C. W. Nicol

Welsh-born Japanese writer
Died on Wednesday April 8th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to C. W. Nicol:

@asgerrojle: VOX POPULI: C.W. Nicol’s Afan Woodland will live on despite his death at age 79 : The Asahi Shimbun - 5 years ago

@ruslandzhebr: RT @nippon_en: British-born writer and environmentalist C.W. Nicol, who acquired Japanese citizenship in 1995, dies of cancer at the age of… - 5 years ago

@sunilsainidas: RT @nippon_en: British-born writer and environmentalist C.W. Nicol, who acquired Japanese citizenship in 1995, dies of cancer at the age of… - 5 years ago

@KarateUK: RT @KarateUK: Very sad. He was a legend for his books alone. Welsh-born author, environmentalist C.W. Nicol dies - 5 years ago


@ManasMohindru4: RT @nippon_en: British-born writer and environmentalist C.W. Nicol, who acquired Japanese citizenship in 1995, dies of cancer at the age of… - 5 years ago

@heiwanoryuu: @sic_ultimate @c_nj67 FF外から失礼します! 素晴らしいコレクションですね!! 〆にプルーフはいかがですか?w - 5 years ago

@nicol_B_O_C: ごてんちゃんと♡♡ がなやんから貰ったマスクをつけて入学式行くわw - 5 years ago

@JAG6042: C.W. Nicol, a committed environmentalist with deep humanity | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@Takeshi_Ijima: 追悼:C.W.ニコルさんとナマケモノ運動(前編) - 5 years ago

@theslothclub: 追悼:C.W.ニコルさんとナマケモノ運動(前編) - 5 years ago

@mizumorisouichi: 追悼:C.W.ニコルさんとナマケモノ運動(前編) - 5 years ago

@Ligerian: CBurley@ESPNFC Mr C Burley and or Mr Nicol. What if the PL ended as is,promoted all teams to the next tier withou… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Photographer Victor Skrebneski; writer, adventurer, and activist C.W. Nicol; writers Rodrigo… - 5 years ago

@ngozi1968: RT @deepkyoto: C. W. Nicol's final piece for the Japan Times written before he passed away on Friday morning. I have no doubt that his spir… - 5 years ago

@EmilMateiVidea: C.W. Nicol, a committed environmentalist with deep humanity | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@kyotojournal: RIP: C.W. Nicol, a committed environmentalist with deep humanity | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@Tokyo_Tom: RT @robotopia: @lovelovemarines - 5 years ago

@zibrailmohamma3: RT @nippon_en: British-born writer and environmentalist C.W. Nicol, who acquired Japanese citizenship in 1995, dies of cancer at the age of… - 5 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @themainichi: Remembering C.W. Nicol: Country gentleman and giant of conservation in Japan - 5 years ago

@Nicol_et_al: RT @akispanagiot: Ανέβηκα στην ταράτσα και έχω γράψει στους εξωγήινους ένα τεράστιο W E L C O M E - 5 years ago

@themainichi: Remembering C.W. Nicol: Country gentleman and giant of conservation in Japan - 5 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @themainichi: Remembering C.W. Nicol: Country gentleman and giant of conservation in Japan - 5 years ago

@NaoKody: RT @UCD_Japan: Remembering C.W. Nicol: Country gentleman and giant of #conservation in #Japan - The #Mainichi #風を見た少年 #CWニコル #ウェールズ https:/… - 5 years ago

@DaiwaFoundation: RT @UCD_Japan: Remembering C.W. Nicol: Country gentleman and giant of #conservation in #Japan - The #Mainichi #風を見た少年 #CWニコル #ウェールズ https:/… - 5 years ago

@UCD_Japan: Remembering C.W. Nicol: Country gentleman and giant of #conservation in #Japan - The #Mainichi #風を見た少年 #CWニコル #ウェールズ - 5 years ago

@TJStiles_Author: I'm sorry to learn that C. W. Nicol has died. An environmentalist and Welsh-born Japanese citizen, he authored a cl… - 5 years ago

@JrspRS: RT @themainichi: Remembering C.W. Nicol: Country gentleman and giant of conservation in Japan - 5 years ago

@lesprit_mao_26: RT @nianature: RIP🙏 C.W. Nicol, a committed environmentalist with deep humanity | The Japan Times - 5 years ago

@shimoda_don: RT @themainichi: Remembering C.W. Nicol: Country gentleman and giant of conservation in Japan - 5 years ago

@ValoisDuBins: RT @themainichi: Remembering C.W. Nicol: Country gentleman and giant of conservation in Japan - 5 years ago

@YukariSakamoto: RT @themainichi: Remembering C.W. Nicol: Country gentleman and giant of conservation in Japan - 5 years ago

@themainichi: Remembering C.W. Nicol: Country gentleman and giant of conservation in Japan - 5 years ago

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