Calvin Gotlieb

Canadian professor and computer scientist.
Died on Tuesday October 18th 2016

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Calvin Gotlieb:

@B2BNewsNetwork: RT @CIPS: Remembering CIPS Founder and "Father of Computing in Canada” Calvin C. (Kelly) Gotlieb - 8 years ago

@Jon_Elias: RT @CIPS: Remembering CIPS Founder and "Father of Computing in Canada” Calvin C. (Kelly) Gotlieb - 8 years ago

@CIPS: Remembering CIPS Founder and "Father of Computing in Canada” Calvin C. (Kelly) Gotlieb - 8 years ago

@uoftmagazine: We were sad to hear of the passing of Calvin Gotlieb, @UofTCompSci prof & Father of Computing. Read about his work:… - 8 years ago


@DonSheppard: Passing of a pioneer. Listen to the interview - he mentions autonomous cars in 2011. - 8 years ago

@1davetruman: Calvin Gotlieb, Canadian computing pioneer, has passed away - 8 years ago

@rizahmed: Calvin Gotlieb, Canadian computing pioneer - IT World Canada - 8 years ago

@MISAOntario: Calvin Gotlieb, Canadian computing pioneer | IT World Canada News - 8 years ago

@heathercroft: Very sad to hear about Calvin Gotlieb - honoured to meet him when he was awarded a PhD from UVic in 2011 - 8 years ago

@PattyWinsa: Obit: Calvin Gotlieb, Canadian computing pioneer - 8 years ago

@UofTDentLib: RT @UTArchives: We're saddened at the passing of Calvin Gotlieb, the "Father of Computing" in Canada & honoured to preserve his legacy at t… - 8 years ago

@Stage2Data: RT @itworldca: Calvin Gotlieb, Canadian computing pioneer - 8 years ago

@ComputingCanada: Calvin Gotlieb, Canadian computing pioneer - IT World Canada - 8 years ago

@Jon_Elias: RT @itworldca: Calvin Gotlieb, Canadian computing pioneer - 8 years ago

@CIPS: RT @itworldca: Calvin Gotlieb, Canadian computing pioneer - 8 years ago

@CRM_CWS_Cloud: Calvin Gotlieb, Canadian computing pioneer - 8 years ago

@ACMLarry: In Memoriam: Calvin Carl “Kelly” Gotlieb 1921-2016 - 8 years ago

@itworldca: Calvin Gotlieb, Canadian computing pioneer - 8 years ago

@CDNTechNews: IT World Canada - Calvin Gotlieb, Canadian computing pioneer - 8 years ago

@technologyca: Calvin Gotlieb, Canadian computing pioneer - 8 years ago

@jangle: RT @UofTCompSci: Remembering #UofT's "father of computing in Canada": Calvin C. "Kelly" Gotlieb (1921-2016) @UofTArtSci - 8 years ago

@GasperoniRobert: RT @ACMLarry: In Memoriam: Calvin Carl “Kelly” Gotlieb 1921-2016 - 8 years ago

@mikestrattonNET: RT @ACMLarry: In Memoriam: Calvin Carl “Kelly” Gotlieb 1921-2016 - 8 years ago

@73II3787: In Memoriam: Calvin Carl “Kelly” Gotlieb 1921-2016: Canada’s "Father of Computing" was 95. - 8 years ago

@Clementine_Be: In Memoriam: Calvin Carl “Kelly” Gotlieb 1921-2016 - 8 years ago

@acmeducation: RT @ACMLarry: In Memoriam: Calvin Carl “Kelly” Gotlieb 1921-2016 - 8 years ago

@CACMmag: RT @ACMLarry: In Memoriam: Calvin Carl “Kelly” Gotlieb 1921-2016 - 8 years ago

@ACMLarry: In Memoriam: Calvin Carl “Kelly” Gotlieb 1921-2016 - 8 years ago

@DerekRenderling: RT @UofTCompSci: Remembering #UofT's "father of computing in Canada": Calvin C. "Kelly" Gotlieb (1921-2016) @UofTArtSci - 8 years ago

@abgodefroy: RT @UTArchives: We're saddened at the passing of Calvin Gotlieb, the "Father of Computing" in Canada & honoured to preserve his legacy at t… - 8 years ago

@shahru81: RT @UofTCompSci: Remembering #UofT's "father of computing in Canada": Calvin C. "Kelly" Gotlieb (1921-2016) @UofTArtSci - 8 years ago

@gracemmbarker: RT @UofTCompSci: Remembering #UofT's "father of computing in Canada": Calvin C. "Kelly" Gotlieb (1921-2016) @UofTArtSci - 8 years ago

@umtlCommunaute: L’UdeM se souvient de Calvin Carl Gotlieb - 8 years ago

@Anthony_Bonato: Calvin "Kelly" Gotlieb, a progenitor of #computerscience in Canada, recently passed away at the age of 95 @UofT… - 8 years ago

@uc_alumni: Professor Emeritus Calvin Gotlieb has passed away at the age of 95. Known as "the father of computing in Canada,"... - 8 years ago

@DerekRenderling: RT @TheOfficialACM: ACM mourns the passing of Calvin "Kelly" Gotlieb, a tireless champion of the computing profession. - 8 years ago

@shivaamiri: RT @UofTCompSci: Remembering #UofT's "father of computing in Canada": Calvin C. "Kelly" Gotlieb (1921-2016) @UofTArtSci - 8 years ago

@oclsc: RT @TheOfficialACM: ACM mourns the passing of Calvin "Kelly" Gotlieb, a tireless champion of the computing profession. - 8 years ago

@UofTCompSci: RT @TheOfficialACM: ACM mourns the passing of Calvin "Kelly" Gotlieb, a tireless champion of the computing profession. - 8 years ago

@RonAJenkins: RT @TheOfficialACM: ACM mourns the passing of Calvin "Kelly" Gotlieb, a tireless champion of the computing profession. - 8 years ago

@AdamUofT: RT @UTArchives: We're saddened at the passing of Calvin Gotlieb, the "Father of Computing" in Canada & honoured to preserve his legacy at t… - 8 years ago

@UTArchives: We're saddened at the passing of Calvin Gotlieb, the "Father of Computing" in Canada & honoured to preserve his leg… - 8 years ago

@GasperoniRobert: RT @TheOfficialACM: ACM mourns the passing of Calvin "Kelly" Gotlieb, a tireless champion of the computing profession. - 8 years ago

@krista_slade: RT @UofTCompSci: Remembering #UofT's "father of computing in Canada": Calvin C. "Kelly" Gotlieb (1921-2016) @UofTArtSci - 8 years ago

@e2Lise: RT @barrywellman: Grieving the loss of Kelly (Calvin C) Gotlieb, great friend, wonderful man, mentor, & Canada's first computer scientist - 8 years ago

@barrywellman: Grieving the loss of Kelly (Calvin C) Gotlieb, great friend, wonderful man, mentor, & Canada's first computer scientist - 8 years ago

@softmodeling: RT @UofTCompSci: Remembering #UofT's "father of computing in Canada": Calvin C. "Kelly" Gotlieb (1921-2016) @UofTArtSci - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: Also To Note, Calvin Gotlieb is Also Another Aspect of the Stephen Hawking Soul... - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: Linchpin Calvin Gotlieb, 95, Canadian Professor and Computer Scientist, and Baphomet Soul Aspect, Down 10/16/2016 - 8 years ago

@romeopatrick11: RT @UofTCompSci: Remembering #UofT's "father of computing in Canada": Calvin C. "Kelly" Gotlieb (1921-2016) @UofTArtSci - 8 years ago

@JaroPristupa: RT @UofTCompSci: Remembering #UofT's "father of computing in Canada": Calvin C. "Kelly" Gotlieb (1921-2016) @UofTArtSci - 8 years ago

@gnomon: RT @UofTCompSci: Remembering #UofT's "father of computing in Canada": Calvin C. "Kelly" Gotlieb (1921-2016) @UofTArtSci - 8 years ago

@richpaige: RT @UofTCompSci: Remembering #UofT's "father of computing in Canada": Calvin C. "Kelly" Gotlieb (1921-2016) @UofTArtSci - 8 years ago

@TheOfficialACM: ACM mourns the passing of Calvin "Kelly" Gotlieb, a tireless champion of the computing profession.… - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Calvin Gotlieb, Canadian professor and computer scientist, Died at 95 - 8 years ago

@TGalimanas: RT @UofTCompSci: Remembering #UofT's "father of computing in Canada": Calvin C. "Kelly" Gotlieb (1921-2016) @UofTArtSci - 8 years ago

@TheRealSpaf: RT @USACM: ACM, and the profession of computing, mourn the passing of a giant in our field: Calvin “Kelly” Gotlieb - 8 years ago

@oclsc: RT @UofTCompSci: Remembering #UofT's "father of computing in Canada": Calvin C. "Kelly" Gotlieb (1921-2016) @UofTArtSci - 8 years ago

@USACM: ACM, and the profession of computing, mourn the passing of a giant in our field: Calvin “Kelly” Gotlieb - 8 years ago

@UofTArtSci: RT @UofTCompSci: Remembering #UofT's "father of computing in Canada": Calvin C. "Kelly" Gotlieb (1921-2016) @UofTArtSci - 8 years ago

@UofTCompSci: Remembering #UofT's "father of computing in Canada": Calvin C. "Kelly" Gotlieb (1921-2016) @UofTArtSci… - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Calvin Gotlieb has popped their clogs: - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Calvin Gotlieb is no longer with us - #CalvinGotlieb #Calvin #Gotlieb #rip - 8 years ago

@cipsnews: RT @bfcss: @Chairman_CIPS @CIPS_National @CIPS @cipsnews - 8 years ago

@CIPS: CIPS is very sad to report that the founder of CIPS, Calvin C. (Kelly) Gotlieb, passed away last night… - 8 years ago

@CIPS: RT @bfcss: @Chairman_CIPS @CIPS_National @CIPS @cipsnews - 8 years ago

@bfcss: @JustinTrudeau - 8 years ago

@bfcss: @Chairman_CIPS @CIPS_National @CIPS @cipsnews - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Calvin Gotlieb is now pushing up daisies: - 8 years ago

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