C. S. Seshadri

Indian mathematician (Seshadri constant).
Died on Saturday July 18th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to C. S. Seshadri:

@Mathematics2001: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: C. S. Seshadri's lasting contribution is that he has ensured there will be many more like him from the CMI, and from all… - 5 years ago

@Mathematics2001: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: His story is told eloquently by Sudhir Rao and C.S. Aravinda ( - 5 years ago

@Mathematics2001: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@iyerrkri: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago


@GlobalMathDept: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@KHMRAHMAN1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@d_m_d_m_d_d: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@Guillegran: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@MarinaLogares: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: C. S. Seshadri's lasting contribution is that he has ensured there will be many more like him from the CMI, and from all… - 5 years ago

@MarinaLogares: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@benjamincwbrown: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@BJP__Akhilesh: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SansonPhilippe: RT @zbMATH: With deep sadness we hear about the passing of C. S. Seshadri - 5 years ago

@benblumsmith: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@DelanoTeddy: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@ShashankSrikant: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@nazir_shabbir: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@coffeemathee: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@BarbaraFantechi: RT @zbMATH: With deep sadness we hear about the passing of C. S. Seshadri - 5 years ago

@themathgay: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@BarbaraFantechi: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@nonsameer: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@AlexKontorovich: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@Durgesh64118777: RT @PiyushGoyal: Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathematician, his unp… - 5 years ago

@Durgesh64118777: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SPNarottam: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@SandipbhaiM: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Abhishe28216142: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BJPsudhanRSS: RT @GopalSri: Salute the Math Academic Genius Shri C.S. Seshadri, who just passed away. He not only established the ⁦@TIFRScience⁩ School… - 5 years ago

@BJPsudhanRSS: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@SurajAg01482379: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@Saurabh98017311: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@ashish_k1234: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@HarshRa56974037: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@ParmishSingh11: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@RathodR80939103: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ParthPa07241800: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@SantoshSu22: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Youth714: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AnujRana1995: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BJP4BUDAUN: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Ramesh50442601: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DUBEY05ANKIT: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SKS_Adv: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@mpys_negi: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DeepakchawlaBJP: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DipaRam19377023: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Narendr30925489: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SachinPandey85: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ChaudharyMandvi: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@VenkatagiriApp4: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@TheProudKafir: @ChaudaryThano @shashank30398 @Swapnesh1284 @FahadBombay 9. Meghnad Saha - SAHA IONISATION EQUATION 10. Damodar Dha… - 5 years ago

@BalramC89535633: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@c_sangh: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@vinaymisdun: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Mahipal79286136: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PintuBJP4INDIA: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@jadyrathore: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Mane5Dhanesh: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Avnisin76374189: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@pareshg17: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BjpDipendra: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@GuleriaPramod: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Arttatrana_BST: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PKS2024: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Anilsin45348953: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@JinduThakur2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@S41723707: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ModiBhaktSunil: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Guptajee22: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@murali1Babita: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MondalMamani: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Shalini86442066: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@LOHITHKUMARAMR1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Rajeevjolly4: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@nikhilbhartiya: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Vishwapad: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Saurabh99248365: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MaulikS76109807: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Premsplucknow: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@NavneetKumarGu8: महान गणितज्ञ पद्मभूषण प्रो.सी.एस.शेषाद्रि का अवसान @IMScChennai #Maths @VigyanPrasar - 5 years ago

@RakeshModified: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ItsSagarSharma: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Sandeep_mvhs: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PriyaKushwaha97: RT @ieexplained: #ExpressExplained | C S Seshadri died on Friday, aged 88. Who was he, and what was he best known for? @KabirFiraque expl… - 5 years ago

@funnyketh: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@rohitshinde1001: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DEEPAK251289: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Priyank07414850: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DrBharatiPravi2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@krshang: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Ginni33274101: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AjayGup75634101: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@madan8538: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@madhuram_tamil: RT @TheWireScience: C.S. Seshadri, one of India’s most eminent mathematicians, has passed away. His work in establishing CMI is as notewort… - 5 years ago

@SureshNeyyigap1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ainvvy: RT @vajrabhrt: Nice tribute page for Prof. C S Seshadri, who passed away last Saturday! - 5 years ago

@HarshCh24685099: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Sriniva73658513: RT @VPSecretariat: Deeply saddened by the demise of renowned mathematician, C S Seshadri, who made pioneering contribution in the area of a… - 5 years ago

@JMScindiaFans: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RaviPrakashBjp: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ThukralYogita: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@_bujji____: RT @365Current: #PadmaBhushan Awardee & Renowned Mathematician, #ConjeevaramSrirangachari (C.S.) Seshadri passed away at 88 in #Chennai, #T… - 5 years ago

@365Current: #PadmaBhushan Awardee & Renowned Mathematician, #ConjeevaramSrirangachari (C.S.) Seshadri passed away at 88 in #Chennai, #TamilNadu. - 5 years ago

@Manishk67543310: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Manishk67543310: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@gsrsanthigiri: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@VikrantAggarw12: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@ramchandrabhar_: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Vishwaj82102892: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PrinceS61183418: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@brahmbh3: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MondalMamani: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@SrijanIndiaNet: RT @ieexplained: #ExpressExplained | C S Seshadri died on Friday, aged 88. Who was he, and what was he best known for? @KabirFiraque expl… - 5 years ago

@Narayan32357166: RT @PiyushGoyal: Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathematician, his unp… - 5 years ago

@champ4561: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@TwitAsh5: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Srijaya2tweet: RT @GopalSri: Salute the Math Academic Genius Shri C.S. Seshadri, who just passed away. He not only established the ⁦@TIFRScience⁩ School… - 5 years ago

@Bindas_Bol_: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sunny_khosla7: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@PrerakYash: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PrerakYash: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@abhijee66719793: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Jitendr78399751: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@archanaRBhatt: प्रधानमंत्री ने प्रोफेसर सी.एस. शेषाद्रि के निधन पर शोक व्यक्त किया - 5 years ago

@ShailenderVaid1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ShailenderVaid1: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@advtanweerghc: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Jogmaya10: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RanjanK02203378: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SanataniSherni: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Jyotizoya2001: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Arsene_nd: RT @lcchennai: Professor C.S. Seshadri did B.A. (Hons) in Mathematics at Loyola College Chennai. While we applaud the extensive contributio… - 5 years ago

@Vinay_kr_: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BrijeshUpadhay3: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Prince_saini143: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@n81shrikanth: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: C. S. Seshadri's lasting contribution is that he has ensured there will be many more like him from the CMI, and from all… - 5 years ago

@TrivediMithi20: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Ashutomar89587: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@madhav26469: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@LavankarthickM: RT @lcchennai: Professor C.S. Seshadri did B.A. (Hons) in Mathematics at Loyola College Chennai. While we applaud the extensive contributio… - 5 years ago

@krithikasivasw: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@gyanrc33: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@iamrangarajan: RT @nambath: C.S. Seshadri, one of the leaders of Indian mathematics in the post-Independence era, passed away late on July 17 in Chennai h… - 5 years ago

@LoksattaLive: व्यक्तिवेध : सी. एस. शेषाद्री ‘चेन्नई मॅथेमॅटिकल इन्स्टिटय़ूट’ या संस्थेची उभारणी करून अ… - 5 years ago

@PrithwirajBisw5: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@aruna_parth: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@RamaKum44331892: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@RamaKum44331892: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@inosunos333: RT @SciLynk: C.S. Seshadri was one of India’s most eminent mathematicians. Click on the link below, for his interview with Bhāvanā, where… - 5 years ago

@VineetS43787098: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@bhutanibrijesh: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@satyapadaBhowm1: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@RajputYodha5: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@inzmam_khan: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@inzmam_khan: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@ashishbidkar: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MrAshokKaul1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@NeerajG26950370: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@VISHWANATH_V: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Praveen24591868: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Rabindra139: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@arshdk10: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SonuKumarModi15: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sdeora601: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@AdityaMaan4: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@TrueQanuck11: 2060) C.S. Seshadri, a leader of Indian mathematics, passes away in Chennai. - 5 years ago

@sumit_saurabh18: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@ankita7: RT @CitiznMukherjee: My condolences on passing away of Prof. C.S.Seshadri - a towering Mathematician, who carved his niché in Algebraic Geo… - 5 years ago

@__iamHimanshu: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sdeora601: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MatterMagBot: RT @SciLynk: C.S. Seshadri was one of India’s most eminent mathematicians. Click on the link below, for his interview with Bhāvanā, where… - 5 years ago

@Nikita93025487: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Saurabh46921524: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Venuvenugopalgv: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PrakashJha8383: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BstMayur: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AlekhyaChina: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@pophale_snehal: Worth Reading - 5 years ago

@Ind011Kumar: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DHAAKAD_OM1: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@JoshiAruj: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SAGARSPAI1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Meetpatel9808: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@dd_knowledge: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Sudha68501: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@pratimanath3: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@HarishS09130674: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PradeepCharan_: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Dipanka11291447: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Indian00717532: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Joisgirish: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BrarPragyan: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@vkpedia: RT @preshtalwalkar: C.S. Seshadri story is told in this interview: Bhavana magazine. From Proofs to Transcendence, via Theorems and Rāgas.… - 5 years ago

@AtulKumarBJP: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@vkpedia: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@PraveenSingh764: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@preshtalwalkar: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@preshtalwalkar: C.S. Seshadri story is told in this interview: Bhavana magazine. From Proofs to Transcendence, via Theorems and Rāg… - 5 years ago

@preshtalwalkar: The problem is adapted from an examination paper from the Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI), a premier research… - 5 years ago

@VijayMaroria: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sunilaol2305: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@b41Hcx6Mw8dvyoQ: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sunilwaghmare04: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@nksainignm: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@NeetaDa44854862: RT @PiyushGoyal: Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathematician, his unp… - 5 years ago

@NeetaDa44854862: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@NeetaDa44854862: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Satyana69318686: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@RameshC14570150: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Satyana69318686: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PrashantDubey4U: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RakeshK25475002: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@inderkwalli_55: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@carvak: RT @mhpeters: C.S. Seshadri, a leader of Indian mathematics, passes away in Chennai - 5 years ago

@MakhanlalAhirw5: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Nanasah08108600: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@nomdethumb: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@pshilpa48: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@miravnaik20: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@TheRahulMridha: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@JohnEngine_: RT @brainychat: In a bad year for #mathematics, C. S. Seshadri, founder of the Chennai Institute, passed away this week. At least he lived… - 5 years ago

@brainychat: In a bad year for #mathematics, C. S. Seshadri, founder of the Chennai Institute, passed away this week. At least h… - 5 years ago

@Vishals91142262: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@DevendraKr_Ydav: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@CowartDavid1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DilipDa43975563: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@GoutamT60620680: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@GoutamT60620680: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@iamprakhar420: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@amitksanger: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@dharmdevsharma: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@amit_that: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@KPranav53920797: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sudheeshvenkat: Quartet in the attached pic Profs. M S Narasimhan, C S Seshadri, S Ramanan & M S Raghunathan, all from TIFR, shaped… - 5 years ago

@vinod_kr786: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Shivend83121578: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@pal_jagdambika: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@gopitiwari1999: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@gopitiwari1999: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@ParmarP10: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@santosh852122: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@appandai_: RT @kbalakumar: It's on a day like this you get upset with the Indian media. Mathematician C S Seshadri passed away last night. The most c… - 5 years ago

@hinduraj_singh: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BipinKu42660037: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@meet_econ: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@KHUSHDE81778406: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@SubhayanSaha5: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@KHUSHDE07402351: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@Hyderabadi_chai: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@SqMHqohVjQrgxyE: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PramodRYadav2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Sonu80063: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@dharamv75963883: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@NandiSmita: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PavanRekha7: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@aapnu_ahmedabad: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Shankarsuzuki16: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@IYCBisfi: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@gauravdar: RT @mhpeters: C.S. Seshadri, a leader of Indian mathematics, passes away in Chennai - 5 years ago

@YADAVMAN0J: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ManojKu25067996: RT @mhpeters: C.S. Seshadri, a leader of Indian mathematics, passes away in Chennai - 5 years ago

@VinitaY41580354: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@mkjoshi19641: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RamlalGupta10: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@hridayb02783667: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@007aarav: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Deepakg14802102: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ikaushikdafda: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@AbhineetMonu: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@kanswekri: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@mbf_bharat: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@NaredraO: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@simran_sanjay: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@trac_olive: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AjiteshShukla7: RT @mhpeters: C.S. Seshadri, a leader of Indian mathematics, passes away in Chennai - 5 years ago

@KPR9779: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@dilipkummar77: RT @JiigneshPaatil: Saddened to hear the news of passing away of Professor C.S.Seshadri ji.He will be remembered for his unparalleled contr… - 5 years ago

@ravindr35443073: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@Jagjeet39722808: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@_kuldip_kd: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MrGameti2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Mithles67598966: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@nlskumar: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@nlskumar: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Vikramshahi12: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@don414888005: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SanjuktaPatra19: RT @indrajeetmaximo: PM condoles the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri - 5 years ago

@VenkateshShen16: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RameshB44421184: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@nandusoti: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ProfessorSunny: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PremjeetsinghK: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Sunaina14880433: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@plr16410498: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@danny_thimmayya: RT @tmkrishna: Professor C S Seshadri We lost a great mathematician, aesthete, intellectual and above all a generous human being today. In… - 5 years ago

@plr16410498: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BjpMaheshReddy: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Rajatku78203258: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@jXF8eNt5JIomJHp: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@Harish36187269: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@HarshVe36682658: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@hellwasi: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Ashutos80079841: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SomveerSinghYa6: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@KaraikalFM: RT @shirley_jacob: " I used to listen to a lot of music on the radio. There was no radio for quite some time in my own house, and I used to… - 5 years ago

@sihagsangwanne1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Rajkuma00054423: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ArunGup85509443: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sachvesh2000: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Kiran_inti27: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AnanyaTripathy6: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@KhudFan: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@bhatia1021: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@TankHitesh3: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@_singh_santosh: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@swathrav: C.S. Seshadri, a leader of Indian mathematics, passes away in Chennai - 5 years ago

@Aalok06021853: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@MulawadNagaraj: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Manjula71021536: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Pawankr04512231: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@preyashkumarbal: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BJPYOUT76586298: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Dkchauhan84: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ThukkaramE: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@vnssarma: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@musicboxout: C.S. Seshadri, a leader in algebraic geometry - 5 years ago

@YashMis85109050: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ParthPa07241800: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Neha18984439: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@5GOdu1wCvCvTkuL: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@NaneHuck: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@NishantSharma__: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@NishantSharma__: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@sachitrayadav: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Girdhar86412577: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@21octAmar: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@avataram: RT @tifr_alumni: TIFR Alumni Association (TAA) deeply regrets to announce the sad demise of Prof. C.S. Seshadri, an eminent mathematician,… - 5 years ago

@nandutomar_baba: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@gehlot_official: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@HSSINGHA: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RobinVa01446128: RT @loksabhaspeaker: The sad demise of eminent mathematician, Padma Bhushan Shri C. S. Seshadri ji is a great loss to discipline of mathema… - 5 years ago

@OKENDRAJAT01: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@Riyaz43938774: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Mathippaan: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@SatyashreeMish1: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@Deva13675351: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ursimarsingh: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@18d22d63144d418: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Venkate46856305: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MadanGMeghwal: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@rajneeshbjp071: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@sanjaymeenaji1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MJK530: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@joginjoshi: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PkSinghMP: PM condoles the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri - 5 years ago

@shaan_historia: RT @Kosalendradas: We have lost Padma Bhushan Prof C.S. Seshadri who was eminent mathematician & founder Director of Chennai Mathematical I… - 5 years ago

@Veerabaala: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DhkShenava: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Nehacute6: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@GanpalRR: RT @Kosalendradas: We have lost Padma Bhushan Prof C.S. Seshadri who was eminent mathematician & founder Director of Chennai Mathematical I… - 5 years ago

@RobinMo13084198: RT @indrajeetmaximo: PM condoles the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri - 5 years ago

@RupakKu45071943: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PiyushMoradePM: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sbodkhe: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@HariSha68107789: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@vegavnc: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@ponduru_dileep: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@HariSha68107789: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@biren_b: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Rahul74901103: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@Shivam4Nation: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AnkurPa53221120: RT @tifr_alumni: TIFR Alumni Association (TAA) deeply regrets to announce the sad demise of Prof. C.S. Seshadri, an eminent mathematician,… - 5 years ago

@AdarshD07461985: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@indrajeetmaximo: PM condoles the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri - 5 years ago

@bjp4_isanpur: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Ahirhiren999: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@rk_boyapati: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@VIGYANshaala: RT @tifr_alumni: TIFR Alumni Association (TAA) deeply regrets to announce the sad demise of Prof. C.S. Seshadri, an eminent mathematician,… - 5 years ago

@ArijitaBhattac8: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DhruvPatel_3360: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AngrySam0110: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@sunitshrivasta2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sudershantomar: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@kale_office: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@nishimapharasi: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@real_prakashini: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@captainmalik2: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Nirmald67235899: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SumitDa94767205: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SantoshSshetti: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@mangal_prajapat: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ChannelNgcv: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SujitKu38717254: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SomRoy03383128: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@court_india: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@Manaspr05008649: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Manaspr05008649: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ChandanRamDass: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@kushagraavinash: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@rakesh31046324: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@dhakar_pk: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Devaraj17178812: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@vijenderky: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ranganaathan: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@athavale_abhi: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@oye_jitendra: RT @GopalSri: Salute the Math Academic Genius Shri C.S. Seshadri, who just passed away. He not only established the ⁦@TIFRScience⁩ School… - 5 years ago

@NavinKu07997134: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PROUDHIDNU80: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PravinM00442788: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Shubham09525251: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AdvBsr: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Dipanja42968809: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@jk_rock: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@jk_rock: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@prakashbjp_: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RamashereSingh: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@kanishk4bjp: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AkhandSnatnDesh: RT @CitiznMukherjee: My condolences on passing away of Prof. C.S.Seshadri - a towering Mathematician, who carved his niché in Algebraic Geo… - 5 years ago

@PattiwarVaibhav: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Chakrihinduveer: RT @CitiznMukherjee: My condolences on passing away of Prof. C.S.Seshadri - a towering Mathematician, who carved his niché in Algebraic Geo… - 5 years ago

@ParagBagaria: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MRGumede5: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@Logicalag: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DesiNeuron: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ashut_p: C.S. Seshadri, a leader in algebraic geometry - The Hindu - 5 years ago

@shailen_pratap: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AdityaNair20: RT @PiyushGoyal: Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathematician, his unp… - 5 years ago

@ArjunDa28270471: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@mpallavisingh: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@shivu4717: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@UmedKumarVerma1: RT @JiigneshPaatil: Saddened to hear the news of passing away of Professor C.S.Seshadri ji.He will be remembered for his unparalleled contr… - 5 years ago

@PatelYBrigade: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SHIBASA83175865: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@HT107642: PM condoles the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri via NaMo App 🚩🙏🚩 - 5 years ago

@SonaSin46940475: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SonaSin46940475: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@santosh66211715: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@officialsangwan: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Venkate17166492: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SATYEND56273520: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@NAdewole: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@prem_ameta: RT @VishwajiS: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathemati… - 5 years ago

@Manish000031: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@iSengarAjayy: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AKChaudhari16: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@NPragnapuram: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@LockdownOnEARTH: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Adityavarna3: Professor C.S. Seshadri - One of the founding directors of the Chennai Mathematical Institute. - 5 years ago

@iCharanyadav: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Dasharathjitha4: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@NishaRa22668674: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@dineshvenkat7: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@shivtandavam: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AdvAlokshukla: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@ianuragthakur_: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AdarshK60626739: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@fredcruiz: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@KedarNa27470160: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@DKlemitz: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Rampraveshpkum2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@davinder249907: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@InnovativeHindu: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@1RUPESHPATANKER: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RameshI12137535: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@jsbhabhor: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@jsbhabhor: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BittuKu56804214: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Sri_Anand7: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@KishorK25202607: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@RajaDeb23928464: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@sanpanadvocate: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Amresh_Pandey17: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@pandey__Gi: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ram_nikum: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Devendr66807617: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Sharvan43576202: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@narshji: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ajayrajak316018: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Shivofficials: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@umalakumari255: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@vinaykasthan: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Sharvan43576202: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@Raviplaza4: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@Raviplaza4: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@KorpolePKumar: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SanjuGh67032052: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@hemantkumarsahu: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@vishnoi_dharma: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@TinkeshKumar10: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Bhagva_Dhvaj: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MohitGa84731005: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@GaneshL54695108: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MuleyDilipSudh1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@aritram_speaks: @narendramodi @narendramodi @PMOIndia Sir please consider conferring the prestigious and honorable "Bharat Ratna" a… - 5 years ago

@RockGururaj: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PARTHSHAH0312: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@arunkarupp: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PARTHSHAH0312: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@PriyaSonu01: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Prateekdubey0: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@imq6WrrxOfMpSjb: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@archu243: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DeshBhakt_Sumit: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@NaliniPandya2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Kuldeep47713559: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AdityaP_BJYM: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@vijaypalbjp: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@mkdesai: Aum Shanti Professor C. S. Seshadri 🙏🏻 - 5 years ago

@manpreetkarmuw1: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@GunjaRani3: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PctAraasappan: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@naskar_prasanta: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@AttitudeTanuj2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Harshal1781: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@PremNiwasPande1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SunilKrSahu: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@SunilKrSahu: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@olopragati: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@BharatKumarRAW: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Harshal1781: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PRASADS52562145: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@SankuSatyam: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Harunkh51113787: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Abhishe84894736: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ManojSinghSis10: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Karmagi29491062: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@rocky_rajawat: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@jayraniyadav: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@09rajathakr1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RAMANKU27483640: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Mitalichakrava2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@urstrulybhupi: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RaunakK25965151: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@CShekharBJPMP: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Aarohi84486022: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@rishi_anuchar: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Mauliik28: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SumidineshP: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@manojmahajan45: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@jeeteshkumar919: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ArunYadavMHI: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@gFgGWKPCoMXOttV: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@JatSunil0001: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@vivekkashi4: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@dacorrectindian: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@SanjibM96578539: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Preethi54300345: @narendramodi Rip C. S. Seshadri sir - 5 years ago

@AkhilNa32494490: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PrativaN1: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@SanjibM96578539: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@hiteshvvr: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@ChinnaRoyal16: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@baradwajrangan: RT @GopalSri: Salute the Math Academic Genius Shri C.S. Seshadri, who just passed away. He not only established the ⁦@TIFRScience⁩ School… - 5 years ago

@BhupinderBansa4: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@RajeshM69964719: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@shankar2483: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@priyankathiru: RT @GopalSri: Salute the Math Academic Genius Shri C.S. Seshadri, who just passed away. He not only established the ⁦@TIFRScience⁩ School… - 5 years ago

@MohitJainBadal: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RajeshM69964719: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@insha_sarita: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@amartyaamu: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@itsathirats: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Sachind10908927: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RajeshM69964719: RT @PiyushGoyal: Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathematician, his unp… - 5 years ago

@BrhamaT: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Suvajitmajumde3: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@prankyamiable: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Ritabrat: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@srshallu: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@Biswaji15154871: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@himansupalo: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RajeshT15109727: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sumitma: RT @GopalSri: Salute the Math Academic Genius Shri C.S. Seshadri, who just passed away. He not only established the ⁦@TIFRScience⁩ School… - 5 years ago

@Bahan95958920: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@iammunsif: C.S. Seshadri passes away #leader #indian #mathematician #RIPSir - 5 years ago

@ManojKu92453032: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SurendraPatwa01: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DevkantTiwari6: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Krishna04409888: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MKallikkadu: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RRPassi3: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@JituAanjana9828: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@Manisha79193726: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@its_rohilla_01: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@singhsumitbjp: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@TracingNews: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@cnribnp: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@vineetbhardwaaj: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Prashan11480563: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RajeshM69964719: RT @drharshvardhan: देश ने पद्मभूषित प्रो C S Seshadri जी के रूप में एक महान प्रतिभा को खो दिया।गणित के क्षेत्र में उनके द्वारा किये गए का… - 5 years ago

@vineetbhardwaaj: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@anuragsocial: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@_Kar2K: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@PushkarRajendra: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Aj_SaBha: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sanjsara17: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@dhananjayvarma9: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@VijetaMalikBJP: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@prabhakarkmr2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@gopalkris210697: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@prof_rambhagat: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@viralvm69: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@venkatasrid: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@FWalchand: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@birbalpandit7: RT @PiyushGoyal: Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathematician, his unp… - 5 years ago

@AjayVirmani6: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BeCuriousAll: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@jais0324: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@00d5749c3acc425: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@raju_prasada: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@Nivi123456789: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@abdulbasit_iimk: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@lckdd7: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AdvsharvanS: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@KalawatAnil: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@shyamagarwal97: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Adarsh92sunny: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PraritChaurasi1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Shanky_V: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@MrGupta94369830: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@bijuhazarika6: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@vinod_kchawla: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@javedgigawat: RT @CitiznMukherjee: My condolences on passing away of Prof. C.S.Seshadri - a towering Mathematician, who carved his niché in Algebraic Geo… - 5 years ago

@RAJABHAIMPATEL1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@my_lyf_my_ruls: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@NkJha85929857: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ganpatgiri11: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@AshishGBJP: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@JohnEngine_: RT @chennaipresnews: Renowned mathematician and Padma Bhushan awardee C S Seshadri, who founded Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI) died i… - 5 years ago

@ganpatgiri11: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BanshiDharSain5: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@nitintomar47: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@drrmatthai: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@Sanyam_Sharma_: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@chennaipresnews: Renowned mathematician and Padma Bhushan awardee C S Seshadri, who founded Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI) die… - 5 years ago

@sampath_s: RT @Kosalendradas: We have lost Padma Bhushan Prof C.S. Seshadri who was eminent mathematician & founder Director of Chennai Mathematical I… - 5 years ago

@MdjamirulHoque7: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@naimapollo: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@cdeka678: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Mukunda1973: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@FollowHelp130: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Chandrukrus2: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@NalinikantaAcha: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@AnuragfromKashi: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@vinish_ind: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Bishwa_deep_: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@msisodiya: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DineshP78526514: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@PRADX42: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@arunmulye1arun: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DineshP78526514: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@rohir222: RT @PiyushGoyal: Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathematician, his unp… - 5 years ago

@Itskhan75483541: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RamanKumarAEK: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RohanSh51403947: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@imamit_7: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Laxman66905922: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SevadalTaluka: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@gnowgi: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@DivyaInsha2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AbhinitSrivas: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@indusscrolls: President, VP and PM express grief on demise of Professor C. S. Seshadri READ HERE: - 5 years ago

@Gkpatel71529320: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Bharathasakthi9: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@saura_21: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@nirbhaysainibjp: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@hpbindass: RT @GopalSri: Salute the Math Academic Genius Shri C.S. Seshadri, who just passed away. He not only established the ⁦@TIFRScience⁩ School… - 5 years ago

@HindustaniJatti: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@LakhanS72576723: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PMmodiSamarthak: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Nayak27Asish: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@_RAJANDEEPKAUR: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@nirbhaysainibjp: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PriyaChabria: i.m. Prof C S Seshadri who died yesterday on distant planet of Chennai & Sundari who left us last October which I f… - 5 years ago

@ParthGu06553137: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RabindraPaulBJP: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@FingonC: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@nitesh365: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@VickyRa03110102: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Shivamr35969596: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ambi4giveup: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@rajsamridhi: RT @IndianExpress: #ExpressFrontPage | Celebrated mathematician and teacher C S Seshadri, who is globally acclaimed for his work in a branc… - 5 years ago

@Rajmadhva1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@TkkSureshKumar: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Navalthakorllb: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Navijo29: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@AyushRa57065969: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Anjali17959: RT @NBirenSingh: Deeply aggrieved to learn about the demise of mathematical genius, Prof. Shri C S Seshadri ji. His contribution in the fi… - 5 years ago

@Madhav21668142: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@divakarssathya: "C. S. Seshadri's lasting contribution is that he has ensured there will be many more like him from the CMI, and fr… - 5 years ago

@anjankannan: RT @GopalSri: Salute the Math Academic Genius Shri C.S. Seshadri, who just passed away. He not only established the ⁦@TIFRScience⁩ School… - 5 years ago

@AshishSovit: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@Bittu_Sood_: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sewa_sai: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BrittoIvor: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@dvsrao55: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@rawat_beeram: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MaheshB60275093: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@CBSENEWSINDIA: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@vishnuY35602818: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DubeyVikas2u: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@cobra_int: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Isabell47116140: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Shekhawatkamal: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@salil_ch: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@KaalaaBandar: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@ParthPa07241800: RT @CitiznMukherjee: My condolences on passing away of Prof. C.S.Seshadri - a towering Mathematician, who carved his niché in Algebraic Geo… - 5 years ago

@germanhitechhe1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@NarayanNamdev: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@Apzeor: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@ParthPa07241800: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@MazObri: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@ashooposwal1983: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Neerja91833102: RT @PiyushGoyal: Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathematician, his unp… - 5 years ago

@rajnish_tewari: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AdityaK94487834: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@JJK16341777: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@AdityaK94487834: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@shubhamrai3: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Prakash321321: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@r9dzEQPFXHmXSc3: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@ved_srivasta: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@KarunakaranAP: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@satishkolkunda: RT @tmkrishna: Professor C S Seshadri We lost a great mathematician, aesthete, intellectual and above all a generous human being today. In… - 5 years ago

@ParleG20: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@docphiloshoper: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@sarojforever: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ZaraRanjan: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SriramMadras: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@ParleG20: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@dk12bm: RT @GopalSri: Salute the Math Academic Genius Shri C.S. Seshadri, who just passed away. He not only established the ⁦@TIFRScience⁩ School… - 5 years ago

@VarunRa36539375: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@jaganna91720018: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RAVICHANDRANUNO: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@jaising48669589: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@mr_memer_king: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@molu_saurav: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DeepakK51836876: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@DeepakK51836876: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@madhuraman3004: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@grbansal7: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@MamChan82264291: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@Abhishe46833194: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@my_lyff: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@JeetOffIcial6: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@tusharkadam82: RT @Kosalendradas: We have lost Padma Bhushan Prof C.S. Seshadri who was eminent mathematician & founder Director of Chennai Mathematical I… - 5 years ago

@Abhishe46833194: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@Abhishe46833194: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Shreek_02: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@Santosh09719453: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@pkdash65: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@pratyush_kanth: RT @Kosalendradas: We have lost Padma Bhushan Prof C.S. Seshadri who was eminent mathematician & founder Director of Chennai Mathematical I… - 5 years ago

@Santosh09719453: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@nikhiledu: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@santhoshadv: RT @tmkrishna: Professor C S Seshadri We lost a great mathematician, aesthete, intellectual and above all a generous human being today. In… - 5 years ago

@jiwangupta1953: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@rahulsp11471: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@PriyaRaju: RT @ainvvy: One of India's foremost mathematicians and founder of Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI), Prof C. S. Seshadri, is no more. ht… - 5 years ago

@drsjp1982: RT @Kosalendradas: We have lost Padma Bhushan Prof C.S. Seshadri who was eminent mathematician & founder Director of Chennai Mathematical I… - 5 years ago

@pksivasubraman1: RT @GopalSri: Salute the Math Academic Genius Shri C.S. Seshadri, who just passed away. He not only established the ⁦@TIFRScience⁩ School… - 5 years ago

@KSuresh07443195: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@kamlesh_paryani: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@paramountgraph1: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@IceT_IT_HiC: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@paramountgraph1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Minimaliste13: RT @achambertloir: I just learnt that C. S. Seshadri passed away yesterday, at the age of 88. He was an amazing algebraic geometer, with fu… - 5 years ago

@LordCalvyn: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SriRamya21: RT @GopalSri: Salute the Math Academic Genius Shri C.S. Seshadri, who just passed away. He not only established the ⁦@TIFRScience⁩ School… - 5 years ago

@gatlask91: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Sanjayrathore01: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Shrish_1987: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RAPCHIK_BOYZ007: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AbhayKu71421539: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@kripalaniRamesh: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Shrish_1987: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@mukes970: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@kumar13bam: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SantoshPainuly2: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@pukhrajhemapp: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@neelarka: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@NaweedAzam: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@sinha_salvi: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@varun270588: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@rvarathan: RT @GopalSri: Salute the Math Academic Genius Shri C.S. Seshadri, who just passed away. He not only established the ⁦@TIFRScience⁩ School… - 5 years ago

@santoshpatta1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@shangluu: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@iPuneetSharma: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@iPuneetSharma: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@lakshmiananthak: RT @GopalSri: Salute the Math Academic Genius Shri C.S. Seshadri, who just passed away. He not only established the ⁦@TIFRScience⁩ School… - 5 years ago

@Gehlawatji2511: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@ReformingBharat: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Am_dilip1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RanaAdi52964705: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Anthonywhite282: RT @Kosalendradas: We have lost Padma Bhushan Prof C.S. Seshadri who was eminent mathematician & founder Director of Chennai Mathematical I… - 5 years ago

@VickyVthakur: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@svishnuvijayece: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@StrayStorm: RT @Kosalendradas: We have lost Padma Bhushan Prof C.S. Seshadri who was eminent mathematician & founder Director of Chennai Mathematical I… - 5 years ago

@kumar_hridaya: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Pushker48934424: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@viveksakpal: The news should have been plain simple. Eminent mathematician C S Seshadri passes away. - 5 years ago

@MadevRabari3: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@HarishDixit20: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@saurabhsaffron: RT @Kosalendradas: We have lost Padma Bhushan Prof C.S. Seshadri who was eminent mathematician & founder Director of Chennai Mathematical I… - 5 years ago

@UtwaniDheeraj: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AshokGahlot51: @ashokgehlot51 My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathemati… - 5 years ago

@MemesMces: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@SYadavlal: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@bhana_bhavna: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Singh336Singh: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@IamSameer7: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Ramsing63998655: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Prabhat98640510: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@Shubham69983493: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@chandrabjha: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Brajanarayan: RT @airnewsalerts: President, VP and PM express grief on demise of Professor C. S. Seshadri - 5 years ago

@JoshiRakesh2004: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sudhirmishra74: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@dipankardasj: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@NamoYouthIndia: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Abhi_Woodball: RT @airnewsalerts: President, VP and PM express grief on demise of Professor C. S. Seshadri - 5 years ago

@AnuragKumarOjh4: RT @CitiznMukherjee: My condolences on passing away of Prof. C.S.Seshadri - a towering Mathematician, who carved his niché in Algebraic Geo… - 5 years ago

@thakursaurav04: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@iammotabhaiamit: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji.… - 5 years ago

@mandira_as: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@LakshyaAdvani: RT @airnewsalerts: President, VP and PM express grief on demise of Professor C. S. Seshadri - 5 years ago

@ArshadChishti_: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@parasgupta440: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DhfRaju: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@beingtweetman: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BhardaManoj: RT @drharshvardhan: देश ने पद्मभूषित प्रो C S Seshadri जी के रूप में एक महान प्रतिभा को खो दिया।गणित के क्षेत्र में उनके द्वारा किये गए का… - 5 years ago

@Pranav_Dhande: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@_GUDDU1: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@AmitViradiya5: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Geetanjali_01: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AnishkumarBJP: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@kuwarabhaysingh: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@maruformationin: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@tiwari_ramjanam: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@maruformationin: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@TTrickled: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@ParasJa16415352: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Moirfaninc: RT @roshnikushal: Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathematician, his unp… - 5 years ago

@satishRautela2: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@Nimmi4Indian: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Nirmala_shiv: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@pankaj_pb: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@mksingh_hindu: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Opmeena1007: RT @CitiznMukherjee: My condolences on passing away of Prof. C.S.Seshadri - a towering Mathematician, who carved his niché in Algebraic Geo… - 5 years ago

@HemantNavaliya: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@ankurjain200607: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Akand_Bharth: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@vimalkatiyarbjp: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@abhay123ANA: RT @roshnikushal: Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathematician, his unp… - 5 years ago

@Nidhipathak087: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sarkar_2_: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@devadigaji: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@IndiaCongo: RT @CNRSinIndia: CNRS pays homage to C. S. Seshadri, a leader of Indian mathematics and a great friend and teacher of several French Mathem… - 5 years ago

@PriyaPr33747350: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@The_sanathani: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Athmaraman2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Veer007rbjSingh: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@kshatri75: RT @GopalSri: Salute the Math Academic Genius Shri C.S. Seshadri, who just passed away. He not only established the ⁦@TIFRScience⁩ School… - 5 years ago

@HarshaYug: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Sushil64051298: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ArundhutiDas2: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@ARUNKUM99728905: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@thevipulraj: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@itss_sengupta: RT @CitiznMukherjee: My condolences on passing away of Prof. C.S.Seshadri - a towering Mathematician, who carved his niché in Algebraic Geo… - 5 years ago

@amitpandeyBJP78: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Santosh97152805: RT @PiyushGoyal: Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathematician, his unp… - 5 years ago

@Raghura99891402: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@KrishnaSaiEswa1: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@rajeshkp02: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@diwakar_ajay_: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Newdelhicables: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@Jitendr88494349: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@itsAkkii: R.I.P C.S. Seshadri sir 🙏 . Condolence to his family 🙏 #ripcsseshadri - 5 years ago

@JasdevS70921977: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AbdulHa76464510: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@RAHULKUMARAhee2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Pratibh24484070: RT @drharshvardhan: देश ने पद्मभूषित प्रो C S Seshadri जी के रूप में एक महान प्रतिभा को खो दिया।गणित के क्षेत्र में उनके द्वारा किये गए का… - 5 years ago

@lyadhkh0r: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Haripra66701566: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@fob_tirunelveli: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@perarivalan13: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@fob_tirunelveli: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@SnehKumarYadav1: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@chetan_pagi: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@fob_tirunelveli: RT @VPSecretariat: Deeply saddened by the demise of renowned mathematician, C S Seshadri, who made pioneering contribution in the area of a… - 5 years ago

@NimbuPani2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@007UNM: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Hitender_Hani: RT @PiyushGoyal: Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathematician, his unp… - 5 years ago

@TheSanghiGuy: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@RastraBhakth: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DrBijayKBimal: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BjmtuW: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@GouravNegi19: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@balajisnd: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ChoudharySalag: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@OfficActorVijay: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AtinRoy4: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@56perumal: RT @drharshvardhan: देश ने पद्मभूषित प्रो C S Seshadri जी के रूप में एक महान प्रतिभा को खो दिया।गणित के क्षेत्र में उनके द्वारा किये गए का… - 5 years ago

@SurajGitte8: RT @drharshvardhan: देश ने पद्मभूषित प्रो C S Seshadri जी के रूप में एक महान प्रतिभा को खो दिया।गणित के क्षेत्र में उनके द्वारा किये गए का… - 5 years ago

@SurajGitte8: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@devyani21: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ashwinibhardwaj: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@KarthikbKallai: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sunandavashisht: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@mylifeindia1234: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Ramkesh05930130: RT @ashokgehlot51: My heartfelt condolences on demise of Professor C.S. Seshadri, one of India's most eminent mathematicians. His significa… - 5 years ago

@PRASADS52562145: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MANISHRMRJHA: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Lisha82596499: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@kharikhari16: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@JDShivappa: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@rajvarshney: RT @MenonBioPhysics: Prof. C.V. Seshadri, among the greatest of contemporary Indian mathematicians has passed away. He was at IMSc for a fe… - 5 years ago

@Narendr93261937: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@Narendr93261937: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@barun11kumar: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SirDiwakarJi: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Mithile46481351: RT @PiyushGoyal: Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathematician, his unp… - 5 years ago

@OmPraka42583942: RT @PiyushGoyal: Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathematician, his unp… - 5 years ago

@AjeetSi88501929: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@JafarAl72775738: RT @CitiznMukherjee: My condolences on passing away of Prof. C.S.Seshadri - a towering Mathematician, who carved his niché in Algebraic Geo… - 5 years ago

@SuprajaG1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@navnegi: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@TamretVaibhav: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Gopalee67: RT @GopalSri: Salute the Math Academic Genius Shri C.S. Seshadri, who just passed away. He not only established the ⁦@TIFRScience⁩ School… - 5 years ago

@Sukhwin60622324: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ThakurSaahab125: @DrKumarVishwas My condolences on passing away of Prof.C.S.Seshadri mam -a towering Mathematician,who carved his ni… - 5 years ago

@paramanand_3: RT @Kosalendradas: We have lost Padma Bhushan Prof C.S. Seshadri who was eminent mathematician & founder Director of Chennai Mathematical I… - 5 years ago

@rohitsingh62066: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@VIJAYraghavSING: @PDChina Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathem… - 5 years ago

@KeshavK79133604: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Sreeparna_P: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@jbsaswini: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@GaneshTrailor: RT @CitiznMukherjee: My condolences on passing away of Prof. C.S.Seshadri - a towering Mathematician, who carved his niché in Algebraic Geo… - 5 years ago

@shades20742875: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Manishteeshubjp: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AnonymousPatr17: RT @PiyushGoyal: Saddened to hear about the demise of intellectual stalwart, Professor Shri C S Seshadri. A leading mathematician, his unp… - 5 years ago

@Kranti13496321: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sn_sharma1999: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@GShankheswar: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@VineyBehari: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@LalitenduBJP: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Shrikant_STPIB: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PiyushSwain1: RT @CitiznMukherjee: My condolences on passing away of Prof. C.S.Seshadri - a towering Mathematician, who carved his niché in Algebraic Geo… - 5 years ago

@KumarSingh657: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@iamrhitu: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@babun1515: RT @CitiznMukherjee: My condolences on passing away of Prof. C.S.Seshadri - a towering Mathematician, who carved his niché in Algebraic Geo… - 5 years ago

@VineyBehari: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AVIJITBAIRAGI9: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ashish_Ti_wa_ri: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@adagu: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@veera_tweets: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@ThePushpendra: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RohitMishraNaMo: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@vajrabhrt: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@Shrikant_STPIB: RT @CitiznMukherjee: My condolences on passing away of Prof. C.S.Seshadri - a towering Mathematician, who carved his niché in Algebraic Geo… - 5 years ago

@SureshM93379316: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@ASHWINI03049738: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@Power_Of_Pandey: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@bjpkrishnayadav: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@TineshThakor3: RT @CitiznMukherjee: My condolences on passing away of Prof. C.S.Seshadri - a towering Mathematician, who carved his niché in Algebraic Geo… - 5 years ago

@gauravstvnews: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PiyushS69689506: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@vijjubhau369: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@less_pain6: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@NilotpalBanerj9: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@immsubodh: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DamanVirk2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MithaniAbdulsa3: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@abinash83886483: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@vijjubhau369: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@dhruvbhim: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@mdchikhalkar: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RAJIV1959: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ganesh_kala59: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Vaibhav61776792: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@SarthakJain_BJP: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@theshyilentguy: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Roya29338250: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RahulTBJP: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Lucifer2500: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Prateek_610: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@moon_jaiHind: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@iamfarhan315: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@giviswa: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@ksmsundaram1975: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Bhavinc1994: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@BBSR_Customs: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@BBSR_Customs: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@pranav_k2015: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Bhavinc1994: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@pandey_braj: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Rajiv_Abhi_Ranj: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SHRIBHIMKISHOR: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@dhassu08: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Himangs69978220: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Gunapandi17: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AtulkSwami: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SahilAr66247516: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Dankeshwar: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Bp65prajapat: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@krishna99827200: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@pururuch95: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@ipraypatel: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@Amitpagi1: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@apmbjp: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Kosalendradas: We have lost Padma Bhushan Prof C.S. Seshadri who was eminent mathematician & founder Director of Chennai Mathemati… - 5 years ago

@Bp65prajapat: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Sachinchandel28: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Priyyaaanshugm1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AtulkSwami: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@bhikhubhaidbjp: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Bp65prajapat: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@mannukrsinghb: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@manubharatye: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@reporterravi: RT @nambath: C.S. Seshadri, one of the leaders of Indian mathematics in the post-Independence era, passed away late on July 17 in Chennai h… - 5 years ago

@Shantan52999154: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@KaranrajTomar: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Prasant36469553: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Official_Sagar7: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@DilipKMishr: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Premsplucknow: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RAHULAR90722104: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@iamvitthalss: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@hitesh_thakkar3: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PkSinghMP: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@namo_2024: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Poddar40602906: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@itz_nitinoffici: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Poddar40602906: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@bharsthidasan: RT @rashtrapatibhvn: A multifaceted personality and mathematical genius, Prof C.S. Seshadri is known for his exceptional contribution in al… - 5 years ago

@AjayKum37096139: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@alluarjunonlii: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RAHULAR90722104: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Sawaisi24615684: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Abhishe25425426: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@binder_nain: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Harshit48821300: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@jayesh_knair: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@sonu_choudhary7: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Shubham__Pareek: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@AjaydadaSapkal: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@DevshaliShakti: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sandeep_swarnim: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@RakshithBJ2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@TanayMo73583996: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@LaxmanLrao2727: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SR_Samdari: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@naveenskin: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@shellingtruth: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@raksuddu: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Tiwari_sj: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PANKAJK48234215: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Indiarocks_1: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@DilipTiwari_IND: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AshuklaMonu: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@crazysdas: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Bjpnmodi: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@LalluramPatida3: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@gargakash2010: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@sumitsh77688971: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@RAryaypmeerut: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@NIKHIL___D: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MayankDas2687: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@gopal_vanjara: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@pibchennai: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Amitbharatiya36: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@pateldhvanil: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@IShivamP2: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Ambujawasthi3: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Sachchi_Soch9: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sadityasiwal: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@bhartiyakuldeep: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@karnatakacom: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@KartikT85378694: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Prab_hat18: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Tushar5677: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@KaranrajTomar: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@neeraj00010: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@KhSoniaDevi1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Nishaht2: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@shripadynaik: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@ukhmath: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@ACHYUTA1111: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@totali_Sickular: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ChahilSathavara: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ACHYUTA1111: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@neonaagesh: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@bijugovind: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RachnaSharma39: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@arpithindu1: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@N_Rud81: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@navin10navin1: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@shailendra2812: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@nitin_kolepalli: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@RaghavCowBoy: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@mohitneve23: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@VineetS44371045: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PawanCh39165564: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Eylem4561: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@RAHULKh96179896: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Mahendr80829980: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@lochansoni1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@poohnitt: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DrRutvij: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@javirnitin1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@akhilcc73: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Yogesh79119839: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@VikasAmboli: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@IamAniketsinha: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@idioJPG: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@karanparekh75: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Singh_Is_Cringe: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Amitshafan: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@AshokThakursBJP: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DVinodswami: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@AshishY09125475: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@VickyKu83999424: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ReallyMohit: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@SivaMakutam: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@LuisRicardoIgl1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ChetanP11070853: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RakeshDedhaBJP: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@ReallyMohit: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ramesh65748908: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@PRONCIBUP: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@ysgurjar93: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@meakashtyagi: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Neeraj78301156: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@morya_shyam: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@Ansuomni: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@MayankJain_13: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@VijayTrivediBJP: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@GopalKu76122365: RT @AmitShah: Pained to learn about the demise of a towering figure in the mathematical horizon, Professor Shri C S Seshadri ji. He will al… - 5 years ago

@SomParkashBJP: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ManojKu02364194: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PIBRaipur: RT @airnewsalerts: PM Modi expresses grief on the demise of Professor C. S. Seshadri. - 5 years ago

@Jituchavda6: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ashokkumar1968: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@baliyan86: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@jitendr05389533: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@MukulSh5300: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@IM_Sorabh: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@TheChowkidarJi: RT narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did out… - 5 years ago

@NareshJ32385278: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sangamaryanraj1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BRIGBIN: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@india_keralam: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PradanBaruah: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DarpanP19209991: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@konapareddi: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@j_ashwani: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@atm12214115: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Madhusu01329407: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@pratap_psr: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@YRaywal: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@shaurya261: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@NNatarajan2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RameshDafdaBJYM: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@dhariwal27: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@vinirish: RT @PrinSciAdvGoI: Thread: The passing of Professor C. S. Seshadri is a great loss to mathematics in particular and to science and teaching… - 5 years ago

@neyidonda: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PushpaAdarkar: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@krunalp531: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@i_AmandeepSMann: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ArunDav73201169: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BhupendraShakt5: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@kundanpathakk: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DAnjaneekumar: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@just_obsrvr: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@kevalsanepara: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@vikataravi: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DDSaptagirivja: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Rahul82744476: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RPS00309493: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@realchote: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Prasad: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Rajni_different: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@iamabhishek29: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@suman_advocate: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@JainJj5: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@JiteshSonar1: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@shivom2261: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DesynoMusic: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: C. S. Seshadri, you will be missed - #CSSeshadri #C. #S.Seshadri #rip - 5 years ago

@ShivamJaiho28: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@shekharthakur26: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@PankajS78428702: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Patelbhavikt: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sarathykousik: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RajeshS79986570: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Asitmis17576464: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AamadmiGs: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Jeremy13605986: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ISHANI59039711: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Yoursonulv: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@sadashiva_ra: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@_CONGRACE: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AnanthuV19: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ChiragP60604978: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@HinduSarcastian: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BRChoud44547552: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@AakashP97748190: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@bharat68100: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Reesha32606696: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@msonubhardwaj: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Ubrangala: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@JaiMaaBharati: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@JyotiKumarr: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@abhinavsg: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@parida_aryan: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@tarunkr30269689: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RamanSi22482611: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@KuppalaPardhas2: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@rawat_jani: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@janani88296383: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@vedantnoki: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@BoyRajoriya: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@rambo56089743: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@DrKathiria: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@Ip31194697: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@SatyaTarak19: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RamsaBJYM: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@ArupMon18214636: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

@RealHarishSingh: RT @narendramodi: In the passing away of Professor C. S. Seshadri, we have lost an intellectual stalwart who did outstanding work in mathem… - 5 years ago

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