd1 Noone seems to care that thousands of elderly residents in care homes have died. I respect Captain Tom - 4 years ago

@jaggidas: RT @davidschneider: If Boris Johnson really wants to pay tribute to Captain Tom, maybe commit to funding the NHS properly, starting with a… - 4 years ago

@rgibbs: RT @EdwardCarey70: A drawing a day, and occasionally two. Day 321. Captain Sir Tom Moore. “The sun will shine on you again and the clouds w… - 4 years ago

@MattSmithWales: RT @AndrewRTDavies: Captain Sir Tom Moore epitomised the very best of our great country. His determination and optimism in tough times are… - 4 years ago

@AndreaBailey3: RT @dazstir9: I see no Premier League club paid their respects to Captain Tom Moore last night, a true hero, but are still kneeling over a… - 4 years ago

@craigy_xo: RT @nicfromwales: @bbclaurak I liked Captain Tom. I admire what he did. But I will not stand and clap on my doorstep on the order of a poli… - 4 years ago

@tweet_to_who: Captain Tom had pneumonia and tested positive for Covid so the media say he died after being tested for Covid as if… - 4 years ago

@Omokoshaban: ‘A life lived well’: PM pays tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore - 4 years ago

@Wolf7Bad: RT @Sharpar33: Captain Tom was lovely. My aunt died this morning of Covid related pneumonia. Unlike Captain Tom she wasn’t allowed my uncle… - 4 years ago

@bobjlawrie: RT @badly_drawn_boy: I doubt there’s anyone who doesn’t appreciate the singular effort of Sir Captain Tom, he was a good man. The Governmen… - 4 years ago

@TamsinFlower1: The Charioteer - a poem I wrote for Captain Tom Moore back in April 2020. He has completed his century as a consumm… - 4 years ago

@dan187187dwill: RT @davidschneider: If Boris Johnson really wants to pay tribute to Captain Tom, maybe commit to funding the NHS properly, starting with a… - 4 years ago

@Taradplc: RT @MarcusRashford: The great Captain Sir Tom Moore ♥️ - 4 years ago

@davee_evans: RT @queenchristina_: I think Captain Tom was a magnificent human being and an inspiration to us all, but I am not going to clap when the ma… - 4 years ago

@3rClass: Not All Super Heroes Wear Capes. Some wear Medals. Captain Sir Tom Moore we salute you! Gone but not Forgotten. Ho… - 4 years ago

@didithitthespot: RT @MrNishKumar: It would be great if we allocated more money for the NHS in Captain Tom’s memory so that in the future 100 year old aren’t… - 4 years ago

@lynxxiv: RT @KateWilton1: If @BorisJohnson has lowered the union flag in respect of the death of Captain Tom, when does he intend to raise it again?… - 4 years ago

@OhBabyLetMegIn: RT @nellypotahto: 'are you wearing the cap-' 'the captain tom mini skirt? yeah I am' - 4 years ago

@CowboyFbpe: RT @SholaMos1: #BorisJohnson can piss off with his hypocritical national clap. His catastrophic failure led to thousands of #COVID deaths.… - 4 years ago

@too_stuff: RT @MrNishKumar: It would be great if we allocated more money for the NHS in Captain Tom’s memory so that in the future 100 year old aren’t… - 4 years ago

@bernadettefair4: @piersmorgan Absolutely we will be showing our respect at 18.00 hrs , pure respect for captain Tom and every single NHS worker - 4 years ago

@EccentricJam: RT @davidschneider: If Boris Johnson really wants to pay tribute to Captain Tom, maybe commit to funding the NHS properly, starting with a… - 4 years ago

@SuziVirani: Fabulous Finn! Woohoo, you are such a credit to all paws! Your intelligence, loyalty,duty, more importantly your al… - 4 years ago

@BrettiOfficial: RT @BorisJohnson: Tonight at 6pm we’ll put our hands together to show our appreciation for Captain Sir Tom Moore, all that he stood for and… - 4 years ago

@JOEPUBLIC20171: RT @RupertMyers: Will you clap for Captain Tom? - 4 years ago

@_BASQUlAT: @ShirleyPussy Captain Tom threw the first brick at stonewall ❤️ - 4 years ago

@MattProops: RT @davidschneider: If Boris Johnson really wants to pay tribute to Captain Tom, maybe commit to funding the NHS properly, starting with a… - 4 years ago

@cool_grandad: RT @SpoonerAaron: Please don’t think this is anything against Sir Captain Tom Moore, he did an amazing job and it was one of the feel good… - 4 years ago

@AbsBahrBahr: RT @England_RL: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 #EnglandRL fully endorse this video from @England with the inspirational @CaptainTomMoore! 🙏 Our thoughts are wit… - 4 years ago

@gwcollinge: RT @bakerstherald: @bbclaurak Using Captain SIR Tom Moore as a political propaganda strategy shows the depths that the fascist, psychopathi… - 4 years ago

@caroline_cgp: RT @MrNishKumar: It would be great if we allocated more money for the NHS in Captain Tom’s memory so that in the future 100 year old aren’t… - 4 years ago

@ThatWingWaffl: RT @Robnoady: @JimSterling They put the flag outside number 10 at half mast for Captain Tom. If they did that for every single person who's… - 4 years ago

@Eraxite1: RT @I_W_M: IWM are saddened to hear of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Captain Tom represented hope in a time of adversity and he wil… - 4 years ago

@depauleolivier: RT @BFMTV: 🇬🇧 On l’appelait « Captain Tom » Héros du confinement, ce vétéran britannique est mort hier à 100 ans du Covid-19 - 4 years ago

@DrMBotha: RT @MrNishKumar: It would be great if we allocated more money for the NHS in Captain Tom’s memory so that in the future 100 year old aren’t… - 4 years ago

@SeddighEllie: We pay our tribute to Captain Sir Tom and all who lost their lives to #COVID19 at 6pm 😔😔😔 - 4 years ago

@AgPeriUrban: RT @scotfoodjames: The tributes to Captain Tom are well deserved. Perhaps during the #ClapForTom we also remember the 108,012 other Covid-1… - 4 years ago

@mester841: RT @CarryOnDaniel: Captain Tom on Blankety Blank - 4 years ago

@Nutellastaan: RT @markgrimshaw16: A lot of people are fairly criticising Captain Tom Moore’s decision to go to Barbados for Christmas, but I also think m… - 4 years ago

@johnzy_88: RT @dazstir9: I see no Premier League club paid their respects to Captain Tom Moore last night, a true hero, but are still kneeling over a… - 4 years ago

@MariaAnnMole1: RT @ymcastpauls: A truly inspiring human being who’s inner light shone so brightly and gave us hope during our darkest times. May you res… - 4 years ago

@JoaniSparkles: RT @48FighterWing: Today, the flags at the Liberty Wing and across the United Kingdom are at half-staff in honor or Captain Sir Tom Moore,… - 4 years ago

@BenGile82032152: @goodcoatsthese @bigbluetractor So, again, what does this have to do with a tweet about Captain Tom dying? - 4 years ago

@SibbyMcC: RT @pete_sinclair: Exactly one year ago today, Boris Johnson made the speech which led to the death of Captain Sir Tom Moore and the 1,449… - 4 years ago

@losttourist: RT @WiteWulf: I am *so* tired of this man’s incessant bullshit in the face of mounting crises on every side. You know what I’ll stand in t… - 4 years ago

@Schmidtlepp: RT @RoyalFamily: The Queen is sending a private message of condolence to the family of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Her Majesty very much enjoy… - 4 years ago

@joshwallace103: RT @LeightonTownFC: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore ❤️ A true national hero 🦸, our thoughts are with his family at this time. - 4 years ago

@themillerblog: RT @DrDomPimenta: The love for the inspiring Captain Tom from all sectors is great to see. But we mustn’t forget, every one of the 108,000… - 4 years ago

@Colin45672234: RT @CorbynistaTeen: I don’t want to see your Captain Tom tweets if you don’t understand that it’s messed up a 100 year old man had to walk… - 4 years ago

@wiltybanter: RT @mnrrntt: Captain Tom set off looking to possibly make £1,000 for charity. He ended up raising £30million through public generosity. Hav… - 4 years ago

@amandacjansen: RT @LBCNews: Prime Minister Boris Johnson announces a national clap for Captain Sir Tom Moore at 6PM this evening. Read more: - 4 years ago

@robinjuste: RT @BBCRadioKent: Prime Minister Boris Johnson has urged people across the country to join in a national clap for Captain Sir Tom Moore at… - 4 years ago

@BenAshcroft27: RT @mrdanwalker: Captain Sir Tom Moore The #BBCBreakfast tribute - 4 years ago

@EmilyLindridge: RT @bbcsoutheast: Prime Minister Boris Johnson has urged people across the country to join in a national clap for Captain Sir Tom Moore at… - 4 years ago

@SoozUK: RT @drjanaway: I respect Captain Moore. I respect he took it upon himself to help solve a problem of the governments making. I abhor any at… - 4 years ago

@elibo_17: RT @tomhfh: Last night the London Eye was lit up in Union Jack colours to honour Captain Tom 🇬🇧💪 - 4 years ago

@ARUK_News: We're saddened to hear the news of Sir Thomas Moore, , who passed away yesterday at the age of 100. Thanks to Capt… - 4 years ago

@SonjaKielty: RT @snapperlane: Liver Building lit up blue in honour of Captain Sir Tom Moore on the Liverpool waterfront tonight #Liverpool #CaptainSirTo… - 4 years ago

@kelvinblunt: RT @Cleavon_MD: A life lived whole. Captain Sir Tom Moore, a World War II veteran who raised more than $40 million to help Britain's health… - 4 years ago

@BhulletGh: RT @MarcusRashford: The great Captain Sir Tom Moore ♥️ - 4 years ago

@ItsEmilyKaty: RT @OpenMindMH: Captain Tom was old, but his life was still worth fighting for. Just because someone is old, sick or disabled doesn't mean… - 4 years ago

@Bonnielock2: RT @WhiteHouse: We join the United Kingdom and the world in honoring the memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore, who inspired millions through his… - 4 years ago

@spike_wavescape: Sad to hear that Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100, who wowed the world when he doggedly walked with his walker in his bac… - 4 years ago

@lucia_lepasha: RT @ManCity: An inspiration. The thoughts of everyone connected with Manchester City are with his family and friends. Thank you Captain S… - 4 years ago

@Bella99035779: RT @David39133380: Very sad to hear the death of Captain Tom. But please do not let the Nationists hijack his intentions and legacy. Captai… - 4 years ago

@Bobbyme3: RT @ChelseaFC: We're saddened to learn of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore. An inspiration to us all. - 4 years ago

@THAT_Jane: @gregdownsfan Captain Tom reporting. - 4 years ago

@stgemmashospice: RT @LeedsCC_News: We'll be flying flags at half-mast on our main council buildings tomorrow in honour of this very special man. Leeds salut… - 4 years ago

@lokshensoupjek: RT @PaulMer53: Here's a little dedication to Captain Tom Moore. His beloved Spitfires that meant so much to him on his birthday. Todays T… - 4 years ago

@broyobrown: RT @BorisJohnson: Captain Sir Tom Moore was a hero in the truest sense of the word. His legacy will long live after him. - 4 years ago

@jimmyma42227225: This hysteria about Captain Sir Tom The Marvelous has to stop. National holiday, statue on the fourth plinth - don'… - 4 years ago

@lambergallardt: RT @DefenceHQ: 🎥 Captain Sir Tom Moore was an inspiration to so many. His legacy will live on and continue to inspire the next generation o… - 4 years ago

@AliBirdHypno: Sadiq Khan: Captain Sir Tom Moore's Statue Permanently On Plinth 4 - Sign the Petition! - 4 years ago

@Harrybs23: RT @lauravincent97: Captain Tom was given free flights to Barbados from British airways in early December, before strict travel restriction… - 4 years ago

@Tommo_txt: RT @OllyVanGaal: Virtue signalling to make the population care about one death and not 110,000 deaths Sure, Captain Sir Tom Moore's death… - 4 years ago

@LuccioniJa: RT @LandoNorris: With sadness one of the coolest and most inspiring characters has passed away. A man who showed the world what you can do… - 4 years ago

@LucTorresUK: RT @CorbynistaTeen: I don’t want to see your Captain Tom tweets if you don’t understand that it’s messed up a 100 year old man had to walk… - 4 years ago

@emadams_: RT @jonlis1: Good they’ve lowered No 10’s flag to honour Captain Tom. Hope it stays lowered for the next 100,000 days to honour everyone el… - 4 years ago

@karenbway_karen: RT @MPrepuce: WEDNESDAY!!! Our hero Sir Captain Tom passed away today, and we are left with the disgraceful, corrupt administration whose… - 4 years ago

@BedenRb: @captaintommoore RIP Sir Captain Tom Moore thank you for all what’ve done to the NHS and our nation. It’s sad to lo… - 4 years ago

@cashiivfx: 11 hours ago — Captain Sir Tom Moore has died with coronavirus. The 100- year-old, who raised almost £33m for NHS .… - 4 years ago

@MissKAndrews3: RT @simonsideschool: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. Such an incredible inspiration to us all. - 4 years ago

@alisonKayBrown: RT @NAM_London: Sending our condolences to the family of this remarkable man. Captain Sir Tom Moore, we are proud to tell your story and we… - 4 years ago

@Carlain_Poetry: RT @Vulcans14: Captain Sir Tom Moore May your steps to Heaven be safe and surefooted 🙏🏻 God Bless You Sir… - 4 years ago

@JubbShaun: RT @CorbynistaTeen: I don’t want to see your Captain Tom tweets if you don’t understand that it’s messed up a 100 year old man had to walk… - 4 years ago

@RobinDavidMorri: RT @PaulEmbery: This is just daft. The overwhelming majority of those who died with covid *were* elderly and/or unwell. The idea that stati… - 4 years ago

@RG_Team_Tokyo: RT @NATO: Captain Sir Tom Moore inspired millions through his life. We join the the world in honouring his memory. Rest in Peace Captain S… - 4 years ago

@manda2396: RT @Keir_Starmer: This is incredibly sad news. Captain Tom Moore put others first at a time of national crisis and was a beacon of hope f… - 4 years ago

@finneyivan1963: RT @OwenJones84: The pandemic has become an unrelentingly cruel story of rolling daily faceless statistics. Captain Tom Moore's death is a… - 4 years ago

@Elizabe85058511: Sir, captain Tom you won your wings took from us through COVID you will always be remembered 💜family - 4 years ago

@MelisssfMelissa: RT @brianwhelanhack: A fitting way for the British government to mark the passing of Captain Tom Moore would be to promise to secure the fu… - 4 years ago

@MSNNZ: Captain Sir Tom Moore's family are 'hurt' by Barbados comments - 4 years ago

@mattlodder: RT @AyoCaesar: Paul here pretending he can’t read suddenly. If you downplayed the seriousness of the pandemic by saying, explicitly or imp… - 4 years ago

@williamdbaker: RT @LabourSoc1alist: Question of the day. If Starmer hired Captain Tom’s PR firm instead of a duff, ex Israeli spy - would he be 2000 point… - 4 years ago

@brucel: How I love seeing newspapers and public figures getting all Lady Di about Captain Tom Moore after complicity with l… - 4 years ago

@BelindaSitton: @piersmorgan @GMB Rip captain Tom x - 4 years ago

@ESuttonS: RT @BBCBreakfast: “That tiny small act of kindness inspired so many” GP Dr Nighat Arif tells #BBCBreakfast Captain Sir Tom Moore’s fundrai… - 4 years ago

@elmpenguin: Rip Captain Sir Tom Moore inspiration to so many. What an amazing man you were. Hero. XXX - 4 years ago

@and_find2: RT @NotBarron1946: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore - 4 years ago

@Miguelmedinilla: RT @RoyalFamily: The Queen is sending a private message of condolence to the family of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Her Majesty very much enjoy… - 4 years ago

@MachaneWala: RT @JHenderson: A truly remarkable man. You inspired a nation. Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore ❤️ - 4 years ago

@AmyyLouiise: RiP captain sir Tom Moore ❤️🙏🏼😇 - 4 years ago

@Merlin18318974: Captain Tom Moore (1920 - 2021) - 4 years ago

@GermieManick: RT @petemorristwit: If you've not got anything 'positive' to say about Captain SIR Tom Moore, then keep your fucking mouth shut. How much… - 4 years ago

@PaulAustin16: RT @MarcusRashford: The great Captain Sir Tom Moore ♥️ - 4 years ago

@a1yamuk: RT @TheSun: Captain Sir Tom Moore tested negative for Covid after returning from Barbados holiday, family reveal - 4 years ago

@ronisandgren49: RT @dcfcofficial: Rest in peace, Captain Sir Tom Moore. Forever a hero and an inspiration to us all 💙 - 4 years ago

@GamzeErcuman: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@BFBSAldershot: We’ve lost an irreplaceable hero, who touched the hearts and minds of every single one of us. You will never be fo… - 4 years ago

@Lenthebastard: RT @Rachael_Swindon: Rest in power, Sir Captain Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@GillibrandPeter: RT @WhiteHouse: We join the United Kingdom and the world in honoring the memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore, who inspired millions through his… - 4 years ago

@Auwal_Damau: RT @MarcusRashford: The great Captain Sir Tom Moore ♥️ - 4 years ago

@DFCSheff: RT @ladyjacq66: Flag at half mast for Captain Tom Moore (I don't begrudge this) at no10 Downing Street. However I'm angry now @BorisJohnson… - 4 years ago

@stejroberts: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@SJG99: RT @Uberminx1973: I’ve seen a few posts re the passing of Sir Captain Tom, suggesting a medal for special community service in his name, or… - 4 years ago

@joao3108: RT @CorbynistaTeen: I don’t want to see your Captain Tom tweets if you don’t understand that it’s messed up a 100 year old man had to walk… - 4 years ago

@GSSohal2020: RT @BorisJohnson: Captain Sir Tom Moore was a hero in the truest sense of the word. His legacy will long live after him. - 4 years ago

@SykKla: RT @Bazilis: Rest in Peace Captain Sir Tom Moore... 🖤🖤🖤 Nemůžu napsal, že ho ta čínská ku... dostala. I když to dopadlo takhle, vyhrál on..… - 4 years ago

@raiderjak: RT @jason_carl_fox: An inspiration and true hero. Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore - 4 years ago

@hamad2095: RT @SeanAshXtraMile: @captaintommoore I walked for you today and now I want to call on everyone up and down this country to go out and walk… - 4 years ago

@a_dalgleish: Rest In Peace, Captain Sir Tom - 4 years ago

@QueensburyBrent: RT @metpoliceuk: We are saddened to hear that Captain Sir Tom Moore has died. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. His courage a… - 4 years ago

@CraigeHamilton3: RT @Bobg1968: RIP Captain Tom we salute you sir 😞😞😞 - 4 years ago

@markzphoto: RT @CorbynistaTeen: I don’t want to see your Captain Tom tweets if you don’t understand that it’s messed up a 100 year old man had to walk… - 4 years ago

@jennykroeze: RT @SkySportsF1: "He just wanted the best for everyone, that’s the kind of guy he was." ❤ McLaren's Lando Norris pays tribute to Captain S… - 4 years ago

@primebinny: RT @marinamaral2: Captain Tom Moore. Rest in Power. - 4 years ago

@Beccadatwitt: RT @DrTedros: Deeply saddened to hear that Captain Tom passed away, a few days after testing positive for #COVID19. He was a true champion,… - 4 years ago

@FoidPoosening: RT @GraemeBandeira: TOMORROW WILL BE A GOOD DAY: A courageous man with a sense of humour and duty. RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. Here's my tri… - 4 years ago

@NBell63692827: RT @Matthew82069336: Boris Johnson couldn't even comb his hair for his fake tribute to Captain Tom. Boris Johnson hasn't once contacted the… - 4 years ago

@Teram323Tere: RT @DrTedros: Deeply saddened to hear that Captain Tom passed away, a few days after testing positive for #COVID19. He was a true champion,… - 4 years ago

@tbiramadhan: RT @10DowningStreet: Tonight the Union Flag flies at half mast in memory of the life of Captain Sir Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@PaulMick: RT @GWR: We're saddened to hear of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Sir Tom features on the cover of Guinness World Records 2021 afte… - 4 years ago

@KathyWoolly15: RT @jonlis1: Good they’ve lowered No 10’s flag to honour Captain Tom. Hope it stays lowered for the next 100,000 days to honour everyone el… - 4 years ago

@ALEXAND54492272: @piersmorgan RIP Colonel-Captain Sir Tom Moore 100 Years of age, True Legend. - 4 years ago

@CharlesPDavis: RT @NewsNationNow: RIP: Capt. Tom Moore, the World War II veteran who walked into the hearts of a nation in lockdown as he shuffled up and… - 4 years ago

@LynMyers20: @captaintommoore Very sad loss,Captain Tom became a great Character & popular with the people! Rest in Peace kind S… - 4 years ago

@LadyCecilyNevil: RT @BBCWorld: Captain Sir Tom Moore, the Army veteran who won the hearts of people in the UK by walking 100 laps of his garden before his 1… - 4 years ago

@Mld32589207: RIP Captain TOM♥️ - 4 years ago

@Neo_Manifesto: RT @CorbynistaTeen: I don’t want to see your Captain Tom tweets if you don’t understand that it’s messed up a 100 year old man had to walk… - 4 years ago

@Trade_Haven: RT @SkyNews: BREAKING: The flag above 10 Downing St has been lowered to half mast after Captain Sir Tom Moore died aged 100. Read more: ht… - 4 years ago

@LynnBarber25: RT @SmoothRadio: Rest in peace, Captain Sir Tom Moore. You were an inspiration and brought a source of light to the nation… 💜 - 4 years ago

@campervan_57: RT @BBCNWT: Blackpool Tower has been lit up in blue to pay tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore who's died at the age of 100. 😢 - 4 years ago

@Kieran_Revell: Our heart goes out to the family and friends of Captain Sir Tom Moore (@captaintommoore ). Thank you Sir for your… - 4 years ago

@SchwarzHorn: RT @TankMuseum: We were honoured to host Captain Sir Tom Moore at The Tank Museum, in 2007. He served with distinction in the Royal Armoure… - 4 years ago

@LadyCecilyNevil: RT @EnglandRugby: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. A true hero and a great example to all of us. On behalf of the rugby community, thank-you f… - 4 years ago

@tarihagai: RT @marinamaral2: Captain Tom Moore. Rest in Power. - 4 years ago

@vikrant_jassal: RT @BritishArmy: It is with great sadness that we have learnt of the death of Captain Sir Tom Moore. An exceptional man and soldier to the… - 4 years ago

@cristinatro: RT @F1: RIP Captain Sir Tom Thank you for the positivity and inspiration you brought to so many ❤️ - 4 years ago

@octavia038: RT @I_W_M: IWM are saddened to hear of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Captain Tom represented hope in a time of adversity and he wil… - 4 years ago

@NanaAgy10266351: RT @ChelseaFC: We're saddened to learn of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore. An inspiration to us all. - 4 years ago

@MAEgofrance: RT @henrymance: Just as Greta Thunberg showed that you're never too young to make a difference, Captain Tom showed that you're never too ol… - 4 years ago

@singinsandye: RT @Forbes: Captain Sir Tom Moore, the 100-year-old British veteran who became a national hero after raising millions for frontline pandemi… - 4 years ago

@LadyCecilyNevil: RT @JustinWelby: Captain Sir Tom Moore was the very best of us. Where he walked, a nation followed. I pray for his family and friends, an… - 4 years ago

@carlfitz: RT @LivEchonews: A poignant tribute to Captain Tom tonight. RIP - 4 years ago

@SamayamTelugu: వందేళ్ల వయసులోనూ కరోనాపై పోరాటం చేసిన బ్రిటన్ లాక్‌డౌన్ హీరో ఇకలేరు #UK #TomMoore #Covid19 - 4 years ago

@DebbieAlAmiley1: RT @MailOnline: We salute you, Captain Tom: Social media users pay fitting tribute to WWII and NHS hero after his death to Covid - 4 years ago

@ChicAlaska: RT @RoyalFamily: The Queen is sending a private message of condolence to the family of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Her Majesty very much enjoy… - 4 years ago

@russty1962: RT @BBCNews: His intention was to raise £1,000 for NHS Charities Together - in less than a year, Captain Sir Tom Moore raised almost £33 mi… - 4 years ago

@VanderwerkenJ: @TheDoodleBoy1 @poscauk Could you possibly do a captain sir tom portrait? - 4 years ago

@talkRADIO: RT @talkRADIO: Dame Esther Rantzen says Captain Sir Tom Moore will be remembered as "the hero of the pandemic". "He gave us all a feeling… - 4 years ago

@shastert: RT @nytimes: “Captain Sir Tom Moore was a hero in the truest sense of the word,” Prime Minister Boris Johnson said following news that the… - 4 years ago

@that_Canadian95: RT @BBCWorld: Captain Sir Tom Moore: A look back at a lifetime of achievements - 4 years ago

@anna_newbold: @Kismuil @MayorofLondon Maybe outside the DofH offices seeing as Captain Tom put them to shame. - 4 years ago

@lizzcampa: RT @TheStourbridge: Thankyou Sir Captain Tom Moore 1920-2021 You are a true Great British Hero & a true inspiration to the natio… - 4 years ago

@gyazhaa: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@shourn7: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@bhoy_jon: RT @jonlis1: Good they’ve lowered No 10’s flag to honour Captain Tom. Hope it stays lowered for the next 100,000 days to honour everyone el… - 4 years ago

@Wawuzat2: @captaintommoore Saddened to hear of your passing. You are and alway will be an inspiration to many people. Let’s… - 4 years ago

@jrk47: RT @MPrepuce: WEDNESDAY!!! Our hero Sir Captain Tom passed away today, and we are left with the disgraceful, corrupt administration whose… - 4 years ago

@talkRADIO: RT @talkRADIO: Mark Dolan: "Captain Sir Tom Moore will never be forgotten... he brought inspiration, comfort and a smile to the British peo… - 4 years ago

@VazzaFC: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@MrNathanFish: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@jessica63482169: RT @SkyNews: WWII veteran Captain Sir Tom Moore, who inspired the nation in lockdown by raising millions for the NHS, has died aged 100, hi… - 4 years ago

@Yung_Mulwa: RT @MarcusRashford: The great Captain Sir Tom Moore ♥️ - 4 years ago

@uptickkoki: RT @LandoNorris: With sadness one of the coolest and most inspiring characters has passed away. A man who showed the world what you can do… - 4 years ago

@TownleyArt: RT @TownleyGrammar: Townley Grammar School would like to offer our sincere and heartfelt condolences to Captain Sir Tom Moore and his famil… - 4 years ago

@TheEveninger: Top story: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies in hospital with coronavirus - BBC News - 4 years ago

@shabbiar: RT @JHenderson: A truly remarkable man. You inspired a nation. Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore ❤️ - 4 years ago

@StuartHoneyford: RT @petemorristwit: If you've not got anything 'positive' to say about Captain SIR Tom Moore, then keep your fucking mouth shut. How much… - 4 years ago

@73carolinewhite: RT @NobbyPompey: Evening Peeps. CC1 call to ALL Veterans. Obviously we have to wait for the announcement of Captain Tom's funeral. May i re… - 4 years ago

@Ethanwarren2003: RT @gracepetrie: Peace to Captain Tom, who should be remembered for his amazing acts of charity and absolutely none to Boris Johnson who sh… - 4 years ago

@redmayne_robert: RT @BBCBreaking: Obituary: Captain Sir Tom Moore, a hero who gave a nation hope amid the Covid pandemic - 4 years ago

@bligbakbloosh: RT @guardian: Captain Sir Tom Moore - in pictures - 4 years ago

@Mielelocale: RT @deirdreheenan: The inspirational Captain Sir Tom Moore, who gave so much to the fight against #COVID19 has passed away. Rest easy. #r… - 4 years ago

@garycogill: Captain Tom, flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. - 4 years ago

@erikleeWJZ: @wjz Captain Sir Tom was a tough cookie and a very impressive guy. RIP - 4 years ago

@revcarlahampton: RT @bishopnorwich: Sadly fitting that Captain Sir Tom Moore, a bearer of light and hope during difficult days, should be called home on the… - 4 years ago

@jfmwym: RT @JohnLewisRetail: Our thoughts are with the family of Captain Sir Tom Moore. He was an inspiration to us all and we’ll always remember h… - 4 years ago

@EvansDonnell: RT @guardian: Captain Sir Tom Moore - in pictures - 4 years ago

@thekey2deborah: RT @BBCNews: His intention was to raise £1,000 for NHS Charities Together - in less than a year, Captain Sir Tom Moore raised almost £33 mi… - 4 years ago

@Drew_Mac: Captain Tom Moore inspired millions. The NHS inspired him | Gaby Hinsliff - 4 years ago

@fl_ash: RT @CorbynistaTeen: I don’t want to see your Captain Tom tweets if you don’t understand that it’s messed up a 100 year old man had to walk… - 4 years ago

@SarahJ_Whiteley: RT @UniofBradford: The University is saddened to hear of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Originally from Keighley, he became a beacon… - 4 years ago

@Oluwa2mise: RT @piersmorgan: Tomorrow’s @GMB is dedicated to Captain Sir Tom Moore. The man who put the Great into Great Britain & reminded us all of… - 4 years ago

@DebbieHalliday3: RT @JonJonesSnr: If Boris Johnson wants to honour Captain Sir Tom Moore, he should stop making empty gestures (flags at half mast) and fun… - 4 years ago

@marjilfc: Stunning Liverpool youve done captain Tom an honour - 4 years ago

@FrightfulHob: Serious analysis of Captain Tom's passing: capital has always chewed up and spat out those whom it has chosen as te… - 4 years ago

@Twiggles3K: A lovely poem written for the one and only Captain Tom! This is not my poem, I am just sharing it. @HowardJuniorSch - 4 years ago

@EMathmo: RT @jonlis1: Good they’ve lowered No 10’s flag to honour Captain Tom. Hope it stays lowered for the next 100,000 days to honour everyone el… - 4 years ago

@_ElliotAV: RT @Jaack: Captain Tom was the true definition of an “influencer”. What that man was able to do in his final year of life should be remembe… - 4 years ago

@OlivierFlash: RT @Planet_F1: The world of Formula 1 has paid tribute to fundraising hero Captain Sir Tom following the 100-year-old’s death. RIP Sir, an… - 4 years ago

@enderton_justin: Tributes to Captain Sir Tom Moore who has died at the age of 100 - 4 years ago

@AndyCSouthWales: RT @FoxxysTweets: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. You were and inspiration to the nation, and a British legend. Thank you for everything you d… - 4 years ago

@RevCanonAlan: RT @VictoriaCoren: He made it count, didn't he, old Captain Tom? For all those worrying about how much time we'll have lost when this ghast… - 4 years ago

@MonkfishAnlytca: RT @10DowningStreet: Tonight the Union Flag flies at half mast in memory of the life of Captain Sir Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@mosiestearn: Captain Tom's body may be gone, but his heart, soul and personality will become stronger with each passing day. - 4 years ago

@DianeRoper: RT @TheRickyDavila: Captain Sir Tom Moore is a war veteran known for raising tens of millions of dollars at the start of the pandemic in th… - 4 years ago

@sabina49463420: RT @BBCPolitics: The Downing Street flag has been lowered in honour of Captain Sir Tom Moore - 4 years ago

@xOahuBeachx: RT @MicheleCruicks1: Saying night night to you all from us both ,hoping your day has been good to you Very sad news about Sir captain Tom… - 4 years ago

@PGLNorthWales: RT @LeicsFreemasons: Our thoughts are with the family and loved ones of Captain Sir Tom Moore, a true hero of the nation. Rest in Peace #he… - 4 years ago

@Hardisty1996: RT @Jaack: Captain Tom was the true definition of an “influencer”. What that man was able to do in his final year of life should be remembe… - 4 years ago

@IanParry79: @gparry84 @GobWrong @tommycock69 Captain Sir Tom Moore to you!! Jesus, you call Fergie Sir because he fluked a treb… - 4 years ago

@C_Mitchell7_97: RT @ladbible: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. 1920-2021. A truly GREAT Brit. - 4 years ago

@anthonylamont5: RT @10DowningStreet: Tonight the Union Flag flies at half mast in memory of the life of Captain Sir Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@mik61scot: RT @10DowningStreet: Tonight the Union Flag flies at half mast in memory of the life of Captain Sir Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@MGW1991: RT @Jaack: Captain Tom was the true definition of an “influencer”. What that man was able to do in his final year of life should be remembe… - 4 years ago

@DrChrisLukeCork: RT @BBCNews: "The last year of our father's life was nothing short of remarkable. He was rejuvenated and experienced things he'd only ever… - 4 years ago

@Owen__LFC: RT @JHenderson: A truly remarkable man. You inspired a nation. Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore ❤️ - 4 years ago

@NicholasAddy7: RT @ChelseaFC: We're saddened to learn of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore. An inspiration to us all. - 4 years ago

@LaxMusgrave: RT @sharongrimes1: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. A true gentleman ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Tizzie97: RT @Thelma_DWalker: RIP Captain Tom . Let a fully funded, publicly owned NHS be your legacy. - 4 years ago

@heywhytech: Vanity upon vanity, Good night Captain Tom Moore a perfect gentleman. - 4 years ago

@Jack__towler: RT @BritishArmy: It is with great sadness that we have learnt of the death of Captain Sir Tom Moore. An exceptional man and soldier to the… - 4 years ago

@stm_cpshe: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore - 4 years ago

@ged_savva: RT @we_are_magpie: We think it's only fitting that Captain Sir Tom Moore joins our inspiration wall to help us create healthier and happie… - 4 years ago

@KickingRabbit7: RT @UNICEF: "One step had the power to inspire one hundred more." Thank you Captain Sir Tom Moore, for all your positivity, inspiration an… - 4 years ago

@RoseKattackal: RT @BritishArmy: It is with great sadness that we have learnt of the death of Captain Sir Tom Moore. An exceptional man and soldier to the… - 4 years ago

@walkersprove: RT @BeaconofLight: 💙 Captain Sir Tom Moore was a beacon of hope for millions during such a dark time. Tonight we're lighting up blue to pa… - 4 years ago

@tracelousmith: RT @GMB: Captain Sir Tom Moore, war hero and national treasure who captured the nation's heart, has died aged 100. Our condolences go out… - 4 years ago

@unoankh: RT @TheRickyDavila: Captain Sir Tom Moore is a war veteran known for raising tens of millions of dollars at the start of the pandemic in th… - 4 years ago

@shaneo41731: RT @ladbible: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. 1920-2021. A truly GREAT Brit. - 4 years ago

@roypaul1959: RT @GanglSepp: R.I.P. Captain Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@Waggataurus: RT @CTRLFC: An inspirational man who touched the lives of so many people. Thank you for everything, Captain Sir Tom Moore. Rest in peace.… - 4 years ago

@haylouuxx: RIP Sir Captain Tom Moore... what an inspiration he was 💙 - 4 years ago

@DisheartenedD: RT @zarahsultana: Captain Tom Moore raised money for our NHS when it was most in need. He gave hope to us all. His passing is another trag… - 4 years ago

@EMB428: Oh no. Covid got Sir Captain Tom. - 4 years ago

@kiingy_: RT @mlothianmclean: Captain Tom's last year and his death really says a lot about the UK. - 4 years ago

@pinkysderby: RT @10DowningStreet: Tonight the Union Flag flies at half mast in memory of the life of Captain Sir Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@CavalrySam: RT @itvnews: 'What a character, a sense of duty, a wicked sense of humour, cheeky - you've got to call him cheeky - and such humility' ITV… - 4 years ago

@AlasdairRoss: RT @MPSWelling: We are all saddened to hear of Captain Sir Tom Moore’s passing. Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there. I do n… - 4 years ago

@DouseDominic: RT @morss_alex: We may never forget Captain Sir Tom Moore. RIP 🙏 But nor should we forget that crooked Tories took more from our NHS than… - 4 years ago

@SeatonHirstCofE: RT @BritishArmy: It is with great sadness that we have learnt of the death of Captain Sir Tom Moore. An exceptional man and soldier to the… - 4 years ago

@GerhardLuckhoff: RT @ksh_safety: @captaintommoore A true gentleman. What a way to live his final year. An inspiration to the nation at a time of need. He wi… - 4 years ago

@LyndaMa15321927: RT @MartinSLewis: Captain Tom. We salute you. #RipCaptainTom - 4 years ago

@michellehast61: RT @BorisJohnson: Captain Sir Tom Moore was a hero in the truest sense of the word. His legacy will long live after him. - 4 years ago

@MrUkraider: RT @McLarenF1: Everybody at McLaren is deeply saddened to hear the news of Captain Sir Tom Moore’s passing. His remarkable resilience, cou… - 4 years ago

@RealNeuf6: RT @SkyNews: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies aged 100 after contracting coronavirus and pneumonia - 4 years ago

@TommyMcKeown8: RT @MattHancock: I'm so sorry to hear that Captain Tom has passed away in hospital. He was a great British hero that showed the best of ou… - 4 years ago

@ARockinRobin81: RT @StigAbell: The lesson of hope from Captain Tom Moore is that, in your hundredth year, you can still change the world. If that is not re… - 4 years ago

@lekulukumu: RT @CTVNews: Captain Sir Tom Moore, the Second World War veteran who raised millions for health service workers in the U.K., has died at 10… - 4 years ago

@catlin_stewart: RT @laurabarr38: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore 💔😢 #NeverWalkAlone #RIPTom - 4 years ago

@mtindec_: RT @MailOnline: Queen personally honours passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore aged 100 - 4 years ago

@IdrisibnDawud1: RT @geezerbutler: Sad to hear of Captain Sir Tom passing- what a hero [a REAL hero]. RIP - 4 years ago

@ll_Cool__Josh: RT @Reuters: UK's Captain Tom Moore has died, family says - 4 years ago

@MrUkraider: RT @GaryLineker: How terribly sad: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away. What an extraordinary life, with the most wonderful finale over t… - 4 years ago

@Kaiim29: RT @SpecsOpsCenter: En ce 2 février 2021, Captain Sir Tom Moore nous as quittés suite à son hospitalisation dû à la COVID-19. Ce vétéran A… - 4 years ago

@Arsonye: RT @JHenderson: A truly remarkable man. You inspired a nation. Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore ❤️ - 4 years ago

@faith_bonner17: RT @mlothianmclean: Captain Tom's last year and his death really says a lot about the UK. - 4 years ago

@KevinLa57329699: Captain Sir Tom Moore, a British hero in more ways than one. RIP SIR - 4 years ago

@BPonderyn: RT @MarkoSilberhand: @captaintommoore What a great man. He was a HERO to the end ! R.I.P. Captain Tom Moore 🙏 - 4 years ago

@BenHasler1: RT @mlothianmclean: Captain Tom's last year and his death really says a lot about the UK. - 4 years ago

@ToniMcFLDem: RT @Boris56056403: Don’t usually do posts like this but Mum wanted to say RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. An inspiration to us all. A sad day.… - 4 years ago

@kmrry5: RT @RangersFC: A true inspiration. A British hero, Captain Sir Tom Moore 💙 - 4 years ago

@AvrilBellon: RT @USATODAY: Capt. Tom Moore, UK veteran who walked into the hearts of a nation in lockdown, dies after testing positive for COVID-19 http… - 4 years ago

@JulietW11704242: RT @SimonLeggett5: Covid-19: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies with coronavirus. Bless his heart! He was an inspiration to us last year when we re… - 4 years ago

@bigcheerfull: RT @GaryAnderson180: What a remarkable man, Sir Captain Tom Moore Rest in peace & thank you for all you have done. - 4 years ago

@Anthony_The_Gen: RT @SpencerOwen: Moore than a legend. Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore 👏🏻 - 4 years ago

@LV08111: RT @BorisJohnson: Captain Sir Tom Moore was a hero in the truest sense of the word. His legacy will long live after him. - 4 years ago

@DavieOxblood: RT @BorisJohnson: Captain Sir Tom Moore was a hero in the truest sense of the word. His legacy will long live after him. - 4 years ago

@alicexnewman12: RT @VictoriaCoren: He made it count, didn't he, old Captain Tom? For all those worrying about how much time we'll have lost when this ghast… - 4 years ago

@PCDoris1: Captain Sir Tom Moore was the very best of us. Where he walked, a nation followed.… - 4 years ago

@ChancellorsSch: RT @ChancellorsPE: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. 1920-2021 - 4 years ago

@Dswaggontop: RT @SkyNews: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies aged 100 after contracting coronavirus and pneumonia - 4 years ago

@FeedelSircolour: RT @JHenderson: A truly remarkable man. You inspired a nation. Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore ❤️ - 4 years ago

@AdrianRichardE2: RT @10DowningStreet: Tonight the Union Flag flies at half mast in memory of the life of Captain Sir Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@paulbla51334539: Captain Tom DID NOT die from Covid. His family took him to Barbados at Xmas where he caught Pneumonia. - 4 years ago

@KirstenMcCannX: RT @Missguided: Today we are remembering Captain Sir Tom Moore ✨ Missed but never forgotten, rest in peace 🕊 - 4 years ago

@ConnorBingham8: @Taff_in_Exile @lite_ly I through up one last salute and a farewell Captain Tom ('-'*ゞ - 4 years ago

@North_StarUK: RT @sandieshoes: Union Jack is trending. I feel nothing but fury for my fellow citizens who are ashamed of the Union Jack. Just leave! le… - 4 years ago

@GoalballUK: R.I.P. Captain Sir Tom Moore. Thank you for everything you have done in inspiring the nation to be more active and… - 4 years ago

@Leanne_Findlay_: Devasting 💔 Rip to Captain Sir Tom Moore a wonderful man who made a massive difference! - 4 years ago

@TramEngineAlt: RT @hornby: Our deepest condolences go out to Captain Tom Moore’s family. A remarkable man who not only raised millions for the NHS but s… - 4 years ago

@biochem_fan: BBC "Captain Sir Tom Moore dies in hospital with coronavirus" 結局亡くなってしまった。 もっと早期から入院させておけ… - 4 years ago

@Clearchos: RT @jonlis1: Good they’ve lowered No 10’s flag to honour Captain Tom. Hope it stays lowered for the next 100,000 days to honour everyone el… - 4 years ago

@AshaSin24116510: RT @10DowningStreet: Tonight the Union Flag flies at half mast in memory of the life of Captain Sir Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@ColbyGreenCfc: RT @ChelseaFC: We're saddened to learn of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore. An inspiration to us all. - 4 years ago

@josesmum1975: RT @BeanoOfficial: A hero and an immortal inspiration to our readers. Thank you, Captain Sir Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@ArturBarros10: RT @Telegraph: 🚨 Breaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away - 4 years ago

@Jue_Priest: RT @allontheboard: Rest in peace Sir Captain Tom Moore. You will always be remembered and forever loved. Thank you for being such an inspi… - 4 years ago

@grumpydoggy: RT @VictoriaCoren: He made it count, didn't he, old Captain Tom? For all those worrying about how much time we'll have lost when this ghast… - 4 years ago

@DarthEwan: RT @harrisonjbrock: Sad news about Captain Tom - glad he got to experience Bimini Bon Boulash - 4 years ago

@hhboer: RT @GMB: ‘He captured the heart of a country desperate for some joy.’ ‘He represented the best of British spirit.’ @Richardgaisford pays… - 4 years ago

@humanbeing71025: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@Justoleponty: RT @BeckettUnite: Captain Tom captured the hearts of nations not by clapping for the NHS. This was not about gestures, he captured our hear… - 4 years ago

@ameiba: RT @Telegraph: 🚨 Breaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away - 4 years ago

@OsemekeNgozi: RT @ChelseaFC: We're saddened to learn of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore. An inspiration to us all. - 4 years ago

@Becky_Doyle90: RT @mlothianmclean: Captain Tom's last year and his death really says a lot about the UK. - 4 years ago

@Eliza_Muc: You‘ll never walk alone. RIP Captain Tom #TomMoore - 4 years ago

@ShatteredConsc1: Thoughts are with the family of Captain Tom Moore, who sadly just passed away with COVID. The guy did a lot for us… - 4 years ago

@enity61: RT @barbarastarrcnn: Once and always forever, Captain Sir Tom Moore, a military officer who looked after others. This is how its done. #Nev… - 4 years ago

@lm1067: RT @NatashaC: The flag above No10 has been lowered to half mast to honour Captain Sir Tom Moore this afternoon - 4 years ago

@shalzserenity: RT @SoVeryBritish: Thank you, Captain Sir Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@solutionss77: RT @ChelseaFC: We're saddened to learn of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore. An inspiration to us all. - 4 years ago

@NotoriousD0S: RT @antanddec: Captain Sir Tom Moore. What a hero. You were a shining beacon of hope and an inspiration to us all when we needed it most. W… - 4 years ago

@katwomanfifi: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Captain Sir Tom Moore is walking laps around Me. - 4 years ago

@EssexJarv: RT @DreyfusJames: I see the usual suspects are ALREADY politicising Captain Tom’s passing. They really are truly despicable people. - 4 years ago

@frems2020: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@Archie_jb: RT @LandoNorris: With sadness one of the coolest and most inspiring characters has passed away. A man who showed the world what you can do… - 4 years ago

@caffeinepyaar: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Captain Sir Tom Moore is walking laps around Me. - 4 years ago

@MENnewsdesk: NHS Charities Together issues statement and say 'when the time is right, we will put together a suitable tribute to… - 4 years ago

@KatsShanteau: RT @cctv_idiots: Rest in peace captain sir Tom Moore 😔 - 4 years ago

@IsabelO93310576: RT @McLarenF1: Everybody at McLaren is deeply saddened to hear the news of Captain Sir Tom Moore’s passing. His remarkable resilience, cou… - 4 years ago

@N4CM: RT @GregHands: Saddened by the news of the death of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Throughout his life, a British hero. - 4 years ago

@JUSTT0FINDL0VE: RT @yungblud: a true walking example of extraordinary selflessness dedicating his whole life to help others. an incredible human. rest in p… - 4 years ago

@squbop: RT @DerekWarChisora: Rest in peace Captain Tom Moore. A national hero. Always inspiring other people to be positive 💔🙏🏾 - 4 years ago

@ScratchNTweet: Very sad to read. And ironic that Covid finished him. RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore 🥲 - 4 years ago

@FraserGalloway1: RT @BritishArmy: It is with great sadness that we have learnt of the death of Captain Sir Tom Moore. An exceptional man and soldier to the… - 4 years ago

@chloeperkinsxoo: RT @ladbible: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. 1920-2021. A truly GREAT Brit. - 4 years ago

@sarah_sarce: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@StevenL08686045: RIP Sir Captain Tom Moore 🙏 - 4 years ago

@thebookhippie: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies in hospital with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@ofordiboy222: RT @Telegraph: 🚨 Breaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away - 4 years ago

@Illiria_ow: RT @CorbynistaTeen: I don’t want to see your Captain Tom tweets if you don’t understand that it’s messed up a 100 year old man had to walk… - 4 years ago

@sasha54105466: RT @NorthantsPolice: A truly inspirational man. Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@andrea_shrugged: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Captain Sir Tom Moore is walking laps around Me. - 4 years ago

@noisycupboard: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies after being hospitalised with COVID-19 🌿🕊😞 - 4 years ago

@yiyapink: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@327thCBly: RT @LandoNorris: With sadness one of the coolest and most inspiring characters has passed away. A man who showed the world what you can do… - 4 years ago

@Ianpeter54: RT @10DowningStreet: Tonight the Union Flag flies at half mast in memory of the life of Captain Sir Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@Thomas_Yo_elS: RT @RoyalFamily: The Queen is sending a private message of condolence to the family of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Her Majesty very much enjoy… - 4 years ago

@moodsouza: RT @leegogglebox: Devastating news to hear RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore 💙💙what a truly inspirational man - 4 years ago

@greentribute10: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@willerbycouncil: RT @East_Riding: On behalf of our staff, elected members, residents, businesses and communities in the East Riding, thank you Captain Sir T… - 4 years ago

@rbynslr: RT @mlothianmclean: Captain Tom's last year and his death really says a lot about the UK. - 4 years ago

@ThomasOccupy: RT @RoyalFamily: The Queen is sending a private message of condolence to the family of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Her Majesty very much enjoy… - 4 years ago

@KitcherNathan: Can’t believe a true hero has passed today. Captain Sir Tom Moore was a aspiration to all and really made his life… - 4 years ago

@CrowGarrett: RT @SkyNews: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies aged 100 after contracting coronavirus and pneumonia - 4 years ago

@tiafielding: RT @yashar: In April 2020, Captain Sir Tom Moore wanted to raise £1,000 for charity by his 100th birthday by doing laps in his yard with hi… - 4 years ago

@alexdore19: RT @officialbantams: 🙏 | We are devastated to learn of the passing of inspirational Keighley-born veteran @captaintommoore... ❤️💛 | The th… - 4 years ago

@CancerCentreLon: RT @aspenhealthuk: We are very sorry to hear of the death of Captain Sir Tom Moore, a man who united and inspired the nation, and who did s… - 4 years ago

@avawulliet: RT @ladbible: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. 1920-2021. A truly GREAT Brit. - 4 years ago

@MadaboutRobster: RT @antonycotton: What a legacy, what a man. Stand down, Captain Sir Tom Moore - your duty is done. - 4 years ago

@MichaelTyus: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Captain Sir Tom Moore is walking laps around Me. - 4 years ago

@lewismc35412185: RT @RangersFC: A true inspiration. A British hero, Captain Sir Tom Moore 💙 - 4 years ago

@ChloDuncann: RT @LittleRed_x: R.I.P to the legend Sir Captain Tom Moore. Absolutely heartbreaking 💔 - 4 years ago

@jminguell: Thank you Captain Tom 🎖🥇🏆 - 4 years ago

@WEERANGERS: RT @frankbrunoboxer: After my tweet yesterday it is with great sadness I have just learned of the passing of Captain Tom. He was an inspira… - 4 years ago

@Whyjay99: RT @prodnose: All the lockdown ghouls and whiners saying, "But its only is a danger to people in their 80s and they would have died anyway.… - 4 years ago

@C_Farmerr: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Brit… - 4 years ago

@JillLieberSteeg: RT @nytimes: Tom Moore, the 100-year-old British Army veteran whose charity walks raised $45 million for the country's hospitals and made h… - 4 years ago

@JackCosgrove11: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@corinnewatson47: So sad to hear the passing of such a wonderful man whose life was full of adventures and he touched so many peoples… - 4 years ago

@Ben_garrod: Not all heroes wear capes - some walk with the aid of a frame. Thank you Captain Tom, for your inspiration when t… - 4 years ago

@TheWatchfulCook: RT @NHSMillion: Thank you for everything Captain Sir Tom Moore - you were a symbol of hope throughout this awful period and you will never… - 4 years ago

@BenDaviesVO: RT @mlothianmclean: Captain Tom unwittingly has come to symbolise the UK's Covid-19 pandemic and has paid the ultimate price in doing so. F… - 4 years ago

@ciarale01: RT @allontheboard: Rest in peace Sir Captain Tom Moore. You will always be remembered and forever loved. Thank you for being such an inspi… - 4 years ago

@LouisejaneBur12: @BBCBreaking I want to remain unknown I am so sorry I did not like captain tom he got on my nerves why did he thoug… - 4 years ago

@GeordieArmani: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@gggcoys: RT @SpursOfficial: You were a true inspiration to us all. Thank you, Captain Sir Tom Moore 💙 - 4 years ago

@CalderValleySRT: RT @BBCLookNorth: BREAKING: Legendary NHS fundraiser Captain Sir Tom Moore, who was born in Keighley, dies at age of 100 with coronavirus:… - 4 years ago

@Advay45: RT @GaryLineker: How terribly sad: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away. What an extraordinary life, with the most wonderful finale over t… - 4 years ago

@PaulRow18156808: ...including Captain Sir Tom Moore! 😥 - 4 years ago

@Illvillja: RT @RoyalFamily: The Queen is sending a private message of condolence to the family of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Her Majesty very much enjoy… - 4 years ago

@WendyScott0987: Just seen that Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away. So sad! He will always be remembered as an iconic gentleman t… - 4 years ago

@grantbdesign: RT @Keir_Starmer: This is incredibly sad news. Captain Tom Moore put others first at a time of national crisis and was a beacon of hope f… - 4 years ago

@rita_rmj09: And I heard about Captain Tom 😞 no longer such a good day RIP #CaptainTomMoore a legend never forgotten 💙 - 4 years ago

@jimbobsw: RT @SkyNews: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies aged 100 after contracting coronavirus and pneumonia - 4 years ago

@RyanDrifting: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. 😢 - 4 years ago

@JamesGodman7: Rip sir captain tom 🙏 - 4 years ago

@MsHRead30: RT @Reuters: .@captaintommoore struck a chord with locked-down Britain by walking around his garden with the help of a walking frame to rai… - 4 years ago

@RTallentire: Absolutely devastated. Our local hero, a truly inspirational gentleman. RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, thoughts are wit… - 4 years ago

@sheilashin5: RT @BBCPolitics: "He brought joy to the nation, he was an inspiration to everybody in this country" Deputy Speaker Nigel Evans breaks the… - 4 years ago

@Jayyy_Artist: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@SalmonsSheriden: Captain Sir Tom Moore. God bless you! - 4 years ago

@astroid_belt: RT @Reuters: Captain Tom Moore, the British World War Two veteran who raised millions of pounds for health service workers on the frontline… - 4 years ago

@vanpouwi: RT @cnnbrk: Tom Moore, an ex-UK army officer who found fame as a Covid-19 charity fundraiser, has died aged 100 after contracting the virus… - 4 years ago

@andyg12345: RT @ladbible: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. 1920-2021. A truly GREAT Brit. - 4 years ago

@YoungManager05: Was Captain Tom Moore not given the vaccine? - 4 years ago

@squiresgatefc: What a remarkable man! RIP Sir Captain Tom💙 - 4 years ago

@Stuart_28: Give the man a state funeral Rip Sir Captain Tom Moore - 4 years ago

@goaldado_fan: rip captain tom never forgotten - 4 years ago

@martinpaige1: RT @brightonargus: Tragic news just in: National hero Captain Sir Tom Moore has died, aged 100 #RIPCaptainTom Read more>>> - 4 years ago

@Francis42976455: RT @isabella3289: Our hero😭😭😭 BBC News - Covid-19: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@NCHurricane_com: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@Anfieldgoddess: R I P Captain Tom!!! - 4 years ago

@Oliveoyl60: Aw, what a legacy he's left. RIP, Captain Sir Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@rosieje: Oh no. RIP Captain Tom. - 4 years ago

@chrissimsuk: Captain Tom Moore. The soldier, the hero, the legend. A man that never stopped serving his country. We must always… - 4 years ago

@shumer12: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@craftyclare13: RT @skystephen: When someone of great age dies I like to celebrate their life rather than feeling sad, but with Captain Sir Tom Moore, some… - 4 years ago

@smilecouples: RT @JoeNBC: Captain Sir Tom Moore who raised millions for charity during the lockdown and inspired a nation passes away from COVID. https:… - 4 years ago

@PhilipBloom: This is so sad, what he did last year for the NHS was simply amazing. He was an example to all of us. Rest in pe… - 4 years ago

@GeorgeAButler: RT @England: We're deeply saddened to learn of the passing of @captaintommoore. We were honoured to welcome Captain Sir Tom as the leader… - 4 years ago

@BTHFTCharity: Rest in Peace, Captain Sir Tom Moore. The legacy, inspiration and impact you’ve left in supporting #NHScharities wi… - 4 years ago

@52b130bb87c04a3: RT @GaryLineker: How terribly sad: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away. What an extraordinary life, with the most wonderful finale over t… - 4 years ago

@Anne_Marie_2: @BBCPolitics RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore🙏 - 4 years ago

@69k3tty5pag3tty: RT @RoyalNavy: The entire Royal Navy family is saddened to hear of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Our condolences to the family of… - 4 years ago

@thepolitikingz: RT @DavidBegnaud: The 100yo British man who raised 45 million for hosptial workers fighting COVID19, has died while fighting COVID19. He wa… - 4 years ago

@rosenfieldclar1: RT @TheSun: Family share last photo of Captain Sir Tom Moore as he dies with Covid at 100 - 4 years ago

@BluesHuntingdon: RIP Captain Tom. You brought light during dark times and are a true hero to us all. - 4 years ago

@Porticus2: Captain Sir Tom Moore - may he rest in heavenly peace. He truly showed his qualities - even at the age of 100. What… - 4 years ago

@Symes88: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore #inspiration - 4 years ago

@VydraSZN: RT @WilliamsRacing: All at Williams are deeply saddened to learn of Captain Sir Tom Moore's passing. During such a challenging time, he wa… - 4 years ago

@WillHughes_11: R.I.P Captain Sir Tom, a true inspiration - 4 years ago

@AvaniSedani: RT @BBCBreaking: Obituary: Captain Sir Tom Moore, a hero who gave a nation amid the Covid pandemic - 4 years ago

@tcol78MUFC: R.I.P Captain Tom Moore. Legend. 🖤 #CaptainTomMoore #CaptainTom - 4 years ago

@RetrovertedHan: The UK mourns the loss of a remarkable man. Rest in peace, Sir Tom. Captain Sir Tom Moore dies aged 100 after con… - 4 years ago

@Rosie_Nixon: Rest in peace you absolute legend. A hero of our times. He showed us all what bravery, determination and kindness l… - 4 years ago

@Moistloaf69: RT @BBCBreaking: Obituary: Captain Sir Tom Moore, a hero who gave a nation amid the Covid pandemic - 4 years ago

@adam02214200: RT @PaddyMcGuinness: I never knew Captain Sir Tom Moore personally but, like millions of others, it felt like I did. He brought us together… - 4 years ago

@nursejah1: RT @NHSMillion: Thank you for everything Captain Sir Tom Moore - you were a symbol of hope throughout this awful period and you will never… - 4 years ago

@Fitz90MARK: RT @Keir_Starmer: This is incredibly sad news. Captain Tom Moore put others first at a time of national crisis and was a beacon of hope f… - 4 years ago

@persuasivehabit: War hero and a beacon of hope during such a horrid time get him a statue, RIP captain Tom - 4 years ago

@JamesEsbester: RT @theroyaleditor: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore - true British hero, whose grit and determination inspired us all. God Bless you. - 4 years ago

@LoganNCAFC2001: RT @NewportCounty: A man who inspired us all. Rest in peace, Captain Sir Tom Moore.🧡 - 4 years ago

@Nicobab72: RT @DavidBegnaud: The 100yo British man who raised 45 million for hosptial workers fighting COVID19, has died while fighting COVID19. He wa… - 4 years ago

@music_fan2020: Capt. Tom Moore dies of covid. The 100-year-old raised millions for Britain's NHS. - 4 years ago

@bethmitchfield: The absolute best of a nation. A lot for us all to learn from and aspire to.… - 4 years ago

@nyorkshealth: RT @DyingMatters: We are saddened to hear of the death of Captain Sir Tom Moore. He raised an incredible amount for NHS charities and kept… - 4 years ago

@G0LDENEUPH0RIA: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@markbryson1: RT @Bobby_Seagull: Thank you for uniting our nation Captain Sir Tom Moore in the most challenging times. Future generations of children wi… - 4 years ago

@OnlyOneTiley: RT @GaryLineker: How terribly sad: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away. What an extraordinary life, with the most wonderful finale over t… - 4 years ago

@Ontheleftfoot: RT @DavidLammy: Captain Tom Moore brightened the nation with a spirit of optimism in a year of despair. The whole country will mourn his… - 4 years ago

@fraygulrock: RT @ZBrownCEO: Very sad news. An incredible man with huge compassion who we will miss greatly. Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom. - 4 years ago

@fearlesshabitXx: Rip captain Tom ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Sanyeh1: RT @LBC: 'He was a symbol of hope in what has been a very dark time.' Eddie Mair and LBC Westminster Correspondent Ben Kentish reflect on… - 4 years ago

@jamienewman12: Rest In piece Sir Captain Tom Moore. An inspiration to everyone - 4 years ago

@Bea38373335: RT @charlotteukcity: @captaintommoore Captain Tom Moore, Thank you. You were a light, when all other lights had gone out. “At the end of… - 4 years ago

@3nipplechicken: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@edflyy: RT @dcfcofficial: Rest in peace, Captain Sir Tom Moore. Forever a hero and an inspiration to us all 💙 - 4 years ago

@1Britain1Nation: Heartbreaking to hear the death of Captain Sir Tom Moore who inspired the nation. What a legend and our thoughts a… - 4 years ago

@ManzanillaMiel5: RT @captaintommoore: Here's a bit of behind the scenes fun to brighten your weekend - showing Captain Tom has a penchant for getting things… - 4 years ago

@EvaHowitt: RT @isawitfirst: Today is a sad day... Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away, aged 100, after testing positive for coronavirus. He raised £… - 4 years ago

@LBCNews: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised £33 million for the NHS, has died aged 100 after testing positive for Covid-19.… - 4 years ago

@SUSANBOYCOTT: Devastating news our hero Captain Sir Tom RIP - 4 years ago

@JoshuaMobley18: RT @SkyNews: BREAKING: Buckingham Palace says The Queen will send a private message of condolence to the family of Captain Sir Tom Moore, a… - 4 years ago

@Shivajihimself: @Mandoline_Blue RIP Captain Tom - 4 years ago

@_moaclaire: RT @yungblud: a true walking example of extraordinary selflessness dedicating his whole life to help others. an incredible human. rest in p… - 4 years ago

@82ladyK: RT @ZoeTheBall: Captain Sir Tom Moore. Thank you for inspiring us all to do more to help our fellow humans. You are forever in our hearts.… - 4 years ago

@RSR108: RT @AllieRenison: My mother's reaction with which I fully agree upon learning that Captain Tom had gone on holiday in December: "and why sh… - 4 years ago

@Garthwaite14: RT @ladbible: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. 1920-2021. A truly GREAT Brit. - 4 years ago

@TrueFairuz: RT @McLarenF1: Everybody at McLaren is deeply saddened to hear the news of Captain Sir Tom Moore’s passing. His remarkable resilience, cou… - 4 years ago

@blackeyedcat69: RT @yashar: In April 2020, Captain Sir Tom Moore wanted to raise £1,000 for charity by his 100th birthday by doing laps in his yard with hi… - 4 years ago

@evaDrD: RT @PippaCrerar: PM's Press Sec condemns trolling of Capt Tom Moore over his Barbados holiday as "absolutely appalling". "The PM is thinki… - 4 years ago

@Stefan_S_from_H: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@julielushjordan: RIP Sir Captain Tom Moore, you will be sadly missed 😥 #notallheroswearcapes ❤🇬🇧 - 4 years ago

@Juliebird1974: R.I.P. Captain Sir Tom. A true inspiration. The NHS salutes you!🌈💙👏💔 - 4 years ago

@chloeparkin14: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@xMrDCx: Rest easy Sir Captain Tom Moore 🇬🇧 - 4 years ago

@Christo37089562: RT @jokesuk: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore - 4 years ago

@across2490: @piersmorgan Thing is most if not all of them will never come close to the man Sir Captain Tom Moore was. I hate t… - 4 years ago

@Asty01: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@DumbassPolice_: RT @McLarenF1: Everybody at McLaren is deeply saddened to hear the news of Captain Sir Tom Moore’s passing. His remarkable resilience, cou… - 4 years ago

@jo_bk: RT @eccles_st: Everyone here at St Andrews is saddened to hear of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore. He was such an inspiration and role… - 4 years ago

@MackemLes: RT @bluelightcard: Such terrible news. We're forever grateful to Captain Sir Tom Moore's dedication to helping the NHS, RIP. - 4 years ago

@emma_hatcher: @captaintommoore Sending my heart felt condolences on the sad passing of a wonderful man 💙💙 when the country was ye… - 4 years ago

@alisiddiqi4u: RT @RoyalFamily: The Queen is sending a private message of condolence to the family of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Her Majesty very much enjoy… - 4 years ago

@gigicook: RT @ladbible: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. 1920-2021. A truly GREAT Brit. - 4 years ago

@Wbstr65: RT @JoeNBC: Captain Sir Tom Moore who raised millions for charity during the lockdown and inspired a nation passes away from COVID. https:… - 4 years ago

@lewgibbs_: RT @ladbible: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. 1920-2021. A truly GREAT Brit. - 4 years ago

@BajaEnjoyer: Captain Tom has been compromised to a permanent end - 4 years ago

@wakeupal0ne_: RT @ladbible: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. 1920-2021. A truly GREAT Brit. - 4 years ago

@Lucas_UTD: What an extraordinary man ❤️ Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore 🙏 - 4 years ago

@DavidMackayyy: RT @RoyalFamily: The Queen is sending a private message of condolence to the family of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Her Majesty very much enjoy… - 4 years ago

@abbyjnurrish: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@carolwylie3: RT @Beverleyknight: Rest well Sir. ❤️ #CaptainSirTomMoore Covid-19: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@megan_orton28: RT @SaffronBarker: What sad news 🥺😔 RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. True Hero of our country ❤️🥀🇬🇧#RipCaptainTom - 4 years ago

@studiotenuk: Captain Sir Tom deserves nothing less than a state funeral. #RIPCaptainTom - 4 years ago

@ccbigcam: So sad, he was an inspiration to us all A national hero RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore 🙏🏻 - 4 years ago

@PohrebniM: RT @Telegraph: 🚨 Breaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away - 4 years ago

@BritishNewscast: The national hero Captain Sir Tom Moore had sadly passed away due to coronavirus. - 4 years ago

@lauraelphy_: sir captain tom. what a life he lived. you’ll never walk alone 🌹 - 4 years ago

@gemma_anscomb: RT @ladbible: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. 1920-2021. A truly GREAT Brit. - 4 years ago

@salop_sam: RIP Sir Captain Tom...a man that inspired so many people during the darkest times!! #SirCaptainTomMoore - 4 years ago

@ovo_hanna24: RT @mlothianmclean: Captain Tom unwittingly has come to symbolise the UK's Covid-19 pandemic and has paid the ultimate price in doing so. F… - 4 years ago

@LucyAmbache: Oh this is very sad news... The hero and inspirational Captain Sir Tom Moore has died, his legacy will live on🙏 - 4 years ago

@louisehansen: @mrmichaelball I am so, so sad to hear about our wonderful Sir Captain Tom. He was one of the most inspiring gents… - 4 years ago

@RavenstoneMaths: @captaintommoore RIP Captain Tom. An inspiration to us all 💙💙💙 - 4 years ago

@sham_neil: Captain Tom who was 93 died of old age today - 4 years ago

@fayeeb1985: RT @boohoo: Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore, a national hero 🖤 - 4 years ago

@Marklamar20: Sir captain Tom has passed away.☹️ - 4 years ago

@naomislipstick: captain tom did better for our nhs than our government did, he was a national hero rest in peace man 💔 - 4 years ago

@sian_evans_xx: RT @thismorning: We share the sad news that Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away at the age of 100. Our thoughts go out to Sir Tom's fami… - 4 years ago

@RobACooper: RT @yashar: In April 2020, Captain Sir Tom Moore wanted to raise £1,000 for charity by his 100th birthday by doing laps in his yard with hi… - 4 years ago

@paulsonsangel: RT @spfanlana: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. You were a real treasure for our country. - 4 years ago

@Croco1992: RT @SkyNewsBreak: The family of Captain Sir Tom Moore say "it is with great sadness that we announce the death of our dear father" who has… - 4 years ago

@airbusish: Rest In Peace Captain Tom. - 4 years ago

@lacroudace: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@STFC_Carl: RT @EFL: An inspiration to every single one of us. Rest in peace, Captain Sir Tom Moore. 💙 - 4 years ago

@EFaltl: RT @RoyalFamily: The Queen is sending a private message of condolence to the family of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Her Majesty very much enjoy… - 4 years ago

@GemmaElizabethR: RT @RishiSunak: A proud Yorkshire man. A dedicated Army Officer. A tireless fundraiser. And above all, an inspiration to us all. Rest in… - 4 years ago

@MediaCityUK: RT @BBCNorthPR: BBC Breakfast were across Captain Sir Tom Moore's incredible journey from the beginning and the whole Breakfast team, like… - 4 years ago

@PEMcNeil: RT @MattHancock: I'm so sorry to hear that Captain Tom has passed away in hospital. He was a great British hero that showed the best of ou… - 4 years ago

@Digilante_: RT @GraemeBandeira: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. What a remarkable man 🙏 - 4 years ago

@JanineWalkerSA: RIP Captain Sir Tom. You were an inspiration to people around the world. - 4 years ago

@Amanda_1979Xx: More sad news, RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore 💔 - 4 years ago

@Molly_Brown2: Rest in peace Sir Captain Tom Moore ❤️ Terrible News. He was such a legend #SirCaptainTomMoore - 4 years ago

@divita27: RT @Keir_Starmer: This is incredibly sad news. Captain Tom Moore put others first at a time of national crisis and was a beacon of hope f… - 4 years ago

@emsbakerrx: RT @boohoo: Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore, a national hero 🖤 - 4 years ago

@KelvinEHughes: RT @GaryLineker: How terribly sad: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away. What an extraordinary life, with the most wonderful finale over t… - 4 years ago

@Official_Zurra: RIP Captain Tom. A real life superhero - 4 years ago

@Shaun74911986: @BigJetTVLIVE ‘Tomorrow will be a better day’ Captain Sir Tom Moore. RIP - 4 years ago

@ForcesNews: In a statement, Capt Sir Tom’s daughters Hannah Ingram-Moore and Lucy Teixeira said: "The last year of our father’s… - 4 years ago

@IsntTony105: RT @MimiJ9: Sir Captain Tom Moore has died in hospital. RIP Sir - 4 years ago

@taylor_stevie: RT @itvnews: The extraordinary life of Captain Sir Tom Moore in pictures - 4 years ago

@Jessilsleyx: RT @OliverPhelps: RIP Sir captain Tom Moore. A true best of British. - 4 years ago

@theroballen: R.I.P Sir Captain Tom Moore what an inspiration to us all incredible to think a family challenge ended up raising £… - 4 years ago

@DarkBlogMan1: If you will go on holiday to fucking Barbados... BBC News - Covid-19: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@gentlemanmike: RT @McLarenF1: Everybody at McLaren is deeply saddened to hear the news of Captain Sir Tom Moore’s passing. His remarkable resilience, cou… - 4 years ago

@AbubakarMundir: RT @AFP: #BREAKING UK lockdown hero 'Captain Tom' Moore dies at 100: family - 4 years ago

@tgr_robo: RT @DailyMailUK: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies aged 100 after catching Covid - 4 years ago

@liedra: RIP Captain Tom Moore :( He lifted up the hearts of many in the country. A real loss. - 4 years ago

@mossbankjfc: RIP Sir Captain Tom Moore 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️ #SirTomMoore #CaptainTom #RIPSirTomMoore #legend 💚💙 - 4 years ago

@hamid: Did an airline kill Captain Tom? - 4 years ago

@nabihahmad: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@its_harryyyt: RT @BBCLeeds: BREAKING: Legendary NHS fundraiser Captain Sir Tom Moore, who was born in Keighley, dies at age of 100 with coronavirus: http… - 4 years ago

@rd1iemzcog54sk7: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@CpGr7: RT @RoyalReporter: A Buckingham Palace spokeswoman says: “The Queen is sending a private message of condolence to the family of Captain Sir… - 4 years ago

@charlie_hennen9: RT @GaryLineker: How terribly sad: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away. What an extraordinary life, with the most wonderful finale over t… - 4 years ago

@SolaceDavid: RT @CTVNews: #BREAKING news: U.K.'s Captain Tom Moore has died after testing positive for COVID-19, family says - 4 years ago

@Anfield_Oracle: @LifeBanta An inspiration to all RIP Captain Tom - 4 years ago

@Sam_Mason_Photo: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@leahnwoodman: captain tom 😢 - 4 years ago

@richardsh_: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@IGivargis: @LBC This is so sad. RIP Captain Tom Moore. Thank you for showing us the good side of humanity. 🤍 - 4 years ago

@Andy_Belfast: RT @mrdanwalker: How sad to hear about Captain Sir Tom Moore. He did so much to inspire us all last year & achieved so much in his 100th y… - 4 years ago

@JuddPFC95: Such sad news. Thank you for all you done the NHS and our country, Captain Sir Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@glynnyboo: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@ourlivingearth: RT @Everton: An inspiration to us all 💙 Rest in peace, Captain Sir Tom Moore. - 4 years ago

@VojtechGibis: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@m3hd1A: RT @AuRupteur: Décès de Captain Sir Tom Moore à l'âge de 100 ans de la COVID-19. Il était un grand fan de F1. Sa di… - 4 years ago

@brcknowles: RT @Jake_W_Roberts: For many he's been the face of this pandemic, and honestly it feels so crushing to lose him when the light at the end o… - 4 years ago

@laurensandlesx: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@RLloyd9217: RT @Keir_Starmer: This is incredibly sad news. Captain Tom Moore put others first at a time of national crisis and was a beacon of hope f… - 4 years ago

@AnthonyHazell33: @captaintommoore So sad. R.I.P Captain Tom, you will never be forgotten.❤️ - 4 years ago

@Hayley9712: R.I.P SIR CAPTAIN TOM MOORE! thank you for your service 🙏 An inspiration for everyone during these difficult times… - 4 years ago

@LouiseJ79460981: @piersmorgan Rip captain Tom - 4 years ago

@lauracwinter: A national hero. Rest in Peace Captain Tom. Thoughts with all who knew and loved him ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Traveller_Chan1: Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore 🙏🏽 #CaptainTom #CaptainSirTomMoore - 4 years ago

@ngiocoli: "Let's try not to get downhearted, we will get through this, whatever is thrown at us and together we can ensure th… - 4 years ago

@pink_meerkat1: RT @BBCLookNorth: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the NHS, has died with coronavirus. - 4 years ago

@kmhgardendesign: RT @kmhgardendesign: So sad to hear, what a wonderful gentleman he was. RIP Captain Tom Covid-19: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies with coronavir… - 4 years ago

@yerimluve: RT @yashar: In April 2020, Captain Sir Tom Moore wanted to raise £1,000 for charity by his 100th birthday by doing laps in his yard with hi… - 4 years ago

@Philmsh79: Genuine condolences to Captain Tom Moore’s family. He deserves great credit for his efforts in raising money for… - 4 years ago

@Clive67263995: RT @GaryLineker: How terribly sad: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away. What an extraordinary life, with the most wonderful finale over t… - 4 years ago

@OliverStark1: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. What A Man 💙 - 4 years ago

@AbbeyRxsee: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, absolutely devastating.💔 - 4 years ago

@EmilyBarkerDMU: RT @SkyNewsBreak: The family of Captain Sir Tom Moore say "it is with great sadness that we announce the death of our dear father" who has… - 4 years ago

@Nx_Productions: Captain Sir Tom. 🥲 Sleep well legend ❤️ #captainsirtom #hero #nhshero #nhs #Legend - 4 years ago

@JasonLe89224405: RT @SkyNews: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies aged 100 after contracting coronavirus and pneumonia - 4 years ago

@Daz293: @NicolaSturgeon Such very sad news he was such an inspiration a light through these dark times for the whole country. RIP Captain Tom 😭😭 - 4 years ago

@JamesDportman: RT @England: We're deeply saddened to learn of the passing of @captaintommoore. We were honoured to welcome Captain Sir Tom as the leader… - 4 years ago

@TracyGa20473477: RT @deandunham: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, brilliant and inspiring man - 4 years ago

@Chatburn8Sue: Captain Tom, RIP, we salute you and will never forget what you did for the NHS❤️❤️ In our hearts forever 💕💕 - 4 years ago

@AMdVereaux: RT @DB4WorldJustice: Another lifetime of service ended with Covid-19: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@binodshrestha67: Sad to hear the news: Rest in Peace! Captain Sir Tom Moore dies today Moment of sadness but proud of his soul. - 4 years ago

@gilvan2416: RT @Variety: Captain Sir Tom Moore, one of the heroes of the U.K.'s fight against the coronavirus pandemic, has died at 100. - 4 years ago

@gemgeds: Captain Sir Tom Moore was an inspiration to a lot of people and did a lot of good in his final months during a pret… - 4 years ago

@RachelOTstudent: RIP Captain Sir Tom. You inspired many. Rest now 💔 - 4 years ago

@dan_mclarenf1: RIP Sir Captain Tom Moore, you were a true legend and will always be remembered and respected not only for your eff… - 4 years ago

@MUFCFanZone2: RIP Sir Captain Tom Moore! A nation forever grateful to a real Hero! #FuckCovid #RipSirCaptainTomMoore - 4 years ago

@TashaElton1991: RT @SkyNews: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies aged 100 after contracting coronavirus and pneumonia - 4 years ago

@FIFI1992: RT @boohoo: Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore, a national hero 🖤 - 4 years ago

@judolad1: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@JordanJ111102: RT @McLarenF1: Everybody at McLaren is deeply saddened to hear the news of Captain Sir Tom Moore’s passing. His remarkable resilience, cou… - 4 years ago

@ruben_nygard: RT @England: We're deeply saddened to learn of the passing of @captaintommoore. We were honoured to welcome Captain Sir Tom as the leader… - 4 years ago

@pepe_hart: @TerryCulkin1 Sadly we were tweeting as the news broke. May Captain Tom rest in peace x - 4 years ago

@_DivingFaces: RT @AngelaRayner: Rest in Peace Captain Sir Tom Moore. You served our country throughout your life and last year you were a light in the d… - 4 years ago

@Oakwood8299: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore - What a man. - 4 years ago

@NatsNotGood1: RT @addicted2newz: Devastated. He was the very best of us. RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. 😢 - 4 years ago

@matthewinvestor: RT @yashar: In April 2020, Captain Sir Tom Moore wanted to raise £1,000 for charity by his 100th birthday by doing laps in his yard with hi… - 4 years ago

@johnpimm: @eddieizzard Thank you Captain Sir Tom - 4 years ago

@vish__________: RIP Sir Captain Tom Moore, he was such a great inspiration to us all x - 4 years ago

@devonia50a: So sorry to hear about the hero sir captain Tom’s death the man was a hero and really deserves the gratitude of the… - 4 years ago

@DocWSJames: RT @SkyNews: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies aged 100 after contracting coronavirus and pneumonia - 4 years ago

@serena0245: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@W2Builders: @captaintommoore Very very sad news .RIP Captain Tom Moore - 4 years ago

@CooperTemple: RIP Captain Sir Tom. What an inspiration! - 4 years ago

@HormanTom: RT @GaryLineker: How terribly sad: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away. What an extraordinary life, with the most wonderful finale over t… - 4 years ago

@JulieMoore70: RT @Independent: Captain Tom Moore dies aged 100 - 4 years ago

@blondechick_0: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@nicolapayne10: RT @GaryLineker: How terribly sad: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away. What an extraordinary life, with the most wonderful finale over t… - 4 years ago

@deeneyman19: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@lentilwallop: R.I.P. Captain Tom. Jolly good show! - 4 years ago

@bbisfree2003: @guardian He was a shining light of hope well beyond the UK’s borders. From South Africa, thank you and RIP Captain Sir Tom. - 4 years ago

@ManishaBaden: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@betty_friedrich: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@danieltory: RT @Lillybet831: My heart is broken 💔 Thank you for your service, Captain Tom. You are everything this and future generations should asp… - 4 years ago

@taxipaul: Very sad news that Sir Captain Tom has passed away. May he RIP - 4 years ago

@5_News: Captain Sir Tom Moore has died at the age of 100 after testing positive for Covid-19. The 100-year-old Second Worl… - 4 years ago

@TaraMacHealth: RT @newsoncool: The family of Captain Sir Tom Moore say he's died at the age of 100 after testing positive for Covid-19. - 4 years ago

@KimRich1964: @captaintommoore We all salute you Sir and thank you. RIP Captain Tom. 💔💙 - 4 years ago

@JordanWatters16: R.I.P Captain Sir Tom Moore 🎖🎖🎖 😢 - 4 years ago

@johnbelton1: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@H333: “I’ve always believed things will get better. The sun will shine again, the birds will sing and we’ll all have a lo… - 4 years ago

@yorkielover2006: So so sad, a hero & true legend of today's world 💔 God bless Sir Tom 🙏 BBC News - Covid-19: Captain Sir Tom Moore d… - 4 years ago

@DonaldsonIan: @FoxxysTweets So so sad. RIP Captain Tom - 4 years ago

@devlincolle: Covid-19: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@lil_ms_tina: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. May we all aspire to be as noble as you #CaptainTom - 4 years ago

@jane_e_: @captaintommoore Ah this is sad, but what a life well lived. A generous and kind man to the end. The world would… - 4 years ago

@JustinDavies96: Fuck me, never met this man but this is devastating to hear. Such an inspiring gentleman and the real definition of… - 4 years ago

@E_Clifford139: RT @GaryLineker: How terribly sad: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away. What an extraordinary life, with the most wonderful finale over t… - 4 years ago

@doofiddy: RT @BBCBweaking: OwO Captain Siw Tom Moowe, who waised miwwions fow NHS chawities duwing wockdown, haz died aged 100 aftew testing positive… - 4 years ago

@Milothedog14: Covid-19: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@Debrafal: @captaintommoore Heartfelt condolences to all the family - Captain Sir Tom has kept millions of us going during the darkest of times xx - 4 years ago

@daveterry44: RT @GaryLineker: How terribly sad: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away. What an extraordinary life, with the most wonderful finale over t… - 4 years ago

@EllisHarveyH_: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@DamianStevensn: @captaintommoore So sorry for your loss. What a remarkable, inspirational man. RIP Captain Tom - 4 years ago

@benh_rbx: RT @beatscerz: Rest in Peace Captain Sir Tom Moore ♥️ - 4 years ago

@kurtleygranter: RT @GaryLineker: How terribly sad: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away. What an extraordinary life, with the most wonderful finale over t… - 4 years ago

@DennisCMcMahon: RT @guardian: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies at 100 after testing positive for Covid - 4 years ago

@imcitizensmith: R.I.P Captain Sir Tom 🙏 - 4 years ago

@JXN35: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@whatever20033: RT @BBCNWT: BREAKING: Captain Sir Tom Moore has died after being admitted to hospital with coronavirus. He'd been receiving treatment for p… - 4 years ago

@SEANLWOODCOCK: RT @GaryLineker: How terribly sad: Captain Sir Tom Moore has passed away. What an extraordinary life, with the most wonderful finale over t… - 4 years ago

@Lollercake: RT @SarahJ_Berry: Captain Tom, like thousands of others, deserved better from this government. - 4 years ago

@DRaGoN_KoBRa: RT @SkyNews: Captain Sir Tom Moore dies aged 100 after contracting coronavirus and pneumonia - 4 years ago

@PaulJamesNUFC: Very sad news at the passing of Sir Captain Tom Moore may he rip and his family get some peace to grieve - 4 years ago

@xsvplauren: RT @SkyNewsBreak: The family of Captain Sir Tom Moore say "it is with great sadness that we announce the death of our dear father" who has… - 4 years ago

@lamsom: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore. You were an inspirational gentleman. - 4 years ago

@lizzyunicorn: RT @ClassicFM: The inspiration for a nation. Rest in peace, Captain Sir Tom Moore. ❤️ - 4 years ago

@CezMan2: @captaintommoore A true national hero ❤️ RIP Sir Captain Tom you've earned the right to put your feet up. - 4 years ago

@lisadwilkins11: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@19_Adrian_97: RT @BBCBreaking: Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised almost £33m for the UK’s NHS, has died with coronavirus - 4 years ago

@MikePearso36: RT @piersmorgan: RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100. A magnificent man. A national hero. In our darkest hour since WW2, he rallied Britain wit… - 4 years ago

@jonnystaley147: RIP Captain Tom Moore. An inspiration ❤️ - 4 years ago

@loulouBNB1: A hero to the very end. Gave his life for his country. At 99 he shouldn't have had to. Heartbroken 💔. Rest in peace… - 4 years ago

@RichProwse: Just read the sad news that Captain Tom had died 😢 - 4 years ago

@JamesTGlossop: RT @greatesthitsuk: Captain Tom Moore who raised almost £33 million for the NHS has died at 100 - 4 years ago

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