Camille Gira

Luxembourgian politician.
Died on Wednesday May 16th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Camille Gira:

@deigrengContern: Hommage vum Carlo Schneider un de Camille Gira :-) - 7 years ago

@camille_blonde_: RT @lulita106: En la nota Fede dice que por fin pueden estar cerca con Lau, “porque siempre estuvo de gira, en los años...” y no terminó e… - 7 years ago

@camille_lbto: RT @dougraz: foda toma banho no frio sendo pobre o chuveiro tem um lugar exato de ficar aberto pra fica quente se vc gira 1 milímetro pra… - 7 years ago

@letzjournal: Letzte Ehre für #CamilleGira - Bewegende Abschiedszeremonie in #Beckerich - 7 years ago


@_lxmbrg_: Des centaines de personnes, dont de nombreux élus, avaient rejoints ce samedi après-midi la famille et les proches… - 7 years ago

@mikmathi: RT @fbausch: Today I want to thank my good friend Camille Gira for more than 30 years of friendship. My friend you will always be present i… - 7 years ago

@JovicGin: RT @europeangreens: The opening of the Council starts wirh @EHuytebroeck remembering Camille Gira, who passed away very recently while defe… - 7 years ago

@cecilehemmen: - 7 years ago

@lessentielde: Auf der Gedenkfeier für den verstorbenen Staatssekretär Camille Gira versammelten sich seine alten Weggefährten in… - 7 years ago

@DTFooty: RT @fbausch: Today I want to thank my good friend Camille Gira for more than 30 years of friendship. My friend you will always be present i… - 7 years ago

@CycleLuxembourg: RT @fbausch: Today I want to thank my good friend Camille Gira for more than 30 years of friendship. My friend you will always be present i… - 7 years ago

@jacbouvry: Cette semaine, Camille GIRA, un grand écologiste s'en est allé... - 7 years ago

@luxembourgize: RT @fbausch: Today I want to thank my good friend Camille Gira for more than 30 years of friendship. My friend you will always be present i… - 7 years ago

@Ldygaelle: RT @fbausch: Today I want to thank my good friend Camille Gira for more than 30 years of friendship. My friend you will always be present i… - 7 years ago

@redt0mat0: RT @fbausch: Today I want to thank my good friend Camille Gira for more than 30 years of friendship. My friend you will always be present i… - 7 years ago

@ALPAluxembourg: RT @VegInfoLU: #Lëtzebuerg seet haut dem #Camille_Gira, engem Ënnerstetzer vun der Zivilgesellschaft a Précurseur vun enger nohalteger Tran… - 7 years ago

@NCottong: RT @fbausch: Today I want to thank my good friend Camille Gira for more than 30 years of friendship. My friend you will always be present i… - 7 years ago

@covoitlu: RT @fbausch: Today I want to thank my good friend Camille Gira for more than 30 years of friendship. My friend you will always be present i… - 7 years ago

@AlbertJacoby: RT @fbausch: Today I want to thank my good friend Camille Gira for more than 30 years of friendship. My friend you will always be present i… - 7 years ago

@lessentiel: 🇱🇺💚 Anonymes et politiques ont dit au revoir à Camille Gira. #Luxembourg - 7 years ago

@Sebaztiaano: RT @ClimatAlliance: On the passing of #CamilleGira, for Climate Alliance both an inspirational figure and a familiar face. We will miss you… - 7 years ago

@le_quotidien_lu: #Luxembourg Adieu à Camille Gira : « On ne va jamais t’oublier » - 7 years ago

@titrespresse: (RTL - 7 years ago

@camille_lbto: RT @luisabye: eu levei 60 unfollow mas tudo bem pois ta na biblia "o mundo gira e vacilao roda" corintios 13:6 - 7 years ago

@VHoffmannEU: RT @fbausch: Today I want to thank my good friend Camille Gira for more than 30 years of friendship. My friend you will always be present i… - 7 years ago

@ChristianGinter: RT @fbausch: Today I want to thank my good friend Camille Gira for more than 30 years of friendship. My friend you will always be present i… - 7 years ago

@CandideLinares: Hommage à Camille Gira. - 7 years ago

@Thierrynel: RT @fbausch: Today I want to thank my good friend Camille Gira for more than 30 years of friendship. My friend you will always be present i… - 7 years ago

@Buddhaah: RT @VegInfoLU: #Lëtzebuerg seet haut dem #Camille_Gira, engem Ënnerstetzer vun der Zivilgesellschaft a Précurseur vun enger nohalteger Tran… - 7 years ago

@mucamille69: RT @VegInfoLU: #Lëtzebuerg seet haut dem #Camille_Gira, engem Ënnerstetzer vun der Zivilgesellschaft a Précurseur vun enger nohalteger Tran… - 7 years ago

@VegInfoLU: #Lëtzebuerg seet haut dem #Camille_Gira, engem Ënnerstetzer vun der Zivilgesellschaft a Précurseur vun enger nohalt… - 7 years ago

@ECOLO32: RT @laernoes: 2 jours de réunion pour @ClimatAlliance à #Nijmegen capitale verte de l'Europe. Discussions importantes pour la place des mu… - 7 years ago

@MMEHIRA: RT @gouv_lu: Le gouvernement en deuil suite au décès du secrétaire d’État au Développement durable et aux Infrastructures, Camille Gira: ht… - 7 years ago

@ClaudeBiver: RT @fbausch: Today I want to thank my good friend Camille Gira for more than 30 years of friendship. My friend you will always be present i… - 7 years ago

@djunchen: RT @fbausch: Today I want to thank my good friend Camille Gira for more than 30 years of friendship. My friend you will always be present i… - 7 years ago

@paperJam_lu: Cette semaine, sur @paperJam_lu c’est la disparition de Camille #Gira qui vous a le plus touché #Luxembourg… - 7 years ago

@JeanPaulOlinger: RT @wurth_michel: Nous nous recueillons devant la mémoire de Camille Gira, grand battant de la cause écologique et serviteur engagé de l’Et… - 7 years ago

@fontainechrist9: RT @deigrengContern: Alors, était-ce un « rêve fou » que de se lancer dans un tel défi ? « Oui, dans le sens où il a fallu convaincre telle… - 7 years ago

@fbausch: RT @FYEG: We extend our wholehearted condolences to the friends and family of the late Camille Gira as well as @deigreng. #EGP28 - 7 years ago

@JornalContacto: Funeral do secretário de Estado Camille Gira terá lugar este sábado - 7 years ago

@brunodobbel: Beckerich, le laboratoire écologique de Camille Gira - 7 years ago

@xtoph69: RT @paperJam_lu: Visionnaire, écologiste convaincu, farouche novateur... Retour sur l’héritage #politique de Camille Gira #Luxembourg https… - 7 years ago

@laernoes: 2 jours de réunion pour @ClimatAlliance à #Nijmegen capitale verte de l'Europe. Discussions importantes pour la pl… - 7 years ago

@laernoes: RT @ClimatAlliance: On the passing of #CamilleGira, for Climate Alliance both an inspirational figure and a familiar face. We will miss you… - 7 years ago

@efixanthou: RT @europeangreens: The opening of the Council starts wirh @EHuytebroeck remembering Camille Gira, who passed away very recently while defe… - 7 years ago

@Mik666Metal: RT @europeangreens: The opening of the Council starts wirh @EHuytebroeck remembering Camille Gira, who passed away very recently while defe… - 7 years ago

@VosgesInfo88: Réaction de Jean Rottner au décès de Camille Gira - - 7 years ago

@BenoitGeorges: RT @Rene_Collin: J'apprends avec tristesse le décès de Camille Gira. Le Luxembourg perd un homme d'Etat engagé, créatif et novateur. A sa f… - 7 years ago

@FYEG: We extend our wholehearted condolences to the friends and family of the late Camille Gira as well as @deigreng.… - 7 years ago

@Wort_FR: Les funérailles civiles de Camille Gira auront lieu ce samedi #Luxembourg - 7 years ago

@M00000: RT @europeangreens: The opening of the Council starts wirh @EHuytebroeck remembering Camille Gira, who passed away very recently while defe… - 7 years ago

@INTERREGTweets: RT @_SaarLorLux_: "Ein schmerzlicher Verlust für die Großregion" EU-Bevollmächtigter Roland Theis tief bestürzt über den plötzlichen Tod de… - 7 years ago

@_SaarLorLux_: "Ein schmerzlicher Verlust für die Großregion" EU-Bevollmächtigter Roland Theis tief bestürzt über den plötzlichen… - 7 years ago

@VerdiTaranto: RT @europeangreens: The opening of the Council starts wirh @EHuytebroeck remembering Camille Gira, who passed away very recently while defe… - 7 years ago

@EHuytebroeck: RT @europeangreens: The opening of the Council starts wirh @EHuytebroeck remembering Camille Gira, who passed away very recently while defe… - 7 years ago

@WouterWitteveen: RT @europeangreens: The opening of the Council starts wirh @EHuytebroeck remembering Camille Gira, who passed away very recently while defe… - 7 years ago

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